library(GGIR) context("gloadlog") test_that("gloadlog is able to load different log formats", { tempdir = "mytestdir" if (dir.exists(tempdir) == FALSE) dir.create(tempdir) ID = "123A" # test that a sleep log with any separator from the set of [,\t |;] can be successfully parsed for (sep in c(",", "\t", " ", "|", ";")) { create_test_sleeplog_csv(Nnights = 7, advanced = TRUE, sep = sep) fn = "testsleeplogfile.csv" expect_true(file.exists(fn)) # rec_starttime = "2016-06-25T20:20:20+0200" rec_starttime = format(as.POSIXct("2016-06-25 20:20:20"), "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z") save(ID, rec_starttime, file = "mytestdir/dummyms3.RData") cat(paste0("\nLocal timezone: ", Sys.timezone())) logs1 = g.loadlog(loglocation = fn, coln1 = 2, colid = 1, #nnights = 7, meta.sleep.folder = tempdir , desiredtz = "") # after deprecating nnights, the whole sleeplog is read (it contains 8 nights) # ammend tests as needed expect_equal(nrow(logs1$sleeplog), 8) expect_equal(ncol(logs1$sleeplog), 5) expect_equal(logs1$sleeplog$night, as.character(1:8)) expect_equal(logs1$sleeplog$sleepwake, c("7:0:2", "7:0:3", "7:0:4", "7:0:5", "7:0:6", "7:0:7", "7:0:8", "7:0:9")) expect_equal(nrow(logs1$nonwearlog), 9) expect_equal(ncol(logs1$nonwearlog), 4) expect_equal(nrow(logs1$naplog), 9) expect_equal(ncol(logs1$naplog), 6) # start of accelerometer recording 6 days earlier rec_starttime = format(as.POSIXct("2016-06-20 20:20:20"), "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z") save(ID, rec_starttime, file = "mytestdir/dummyms3.RData") logs2 = g.loadlog(loglocation = fn, coln1 = 2, colid = 1, #nnights = 7, meta.sleep.folder = tempdir , desiredtz = "") expect_equal(nrow(logs2$sleeplog), 8) expect_equal(ncol(logs2$sleeplog), 5) expect_equal(logs2$sleeplog$night, as.character(6:13)) # these are nights in the acc recording expect_equal(logs2$sleeplog$sleepwake, c("7:0:2", "7:0:3", "7:0:4", "7:0:5", "7:0:6", "7:0:7", "7:0:8", "7:0:9")) expect_equal(nrow(logs2$nonwearlog), 9) expect_equal(ncol(logs2$nonwearlog), 4) expect_equal(nrow(logs2$naplog), 9) expect_equal(ncol(logs2$naplog), 6) # start of accelerometer recording 3 days later rec_starttime = format(as.POSIXct("2016-06-29 20:20:20"), "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z") save(ID, rec_starttime, file = "mytestdir/dummyms3.RData") logs3 = g.loadlog(loglocation = fn, coln1 = 2, colid = 1, #nnights = 7, meta.sleep.folder = tempdir , desiredtz = "") expect_equal(nrow(logs3$sleeplog), 4) expect_equal(ncol(logs3$sleeplog), 5) expect_equal(logs3$sleeplog$night, as.character(1:4)) # 1:3 because these are the first three nights of the acc recording expect_equal(logs3$sleeplog$sleeponset, c("23:0:5", "23:0:6", "23:0:7", "23:0:8")) expect_equal(nrow(logs3$nonwearlog), 5) expect_equal(ncol(logs3$nonwearlog), 4) expect_equal(nrow(logs3$naplog), 5) expect_equal(ncol(logs3$naplog), 6) } if (dir.exists(tempdir)) unlink(tempdir, recursive = TRUE) })