test_that("convertGDP", { gdp_in <- wb_wdi %>% dplyr::filter(!iso3c %in% bad_countries, !is.na(`GDP, PPP (constant 2017 international $)`)) %>% dplyr::select("iso3c", "year", "value" = `GDP (current LCU)`) gdp_conv <- convertGDP(gdp_in, "current LCU", "constant 2017 Int$PPP") %>% dplyr::filter(!is.na(value)) gdp_out <- wb_wdi %>% dplyr::right_join(gdp_conv, by = c("iso3c", "year")) %>% dplyr::select("iso3c", "year", "value" = `GDP, PPP (constant 2017 international $)`) expect_equal(gdp_conv, gdp_out) }) test_that("convertGDP different column names", { gdp_in1 <- wb_wdi %>% dplyr::filter(!iso3c %in% bad_countries, !is.na(`GDP, PPP (constant 2017 international $)`)) %>% dplyr::select("r"=iso3c, year, "value" = `GDP (current LCU)`) gdp_in1b <- dplyr::mutate(gdp_in1, r = "") gdp_in2 <- wb_wdi %>% dplyr::filter(!iso3c %in% bad_countries, !is.na(`GDP, PPP (constant 2017 international $)`)) %>% dplyr::select(iso3c, "y" = year, "value" = `GDP (current LCU)`) gdp_in2b <- dplyr::mutate(gdp_in2, y = "") expect_warning( convertGDP(gdp_in1, "current LCU", "constant 2017 Int$PPP", wb_wdi) ) expect_error( convertGDP(gdp_in1b, "current LCU", "constant 2017 Int$PPP", wb_wdi) ) expect_warning( convertGDP(gdp_in2, "current LCU", "constant 2017 Int$PPP", wb_wdi) ) expect_error( convertGDP(gdp_in2b, "current LCU", "constant 2017 Int$PPP", wb_wdi) ) gdp_conv1 <- suppressWarnings(suppressMessages( convertGDP(gdp_in1, "current LCU", "constant 2017 Int$PPP", wb_wdi) %>% dplyr::filter(!is.na(value)) )) gdp_conv2 <- suppressWarnings(suppressMessages( convertGDP(gdp_in2, "current LCU", "constant 2017 Int$PPP", wb_wdi) %>% dplyr::filter(!is.na(value)) )) gdp_out1 <- wb_wdi %>% dplyr::right_join(gdp_conv1, by = c("iso3c" = "r", "year")) %>% dplyr::select("r" = iso3c, year, "value" = `GDP, PPP (constant 2017 international $)`) gdp_out2 <- wb_wdi %>% dplyr::right_join(gdp_conv2, by = c("iso3c", "year" = "y")) %>% dplyr::select( iso3c, "y" = year, "value" = `GDP, PPP (constant 2017 international $)`) expect_equal(gdp_conv1, gdp_out1) expect_equal(gdp_conv2, gdp_out2) }) test_that("convertGDP magpie object", { skip_if_not_installed("magclass") gdp_in <- magclass::new.magpie("USA", years = c(2001, 2002), names = c("ssp1", "ssp2"), fill = 100) gdp_in2 <- magclass::new.magpie("USA.FRA", years = c(2001, 2002), names = c("ssp1", "ssp2"), fill = 100) gdp_in3 <- magclass::new.magpie("USA", years = NULL, names = c("ssp1", "ssp2"), fill = 100) gdp_conv <- convertGDP(gdp_in, "current LCU", "constant 2017 Int$PPP") gdp_conv2 <- convertGDP(gdp_in2, "current LCU", "constant 2017 Int$PPP") gdp_conv3 <- convertGDP(gdp_in3, "constant 2005 LCU", "constant 2017 Int$PPP") expect_s4_class(gdp_conv, "magpie") expect_s4_class(gdp_conv2, "magpie") expect_s4_class(gdp_conv3, "magpie") expect_mapequal(magclass::getSets(gdp_in), magclass::getSets(gdp_conv)) expect_mapequal(magclass::getSets(gdp_in2), magclass::getSets(gdp_conv2)) expect_mapequal(magclass::getSets(gdp_in3), magclass::getSets(gdp_conv3)) }) test_that("convertGDP data.frame object", { gdp_in <- data.frame("iso3c" = "USA", "year" = c(2001, 2002), "value" = 100:101) gdp_conv <- convertGDP(gdp_in, "constant 2005 US$MER", "constant 2015 US$MER") expect_s3_class(gdp_conv, "data.frame", exact = TRUE) }) test_that("convertGDP unit_in == unit_out", { gdp_in <- wb_wdi %>% dplyr::filter(!iso3c %in% bad_countries, !is.na(`GDP, PPP (constant 2017 international $)`)) %>% dplyr::select(iso3c, year, "value" = `GDP: linked series (current LCU)`) expect_message(convertGDP(gdp_in, "current LCU", "current LCU", verbose = TRUE), "No conversion: unit_in = unit_out.") gdp_conv <- convertGDP(gdp_in, "current LCU", "current LCU") expect_equal(gdp_conv, gdp_in) }) test_that("convertGDP missing conversion factors", { gdp_1 <- tibble::tibble("iso3c" = "USA", "year" = 1010, "value" = 100) gdp_2 <- tibble::tibble("iso3c" = "JJJ", "year" = 2010, "value" = 100) gdp_3 <- tibble::tibble("iso3c" = "USA", "year" = c(1010,2010), "value" = 100) expect_error(convertGDP(gdp_1, "current LCU", "current Int$PPP")) expect_error(convertGDP(gdp_2, "current LCU", "current Int$PPP")) expect_warning(convertGDP(gdp_3, "current LCU", "current Int$PPP"), "NAs have been generated for countries lacking conversion factors!") }) test_that("convertGDP with regions", { gdp <- tibble::tibble("iso3c" = c("JPN", "EUR", "DEU"), "year" = 2010, "value" = 100) gdp2 <- tibble::tibble("region" = c("JPN", "EUR", "DEU"), "period" = 2010, "value" = 100) with_regions <- tibble::tibble("iso3c" = c("FRA", "ESP", "DEU"), "region" = "EUR") gdp_conv <- convertGDP(gdp, unit_in = "constant 2015 Int$PPP", unit_out = "constant 2017 Int$PPP", with_regions = with_regions) gdp_conv2 <- suppressWarnings(suppressWarnings( convertGDP(gdp2, unit_in = "constant 2015 Int$PPP", unit_out = "constant 2017 Int$PPP", with_regions = with_regions) )) gdp_conv_b <- convertGDP(gdp, unit_in = "constant 2017 Int$PPP", unit_out = "constant 2017 Int$PPP", with_regions = with_regions) gdp_conv3 <- convertGDP(gdp, unit_in = "constant 2015 US$MER", unit_out = "constant 2017 Int$PPP", with_regions = with_regions) expect_equal(gdp$iso3c, gdp_conv$iso3c) expect_equal(gdp_conv$value, gdp_conv2$value) expect_true(all(gdp_conv3$value != gdp_conv$value)) }) test_that("convertGDP using US conversion factors", { gdp_1 <- tibble::tibble("iso3c" = "USA", "year" = 2010, "value" = 100) gdp_2 <- tibble::tibble("iso3c" = "DEU", "year" = 2010, "value" = 100) gdp_3 <- tibble::tibble("iso3c" = "JJJ", "year" = 2010, "value" = 100) gdp1_conv <- convertGDP(gdp_1, unit_in = "constant 2015 LCU", unit_out = "constant 2017 LCU") gdp2_conv <- convertGDP(gdp_2, unit_in = "constant 2015 LCU", unit_out = "constant 2017 LCU", use_USA_deflator_for_all = TRUE) gdp3_conv <- convertGDP(gdp_3, unit_in = "constant 2015 LCU", unit_out = "constant 2017 LCU", replace_NAs = "with_USA") expect_equal(gdp1_conv, gdp2_conv %>% dplyr::mutate(iso3c = "USA")) expect_equal(gdp1_conv, gdp3_conv %>% dplyr::mutate(iso3c = "USA")) }) test_that("convertCPI", { gdp_1 <- tibble::tibble("iso3c" = "USA", "year" = 2010, "value" = 100) gdp1_conv <- convertCPI(gdp_1, unit_in = "constant 2015 LCU", unit_out = "constant 2017 LCU") gdp2_conv <- convertGDP(gdp_1, unit_in = "constant 2015 LCU", unit_out = "constant 2017 LCU", source = "wb_wdi_cpi") expect_equal(gdp1_conv, gdp2_conv) }) test_that("convertSingle", { gdp_1 <- tibble::tibble("iso3c" = "USA", "year" = 2010, "value" = 100) gdp1_conv <- convertGDP(gdp_1, unit_in = "constant 2015 LCU", unit_out = "constant 2017 LCU") gdp2_conv <- convertSingle(100, "USA", 2010, unit_in = "constant 2015 LCU", unit_out = "constant 2017 LCU") gdp3_conv <- convertSingle(100, "USA", 2010, unit_in = "constant 2015 LCU", unit_out = "constant 2017 LCU", return_cfs = TRUE) expect_equal(gdp1_conv$value, gdp2_conv) expect_equal(gdp1_conv, gdp3_conv$result) })