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Type 'q()' to quit R. > require(FrF2) Loading required package: FrF2 Loading required package: DoE.base Loading required package: grid Loading required package: conf.design Attaching package: 'DoE.base' The following objects are masked from 'package:stats': aov, lm The following object is masked from 'package:graphics': plot.design The following object is masked from 'package:base': lengths > > summary(FrF2(16,7),brief=TRUE) Call: FrF2(16, 7) Experimental design of type FrF2 16 runs Factor settings (scale ends): A B C D E F G 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Design generating information: $legend [1] A=A B=B C=C D=D E=E F=F G=G $generators [1] E=ABC F=ABD G=ACD Alias structure: $fi2 [1] AB=CE=DF AC=BE=DG AD=BF=CG AE=BC=FG AF=BD=EG AG=CD=EF BG=CF=DE > summary(FrF2(32,7,blocks=4),brief=TRUE) Call: FrF2(32, 7, blocks = 4) Experimental design of type FrF2.blocked 32 runs blocked design with 4 blocks of size 8 Factor settings (scale ends): A B C D E F G 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Design generating information: $legend [1] A=A B=B C=C D=D E=E F=F G=G $`generators for design itself` [1] F=ABC G=ABD $`block generators` [1] ACD ABE Alias structure: $fi2 [1] AB=CF=DG AC=BF AD=BG AF=BC AG=BD CD=FG CG=DF Aliased with block main effects: [1] none > summary(FrF2(32,9,blocks=4,alias.block.2fis=TRUE),brief=TRUE) Call: FrF2(32, 9, blocks = 4, alias.block.2fis = TRUE) Experimental design of type FrF2.blocked 32 runs blocked design with 4 blocks of size 8 Factor settings (scale ends): A B C D E F G H J 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Design generating information: $legend [1] A=A B=B C=C D=D E=E F=F G=G H=H J=J $`generators for design itself` [1] F=ABC G=ABD H=ABE J=ACDE $`block generators` [1] AC AE Alias structure: $fi2 [1] AB=CF=DG=EH AD=BG AF=BC AG=BD AH=BE CD=FG [7] CG=DF CH=EF DE=GH DH=EG Aliased with block main effects: [1] AC AE BF BH CE FH > summary(FrF2(32,9,blocks=c("AB","AC"),alias.block.2fis=TRUE),brief=TRUE) Call: FrF2(32, 9, blocks = c("AB", "AC"), alias.block.2fis = TRUE) Experimental design of type FrF2.blocked 32 runs blocked design with 4 blocks of size 8 Factor settings (scale ends): A B C D E F G H J 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Design generating information: $legend [1] A=A B=B C=C D=D E=E F=F G=G H=H J=J $`generators for design itself` [1] F=ABC G=ABD H=ABE J=ACDE $`block generators` [1] AB AC Alias structure: $fi2 [1] AD=BG AE=BH AG=BD AH=BE CD=FG CE=FH CG=DF CH=EF DE=GH DH=EG Aliased with block main effects: [1] AB AC AF BC BF CF DG EH > summary(FrF2(64,7,blocks=4),brief=TRUE) Call: FrF2(64, 7, blocks = 4) Experimental design of type FrF2.blocked 64 runs blocked design with 4 blocks of size 16 Factor settings (scale ends): A B C D E F G 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Design generating information: $legend [1] A=A B=B C=C D=D E=E F=F G=G $`generators for design itself` [1] G=ABCDEF $`block generators` [1] ABC ADE no aliasing of main effects or 2fis among experimental factors Aliased with block main effects: [1] none > summary(plan1 <- FrF2(32,7,estimable=c("AB","CD")),brief=TRUE) Call: FrF2(32, 7, estimable = c("AB", "CD")) Experimental design of type FrF2.estimable 32 runs Factor settings (scale ends): A B C D E F G 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Design generating information: $legend [1] A=A B=B C=C D=D E=E F=F G=G $generators [1] F=ACE G=ACBD Alias structure: $fi2 [1] AC=EF AE=CF AF=CE > summary(plan2 <- FrF2(nruns= 64 ,nfactors= 10 , estimable= c( "AB","AC","AD","AE","AF", + "AG","AH","AJ","AK","BC","BD","BE","BF","BG","BH","BJ","BK" ) ), brief=TRUE) Call: FrF2(nruns = 64, nfactors = 10, estimable = c("AB", "AC", "AD", "AE", "AF", "AG", "AH", "AJ", "AK", "BC", "BD", "BE", "BF", "BG", "BH", "BJ", "BK")) Experimental design of type FrF2.estimable 64 runs Factor settings (scale ends): A B C D E F G H J K 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Design generating information: $legend [1] A=A B=B C=C D=D E=E F=F G=G H=H J=J K=K $generators [1] B=CEFG H=CDE J=CDAF K=CDAG Alias structure: $fi2 [1] CD=EH CE=DH CH=DE FG=JK FJ=GK FK=GJ > > C1 <- compromise(10, 1:2, msg=FALSE) > summary(plan3 <- FrF2(nruns= 64 ,nfactors= 10 , + estimable= C1$requirement, perms=C1$perms.full, clear=FALSE ), brief=TRUE) Call: FrF2(nruns = 64, nfactors = 10, estimable = C1$requirement, perms = C1$perms.full, clear = FALSE) Experimental design of type FrF2.estimable 64 runs Factor settings (scale ends): A B C D E F G H J K 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Design generating information: $legend [1] A=A B=B C=C D=D E=E F=F G=G H=H J=J K=K $generators [1] G=ACD H=ACBE J=ACBF K=ADEF Alias structure: $fi2 [1] AC=DG AD=CG AG=CD EF=HJ EH=FJ EJ=FH > > ### blockpick.big, a design that uses map (old version) > plan <- FrF2(64,15,blocks=16,alias.block.2fi=TRUE,block.old=TRUE) > summary(plan,brief=TRUE) Call: FrF2(64, 15, blocks = 16, alias.block.2fi = TRUE, block.old = TRUE) Experimental design of type FrF2.blocked 64 runs blocked design with 16 blocks of size 4 Factor settings (scale ends): A B C D E F G H J K L M N O P 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Design generating information: $legend [1] A=A B=B C=C D=D E=E F=F G=G H=H J=J K=K L=L M=M N=N O=O P=P $`generators for design itself` [1] C=b1AB D=b2AB E=b1b2A F=b1b2B G=b3AB H=b1b3A [7] J=b2b3A K=b4AB L=b1b4A M=b2b4B N=b3b4A O=b3b4B [13] P=b1b2b3b4A $`block generators` block generators b1 b2 b3 b4 from Yates matrix columns 1 2 4 8 of base design 19-13.3 in catalogue catlg base factors remapped as 3 4 5 6 1 2 Alias structure: $fi2 [1] AB=EF=NO AC=DE=GH=KL AD=CE=GJ AF=BE=LM=OP AG=CH=DJ=KN AK=CL=GN [7] AM=FL=JO AO=BN=FP=JM BC=DF BD=CF=KM BG=KO BH=FJ=LO=MP [13] BJ=FH=MN BK=DM=GO BL=EM=HO BP=EO=FN=HM CJ=DH=EG=KP CM=FK [19] CN=DP=GL=HK CP=DN=JK DL=EK=GP DO=GM Aliased with block main effects: [1] AE AH AJ AL AN AP BF BM BO CD CG CK DG DK EH EJ EL EN EP FM FO GK HJ HL HN [26] HP JL JN JP LN LP MO NP > > ### various split-plot setups > planfull <-FrF2(32,5,WPs=4,nfac.WP=2,factor.names=Letters[21:25]) > summary(planfull, brief=TRUE) Call: FrF2(32, 5, WPs = 4, nfac.WP = 2, factor.names = Letters[21:25]) Experimental design of type FrF2.splitplot 32 runs Factor settings (scale ends): V W X Y Z 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 2 1 1 1 1 1 Design generating information: $legend [1] A=V B=W C=X D=Y E=Z $generators [1] full factorial no aliasing of main effects or 2fis among experimental factors split-plot design: 4 whole plots first 2 factors are whole plot factors > design.info(planfull)[-which(names(design.info(planfull))=="FrF2.version")] $type [1] "FrF2.splitplot" $nruns [1] 32 $nfactors [1] 5 $nfac.WP [1] 2 $nfac.SP [1] 3 $factor.names $factor.names$V [1] -1 1 $factor.names$W [1] -1 1 $factor.names$X [1] -1 1 $factor.names$Y [1] -1 1 $factor.names$Z [1] -1 1 $nWPs [1] 4 $plotsize [1] 8 $res.WP [1] Inf $aliased $aliased$legend [1] "A=V" "B=W" "C=X" "D=Y" "E=Z" $base.design [1] "generator columns: " $map [1] 1 2 3 4 5 $orig.fac.order [1] 1 2 3 4 5 $replications [1] 1 $repeat.only [1] FALSE $randomize [1] TRUE $seed NULL $creator FrF2(32, 5, WPs = 4, nfac.WP = 2, factor.names = Letters[21:25]) > try(planfull <-FrF2(32,5,WPs=4,nfac.WP=3,factor.names=Letters[21:25])) Error in FrF2(32, 5, WPs = 4, nfac.WP = 3, factor.names = Letters[21:25]) : 3 whole plot factors cannot be accomodated in 4 whole plots for a full factorial. Please request smaller design with replication instead. > > plan0 <-FrF2(32,7,gen=c(6,15),WPs=4,WPfacs=c("B","C","F"),factor.names=Letters[19:25]) > summary(plan0,brief=TRUE) Call: FrF2(32, 7, gen = c(6, 15), WPs = 4, WPfacs = c("B", "C", "F"), factor.names = Letters[19:25]) Experimental design of type FrF2.splitplot 32 runs Factor settings (scale ends): U V Y T W X Z 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Design generating information: $legend [1] A=U B=V C=Y D=T E=W F=X G=Z $generators [1] C=AB G=ABDE Alias structure: $main [1] A=BC B=AC C=AB $fi2 [1] CD=EG CE=DG CG=DE split-plot design: 4 whole plots first 3 factors are whole plot factors > design.info(plan0)[-which(names(design.info(plan0))=="FrF2.version")] $type [1] "FrF2.splitplot" $nruns [1] 32 $nfactors [1] 7 $nfac.WP [1] 3 $nfac.SP [1] 4 $factor.names $factor.names$U [1] -1 1 $factor.names$V [1] -1 1 $factor.names$Y [1] -1 1 $factor.names$T [1] -1 1 $factor.names$W [1] -1 1 $factor.names$X [1] -1 1 $factor.names$Z [1] -1 1 $nWPs [1] 4 $plotsize [1] 8 $res.WP [1] 3 $aliased $aliased$legend [1] "A=U" "B=V" "C=Y" "D=T" "E=W" "F=X" "G=Z" $aliased$main [1] "A=BC" "B=AC" "C=AB" $aliased$fi2 [1] "CD=EG" "CE=DG" "CG=DE" $base.design [1] "generator columns: 6, 15" $map [1] 1 2 3 4 5 $orig.fac.order [1] 2 3 6 1 4 5 7 $replications [1] 1 $repeat.only [1] FALSE $randomize [1] TRUE $seed NULL $creator FrF2(32, 7, gen = c(6, 15), WPs = 4, WPfacs = c("B", "C", "F"), factor.names = Letters[19:25]) > > plan <-FrF2(32,7,WPs=4,nfac.WP=3,factor.names=Letters[19:25]) > summary(plan, brief=TRUE) Call: FrF2(32, 7, WPs = 4, nfac.WP = 3, factor.names = Letters[19:25]) Experimental design of type FrF2.splitplot 32 runs Factor settings (scale ends): T U V W X Y Z 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Design generating information: $legend [1] A=T B=U C=V D=W E=X F=Y G=Z $generators [1] C=AB G=ADEF Alias structure: $main [1] A=BC B=AC C=AB split-plot design: 4 whole plots first 3 factors are whole plot factors > generators(plan) $generators [1] "C=AB" "G=ADEF" > design.info(plan)[-which(names(design.info(plan))=="FrF2.version")] $type [1] "FrF2.splitplot" $nruns [1] 32 $nfactors [1] 7 $nfac.WP [1] 3 $nfac.SP [1] 4 $factor.names $factor.names$T [1] -1 1 $factor.names$U [1] -1 1 $factor.names$V [1] -1 1 $factor.names$W [1] -1 1 $factor.names$X [1] -1 1 $factor.names$Y [1] -1 1 $factor.names$Z [1] -1 1 $nWPs [1] 4 $plotsize [1] 8 $res.WP [1] 3 $aliased $aliased$legend [1] "A=T" "B=U" "C=V" "D=W" "E=X" "F=Y" "G=Z" $aliased$main [1] "A=BC" "B=AC" "C=AB" $aliased$fi2 character(0) $catlg.name [1] "catlg" $base.design [1] "7-2.4" $map [1] 1 2 3 4 5 $orig.fac.order [1] 1 2 6 3 4 5 7 $replications [1] 1 $repeat.only [1] FALSE $randomize [1] TRUE $seed NULL $creator FrF2(32, 7, WPs = 4, nfac.WP = 3, factor.names = Letters[19:25]) > > plan2 <- FrF2(32,7,gen=c(6,15),WPs=4,nfac.WP=3,WPfacs=c(2,3,6),factor.names=Letters[19:25]) > summary(plan2, brief=TRUE) Call: FrF2(32, 7, gen = c(6, 15), WPs = 4, nfac.WP = 3, WPfacs = c(2, 3, 6), factor.names = Letters[19:25]) Experimental design of type FrF2.splitplot 32 runs Factor settings (scale ends): U V Y T W X Z 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Design generating information: $legend [1] A=U B=V C=Y D=T E=W F=X G=Z $generators [1] C=AB G=ABDE Alias structure: $main [1] A=BC B=AC C=AB $fi2 [1] CD=EG CE=DG CG=DE split-plot design: 4 whole plots first 3 factors are whole plot factors > generators(plan2) $generators [1] "C=AB" "G=ABDE" > design.info(plan2)[-which(names(design.info(plan2))=="FrF2.version")] $type [1] "FrF2.splitplot" $nruns [1] 32 $nfactors [1] 7 $nfac.WP [1] 3 $nfac.SP [1] 4 $factor.names $factor.names$U [1] -1 1 $factor.names$V [1] -1 1 $factor.names$Y [1] -1 1 $factor.names$T [1] -1 1 $factor.names$W [1] -1 1 $factor.names$X [1] -1 1 $factor.names$Z [1] -1 1 $nWPs [1] 4 $plotsize [1] 8 $res.WP [1] 3 $aliased $aliased$legend [1] "A=U" "B=V" "C=Y" "D=T" "E=W" "F=X" "G=Z" $aliased$main [1] "A=BC" "B=AC" "C=AB" $aliased$fi2 [1] "CD=EG" "CE=DG" "CG=DE" $base.design [1] "generator columns: 6, 15" $map [1] 1 2 3 4 5 $orig.fac.order [1] 2 3 6 1 4 5 7 $replications [1] 1 $repeat.only [1] FALSE $randomize [1] TRUE $seed NULL $creator FrF2(32, 7, gen = c(6, 15), WPs = 4, nfac.WP = 3, WPfacs = c(2, 3, 6), factor.names = Letters[19:25]) > > proc.time() user system elapsed 4.21 0.35 4.56