test_that("modGBarea Testing", { skip_on_cran() # Running GBpop GBpop <- modGBpop(popTabs = list(cond=WYcond, tree=WYtree), pltassgn = WYpltassgn, pltassgnid = "CN", unitarea = WYunitarea, unitvar = "ESTN_UNIT", stratalut = WYstratalut, strvar = "STRATUMCD", strata = TRUE, strata_opts = strata_options(getwt = TRUE)) # Running GBarea GBarea <- modGBarea(GBpop, landarea = "FOREST", rowvar = "FORTYPCD", table_opts = list(row.FIAname = TRUE)) # GBarea outputed assigned to $est modGBarea_est <- GBarea$est rawEst = GBarea$raw$rowest area.raw <- round(rawEst$est[rawEst$"Forest type" == "Rocky Mountain juniper"], digits = 1) area.raw_char <- as.character(area.raw) newEst = GBarea$est$Estimate[rawEst$"Forest type" == "Rocky Mountain juniper"][1] GBarea$raw$rowest modGBarea_est_names <- list(c("Rocky Mountain juniper", "Juniper woodland", "Pinyon / juniper woodland", "Douglas-fir", "Ponderosa pine", "Engelmann spruce", "Engelmann spruce / subalpine fir", "Subalpine fir", "Blue spruce", "Lodgepole pine", "Limber pine", "Whitebark pine", "Bur oak", "Elm / ash / black locust", "Cottonwood", "Sugarberry / hackberry / elm / green ash", "Aspen", "Nonstocked", "Other", "Total")) expect_equal(newEst, area.raw_char) ##Converted numeric value to character and tested for correct value expect_equal(list(modGBarea_est$`Forest type`), modGBarea_est_names) ##ensuring tree list is correct expect_equal(dim(modGBarea_est), c(20 , 3)) ##Ensuring dimensionality is consistant expect_snapshot(modGBarea_est) ##outputting snapshot })