##The `datSumTreeDom` function aggregates tree-level data to plot or condition, including options for filtering tree data or extrapolating to plot acre by multiplying by `TPA`. test_that("datSumTreeDom Testing", { skip_on_cran() treedomBA <- datSumTreeDom( ##For Basal Area tree = WYtree, cond = WYcond, plt = WYplt, bycond = FALSE, tsumvar = "BA", tdomtot = TRUE, tdomtotnm = "BA_LIVE", tdomprefix = "BA_LIVE", tfilter = "STATUSCD==1", datSum_opts = list(TPA = TRUE, tround = 2) ) treedomVOL <- datSumTreeDom( ##For Volume tree = WYtree, cond = WYcond, plt = WYplt, bycond = FALSE, tsumvar = "VOLCFNET", tdomtot = TRUE, tdomtotnm = "VOLCFNET_LIVE", tdomprefix = "VOLCFNET_LIVE", tfilter = "STATUSCD==1", datSum_opts = list(TPA = TRUE, tround = 2) ) datBA_varlut <- treedomBA$tdomvarlut datVOL_varlut <- treedomVOL$tdomvarlut expect_snapshot(datBA_varlut) expect_snapshot(datVOL_varlut) })