# For `FIESTA`'s GB Module, the `modGBpop` function calculates and outputs: number of plots, adjustment factors, and an expansion factor by strata. test_that("modGBpop Testing", { skip_on_cran() # Running GBpop GBpop <- modGBpop(popTabs = list(cond=WYcond, tree=WYtree), pltassgn = WYpltassgn, pltassgnid = "CN", unitarea = WYunitarea, unitvar = "ESTN_UNIT", stratalut = WYstratalut, strvar = "STRATUMCD", strata = TRUE, strata_opts = strata_options(getwt = TRUE)) GBpop$estvar.area # List of Names for output types GBpop_names <- list(c("module","popType", "condx", "pltcondx", "cuniqueid", "condid", "ACI", "ACI.filter", "pltassgnx", "pltassgnid", "unitarea", "areavar", "areaunits", "unitvar", "unitvars", "strata", "stratalut", "strvar", "strwtvar", "expcondtab", "plotsampcnt", "condsampcnt", "states", "invyrs", "estvar.area", "adj", "P2POINTCNT", "treex", "tuniqueid", "adjtree", "stratwarnlut")) GBpop_names_actual <- list(names(GBpop)) expect_equal(GBpop_names_actual, GBpop_names) ##Checking if pop names are changing - may not be the best test, can be subject to change expect_equal(dim(GBpop$treex), c(18380, 21)) ##Checking various dimensions of GBpop outputs expect_equal(dim(GBpop$condx), c(3210, 13)) expect_equal(dim(GBpop$unitarea), c(23, 2)) })