R Under development (unstable) (2025-02-18 r87748 ucrt) -- "Unsuffered Consequences" Copyright (C) 2025 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details. R is a collaborative project with many contributors. Type 'contributors()' for more information and 'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications. Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or 'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help. Type 'q()' to quit R. > library(testthat) > library(FAIRmaterials) > > test_check("FAIRmaterials") [1] "D:\\temp\\2025_02_19_18_50_17_30060\\Rtmp6BgNCg\\PV" [1] "Incorrect Unicode property. (U_REGEX_PROPERTY_SYNTAX, context=`D:\\temp\\2025_02_19_18_50_17_30060\\Rtmp6BgNCg\\PV`)" Process completed successfully. Outputs saved in the specified folder. [1] "D:\\temp\\2025_02_19_18_50_17_30060\\Rtmp6BgNCg\\XRay" [1] "Back-reference to a non-existent capture group. (U_REGEX_INVALID_BACK_REF, context=`D:\\temp\\2025_02_19_18_50_17_30060\\Rtmp6BgNCg\\XRay`)" Process completed successfully. Outputs saved in the specified folder. [1] "D:\\temp\\2025_02_19_18_50_17_30060\\Rtmp6BgNCg\\XRay" [1] "Back-reference to a non-existent capture group. (U_REGEX_INVALID_BACK_REF, context=`D:\\temp\\2025_02_19_18_50_17_30060\\Rtmp6BgNCg\\XRay`)" Process completed successfully. Outputs saved in the specified folder. [1] "D:\\temp\\2025_02_19_18_50_17_30060\\Rtmp6BgNCg\\XRay" [1] "Back-reference to a non-existent capture group. (U_REGEX_INVALID_BACK_REF, context=`D:\\temp\\2025_02_19_18_50_17_30060\\Rtmp6BgNCg\\XRay`)" Process completed successfully. Outputs saved in the specified folder. [1] "D:\\temp\\2025_02_19_18_50_17_30060\\Rtmp6BgNCg\\output" [1] "Back-reference to a non-existent capture group. (U_REGEX_INVALID_BACK_REF, context=`D:\\temp\\2025_02_19_18_50_17_30060\\Rtmp6BgNCg\\output`)" [1] "D:\\temp\\2025_02_19_18_50_17_30060\\Rtmp6BgNCg\\output/PV" [1] "Back-reference to a non-existent capture group. (U_REGEX_INVALID_BACK_REF, context=`D:\\temp\\2025_02_19_18_50_17_30060\\Rtmp6BgNCg\\output`)" [1] "D:\\temp\\2025_02_19_18_50_17_30060\\Rtmp6BgNCg\\output/XRay" [1] "Back-reference to a non-existent capture group. (U_REGEX_INVALID_BACK_REF, context=`D:\\temp\\2025_02_19_18_50_17_30060\\Rtmp6BgNCg\\output`)" Process completed successfully. Outputs saved in the specified folder. [ FAIL 17 | WARN 4 | SKIP 0 | PASS 0 ] ══ Failed tests ════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ ── Failure ('test-process_ontology_files.R:22:3'): The output files are correctly generated for PV data ── file.exists(file.path(output_dir, paste0(dir_foldername, "_ontology_data-output.ttl"))) is not TRUE `actual`: FALSE `expected`: TRUE TTL output file is missing for PV data ── Failure ('test-process_ontology_files.R:26:3'): The output files are correctly generated for PV data ── file.exists(file.path(output_dir, paste0(dir_foldername, "_ontology_data-output.jsonld"))) is not TRUE `actual`: FALSE `expected`: TRUE JSON-LD output file is missing for PV data ── Failure ('test-process_ontology_files.R:30:3'): The output files are correctly generated for PV data ── file.exists(file.path(output_dir, "rdf_graph_graphviz.svg")) is not TRUE `actual`: FALSE `expected`: TRUE SVG plot output file is missing for PV data ── Failure ('test-process_ontology_files.R:56:3'): The output files are correctly generated for XRay data ── file.exists(file.path(output_dir, paste0(dir_foldername, "_ontology_data-output.ttl"))) is not TRUE `actual`: FALSE `expected`: TRUE TTL output file is missing for XRay data ── Failure ('test-process_ontology_files.R:60:3'): The output files are correctly generated for XRay data ── file.exists(file.path(output_dir, paste0(dir_foldername, "_ontology_data-output.jsonld"))) is not TRUE `actual`: FALSE `expected`: TRUE JSON-LD output file is missing for XRay data ── Failure ('test-process_ontology_files.R:64:3'): The output files are correctly generated for XRay data ── file.exists(file.path(output_dir, "rdf_graph_graphviz.svg")) is not TRUE `actual`: FALSE `expected`: TRUE SVG plot output file is missing for XRay data ── Error ('test-process_ontology_files.R:89:3'): Output files are correctly generated and different with external ontology info for XRay data ── Error in `file(con, "r")`: cannot open the connection Backtrace: ▆ 1. └─base::readLines(...) at test-process_ontology_files.R:89:3 2. └─base::file(con, "r") ── Error ('test-process_ontology_files.R:138:3'): Output files are correctly generated and different with value type inclusion for XRay data ── Error in `file(con, "r")`: cannot open the connection Backtrace: ▆ 1. └─base::readLines(file.path(output_dir, "rdf_graph_graphviz.svg")) at test-process_ontology_files.R:138:3 2. └─base::file(con, "r") ── Failure ('test-process_ontology_files.R:188:5'): The output files are correctly generated for merged data ── file.exists(file.path(sub_dir, paste0(sub_dir_foldername, "_ontology_data-output.ttl"))) is not TRUE `actual`: FALSE `expected`: TRUE TTL output file is missing in PV ── Failure ('test-process_ontology_files.R:192:5'): The output files are correctly generated for merged data ── file.exists(file.path(sub_dir, paste0(sub_dir_foldername, "_ontology_data-output.jsonld"))) is not TRUE `actual`: FALSE `expected`: TRUE JSON-LD output file is missing in PV ── Failure ('test-process_ontology_files.R:196:5'): The output files are correctly generated for merged data ── file.exists(file.path(sub_dir, "rdf_graph_graphviz.svg")) is not TRUE `actual`: FALSE `expected`: TRUE SVG plot output file is missing in PV ── Failure ('test-process_ontology_files.R:188:5'): The output files are correctly generated for merged data ── file.exists(file.path(sub_dir, paste0(sub_dir_foldername, "_ontology_data-output.ttl"))) is not TRUE `actual`: FALSE `expected`: TRUE TTL output file is missing in XRay ── Failure ('test-process_ontology_files.R:192:5'): The output files are correctly generated for merged data ── file.exists(file.path(sub_dir, paste0(sub_dir_foldername, "_ontology_data-output.jsonld"))) is not TRUE `actual`: FALSE `expected`: TRUE JSON-LD output file is missing in XRay ── Failure ('test-process_ontology_files.R:196:5'): The output files are correctly generated for merged data ── file.exists(file.path(sub_dir, "rdf_graph_graphviz.svg")) is not TRUE `actual`: FALSE `expected`: TRUE SVG plot output file is missing in XRay ── Failure ('test-process_ontology_files.R:201:3'): The output files are correctly generated for merged data ── file.exists(file.path(output_dir, paste0(dir_foldername, "_ontology_data-output.ttl"))) is not TRUE `actual`: FALSE `expected`: TRUE TTL output file is missing in data ── Failure ('test-process_ontology_files.R:205:3'): The output files are correctly generated for merged data ── file.exists(file.path(output_dir, paste0(dir_foldername, "_ontology_data-output.jsonld"))) is not TRUE `actual`: FALSE `expected`: TRUE JSON-LD output file is missing in data ── Failure ('test-process_ontology_files.R:209:3'): The output files are correctly generated for merged data ── file.exists(file.path(output_dir, "rdf_graph_graphviz.svg")) is not TRUE `actual`: FALSE `expected`: TRUE SVG plot output file is missing in data [ FAIL 17 | WARN 4 | SKIP 0 | PASS 0 ] Error: Test failures Execution halted