# Setup for testing ------------------------------------------------------- skip_on_cran() futile.logger::flog.threshold("FATAL") # set number of cores to use old_opts <- options() options(mc.cores = ifelse(interactive(), 4, 1)) test_that("estimate_truncation can return values from simulated data and plot them", { # fit model to example data est <- estimate_truncation(example_truncated, verbose = FALSE, chains = 2, iter = 1000, warmup = 250 ) expect_equal( names(est), c("dist", "obs", "last_obs", "cmf", "data", "fit") ) expect_s3_class(est$dist, "dist_spec") expect_error(plot(est), NA) }) test_that("estimate_truncation can return values from simulated data with the cmdstanr backend", { # fit model to example data skip_on_os("windows") output <- capture.output(suppressMessages(suppressWarnings( est <- estimate_truncation(example_truncated, verbose = FALSE, chains = 2, iter = 1000, warmup = 250, stan = stan_opts(backend = "cmdstanr") ) ))) expect_equal( names(est), c("dist", "obs", "last_obs", "cmf", "data", "fit") ) expect_s3_class(est$dist, "dist_spec") expect_error(plot(est), NA) }) test_that("estimate_truncation works with filter_leading_zeros set", { skip_on_os("windows") # Modify the first three rows of the first dataset to have zero cases # and fit the model with filter_leading_zeros = TRUE. This should # be the same as fitting the model to the original dataset because the # earlier dataset is corrected to be the same as the final dataset. modified_data <- data.table::copy(example_truncated) modified_data[[1]][1:3, confirm := 0] modified_data <- lapply(modified_data, filter_leading_zeros) modified_data_fit <- estimate_truncation( modified_data, verbose = FALSE, chains = 2, iter = 1000, warmup = 250 ) # fit model to original dataset original_data_fit <- estimate_truncation( example_truncated, verbose = FALSE, chains = 2, iter = 1000, warmup = 250 ) expect_named( modified_data_fit, c("dist", "obs", "last_obs", "cmf", "data", "fit") ) # Compare the results of the two fits expect_equal( original_data_fit$dist$dist, modified_data_fit$dist$dist ) expect_equal( original_data_fit$data$obs_dist, modified_data_fit$data$obs_dist ) }) test_that("estimate_truncation works with zero_threshold set", { skip_on_os("windows") # fit model to a modified version of example_data with zero leading cases # but with filter_leading_zeros = TRUE modified_data <- example_truncated modified_data <- purrr::map(modified_data, function(x) x[sample(1:10, 6), confirm := 0]) modified_data <- lapply(modified_data, apply_zero_threshold, threshold = 1) out <- estimate_truncation(modified_data, verbose = FALSE, chains = 2, iter = 1000, warmup = 250 ) expect_named(out, c("dist", "obs", "last_obs", "cmf", "data", "fit")) expect_s3_class(out$dist, "dist_spec") }) options(old_opts)