skip_on_cran() # Setup for testing ------------------------------------------------------- futile.logger::flog.threshold("FATAL") reported_cases <- EpiNow2::example_confirmed[1:30] default_estimate_infections <- function(..., add_stan = list(), gt = TRUE, delay = TRUE) { futile.logger::flog.threshold("FATAL") def_stan <- list( chains = 2, warmup = 50, samples = 50, control = list(adapt_delta = 0.8) ) def_stan <- modifyList(def_stan, add_stan) stan_args <-, def_stan) suppressWarnings(estimate_infections(..., generation_time = ifelse(gt, list(gt_opts(example_generation_time)), list(gt_opts()))[[1]], delays = ifelse(delay, list(delay_opts(example_incubation_period + example_reporting_delay)), list(delay_opts()))[[1]], stan = stan_args, verbose = FALSE )) } test_estimate_infections <- function(...) { out <- default_estimate_infections(...) expect_equal(names(out), c("samples", "summarised", "fit", "args", "observations")) expect_true(nrow(out$samples) > 0) expect_true(nrow(out$summarised) > 0) expect_true(nrow(out$observations) > 0) invisible(out) } # Test functionality ------------------------------------------------------ test_that("estimate_infections successfully returns estimates using default settings", { test_estimate_infections(reported_cases) }) test_that("estimate_infections successfully returns estimates using a Matern 5/2 kernel", { test_estimate_infections( reported_cases, gp = gp_opts(kernel = "matern", matern_order = 5 / 2) ) }) test_that("estimate_infections successfully returns estimates using a periodic kernel", { test_estimate_infections( reported_cases, gp = gp_opts(kernel = "periodic") ) }) test_that("estimate_infections successfully returns estimates when passed NA values", { reported_cases_na <- data.table::copy(reported_cases) reported_cases_na[sample(1:30, 5), confirm := NA] test_estimate_infections(reported_cases_na) }) test_that("estimate_infections successfully returns estimates when accumulating to weekly", { reported_cases_weekly <- data.table::copy(reported_cases) reported_cases_weekly[, confirm := frollsum(confirm, 7)] reported_cases_weekly <- reported_cases_weekly[seq(7, nrow(reported_cases_weekly), 7)] reported_cases_weekly <- fill_missing( reported_cases_weekly, missing_dates = "accumulate", initial_accumulate = 7 ) test_estimate_infections(reported_cases_weekly) }) test_that("estimate_infections successfully returns estimates using no delays", { test_estimate_infections(reported_cases, delay = FALSE) }) test_that("estimate_infections successfully returns estimates using the poisson observation model", { test_estimate_infections(reported_cases, obs = obs_opts(family = "poisson")) }) test_that("estimate_infections successfully returns estimates using backcalculation", { test_estimate_infections(reported_cases, rt = NULL) }) test_that("estimate_infections successfully returns estimates using a fixed Rt", { test_estimate_infections(reported_cases, gp = NULL) }) test_that("estimate_infections successfully returns estimates using only mean shifted reported cases", { test_estimate_infections(reported_cases, gp = NULL, rt = NULL) }) test_that("estimate_infections successfully returns estimates using a single breakpoint", { test_estimate_infections(data.table::copy(reported_cases)[, breakpoint := ifelse(date == "2020-03-10", 1, 0)], gp = NULL ) }) test_that("estimate_infections successfully returns estimates using a random walk", { test_estimate_infections(reported_cases, gp = NULL, rt = rt_opts(rw = 7)) }) test_that("estimate_infections works without setting a generation time", { df <- test_estimate_infections(reported_cases, gt = FALSE, delay = FALSE) ## check exp(r) == R growth_rate <- df$samples[variable == "growth_rate"][ , list(date, sample, growth_rate = value) ] R <- df$samples[variable == "R"][ , list(date, sample, R = value) ] combined <- merge(growth_rate, R, by = c("date", "sample"), all = FALSE) expect_equal(exp(combined$growth_rate), combined$R) }) test_that("estimate_infections works with different kernels", { test_estimate_infections(reported_cases, gp = gp_opts(kernel = "se")) test_estimate_infections(reported_cases, gp = gp_opts(kernel = "ou")) test_estimate_infections(reported_cases, gp = gp_opts(matern_order = 5 / 2)) }) test_that("estimate_infections fails as expected when given a very short timeout", { expect_error(output <- capture.output(suppressMessages( out <- default_estimate_infections( reported_cases, add_stan = list(future = TRUE, max_execution_time = 1, samples = 2000) ) )), "all chains failed") expect_error(output <- capture.output(suppressMessages( out <- default_estimate_infections( reported_cases, add_stan = list(future = FALSE, max_execution_time = 1, samples = 2000) ) )), "timed out") }) test_that("estimate_infections works as expected with failing chains", { test_estimate_infections(reported_cases, add_stan = list( chains = 4, stuck_chains = 2, future = TRUE, control = list(adapt_delta = 0.8) ) ) expect_error(default_estimate_infections(reported_cases, add_stan = list(chains = 4, stuck_chains = 1) )) expect_error(default_estimate_infections(reported_cases, add_stan = list( chains = 4, stuck_chains = 3, future = TRUE ) )) }) test_that("estimate_infections produces no forecasts when forecast = NULL", { suppressMessages(suppressWarnings( out <- estimate_infections( data = reported_cases, generation_time = gt_opts(example_generation_time), delays = delay_opts(example_incubation_period), stan = stan_opts(method = "vb"), # vb used for speed forecast = NULL ) )) expect_true(!"forecast" %in% unique(out$summarised$type)) expect_true(out$args$horizon == 0) }) test_that("estimate_infections produces no forecasts when forecast_opts horizon is 0", { suppressMessages(suppressWarnings( out <- estimate_infections( data = reported_cases, generation_time = gt_opts(example_generation_time), delays = delay_opts(example_incubation_period), stan = stan_opts(method = "vb"), # vb used for speed forecast = forecast_opts(horizon = 0) ) )) expect_true(!"forecast" %in% unique(out$summarised$type)) expect_true(out$args$horizon == 0) })