test_that("dist_spec returns correct output for fixed lognormal distribution", { result <- discretise(LogNormal(meanlog = 5, sdlog = 1, max = 19)) expect_equal(get_distribution(result), "nonparametric") expect_equal(max(result), 19) expect_equal( as.vector(round(get_pmf(result), 2)), c( 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.01, 0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.03, 0.04, 0.05, 0.06, 0.07, 0.07, 0.08, 0.09, 0.10, 0.11, 0.11, 0.12 ) ) }) test_that("dist_spec returns correct output for uncertain gamma distribution", { result <- discretise( Gamma(shape = Normal(3, 0.5), rate = Normal(2, 0.5), max = 19), strict = FALSE ) expect_equal(get_parameters(result)$shape$parameters$mean, 3) expect_equal(get_parameters(result)$shape$parameters$sd, 0.5) expect_equal(get_parameters(result)$rate$parameters$mean, 2) expect_equal(get_parameters(result)$rate$parameters$sd, 0.5) expect_equal(get_distribution(result), "gamma") expect_equal(max(result), 19) }) test_that("dist_spec returns correct output for gamma distribution parameterised with scale", { result <- Gamma(shape = 3, scale = 2) expect_equal(get_parameters(result)$shape, 3) expect_equal(get_parameters(result)$rate, 0.5) expect_equal(get_distribution(result), "gamma") expect_true(is.infinite(max(result))) }) test_that("dist_spec returns correct output for fixed distribution", { result <- discretise( fix_parameters(LogNormal(meanlog = Normal(5, 3), sdlog = 1, max = 19)) ) expect_equal(get_distribution(result), "nonparametric") expect_equal(max(result), 19) expect_equal( as.vector(round(get_pmf(result), 2)), c( 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.01, 0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.03, 0.04, 0.05, 0.06, 0.07, 0.07, 0.08, 0.09, 0.10, 0.11, 0.11, 0.12 ) ) }) test_that("dist_spec returns error when mixed natural and unnatural parameters are specified", { expect_error( LogNormal(meanlog = 5, sd = 1, max = 20), "Incompatible combination." ) }) test_that("dist_spec returns error when the wrong number of parameters are given", { expect_error(LogNormal(sd = 1, max = 20), "must be specified") expect_error(Gamma(shape = 1, rate = 2, mean = 3), "must be specified") }) test_that("c.dist_spec returns correct output for sum of two distributions", { dist1 <- LogNormal(meanlog = 5, sdlog = 1, max = 19) dist2 <- Gamma(shape = Normal(3, 0.5), rate = Normal(2, 0.5), max = 20) result <- dist1 + dist2 expect_equal(get_parameters(result, 1)$meanlog, 5) expect_equal(get_parameters(result, 1)$sdlog, 1) expect_equal(get_parameters(get_parameters(result, 2)$shape)$mean, 3) expect_equal(get_parameters(get_parameters(result, 2)$shape)$sd, 0.5) expect_equal(get_parameters(get_parameters(result, 2)$rate)$mean, 2) expect_equal(get_parameters(get_parameters(result, 2)$rate)$sd, 0.5) expect_equal(length(result), 2) }) test_that("collapse returns correct output for sum of two nonparametric distributions", { dist1 <- NonParametric(c(0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4)) dist2 <- NonParametric(c(0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4)) result <- collapse(c(dist1, dist2)) expect_equal(get_distribution(result), "nonparametric") expect_equal(max(result), 6) expect_equal(ndist(result), 1) expect_equal( round(get_pmf(result), 2), c(0.01, 0.04, 0.10, 0.20, 0.25, 0.24, 0.16) ) }) test_that("`bound_dist` function can be applied to a convolution", { # Create distributions dist1 <- LogNormal(meanlog = 1.6, sdlog = 1, max = 19) dist2 <- Gamma(mean = 3, sd = 2, max = 19) # Compute combined distribution with default CDF cutoff combined <- collapse(discretise(c(dist1, dist2))) # Compute combined distribution with larger CDF cutoff combined_cdf_cutoff <- bound_dist(combined, cdf_cutoff = 0.001) combined_pmf <- get_pmf(combined) combined_cdf_cutoff_pmf <- get_pmf(combined_cdf_cutoff) # The length of the combined PMF should be greater with default CDF cutoff expect_true(length(combined_pmf) > length(combined_cdf_cutoff_pmf)) # Both should sum to 1 expect_equal(sum(combined_pmf), 1) expect_equal(sum(combined_cdf_cutoff_pmf), 1) # The first 5 entries should be within 0.01 of each other expect_equal( combined_pmf[1:5], combined_cdf_cutoff_pmf[1:5], tolerance = 0.01 ) expect_equal(mean(combined), mean(combined_cdf_cutoff), tolerance = 0.1) }) test_that("summary functions return correct output for fixed lognormal distribution", { dist <- discretise(LogNormal(mean = 3, sd = 1, max = 19)) expect_equal(mean(dist), 3.0, tolerance = 0.01) expect_equal(EpiNow2:::sd(dist), 1.34, tolerance = 0.01) expect_equal(max(dist), 19L) }) test_that("summary functions return correct output for uncertain gamma distribution", { dist <- Gamma(shape = Normal(3, 0.5), rate = Normal(2, 0.5), max = 19) expect_equal(mean(dist, ignore_uncertainty = TRUE), 1.5) expect_equal(max(dist), 19L) }) test_that("mean returns correct output for sum of two distributions", { dist1 <- LogNormal(meanlog = 1, sdlog = 1, max = 19) dist2 <- Gamma(mean = 3, sd = 2, max = 19) dist <- dist1 + dist2 expect_equal(mean(dist), c(4.48, 3), tolerance = 0.001) expect_equal(EpiNow2:::sd(dist), c(5.87, 2), tolerance = 0.001) ## shortened due to tolerance level expect_equal(max(dist), c(19L, 19L)) }) test_that("mean returns NA when applied to uncertain distributions", { dist <- Gamma(shape = Normal(3, 0.5), rate = Normal(2, 0.5), max = 19) expect_true(is.na(mean(dist))) }) test_that("sd returns NA when applied to uncertain distributions", { dist <- Gamma(shape = Normal(3, 0.5), rate = Normal(2, 0.5), max = 19) expect_true(is.na(EpiNow2:::sd(dist))) }) test_that("print.dist_spec correctly prints the parameters of the fixed lognormal", { dist <- discretise(LogNormal(meanlog = 1.5, sdlog = 0.5, max = 19)) expect_output(print(dist), "- nonparametric distribution\\n PMF: \\[0\\.00068 0\\.027 0\\.11 0\\.18 0\\.19 0\\.16 0\\.11 0\\.078 0\\.052 0\\.035 0\\.023 0\\.015 0\\.0099 0\\.0065 0\\.0044 0\\.003 0\\.002 0\\.0014 0\\.00095 0\\.00066\\]") }) test_that("print.dist_spec correctly prints the parameters of the uncertain gamma", { gamma <- Gamma( shape = Normal(3, 0.5), rate = Normal(2, 0.5), max = 19 ) expect_output(print(gamma), "- gamma distribution \\(max: 19\\):\\n shape:\\n - normal distribution:\\n mean:\\n 3\\n sd:\\n 0\\.5\\n rate:\\n - normal distribution:\\n mean:\\n 2\\n sd:\\n 0\\.5") }) test_that("print.dist_spec correctly prints the parameters of the uncertain lognormal", { dist <- LogNormal( meanlog = Normal(1.5, 0.1), sdlog = Normal(0.5, 0.1), max = 19 ) expect_output(print(dist), "- lognormal distribution \\(max: 19\\):\\n meanlog:\\n - normal distribution:\\n mean:\\n 1\\.5\\n sd:\\n 0\\.1\\n sdlog:\\n - normal distribution:\\n mean:\\n 0\\.5\\n sd:\\n 0\\.1") }) test_that("print.dist_spec correctly prints the parameters of a combination of distributions", { dist1 <- LogNormal(meanlog = 1.5, sdlog = 0.5, max = 19) dist2 <- Gamma(shape = Normal(3, 0.5), rate = Normal(2, 0.5), max = 19) combined <- dist1 + dist2 expect_output(print(combined), "Composite distribution:\\n- lognormal distribution \\(max: 19\\):\\n meanlog:\\n 1\\.5\\n sdlog:\\n 0\\.5\\n- gamma distribution \\(max: 19\\):\\n shape:\\n - normal distribution:\\n mean:\\n 3\\n sd:\\n 0\\.5\\n rate:\\n - normal distribution:\\n mean:\\n 2\\n sd:\\n 0\\.5") }) test_that("plot.dist_spec returns a ggplot object", { dist <- LogNormal(meanlog = 1.6, sdlog = 0.5, max = 19) plot <- plot(dist) expect_s3_class(plot, "ggplot") }) test_that("plot.dist_spec correctly plots a single distribution", { dist <- LogNormal(meanlog = 1.6, sdlog = 0.5, max = 19) plot <- plot(dist) expect_equal(length(plot$layers), 2) expect_equal(length(plot$facet$params$facets), 1) }) test_that("plot.dist_spec correctly plots multiple distributions", { dist1 <- LogNormal(meanlog = 1.6, sdlog = 0.5, max = 19) dist2 <- Gamma(shape = Normal(3, 5), rate = Normal(1, 2), max = 19) combined <- dist1 + dist2 plot <- plot(combined) expect_equal(length(plot$layers), 2) expect_equal(length(plot$facet$params$facets), 1) }) test_that("plot.dist_spec correctly plots a combination of fixed distributions", { dist <- LogNormal(meanlog = 1.6, sdlog = 0.5, max = 19) combined <- dist + dist plot <- plot(combined) expect_equal(length(plot$layers), 2) expect_equal(length(plot$facet$params$facets), 1) }) test_that("fix_parameters works with composite delay distributions", { dist1 <- LogNormal(meanlog = Normal(1, 0.1), sdlog = 1, max = 19) dist2 <- Gamma(mean = 3, sd = 2, max = 19) dist <- dist1 + dist2 expect_equal(ndist(collapse(discretise(fix_parameters(dist)))), 1L) }) test_that("composite delay distributions can be disassembled", { dist1 <- LogNormal(meanlog = Normal(1, 0.1), sdlog = 1, max = 19) dist2 <- Gamma(mean = 3, sd = 2, max = 19) dist <- dist1 + dist2 expect_equal(EpiNow2:::extract_single_dist(dist, 1), dist1) expect_equal(EpiNow2:::extract_single_dist(dist, 2), dist2) }) test_that("constrained distributions are correctly identified", { expect_false(is_constrained(Gamma(shape = 3, scale = 2))) expect_true(is_constrained(Gamma(shape = 3, scale = 2, max = 10))) expect_true(is_constrained(Gamma(shape = 3, scale = 2, cdf_cutoff = 0.1))) expect_false(is_constrained( Gamma(shape = 3, scale = 2) + Gamma(shape = 3, scale = 2, max = 10) )) expect_true(is_constrained( Gamma(shape = 3, scale = 2, max = 10) + Gamma(shape = 3, scale = 2, max = 10) )) }) test_that("delay distributions can be specified in different ways", { expect_equal( unname(as.numeric(get_parameters(LogNormal(mean = 4, sd = 1)))), c(1.4, 0.25), tolerance = 0.1 ) expect_equal( round(get_pmf(discretise(LogNormal(mean = 4, sd = 1, max = 10))), 2), c(0.00, 0.00, 0.07, 0.27, 0.35, 0.21, 0.07, 0.02, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00) ) expect_equal( round( get_pmf(discretise(LogNormal(mean = 4, sd = 1, cdf_cutoff = 0.1))), 2 ), c(0.00, 0.00, 0.08, 0.28, 0.36, 0.21, 0.07) ) expect_equal( unname(as.numeric(get_parameters(Gamma(mean = 4, sd = 1)))), c(16, 4), tolerance = 0.1 ) expect_equal( round(get_pmf(discretise(Gamma(mean = 4, sd = 1, max = 7))), 2), c(0.00, 0.00, 0.08, 0.26, 0.35, 0.22, 0.08, 0.02) ) expect_equal( round(get_pmf(discretise(Gamma(mean = 4, sd = 1, cdf_cutoff = 0.1))), 2), c(0.00, 0.00, 0.08, 0.27, 0.35, 0.22, 0.08) ) expect_equal( unname(as.numeric( get_parameters(get_parameters( c( Gamma( shape = Normal(12, 3), rate = Normal(3, 0.5) ), Gamma( shape = Normal(16, 2), rate = Normal(4, 1) ) ), 2 )$shape) )), c(16, 2) ) expect_equal( unname(as.numeric( get_parameters(get_parameters( Gamma( shape = Normal(16, 2), rate = Normal(4, 1) ) )$rate) )), c(4, 1) ) expect_equal( unname(as.numeric(get_parameters(Normal(mean = 4, sd = 1)))), c(4, 1) ) expect_equal( round(get_pmf(discretise(Normal(mean = 4, sd = 1, max = 5))), 2), c(0.00, 0.01, 0.09, 0.26, 0.38, 0.26) ) expect_equal( round(get_pmf(discretise(Normal(mean = 4, sd = 1, cdf_cutoff = 0.1))), 2), c(0.00, 0.01, 0.08, 0.24, 0.35, 0.24, 0.08) ) expect_equal(get_pmf(discretise(Fixed(value = 3))), c(0, 0, 0, 1)) expect_equal(get_parameters(Fixed(value = 3.5))$value, 3.5) expect_equal( get_pmf(NonParametric(c(0.1, 0.3, 0.2, 0.4))), c(0.1, 0.3, 0.2, 0.4) ) expect_equal( round(get_pmf(NonParametric(c(0.1, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1, 0.1))), 2), c(0.12, 0.37, 0.25, 0.12, 0.12) ) expect_equal( get_distribution(NonParametric(c(0.1, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1, 0.1))), "nonparametric" ) }) test_that("get functions report errors", { expect_error(get_parameters("test"), "Object must be of class") expect_error( get_distribution(Gamma(mean = 4, sd = 1), 2), "cannot be greater than the number of distributions" ) expect_error(get_pmf(Gamma(mean = 4, sd = 1)), "parametric") expect_error( get_parameters(NonParametric(c(0.1, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1, 0.1))), "nonparametric" ) expect_error(get_parameters(c( Gamma(mean = 4, sd = 1), Gamma(mean = 4, sd = 1) )), "must be specified") })