test_that("rt_opts returns expected default values", { result <- rt_opts() expect_s3_class(result, "rt_opts") expect_equal(result$prior, LogNormal(mean = 1, sd = 1)) expect_true(result$use_rt) expect_equal(result$rw, 0) expect_true(result$use_breakpoints) expect_equal(result$future, "latest") expect_equal(result$pop, 0) expect_equal(result$gp_on, "R_t-1") }) test_that("rt_opts handles custom inputs correctly", { result <- suppressWarnings(rt_opts( prior = LogNormal(mean = 2, sd = 0.5), use_rt = FALSE, rw = 7, use_breakpoints = FALSE, future = "project", gp_on = "R0", pop = 1000000 )) expect_null(result$prior) expect_false(result$use_rt) expect_equal(result$rw, 7) expect_true(result$use_breakpoints) # Should be TRUE when rw > 0 expect_equal(result$future, "project") expect_equal(result$pop, 1000000) expect_equal(result$gp_on, "R0") }) test_that("rt_opts sets use_breakpoints to TRUE when rw > 0", { result <- rt_opts(rw = 3, use_breakpoints = FALSE) expect_true(result$use_breakpoints) }) test_that("rt_opts throws error for invalid prior", { ## deprecated expect_error( suppressWarnings(rt_opts(prior = list(mean = 1))), "must have both" ) expect_error( suppressWarnings(rt_opts(prior = list(sd = 1))), "must have both" ) }) test_that("rt_opts validates gp_on argument", { expect_error(rt_opts(gp_on = "invalid"), "must be one") }) test_that("rt_opts returns object of correct class", { result <- rt_opts() expect_s3_class(result, "rt_opts") expect_true("list" %in% class(result)) }) test_that("rt_opts handles edge cases correctly", { result <- rt_opts(rw = 0.1, pop = -1) expect_equal(result$rw, 0.1) expect_equal(result$pop, -1) expect_true(result$use_breakpoints) })