skip_on_cran() #### Incidence data example #### # make some example secondary incidence data cases <- example_confirmed cases <-[, primary := confirm] inc_cases <- copy(cases) # Assume that only 40 percent of cases are reported inc_cases[, scaling := 0.4] # Parameters of the assumed log normal delay distribution inc_cases[, meanlog := 1.8][, sdlog := 0.5] # Simulate secondary cases inc_cases <- convolve_and_scale(inc_cases, type = "incidence") inc_cases[ , c("confirm", "scaling", "meanlog", "sdlog", "index", "scaled", "conv") := NULL ] # # fit model to example data specifying a weak prior for fraction reported # with a secondary case inc <- estimate_secondary(inc_cases[1:60], obs = obs_opts( scale = Normal(mean = 0.2, sd = 0.2, max = 1), week_effect = FALSE ), verbose = FALSE ) # extract posterior variables of interest params <- c( "meanlog" = "delay_params[1]", "sdlog" = "delay_params[2]", "scaling" = "params[1]" ) inc_posterior <- inc$posterior[variable %in% params] # fit model to example data with a fixed delay inc_fixed <- estimate_secondary(inc_cases[1:60], delays = delay_opts(Gamma(mean = 15, sd = 5, max = 30)), verbose = FALSE ) #### Prevalence data example #### # make some example prevalence data prev_cases <- copy(cases) # Assume that only 30 percent of cases are reported prev_cases[, scaling := 0.3] # Parameters of the assumed log normal delay distribution prev_cases[, meanlog := 1.6][, sdlog := 0.8] # Simulate secondary cases prev_cases <- convolve_and_scale(prev_cases, type = "prevalence") # fit model to example prevalence data prev <- estimate_secondary(prev_cases[1:100], secondary = secondary_opts(type = "prevalence"), obs = obs_opts( week_effect = FALSE, scale = Normal(mean = 0.4, sd = 0.1) ), verbose = FALSE ) # extract posterior parameters of interest prev_posterior <- prev$posterior[variable %in% params] # Test output test_that("estimate_secondary can return values from simulated data and plot them", { expect_equal(names(inc), c("predictions", "posterior", "data", "fit")) expect_equal( names(inc$predictions), c( "date", "primary", "secondary", "accumulate", "mean", "se_mean", "sd", "lower_90", "lower_50", "lower_20", "median", "upper_20", "upper_50", "upper_90" ) ) expect_true(is.list(inc$data)) # validation plot of observations vs estimates expect_error(plot(inc, primary = TRUE), NA) }) test_that("estimate_secondary successfully returns estimates when passed NA values", { skip_on_cran() cases_na <- data.table::copy(inc_cases) cases_na[sample(1:60, 5), secondary := NA] inc_na <- estimate_secondary(cases_na[1:60], delays = delay_opts( LogNormal(meanlog = 1.8, sdlog = 0.5, max = 30) ), obs = obs_opts(scale = Normal(mean = 0.2, sd = 0.2), week_effect = FALSE), verbose = FALSE ) prev_cases_na <- data.table::copy(prev_cases) prev_cases_na[sample(1:60, 5), secondary := NA] prev_na <- estimate_secondary(prev_cases_na[1:60], secondary = secondary_opts(type = "prevalence"), delays = delay_opts( LogNormal(mean = 1.8, sd = 0.5, max = 30) ), obs = obs_opts(scale = Normal(mean = 0.2, sd = 0.2), week_effect = FALSE), verbose = FALSE ) expect_true(is.list(inc_na$data)) expect_true(is.list(prev_na$data)) }) test_that("estimate_secondary successfully returns estimates when accumulating to weekly", { skip_on_cran() secondary_weekly <- inc_cases[, list(date, secondary)] secondary_weekly[, secondary := frollsum(secondary, 7)] secondary_weekly <- secondary_weekly[seq(7, nrow(secondary_weekly), by = 7)] cases_weekly <- merge( cases[, list(date, primary)], secondary_weekly, by = "date", all.x = TRUE ) cases_weekly <- fill_missing( cases_weekly, missing_obs = "accumulate", obs_column = "secondary" ) inc_weekly <- estimate_secondary(cases_weekly, delays = delay_opts( LogNormal( mean = 1.8, sd = 0.5, max = 30 ) ), obs = obs_opts( scale = Normal(mean = 0.4, sd = 0.05), week_effect = FALSE ), verbose = FALSE ) expect_true(is.list(inc_weekly$data)) }) test_that("estimate_secondary works when only estimating scaling", { inc <- estimate_secondary(inc_cases[1:60], obs = obs_opts(scale = Normal(mean = 0.2, sd = 0.2), week_effect = FALSE), delay = delay_opts(), verbose = FALSE ) expect_equal(names(inc), c("predictions", "posterior", "data", "fit")) }) test_that("estimate_secondary can recover simulated parameters", { expect_equal( inc_posterior[, mean], c(1.8, 0.5, 0.4), tolerance = 0.1 ) expect_equal( inc_posterior[, median], c(1.8, 0.5, 0.4), tolerance = 0.1 ) expect_equal( prev_posterior[, mean], c(1.6, 0.8, 0.3), tolerance = 0.2 ) expect_equal( prev_posterior[, median], c(1.6, 0.8, 0.3), tolerance = 0.2 ) }) test_that("estimate_secondary can recover simulated parameters with the cmdstanr backend", { skip_on_os("windows") output <- capture.output(suppressMessages(suppressWarnings( inc_cmdstanr <- estimate_secondary(inc_cases[1:60], obs = obs_opts(scale = Normal(mean = 0.2, sd = 0.2), week_effect = FALSE), verbose = FALSE, stan = stan_opts(backend = "cmdstanr") ) ))) inc_posterior_cmdstanr <- inc_cmdstanr$posterior[variable %in% params] expect_equal( inc_posterior_cmdstanr[, mean], c(1.8, 0.5, 0.4), tolerance = 0.1 ) expect_equal( inc_posterior_cmdstanr[, median], c(1.8, 0.5, 0.4), tolerance = 0.1 ) }) test_that("forecast_secondary can return values from simulated data and plot them", { inc_preds <- forecast_secondary( inc, inc_cases[seq(61, .N)][, value := primary] ) expect_equal(names(inc_preds), c("samples", "forecast", "predictions")) # validation plot of observations vs estimates expect_error(plot(inc_preds, new_obs = inc_cases, from = "2020-05-01"), NA) }) test_that("forecast_secondary works with fixed delays", { inc_preds <- forecast_secondary( inc_fixed, inc_cases[seq(61, .N)][, value := primary] ) expect_equal(names(inc_preds), c("samples", "forecast", "predictions")) # validation plot of observations vs estimates expect_error(plot(inc_preds, new_obs = inc_cases, from = "2020-05-01"), NA) }) test_that("forecast_secondary can return values from simulated data when using the cmdstanr backend", { skip_on_os("windows") capture.output(suppressMessages(suppressWarnings( inc_preds <- forecast_secondary( inc, inc_cases[seq(61, .N)][, value := primary], backend = "cmdstanr" ) ))) expect_equal(names(inc_preds), c("samples", "forecast", "predictions")) }) test_that("estimate_secondary works with weigh_delay_priors = TRUE", { delays <- LogNormal( meanlog = Normal(2.5, 0.5), sdlog = Normal(0.47, 0.25), max = 30 ) inc_weigh <- estimate_secondary( inc_cases[1:60], delays = delay_opts(delays), obs = obs_opts(scale = Normal(mean = 0.2, sd = 0.2), week_effect = FALSE), weigh_delay_priors = TRUE, verbose = FALSE ) expect_s3_class(inc_weigh, "estimate_secondary") }) test_that("estimate_secondary works with filter_leading_zeros set", { ## testing deprecated functionality withr::local_options(lifecycle_verbosity = "quiet") modified_data <- inc_cases[1:10, secondary := 0] modified_data <- filter_leading_zeros(modified_data, obs_column = "secondary") out <- suppressWarnings(estimate_secondary( modified_data, obs = obs_opts( scale = Normal(mean = 0.2, sd = 0.2), week_effect = FALSE ), verbose = FALSE )) expect_s3_class(out, "estimate_secondary") expect_named(out, c("predictions", "posterior", "data", "fit")) expect_equal(out$predictions$primary, modified_data$primary) }) test_that("estimate_secondary works with zero_threshold set", { ## testing deprecated functionality withr::local_options(lifecycle_verbosity = "quiet") modified_data <- inc_cases[sample(1:30, 10), primary := 0] modified_data <- apply_zero_threshold( modified_data, threshold = 10, obs_column = "secondary" ) out <- estimate_secondary( modified_data, obs = obs_opts( scale = Normal(mean = 0.2, sd = 0.2), week_effect = FALSE ), verbose = FALSE ) expect_s3_class(out, "estimate_secondary") expect_named(out, c("predictions", "posterior", "data", "fit")) }) test_that("a warning is thrown when using deprecated functionality", { suppressWarnings(expect_deprecated(estimate_secondary( inc_cases, filter_leading_zeros = TRUE, verbose = FALSE ), "filter_leading_zeros")) suppressWarnings(expect_deprecated(estimate_secondary( inc_cases, zero_threshold = 50, verbose = FALSE ), "zero_threshold")) })