context("Dissolution Diagnostics") test_that("simulation diagnostics work as expected", { ## direct implementation of dissolution statistics based on tedgelist simulate_diss_stats <- function(est, nsteps, dyad_indexer) { nws1 <- simulate(est$formula, coef = est$coef.form.crude, basis = est$newnetwork, dynamic = FALSE) nws2 <- simulate(~Form(est$formation) + Persist(est$coef.diss$dissolution), coef = c(est$coef.form, est$coef.diss$coef.crude), basis = nws1, time.slices = nsteps, dynamic = TRUE) dissolution <- est$coef.diss$dissolution durs <- est$coef.diss$duration sim.df <- edgecounts <- matrix(0, nrow = nsteps, ncol = length(durs)) edgeages <- matrix(0, nrow = nsteps, ncol = length(durs)) edgediss <- matrix(0, nrow = nsteps, ncol = length(durs)) dyad_types <- dyad_indexer(sim.df$tail, sim.df$head, nws1) for (i in seq_len(NROW(sim.df))) { onset <- max(sim.df$onset[i], 1) terminus <- sim.df$terminus[i] if (terminus > 1) { edgecounts[onset - 1 + seq_len(terminus - onset), dyad_types[i]] <- edgecounts[onset - 1 + seq_len(terminus - onset), dyad_types[i]] + 1 edgeages[onset - 1 + seq_len(terminus - onset), dyad_types[i]] <- edgeages[onset - 1 + seq_len(terminus - onset), dyad_types[i]] + seq_len(terminus - onset) + (sim.df$onset[i] == 0) } if (terminus <= nsteps) { edgediss[terminus, dyad_types[i]] <- edgediss[terminus, dyad_types[i]] + 1 } } init.edgecounts <- summary(dissolution, basis = nws2, at = 0) if (length(durs) > 1) { init.edgecounts[1] <- init.edgecounts[1] - sum(init.edgecounts[-1]) } edgecounts <- rbind(init.edgecounts, edgecounts) edgeagesimputed <- edgeages wti <- which(sim.df$onset == 0 & sim.df$terminus > 1) for (index in wti) { edgeagesimputed[seq_len(sim.df$terminus[index] - 1), dyad_types[index]] <- edgeagesimputed[seq_len(sim.df$terminus[index] - 1), dyad_types[index]] + rgeom(1, 1/durs[dyad_types[index]]) } pages <- array(edgeages/edgecounts[-1,,drop=FALSE], dim = c(nsteps,length(durs),1)) pages_imptd <- array(edgeagesimputed/edgecounts[-1,,drop=FALSE], dim = c(nsteps,length(durs),1)) prop.diss <- array(edgediss/edgecounts[-NROW(edgecounts),,drop=FALSE], dim = c(nsteps,length(durs),1)) list(pages = pages, pages_imptd = pages_imptd, prop.diss = prop.diss) } net_size <- 100 nsteps <- 10 nsims <- 2 seed <- 0 coefs.diss <- list(dissolution_coefs(~offset(edges), 10, 0), dissolution_coefs(~offset(edges)+offset(nodemix("attr", levels = 2:3, levels2 = c(2,1))), c(8,5,7), 0), dissolution_coefs(~offset(edges)+offset(nodematch("attr", diff = TRUE, levels = c(3,1,2))), c(31, 22, 3, 4), 0)) dyad_indexers <- list(function(tails, heads, nw) rep(1, length(tails)), function(tails, heads, nw) { attr <- nw %v% "attr" tailattr <- attr[tails] headattr <- attr[heads] indices <- rep(1, length(tails)) indices[(tailattr == 2 & headattr == 3) | (tailattr == 3 & headattr == 2)] <- 2 indices[tailattr == 2 & headattr == 2] <- 3 indices }, function(tails, heads, nw) { attr <- nw %v% "attr" tailattr <- attr[tails] headattr <- attr[heads] indices <- rep(1, length(tails)) indices[tailattr == 3 & headattr == 3] <- 2 indices[tailattr == 1 & headattr == 1] <- 3 indices[tailattr == 2 & headattr == 2] <- 4 indices }) formations <- list(~edges, ~edges + nodemix("attr", levels = 2:3, levels2 = c(2,1)), ~edges + nodematch("attr", diff = TRUE, levels = c(3,1,2))) targets <- lapply(list(c(100), c(100, 2*100/9, 2*100/9), c(100, 100/9, 100/9, 100/9)), as.integer) init.edges.list <- list(FALSE, FALSE, TRUE) nested.edapprox.list <- list(FALSE, TRUE, FALSE) keep.tnetwork.list <- list(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE) for (index in seq_along(coefs.diss)) { init.edges <- init.edges.list[[index]] nested.edapprox <- nested.edapprox.list[[index]] keep.tnetwork <- keep.tnetwork.list[[index]] coef.diss <- coefs.diss[[index]] dyad_indexer <- dyad_indexers[[index]] if (nested.edapprox == TRUE) { formation <- formations[[index]] target.stats <- targets[[index]] } else { formation <- ~edges target.stats <- c(100) } nw <- network.initialize(net_size, directed = FALSE) nw %v% "attr" <- rep(1:3, length.out = net_size) est <- netest(nw, formation = formation, coef.diss = coef.diss, target.stats = target.stats, nested.edapprox = nested.edapprox) if (init.edges == FALSE) { est$newnetwork[,] <- FALSE } set.seed(seed) dx <- netdx(est, nsims = nsims, nsteps = nsteps, keep.tnetwork = keep.tnetwork, verbose = FALSE) capture_output( print(dx) ) plot(dx) set.seed(seed) ds <- list() for (i in seq_len(nsims)) { ds[[i]] <- simulate_diss_stats(est, nsteps, dyad_indexer) } durs <- coef.diss$duration pages <- array(unlist(lapply(ds, `[[`, "pages")), dim = c(nsteps,length(durs),nsims)) pages_imptd <- array(unlist(lapply(ds, `[[`, "pages_imptd")), dim = c(nsteps,length(durs),nsims)) prop.diss <- array(unlist(lapply(ds, `[[`, "prop.diss")), dim = c(nsteps,length(durs),nsims)) expect_equal(pages, dx$pages) expect_equal(pages_imptd, dx$pages_imptd) expect_equal(prop.diss, dx$prop.diss) } }) test_that("netsim produces a networkDynamic with the expected data.frame when = FALSE", { nw <- network_initialize(n = 50) nw <- set_vertex_attribute(nw, "race", rbinom(50, 1, 0.5)) est <- netest(nw, formation = ~edges + nodematch("race"), target.stats = c(25, 10), coef.diss = dissolution_coefs(~offset(edges), 10, 0), verbose = FALSE) param <- = 0, act.rate = 0) init <- = rep("i", 50)) control <- = NULL, nsims = 1, nsteps = 5, = FALSE, set.control.ergm = control.simulate.formula(), verbose = FALSE) set.seed(0) mod <- netsim(est, param, init, control) nwd <- get_network(mod) capture_output( print(mod) ) plot(mod) set.seed(0) nws <- simulate(est$formula, coef = est$coef.form.crude, basis = est$newnetwork, dynamic = FALSE) nws <- networkDynamic::as.networkDynamic(nws) nws <- networkDynamic::activate.vertices(nws, onset = 0, terminus = Inf) nws <- networkDynamic::activate.edges(nws, onset = 0, terminus = Inf) nws <- simulate(nws ~ Form(est$formation) + Persist(est$coef.diss$dissolution), coef = c(est$coef.form, est$coef.diss$coef.crude), time.start = 0, time.slices = 5, dynamic = TRUE) expect_identical(, }) test_that("netsim produces a networkDynamic with the expected data.frame when = TRUE", { nw <- network_initialize(n = 50) nw <- set_vertex_attribute(nw, "race", rbinom(50, 1, 0.5)) est <- netest(nw, formation = ~edges + nodematch("race"), target.stats = c(25, 10), coef.diss = dissolution_coefs(~offset(edges), 10, 0), verbose = FALSE) param <- = 0, act.rate = 0) init <- = rep("i", 50)) control <- = NULL, nsims = 1, = TRUE, nsteps = 5, verbose = FALSE) set.seed(0) mod <- netsim(est, param, init, control) nwd <- get_network(mod) capture_output( print(mod) ) plot(mod) set.seed(0) nws <- simulate(est$formula, coef = est$coef.form.crude, basis = est$newnetwork, control = list(MCMC.burnin = 2e5), dynamic = FALSE) nws <- networkDynamic::as.networkDynamic(nws) nws <- networkDynamic::activate.vertices(nws, onset = 0, terminus = Inf) nws <- networkDynamic::activate.edges(nws, onset = 0, terminus = Inf) nws %n% "net.obs.period" <- list(observations = list(c(0,1)), mode = "discrete", time.increment = 1, time.unit = "step") for (i in seq_len(5)) { nws <- suppressWarnings(simulate(nws ~ Form(est$formation) + Persist(est$coef.diss$dissolution), coef = c(est$coef.form, est$coef.diss$coef.crude), time.start = i, time.offset = 0, dynamic = TRUE)) } expect_identical(, }) test_that("tedgelist_to_toggles functions as expected", { logit <- function(p) log(p/(1-p)) density <- 1/50 D <- 10 for (init.edges in list(FALSE, TRUE)) { nw <- network.initialize(100, directed = FALSE) if (init.edges == TRUE) { nw <- san(nw ~ edges, target.stats = c(100)) } set.seed(0) nwd <- simulate(nw ~ Form(~edges) + Persist(~edges), coef = c(logit(density) - log(D), log(D - 1)), time.slices = 10, output = "networkDynamic", dynamic = TRUE) toggles <- tedgelist_to_toggles( set.seed(0) changes <- simulate(nw ~ Form(~edges) + Persist(~edges), coef = c(logit(density) - log(D), log(D - 1)), time.slices = 10, output = "changes", dynamic = TRUE) if (init.edges == TRUE) { changes <- rbind(cbind(0L, as.edgelist(nw), 1L), changes) } toggles2 <- changes[,-4L,drop=FALSE] toggles <- toggles[order(toggles[,1], toggles[,2], toggles[,3]),,drop=FALSE] toggles2 <- toggles2[order(toggles2[,1], toggles2[,2], toggles2[,3]),,drop=FALSE] expect_identical(unname(toggles), unname(toggles2)) } })