library(testthat) library(EmpiricalCalibration) data(sccs) # negatives <- sccs[sccs$groundTruth == 0, ] test_that("fitMcmcNull requirements", { # Infinite logRr logRr <- c(0, Inf) seLogRr <- c(1, 0) expect_warning( fitMcmcNull( logRr = logRr, seLogRr = seLogRr ), regexp = ".*infinite logRr.*" ) # Infinite seLogRr logRr <- c(0, 0) seLogRr <- c(1, Inf) expect_warning( fitMcmcNull( logRr = logRr, seLogRr = seLogRr ), regexp = ".*infinite standard error.*" ) # NA logRr logRr <- c(0, NA) seLogRr <- c(1, 0) expect_warning( fitMcmcNull( logRr = logRr, seLogRr = seLogRr ), regexp = ".*NA logRr.*" ) # NA seLogRr logRr <- c(0, 0) seLogRr <- c(1, NA) expect_warning( fitMcmcNull( logRr = logRr, seLogRr = seLogRr ), regexp = ".*NA standard error.*" ) }) test_that("MCMC calibration of p-values returns values close to truth", { skip_on_cran() set.seed(124) negatives <- simulateControls( n = 50, mean = 0.25, sd = 0.16, trueLogRr = 0 ) # Testing if the fitted MCMC null is correct null <- fitMcmcNull( logRr = negatives$logRr, seLogRr = negatives$seLogRr, iter = 1e4 ) expect_equal(null[1], .25, tolerance = .01) # Testing calibrated p-values (lower or two-sided) testValue <- calibrateP( null = null, logRr = .2, seLogRr = .2, twoSided = FALSE, upper = FALSE ) expect_equal( testValue$p, pnorm(.2, .25, .16 + .2^2), tolerance = .01 ) testValue <- calibrateP( null = null, logRr = .2, seLogRr = .2, twoSided = TRUE ) target <- min( pnorm(.2, .25, .16 + .2^2, lower.tail = TRUE), pnorm(.2, .25, .16 + .2^2, lower.tail = FALSE) ) expect_equal( testValue$p, 2 * target, tolerance = .01 ) # Testing return output of NA logRr or seLogRr calibration <- calibrateP( null = null, logRr = NA, seLogRr = .2, twoSided = FALSE, upper = FALSE ) testValue <- data.frame( p = calibration$p, lb95ci = calibration$lb95ci, ub95ci = calibration$ub95ci ) expect_equal( testValue, data.frame( p = as.numeric(NA), lb95ci = as.numeric(NA), ub95ci = as.numeric(NA) ) ) calibration <- calibrateP( null = null, logRr = .2, seLogRr = NA, twoSided = FALSE, upper = FALSE ) testValue <- data.frame( p = calibration$p, lb95ci = calibration$lb95ci, ub95ci = calibration$ub95ci ) expect_equal( testValue, data.frame( p = as.numeric(NA), lb95ci = as.numeric(NA), ub95ci = as.numeric(NA) ) ) }) test_that("fitMcmcNull throws no error when all estimates are NA", { null <- fitMcmcNull(logRr = c(NA, NA, NA), seLogRr = c(NA, NA, NA)) print(null) p <- calibrateP(null, 1, 1) expect_true($p)) p <- calibrateP(null, 1, 1, pValueOnly = TRUE) expect_true( model <- convertNullToErrorModel(null) expect_true([1])) ci <- calibrateConfidenceInterval(1, 1, model) expect_true([1])) ease <- computeExpectedAbsoluteSystematicError(null) expect_true($ease)) })