library(testthat) library(EmpiricalCalibration) data(sccs) test_that("calibrateP.null argument requirements", { logRr <- c(0.1, 0.3, 0.2) seLogRr <- c(0.05, 0.1) null <- fitNull(c(1, 2), c(0, 0)) expect_error(calibrateP(null, logRr, seLogRr), regexp = ".*arguments must be of equal length.*" ) }) test_that("calibrateOneP argument requirements", { logRr <- c(0.1, 0.3, 0.2) seLogRr <- c(0.05, 0.1, NA) null <- fitNull(c(0, 0), c(0, 0)) expect_equal(calibrateP(null, logRr, seLogRr), c(0.045500266, 0.002699796, NA), tolerance = 1e03) expect_equal(calibrateP(null, logRr, seLogRr, twoSided = FALSE), c(0.022750133, 0.001349898, NA), tolerance = 1e03) expect_equal(round(calibrateP(null, logRr, seLogRr, twoSided = FALSE, upper = FALSE), 2), c(0.98, 1.00, NA), tolerance = 1e03) }) test_that("computeTraditionalP argument options", { positive <- sccs[sccs$groundTruth == 1, ] expect_equal(computeTraditionalP(positive$logRr, positive$seLogRr), 0) expect_equal(computeTraditionalP(positive$logRr, positive$seLogRr, twoSided = FALSE), 0) expect_equal(computeTraditionalP(positive$logRr, positive$seLogRr, twoSided = FALSE, upper = FALSE), 1) }) test_that("fitNullNonNormalLl", { negatives <- sccs[sccs$groundTruth == 0, ] null <- fitNull(negatives$logRr, negatives$seLogRr) expect_equal(fitNullNonNormalLl(negatives), null) }) test_that("fitNullNonNormalLl using non-normal approximation", { skip_on_cran() set.seed(123) # Test for fitting null using non-normal approximation and asymptotics mu <- 0.2 sigma <- 0.2 data <- simulateControls(n = 50, mean = mu, sd = sigma, trueLogRr = 0, seLogRr = 0.1) goldStandardNull <- fitNull(logRr = data$logRr, seLogRr = data$seLogRr) point <- seq(log(0.1), log(10), length.out = 1000) createGridApproximation <- function(row) { return(data.frame( point = point, value = dnorm(point, mean = row$logRr, sd = row$seLogRr) )) } gridApproximations <- lapply(split(data, 1:nrow(data)), createGridApproximation) null <- fitNullNonNormalLl(gridApproximations) expect_equal(null[1], goldStandardNull[1], tolerance = 0.1, scale = 1, check.attributes = FALSE ) expect_equal(null[2], goldStandardNull[2], tolerance = 0.1, scale = 1, check.attributes = FALSE ) # Test for fitting null using normal approximation and MCMC mu <- 0.2 sigma <- 0.2 data <- simulateControls(n = 50, mean = mu, sd = sigma, trueLogRr = 0, seLogRr = 0.01) null <- fitMcmcNull(logRr = data$logRr, seLogRr = data$seLogRr) mcmc <- attr(null, "mcmc") lb99Mu <- quantile(mcmc$chain[, 1], 0.005) ub99Mu <- quantile(mcmc$chain[, 1], 0.995) lb99Sigma <- 1 / sqrt(quantile(mcmc$chain[, 2], 0.995)) ub99Sigma <- 1 / sqrt(quantile(mcmc$chain[, 2], 0.005)) expect_lt(lb99Mu, mu) expect_gt(ub99Mu, mu) expect_lt(lb99Sigma, sigma) expect_gt(ub99Sigma, sigma) }) test_that("fitNullNonNormalLl test for errors and warnings", { negatives <- sccs[sccs$groundTruth == 0, ] colnames(negatives) <- c("drugName", "mu", "grid", "sigma") expect_error(fitNullNonNormalLl(negatives), regexp = ".*but not all column names are numeric.*" ) colnames(negatives) <- c("drugName", "mu", "gamma", "sigma") negatives$mu[1] <- NA expect_warning(fitNullNonNormalLl(negatives), regexp = ".*Approximations with NA parameters detected.*" ) colnames(negatives) <- c("drugName", "mu", "alpha", "sigma") negatives$mu[1] <- NA expect_warning(fitNullNonNormalLl(negatives), regexp = ".*Approximations with NA parameters detected.*" ) }) test_that("CalibrateP matches computeTraditionalP when mu = sigma = 0", { null <- c( mean = 0, sd = 0 ) class(null) <- "null" logRr <- .2 seLogRr <- .2 expect_equal( calibrateP(null, logRr, seLogRr), computeTraditionalP(logRr, seLogRr) ) }) test_that("fitNull throws no error when all estimates are NA", { null <- fitNull(logRr = c(NA, NA, NA), seLogRr = c(NA, NA, NA)) print(null) p <- calibrateP(null, 1, 1) expect_true( model <- convertNullToErrorModel(null) expect_true([1])) ci <- calibrateConfidenceInterval(1, 1, model) expect_true([1])) })