skip_on_cran() require(testthat) context("NHES data reads in correctly") require(EdSurvey) options(width = 500) options(useFancyQuotes = FALSE) source("REF-11-NHES.R") # has REF output in it if (!dir.exists(edsurveyHome)) { dir.create(edsurveyHome) } # able to toggle 'forceReread' for recaching the data if necessary if (!exists("forceCacheUpdate")) { forceCacheUpdate <- FALSE } test_that("NHES data reads in correctly", { # converted to provide instructions for user. # user should have the 2012, 2016, and 2019 year datafiles downloaded # expect_silent(downloadNHES(root = edsurveyHome, years=c(2012, 2016, 2019), verbose=FALSE)) # test both auto and specifying a survey code expect_silent(pfi2012 <<- readNHES(file.path(edsurveyHome, "NHES", "2012", "NHES_12_PFI_v1_0.sav"), surveyCode = "auto", verbose = FALSE, forceReread = forceCacheUpdate)) expect_silent(pfi2012x <<- readNHES(file.path(edsurveyHome, "NHES", "2012", "NHES_12_PFI_v1_0.sav"), surveyCode = "PFI_2012", verbose = FALSE, forceReread = forceCacheUpdate)) expect_is(pfi2012, "") expect_equal(dim(pfi2012), c(17563, 718)) expect_identical(pfi2012, pfi2012x) pfi2012x <- NULL # no longer needed after compare # test reading multiple files inFiles <- list.files(file.path(edsurveyHome, "NHES", "2016"), "[.]sav$", full.names = TRUE, = TRUE) expect_silent(nhes2016 <<- readNHES(savFiles = inFiles, surveyCode = "auto", verbose = FALSE, forceReread = forceCacheUpdate)) expect_is(nhes2016, "") # split into their own objects for ease of use later ate2016 <<- nhes2016$datalist[[which(grepl("^adult", nhes2016$covs$subject, = TRUE))]] ecpp2016 <<- nhes2016$datalist[[which(grepl("^early childhood", nhes2016$covs$subject, = TRUE))]] pfi2016 <<- nhes2016$datalist[[which(grepl("^parent", nhes2016$covs$subject, = TRUE))]] nhes2016 <- NULL expect_equal(dim(ate2016), c(47744, 355)) expect_equal(dim(ecpp2016), c(5844, 643)) expect_equal(dim(pfi2016), c(14075, 823)) expect_silent(ecpp2019 <<- readNHES(savFiles = file.path(edsurveyHome, "NHES", "2019", "nhes_19_ecpp_v1_0.sav"), surveyCode = "auto", verbose = FALSE, forceReread = forceCacheUpdate)) }) context("NHES getData") test_that("NHES getData", { dat1 <- getData(pfi2012, c("age2011", "rcvdate", "path")) expect_equal(dim(dat1), c(17563, 3)) withr::with_options(list(digits = 7), co <- capture.output(base::summary(dat1$path))) expect_equal(co, dat1Summary.Ref) withr::with_options(list(digits = 7), co <- capture.output(base::mean(dat1$age2011))) expect_equal(co, "[1] 11.98719") # test NHES ECPP 2016 variables dat2 <- getData(ecpp2016, c("cpdays", "p1sex", "p1mrsta"), dropOmittedLevels = FALSE) expect_equal(dim(dat2), c(5844, 3)) withr::with_options(list(digits = 7), co <- capture.output(base::summary(dat2))) expect_equal(co, dat2Summary.Ref) # test with some continuous variables that have dropOmittedLevels dat3 <- getData(ate2016, c("eehrs", "cenreg")) expect_equal(dim(dat3), c(36567, 2)) withr::with_options(list(digits = 7), co <- capture.output(base::summary(dat3))) expect_equal(co, dat3Summary.Ref) dat4 <- getData(ecpp2019, c("p1rel", "p1sex", "cenreg")) expect_equal(dim(dat4), c(7092, 3)) withr::with_options(list(digits = 7), co <- capture.output(base::summary(dat4))) expect_equal(co, dat4Summary.Ref) }) context("NHES lm.sdf") test_that("NHES lm.sdf", { # test summary with difficult QC item withr::with_options(list(digits = 7), co <- capture.output(lm.sdf( formula = fhwkhrs ~ segrades, data = subset(pfi2016, !pfi2016$path == "H HOMESCHOOLER"), varMethod = "jackknife", weightVar = "fpwt" ))) expect_equal(co, nhes_lm1) withr::with_options(list(digits = 7), co <- capture.output(lm.sdf( formula = carehourx ~ p1educ, data = ecpp2019, varMethod = "jackknife", weightVar = "fewt" ))) expect_equal(co, nhes_lm2) }) context("NHES recode and gap") test_that("NHES recode and gap", { ate2016rc <- recode.sdf(ate2016, list( wkstatus = list( from = "1 WORKING 35 HOURS OR MORE PER WEEK", to = "35 or More Hrs Per Week" ), wkstatus = list( from = c("2 WORKING LESS THAN 35 HOURS PER WEEK", "4 NOT IN THE LABOR FORCE", "3 LOOKING FOR WORK"), to = "35 or Less Hrs Per Week" ) )) withr::with_options(list(digits = 7), co <- capture.output(gap( variable = "xxage", data = ate2016rc, groupA = wkstatus == "35 or More Hrs Per Week", groupB = wkstatus == "35 or Less Hrs Per Week", weightVar = "fawt" ))) expect_equal(co, nhes_gap1) })