skip_on_cran() require(testthat) context("SSOCS data reads in correctly") require(EdSurvey) options(width = 500) options(useFancyQuotes = FALSE) source("REF-12-SSOCS.R") # has REF output in it if (!dir.exists(edsurveyHome)) { dir.create(edsurveyHome) } # able to toggle 'forceReread' for recaching the data if necessary if (!exists("forceCacheUpdate")) { forceCacheUpdate <- FALSE } test_that("SSOCS data reads in correctly", { # expect_silent(downloadSSOCS(root = edsurveyHome, years = c(2000, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2016, 2018), cache = FALSE, verbose = FALSE)) expect_silent(ssocs16 <<- readSSOCS( sasDataFiles = file.path(edsurveyHome, "SSOCS", "2016", "pu_ssocs16.sas7bdat"), years = 2016, verbose = FALSE, forceReread = forceCacheUpdate )) expect_equal(dim(ssocs16), c(2092, 477)) expect_silent(ssocs18 <<- readSSOCS( sasDataFiles = file.path(edsurveyHome, "SSOCS", "2018", "pu_ssocs18.sas7bdat"), years = 2016, verbose = FALSE, forceReread = forceCacheUpdate )) expect_equal(dim(ssocs18), c(2762, 425)) }) context("SSOCS getData") test_that("SSOCS getData", { dat1 <- getData(ssocs16, c("c0014_r", "c0526", "c0528")) expect_equal(dim(dat1), c(2069, 3)) withr::with_options(list(digits = 7), co <- capture.output(summary(dat1))) expect_equal(co, ssocs_ref1) dat2 <- getData(ssocs18, c("c0134", "c0198", "c0534")) expect_equal(dim(dat2), c(2762, 3)) withr::with_options(list(digits = 7), co <- capture.output(summary(dat2))) }) context("SSOCS edsurveyTable") test_that("SSOCS edsurveyTable", { # 2016 tests withr::with_options(list(digits = 7), co <- capture.output(edsurveyTable( formula = vioinc16 ~ c0600, data = ssocs16, varMethod = "jackknife", weightVar = "finalwgt" ))) expect_equal(co, ssocs_refTbl1) withr::with_options(list(digits = 7), co <- capture.output(edsurveyTable( formula = ~ c0610 + c0134, data = ssocs16, varMethod = "jackknife", weightVar = "finalwgt" ))) expect_equal(co, ssocs_refTbl2) # 2018 test withr::with_options(list(digits = 7), co <- capture.output(edsurveyTable( formula = incid18 ~ c0669 + c0560, data = ssocs18, varMethod = "jackknife", weightVar = "finalwgt" ))) expect_equal(co, ssocs_refTbl3) }) context("SSOCS correlation") test_that("SSOCS correlation", { withr::with_options(list(digits = 7), co <- capture.output(cor.sdf( x = "viopol18", y = "vioinc18", data = ssocs18, method = "Pearson", weightVar = "finalwgt" ))) expect_equal(co, ssocs_refCorr1) }) context("SSOCS lm and logit") test_that("SSOCS correlation", { withr::with_options(list(digits = 7), co <- capture.output(lm.sdf( formula = sec_ft16 ~ c0532 + vioinc16, data = ssocs16, weightVar = "finalwgt" ))) expect_equal(co, ssocs_refLM1) withr::with_options(list(digits = 7), l1 <- logit.sdf(I(c0690_r == "Yes") ~ c0532, data = ssocs16, varMethod = "jackknife", weightVar = "finalwgt", dropOmittedLevels = FALSE )) withr::with_options(list(digits = 7), co <- capture.output(l1)) expect_equal(co, ssocs_refLogit1) w1 <- waldTest(model = l1, coefficients = 2) withr::with_options(list(digits = 2), co <- capture.output(w1)) expect_equal(co, ssocs_refWald) })