# set to FALSE to run a comprehensive set of tests # when TRUE, only some essential tests are run to avoid lagging when # submitting to CRAN skip_tests_for_cran <- TRUE # this additionally skips tests for env similarity and difference for the # envSim.map tests skip_simDiff <- FALSE library(dplyr) options(warn=-1) # read in data set.seed(48) occs <- read.csv(file.path(system.file(package="predicts"), "/ex/bradypus.csv"))[,2:3] envs <- terra::rast(list.files(path = paste(system.file(package='predicts'), '/ex', sep=''), pattern='tif$', full.names=TRUE)) bg <- predicts::backgroundSample(envs, n = 1000) |> as.data.frame() names(bg) <- names(occs) # define SWD tables for testing occs.z <- cbind(occs, terra::extract(envs, occs, ID = FALSE)) occs.z$biome <- factor(occs.z$biome) bg.z <- cbind(bg, terra::extract(envs, bg, ID = FALSE)) bg.z$biome <- factor(bg.z$biome) alg <- "maxnet" no.iter <- 5 # define categorical variable cats1 <- "biome" # define tune args tune.args <- list(fc = c("L","Q"), rm = 2:3) mset <- lapply(tune.args, function(x) x[1]) # block partitions context(paste("Testing ENMevaluate for", alg, "with block partitions...")) e <- ENMevaluate(occs, envs, bg, tune.args = tune.args, partitions = "block", algorithm = alg, categoricals = cats1, overlap = TRUE, quiet = TRUE) test_ENMevaluation(e, alg, "block", tune.args, 4, 4) context(paste("Testing evalplot.stats for", alg, "with block partitions...")) test_evalplot.stats(e) context(paste("Testing evalplot.envSim.hist for", alg, "with block partitions...")) test_evalplot.envSim.hist(e, e@occs, e@bg, e@occs.grp, e@bg.grp) context(paste("Testing evalplot.envSim.map for", alg, "with block partitions...")) test_evalplot.envSim.map(e, envs, e@occs, e@bg, e@occs.grp, e@bg.grp) context(paste("Testing ENMnulls for", alg, "with block partitions...")) ns <- ENMnulls(e, mod.settings = mset, no.iter = no.iter, quiet = TRUE) test_ENMnulls(e, ns, no.iter, alg, "block", mset, 4, 4) context(paste("Testing evalplot.nulls for", alg, "with block partitions...")) test_evalplot.nulls(ns) # block partitions with parallel processing if(skip_tests_for_cran == FALSE) { context(paste("Testing ENMevaluate for", alg, "with block partitions using in parallel...")) e <- ENMevaluate(occs, envs, bg, tune.args = tune.args, partitions = "block", algorithm = alg, categoricals = cats1, overlap = TRUE, quiet = TRUE, parallel = TRUE) test_ENMevaluation(e, alg, "block", tune.args, 4, 4) context(paste("Testing evalplot.stats for", alg, "with block partitions using in parallel...")) test_evalplot.stats(e) context(paste("Testing evalplot.envSim.hist for", alg, "with block partitions using in parallel...")) test_evalplot.envSim.hist(e, e@occs, e@bg, e@occs.grp, e@bg.grp) context(paste("Testing evalplot.envSim.map for", alg, "with block partitions using in parallel...")) test_evalplot.envSim.map(e, envs, e@occs, e@bg, e@occs.grp, e@bg.grp) context(paste("Testing ENMnulls for", alg, "with block partitions using in parallel...")) ns <- ENMnulls(e, mod.settings = mset, no.iter = no.iter, quiet = TRUE, parallel = TRUE) test_ENMnulls(e, ns, no.iter, alg, "block", mset, 4, 4) context(paste("Testing evalplot.nulls for", alg, "with block partitions using in parallel...")) test_evalplot.nulls(ns) } # checkerboard1 partitions if(skip_tests_for_cran == FALSE) { context(paste("Testing ENMevaluate for", alg, "with checkerboard1 partitions...")) e <- ENMevaluate(occs, envs, bg, tune.args = tune.args, partitions = "checkerboard", algorithm = alg, categoricals = cats1, overlap = TRUE, quiet = TRUE) test_ENMevaluation(e, alg, "checkerboard", tune.args, 2, 2) context(paste("Testing evalplot.stats for", alg, "with checkerboard1 partitions...")) test_evalplot.stats(e) context(paste("Testing evalplot.envSim.hist for", alg, "with checkerboard1 partitions...")) test_evalplot.envSim.hist(e, e@occs, e@bg, e@occs.grp, e@bg.grp) context(paste("Testing evalplot.envSim.map for", alg, "with checkerboard1 partitions...")) test_evalplot.envSim.map(e, envs, e@occs, e@bg, e@occs.grp, e@bg.grp) context(paste("Testing ENMnulls for", alg, "with checkerboard1 partitions...")) ns <- ENMnulls(e, mod.settings = mset, no.iter = no.iter, quiet = TRUE) test_ENMnulls(e, ns, no.iter, alg, "checkerboard", mset, 2, 2) context(paste("Testing ENMnulls plotting function for", alg, "with checkerboard1 partitions...")) test_evalplot.nulls(ns) } # checkerboard2 partitions if(skip_tests_for_cran == FALSE) { context(paste("Testing ENMevaluate for", alg, "with checkerboard2 partitions...")) e <- ENMevaluate(occs, envs, bg, tune.args = tune.args, partitions = "checkerboard", partition.settings = list(aggregation.factor = c(2,2)), algorithm = alg, categoricals = cats1, overlap = TRUE, quiet = TRUE) test_ENMevaluation(e, alg, "checkerboard", tune.args, 4, 4) context(paste("Testing evalplot.stats for", alg, "with checkerboard2 partitions...")) test_evalplot.stats(e) context(paste("Testing evalplot.envSim.hist for", alg, "with checkerboard2 partitions...")) test_evalplot.envSim.hist(e, e@occs, e@bg, e@occs.grp, e@bg.grp) context(paste("Testing evalplot.envSim.map for", alg, "with checkerboard2 partitions...")) test_evalplot.envSim.map(e, envs, e@occs, e@bg, e@occs.grp, e@bg.grp) context(paste("Testing ENMnulls for", alg, "with checkerboard2 partitions...")) ns <- ENMnulls(e, mod.settings = mset, no.iter = no.iter, quiet = TRUE) test_ENMnulls(e, ns, no.iter, alg, "checkerboard", mset, 4, 4) context(paste("Testing ENMnulls plotting function for", alg, "with checkerboard2 partitions...")) test_evalplot.nulls(ns) } # random k-fold partitions if(skip_tests_for_cran == FALSE) { context(paste("Testing ENMevaluate for", alg, "with random 5-fold partitions...")) e <- ENMevaluate(occs, envs, bg, tune.args = tune.args, partitions = "randomkfold", algorithm = alg, categoricals = cats1, overlap = TRUE, quiet = TRUE) test_ENMevaluation(e, alg, "randomkfold", tune.args, 5, 1) context(paste("Testing evalplot.stats for", alg, "with random 5-fold partitions...")) test_evalplot.stats(e) context(paste("Testing evalplot.envSim.hist for", alg, "with random 5-fold partitions...")) test_evalplot.envSim.hist(e, e@occs, e@bg, e@occs.grp, e@bg.grp, bg.sel = 0) context(paste("Testing evalplot.envSim.map for", alg, "with random 5-fold partitions...")) test_evalplot.envSim.map(e, envs, e@occs, e@bg, e@occs.grp, e@bg.grp, bg.sel = 0) context(paste("Testing ENMnulls for", alg, "with random 5-fold partitions...")) ns <- ENMnulls(e, mod.settings = mset, no.iter = no.iter, quiet = TRUE) test_ENMnulls(e, ns, no.iter, alg, "randomkfold", mset, 5, 1) context(paste("Testing ENMnulls plotting function for", alg, "with random 5-fold partitions...")) test_evalplot.nulls(ns) } # jackknife partitions if(skip_tests_for_cran == FALSE) { context(paste("Testing ENMevaluate for", alg, "with jackknife partitions...")) e <- ENMevaluate(occs[1:10,], envs, bg, tune.args = tune.args, partitions = "jackknife", algorithm = alg, overlap = TRUE, quiet = TRUE) test_ENMevaluation(e, alg, "jackknife", tune.args, nrow(e@occs), 1) context(paste("Testing evalplot.stats for", alg, "with testing partition...")) test_evalplot.stats(e) context(paste("Testing ENMnulls for", alg, "with jackknife partitions...")) ns <- ENMnulls(e, mod.settings = mset, no.iter = no.iter, quiet = TRUE) test_ENMnulls(e, ns, no.iter, alg, "jackknife", mset, nrow(e@occs), 1) context(paste("Testing ENMnulls plotting function for", alg, "with jackknife partitions...")) test_evalplot.nulls(ns) } # testing partition context(paste("Testing ENMevaluate for", alg, "with testing partition...")) e <- ENMevaluate(occs[1:100,], envs, bg, tune.args = tune.args, partitions = "testing", algorithm = alg, categoricals = cats1, occs.testing = occs[101:nrow(occs),], overlap = TRUE, quiet = TRUE) test_ENMevaluation(e, alg, "testing", tune.args, 1, 1) context(paste("Testing evalplot.stats for", alg, "with testing partition...")) test_evalplot.stats(e) context(paste("Testing evalplot.envSim.hist for", alg, "with testing partition...")) test_evalplot.envSim.hist(e, e@occs, e@bg, e@occs.grp, e@bg.grp, bg.sel = 0, occs.testing.z = e@occs.testing) context(paste("Testing evalplot.envSim.map for", alg, "with testing partition...")) test_evalplot.envSim.map(e, envs, e@occs, e@bg, e@occs.grp, e@bg.grp, bg.sel = 0, occs.testing.z = e@occs.testing) context(paste("Testing ENMnulls for", alg, "with testing partitions...")) ns <- ENMnulls(e, mod.settings = mset, no.iter = no.iter, quiet = TRUE) test_ENMnulls(e, ns, no.iter, alg, "testing", mset, 1, 1) context(paste("Testing ENMnulls plotting function for", alg, "with testing partition...")) test_evalplot.nulls(ns) # no partitions if(skip_tests_for_cran == FALSE) { context(paste("Testing ENMevaluate for", alg, "with no partitions...")) e <- ENMevaluate(occs, envs, bg, tune.args = tune.args, partitions = "none", algorithm = alg, categoricals = cats1, overlap = TRUE, quiet = TRUE) test_ENMevaluation(e, alg, "none", tune.args, 1, 1) context(paste("Testing ENMnulls for", alg, "with no partitions...")) ns <- ENMnulls(e, mod.settings = mset, no.iter = no.iter, quiet = TRUE) test_ENMnulls(e, ns, no.iter, alg, "none", mset, 1, 1) context(paste("Testing ENMnulls plotting function for", alg, "with no partitions...")) test_evalplot.nulls(ns) } # user partitions context(paste("Testing ENMevaluate for", alg, "with user partitions...")) user.grp <- list(occs.grp = round(runif(nrow(occs), 1, 4)), bg.grp = round(runif(nrow(bg), 1, 4))) e <- ENMevaluate(occs, envs, bg, tune.args = tune.args, partitions = "user", algorithm = alg, categoricals = cats1, user.grp = user.grp, overlap = TRUE, quiet = TRUE) test_ENMevaluation(e, alg, "user", tune.args, 4, 4) context(paste("Testing evalplot.stats for", alg, "with user partitions...")) test_evalplot.stats(e) context(paste("Testing evalplot.envSim.hist for", alg, "with user partitions...")) test_evalplot.envSim.hist(e, e@occs, e@bg, e@occs.grp, e@bg.grp) context(paste("Testing evalplot.envSim.map for", alg, "with user partitions...")) test_evalplot.envSim.map(e, envs, e@occs, e@bg, e@occs.grp, e@bg.grp) context(paste("Testing ENMnulls for", alg, "with user partitions...")) ns <- ENMnulls(e, mod.settings = mset, no.iter = no.iter, user.eval.type = "kspatial", quiet = TRUE) test_ENMnulls(e, ns, no.iter, alg, "user", mset, 4, 4) context(paste("Testing ENMnulls plotting function for", alg, "with user partitions...")) test_evalplot.nulls(ns) # no envs (SWD) if(skip_tests_for_cran == FALSE) { context(paste("Testing ENMevaluate for", alg, "with random 5-fold partitions and no raster environmental variables...")) e <- ENMevaluate(occs.z, bg = bg.z, tune.args = tune.args, partitions = "randomkfold", algorithm = alg, categoricals = cats1, quiet = TRUE) test_ENMevaluation(e, alg, "randomkfold", tune.args, 5, 1, type = "swd") context(paste("Testing evalplot.stats for", alg, "with random 5-fold partitions and no raster environmental variables...")) test_evalplot.stats(e) context(paste("Testing evalplot.envSim.hist for", alg, "with random 5-fold partitions and no raster environmental variables...")) test_evalplot.envSim.hist(e, e@occs, e@bg, e@occs.grp, e@bg.grp, bg.sel = 0) context(paste("Testing evalplot.envSim.map for", alg, "with random 5-fold partitions and no raster environmental variables...")) test_evalplot.envSim.map(e, envs, e@occs, e@bg, e@occs.grp, e@bg.grp, bg.sel = 0) context(paste("Testing ENMnulls for", alg, "with random 5-fold partitions and no raster environmental variables...")) ns <- ENMnulls(e, mod.settings = mset, no.iter = no.iter, quiet = TRUE) test_ENMnulls(e, ns, no.iter, alg, "randomkfold", mset, 5, 1) context(paste("Testing ENMnulls plotting function for", alg, "with random 5-fold partitions and no raster environmental variables...")) test_evalplot.nulls(ns) } # no bg if(skip_tests_for_cran == FALSE) { context(paste("Testing ENMevaluate for", alg, "with random 5-fold partitions and no input background data...")) e <- ENMevaluate(occs, envs, tune.args = tune.args, partitions = "randomkfold", algorithm = alg, n.bg = 1000, categoricals = cats1, overlap = TRUE, quiet = TRUE) test_ENMevaluation(e, alg, "randomkfold", tune.args, 5, 1) context(paste("Testing evalplot.stats for", alg, "with random 5-fold partitions and no input background data...")) test_evalplot.stats(e) context(paste("Testing evalplot.envSim.hist for", alg, "with random 5-fold partitions and no input background data...")) test_evalplot.envSim.hist(e, e@occs, e@bg, e@occs.grp, e@bg.grp, bg.sel = 0) context(paste("Testing evalplot.envSim.map for", alg, "with random 5-fold partitions and no input background data...")) test_evalplot.envSim.map(e, envs, e@occs, e@bg, e@occs.grp, e@bg.grp, bg.sel = 0) context(paste("Testing ENMnulls for", alg, "with random 5-fold partitions and no input background data...")) ns <- ENMnulls(e, mod.settings = mset, no.iter = no.iter, quiet = TRUE) test_ENMnulls(e, ns, no.iter, alg, "randomkfold", mset, 5, 1) context(paste("Testing ENMnulls plotting function for", alg, "with random 5-fold partitions and no input background data...")) test_evalplot.nulls(ns) } # more than one categorical variable if(skip_tests_for_cran == FALSE) { envs.2cat <- c(envs, envs$biome) names(envs.2cat)[10:11] <- c("biome.1", "biome.2") occs.z.2cat <- cbind(occs, terra::extract(envs.2cat, occs, ID = FALSE)) occs.z.2cat$biome.1 <- factor(occs.z.2cat$biome.1) occs.z.2cat$biome.2 <- factor(occs.z.2cat$biome.2) bg.z.2cat <- cbind(bg, terra::extract(envs.2cat, bg, ID = FALSE)) bg.z.2cat$biome.1 <- factor(bg.z.2cat$biome.1) bg.z.2cat$biome.2 <- factor(bg.z.2cat$biome.2) context(paste("Testing ENMevaluate for", alg, "with random 5-fold partitions and two categorical variables...")) e.2cat <- ENMevaluate(occs, envs.2cat, bg, tune.args = tune.args, partitions = "randomkfold", algorithm = alg, n.bg = 1000, categoricals = c("biome.1", "biome.2"), overlap = TRUE, quiet = TRUE) test_ENMevaluation(e.2cat, alg, "randomkfold", tune.args, 5, 1) context(paste("Testing ENMevaluate for", alg, "with random 5-fold partitions and two categorical variables and no env data...")) e.2cat.z <- ENMevaluate(occs.z.2cat, bg = bg.z.2cat, tune.args = tune.args, partitions = "randomkfold", algorithm = alg, n.bg = 1000, categoricals = c("biome.1", "biome.2"), overlap = TRUE, quiet = TRUE) test_ENMevaluation(e.2cat.z, alg, "randomkfold", tune.args, 5, 1, type = "swd") context(paste("Testing evalplot.stats for", alg, "with random 5-fold partitions and two categorical variables...")) test_evalplot.stats(e.2cat) context(paste("Testing evalplot.envSim.hist for", alg, "with random 5-fold partitions and two categorical variables...")) test_evalplot.envSim.hist(e.2cat, e.2cat@occs, e.2cat@bg, e.2cat@occs.grp, e.2cat@bg.grp, bg.sel = 0) context(paste("Testing evalplot.envSim.map for", alg, "with random 5-fold partitions and two categorical variables...")) test_evalplot.envSim.map(e.2cat, envs.2cat, e.2cat@occs, e.2cat@bg, e.2cat@occs.grp, e.2cat@bg.grp, bg.sel = 0) context(paste("Testing ENMnulls for", alg, "with random 5-fold partitions and two categorical variables...")) ns <- ENMnulls(e.2cat, mod.settings = mset, no.iter = no.iter, quiet = TRUE) test_ENMnulls(e.2cat, ns, no.iter, alg, "randomkfold", mset, 5, 1) context(paste("Testing ENMnulls plotting function for", alg, "with random 5-fold partitions and two categorical variables...")) test_evalplot.nulls(ns) } # clamping context(paste("Testing clamping function for", alg, "with...")) test_clamp(envs, e@occs, e@bg, categoricals = cats1) context(paste("Testing clamping function for", alg, "with two categorical variables...")) if(skip_tests_for_cran == FALSE & alg != "bioclim") test_clamp(envs.2cat, e.2cat@occs, e.2cat@bg, categoricals = c("biome.1", "biome.2"))