set.seed(9132592) X4 <- array( data = rbinom(n = 50 * 1000, size = 1, prob = runif(n = 50 * 1000, 0, 1)), dim = c(1000, 50) ) ) Y4 <- rnorm( n = 1000, mean = 1 + 7 * (X4$V4 * X4$V17 * X4$V30 * X4$V10) + 7 * (((X4$V50 * X4$V19 * X4$V13 * X4$V11) > 0)) + 9 * (X4$V37 * X4$V20 * X4$V12) + 7 * (X4$V1 * X4$V27 * X4$V3) + 3.5 * (X4$V9 * X4$V2) + 6.6 * (X4$V21 * X4$V18) + 1.5 * X4$V7 + 1.5 * X4$V8, sd = 1 ) X4$Y4 <- Y4 data.example <- # specify the initial formula formula1 <- as.formula( paste(colnames(X4)[51], "~ 1 +", paste0(colnames(X4)[-c(51)], collapse = "+")) ) # specify tuning parameters of the algorithm for exploring DBRM of interest # notice that allow_offsprings=3 corresponds to the GMJMCMC runs and # allow_offsprings=4 -to the RGMJMCMC runs res <- runemjmcmc( formula = formula1, outgraphs = FALSE, data = X4, estimator = estimate.gamma.cpen, estimator.args = list(data = data.example), recalc_margin = 249, save.beta = FALSE, interact = TRUE, relations = c("cos", "sigmoid", "tanh", "atan", "sin", "erf"), relations.prob = c(0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1), interact.param = list( allow_offsprings = 4, mutation_rate = 250, last.mutation = 1500, max.tree.size = 4, Nvars.max = 40, p.allow.replace = 0.7, p.allow.tree = 0.2, p.nor = 0, p.and = 0.9 ), n.models = 2000, unique = TRUE, max.cpu = 4, max.cpu.glob = 4, create.table = FALSE, create.hash = TRUE, pseudo.paral = TRUE, = 50, print.freq = 1000, advanced.param = list( max.N.glob = as.integer(10), min.N.glob = as.integer(5), max.N = as.integer(3), min.N = as.integer(1), printable = FALSE ) ) test_that("runemjmcmc output matches version 1.4.3", { expect_named(res, c("", "", "s.mass")) expect_length(res$, 50) expect_length(res$, 2455) expect_length(res$s.mass, 1) expect_equal(mean(res$, 0.000407332, tolerance = 1e-4) expect_equal(res$s.mass, 0) })