X <- read.csv(system.file("extdata", "exa1.csv", package="EMJMCMC")) data.example <- as.data.frame(X) # specify the initial formula formula1 <- as.formula( paste(colnames(X)[5], "~ 1 +", paste0(colnames(X)[-5], collapse = "+")) ) M <- 2 # define the number or cpus NM <- 100 # define the size of the simulated samples compmax <- 16 # define \k_{max} + 1 from the paper th <- (10)^(-5) # define treshold for preinclusion of the tree into the analysis thf <- 0.05 # final treshold on the posterior marginal prob for reporting a tree # specify tuning parameters of the algorithm for exploring DBRM of interest # notice that allow_offsprings=3 corresponds to the GMJMCMC runs and # allow_offsprings=4 -to the RGMJMCMC runs set.seed(923938) res1 <- suppressMessages( pinferunemjmcmc( n.cores = M, report.level = 0.5, num.mod.best = NM, simplify = TRUE, runemjmcmc.params = list( formula = formula1, data = data.example, estimator = estimate.gamma.cpen_2, estimator.args = list(data = data.example), recalc_margin = 249, save.beta = FALSE, interact = TRUE, outgraphs = FALSE, relations = c("to23", "expi", "logi2", "to35", "sini", "troot", "sigmoid"), relations.prob = c(0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1), interact.param = list( allow_offsprings = 3, mutation_rate = 250, last.mutation = 10000, max.tree.size = 5, Nvars.max = 15, p.allow.replace = 0.9, p.allow.tree = 0.01, p.nor = 0.9, p.and = 0.9 ), n.models = 1000, unique = TRUE, max.cpu = 4, max.cpu.glob = 4, create.table = FALSE, create.hash = TRUE, pseudo.paral = TRUE, burn.in = 10, print.freq = 0L, advanced.param = list( max.N.glob = 10L, min.N.glob = 5L, max.N = 3L, min.N = 1L, printable = FALSE ) ) ) ) test_that("pinferunemjmcmc output matches version 1.4.3", { expect_named( res1, c("feat.stat", "predictions", "allposteriors", "threads.stats") ) expect_length(res1, 4) expect_equal(ncol(res1$feat.stat), 2L) expect_true(all(res1$threads.stats[[1]]$p.post >= 0)) if (Sys.info()[["sysname"]] == "Linux") { # Because p.post == 1 on Win and Mac and the test fails, even though it's <= expect_true(all(res1$threads.stats[[1]]$p.post <= 1)) } })