# When working with lM it is useful to design an "average and difference" # contrast matrix, which for binary responses has a simple canonical from: ADmat <- matrix(c(-1/2,1/2),ncol=1,dimnames=list(NULL,"d")) # We also define a match function for lM matchfun=function(d)d$S==d$lR dat <- forstmann[forstmann$subjects %in% unique(forstmann$subjects)[1:2],] dat$subjects <- droplevels(dat$subjects) # First race models design_LNR <- design(data = dat,model=LNR,matchfun=matchfun, formula=list(m~lM + E,s~1,t0~1), contrasts=list(m=list(lM=ADmat))) p_LNR <- c(m=-1,m_lMd=2, m_Eneutral = .1, m_Eaccuracy = .1, s = .5, t0=log(.2)) design_LBA <- design(data = dat,model=LBA,matchfun=matchfun, formula=list(v~lM,sv~lM,B~E+lR,A~1,t0~1), contrasts=list(v=list(lM=ADmat)),constants=c(sv=log(1))) p_LBA <- c(v=.5,v_lMd=1, sv_lMTRUE = log(.5), B = log(2), B_Eneutral = .5, B_Eaccuracy = .3, B_lRright = 0, A = log(.4), t0=log(.2)) design_RDM <- design(data = dat,model=RDM,matchfun=matchfun, formula=list(v~lM,s~lM,B~E+lR,A~1,t0~1), contrasts=list(v=list(lM=ADmat)),constants=c(s=log(1))) p_RDM <- c(v=.5,v_lMd=1, s_lMTRUE = log(.5), B = log(2), B_Eneutral = .5, B_Eaccuracy = .3, B_lRright = 0, A = log(.4), t0=log(.2)) # Also DDM design_DDM <- design(data = dat,model=DDM, formula =list(v~0+S,a~E, t0~1, s~1, Z~1, sv~1, SZ~1), constants=c(s=log(1))) p_DDM <- c(v_Sleft = -2, v_Sright = 2, a = log(2), a_Eneutral = .3, a_Eaccuracy = .3, t0 = log(.2), Z = qnorm(.5), sv = 1, SZ = qnorm(.3)) LNR_s <- make_emc(dat, design_LNR, compress = F, n_chains = 1) LBA_s <- make_emc(dat, design_LBA, compress = F, n_chains = 1) RDM_s <- make_emc(dat, design_RDM, compress = F, n_chains = 1) DDM_s <- make_emc(dat, design_DDM, compress = F, n_chains = 1) test_that("LNR", { RNGkind("L'Ecuyer-CMRG") set.seed(123) expect_snapshot(init_chains(LNR_s, particles = 10, cores_per_chain = 1)[[1]]$samples) expect_snapshot(make_data(p_LNR, design_LNR, n_trials = 10)) }) test_that("LBA", { RNGkind("L'Ecuyer-CMRG") set.seed(123) expect_snapshot(init_chains(LBA_s, particles = 10, cores_per_chain = 1)[[1]]$samples) expect_snapshot(make_data(p_LBA, design_LBA, n_trials = 10)) }) test_that("RDM", { RNGkind("L'Ecuyer-CMRG") set.seed(123) expect_snapshot(init_chains(RDM_s, particles = 10, cores_per_chain = 1)[[1]]$samples) expect_snapshot(make_data(p_RDM, design_RDM, n_trials = 10)) }) test_that("DDM", { RNGkind("L'Ecuyer-CMRG") set.seed(123) expect_snapshot(init_chains(DDM_s, particles = 10, cores_per_chain = 1)[[1]]$samples) expect_snapshot(make_data(p_DDM, design_DDM, n_trials = 10)) })