unrot <- EFA(test_models$baseline$cormat, 3, N = 500) prom <- .PROMAX(unrot, type = "EFAtools") prom_psych <- .PROMAX(unrot, type = "psych") prom_spss <- .PROMAX(unrot, type = "SPSS") unrot_1 <- EFA(test_models$baseline$cormat, 1, N = 500) prom_1 <- suppressWarnings(.PROMAX(unrot_1, type = "EFAtools")) test_that("output class and dimensions are correct", { expect_is(prom, "list") expect_is(prom_1, "list") expect_named(prom, c("rot_loadings", "Phi", "Structure", "rotmat", "vars_accounted_rot", "settings")) expect_named(prom_1, c("rot_loadings", "Phi", "Structure", "rotmat", "vars_accounted_rot", "settings")) expect_is(prom$rot_loadings, "LOADINGS") expect_is(prom$Phi, "matrix") expect_is(prom$Structure, "matrix") expect_is(prom$rotmat, "matrix") expect_is(prom$vars_accounted_rot, "matrix") expect_is(prom$settings, "list") expect_is(prom_1$rot_loadings, "LOADINGS") expect_equal(prom_1$Phi, NA) expect_equal(prom_1$Structure, NA) expect_equal(prom_1$rotmat, NA) expect_equal(prom_1$vars_accounted_rot, NA) expect_is(prom_1$settings, "list") }) test_that("settings are returned correctly", { expect_named(prom$settings, c("normalize", "P_type", "precision", "order_type", "varimax_type", "k")) expect_named(prom_psych$settings, c("normalize", "P_type", "precision", "order_type", "varimax_type", "k")) expect_named(prom_spss$settings, c("normalize", "P_type", "precision", "order_type", "varimax_type", "k")) expect_named(prom_1$settings, c("normalize", "P_type", "precision", "order_type", "varimax_type", "k")) expect_equal(prom$settings$normalize, TRUE) expect_equal(prom_psych$settings$normalize, TRUE) expect_equal(prom_spss$settings$normalize, TRUE) expect_equal(prom_1$settings$normalize, TRUE) expect_equal(prom$settings$P_type, "norm") expect_equal(prom_psych$settings$P_type, "unnorm") expect_equal(prom_spss$settings$P_type, "norm") expect_equal(prom_1$settings$P_type, "norm") expect_equal(prom$settings$precision, 1e-05) expect_equal(prom_psych$settings$precision, 1e-05) expect_equal(prom_spss$settings$precision, 1e-05) expect_equal(prom_1$settings$precision, 1e-05) expect_equal(prom$settings$order_type, "eigen") expect_equal(prom_psych$settings$order_type, "eigen") expect_equal(prom_spss$settings$order_type, "ss_factors") expect_equal(prom_1$settings$order_type, "eigen") expect_equal(prom$settings$varimax_type, "kaiser") expect_equal(prom_psych$settings$varimax_type, "svd") expect_equal(prom_spss$settings$varimax_type, "kaiser") expect_equal(prom_1$settings$varimax_type, "kaiser") expect_equal(prom$settings$k, 4) expect_equal(prom_psych$settings$k, 4) expect_equal(prom_spss$settings$k, 4) expect_equal(prom_1$settings$k, 4) }) test_that("errors etc. are thrown correctly", { expect_error(.PROMAX(unrot, type = "none"), ' One of "P_type", "order_type", "varimax_type", or "k" was NA and no valid "type" was specified. Either use one of "EFAtools", "psych", or "SPSS" for type, or specify all other arguments\n') expect_warning(.PROMAX(unrot, type = "EFAtools", normalize = FALSE), " Type and normalize is specified. normalize is used with value ' FALSE '. Results may differ from the specified type\n") expect_warning(.PROMAX(unrot, type = "EFAtools", P_type = "norm"), " Type and P_type is specified. P_type is used with value ' norm '. Results may differ from the specified type\n") expect_warning(.PROMAX(unrot, type = "EFAtools", order_type = "ss_factors"), " Type and order_type is specified. order_type is used with value ' ss_factors '. Results may differ from the specified type\n") expect_warning(.PROMAX(unrot, type = "EFAtools", k = 2), " Type and k is specified. k is used with value ' 2 '. Results may differ from the specified type\n") expect_warning(.PROMAX(unrot, type = "psych", normalize = FALSE), " Type and normalize is specified. normalize is used with value ' FALSE '. Results may differ from the specified type.\n") expect_warning(.PROMAX(unrot, type = "psych", P_type = "norm"), " Type and P_type is specified. P_type is used with value ' norm '. Results may differ from the specified type\n") expect_warning(.PROMAX(unrot, type = "psych", order_type = "ss_factors"), " Type and order_type is specified. order_type is used with value ' ss_factors '. Results may differ from the specified type\n") expect_warning(.PROMAX(unrot, type = "psych", k = 2), " Type and k is specified. k is used with value ' 2 '. Results may differ from the specified type\n") expect_warning(.PROMAX(unrot, type = "SPSS", normalize = FALSE), " Type and normalize is specified. normalize is used with value ' FALSE '. Results may differ from the specified type.\n") expect_warning(.PROMAX(unrot, type = "SPSS", P_type = "unnorm"), " Type and P_type is specified. P_type is used with value ' unnorm '. Results may differ from the specified type\n") expect_warning(.PROMAX(unrot, type = "SPSS", order_type = "eigen"), " Type and order_type is specified. order_type is used with value ' eigen '. Results may differ from the specified type\n") expect_warning(.PROMAX(unrot, type = "SPSS", k = 2), " Type and k is specified. k is used with value ' 2 '. Results may differ from the specified type\n") expect_warning(.PROMAX(unrot, type = "SPSS", varimax_type = "svd"), " Type and varimax_type is specified. varimax_type is used with value ' svd '. Results may differ from the specified type\n") expect_warning(.PROMAX(unrot_1, type = "EFAtools"), " Cannot rotate single factor. Unrotated loadings returned.\n") }) rm(unrot, prom, unrot_1, prom_1, prom_psych, prom_spss)