# library(rstudioapi) # script_path <- getActiveDocumentContext()$path # print(script_path) # working_directory <- dirname(dirname(script_path)) # setwd(working_directory) # library(devtools) # clean_dll() ## hidden files and directories ## code in Makevars.win for Windows # PKG_CXXFLAGS = $(SHLIB_OPENMP_CXXFLAGS) $(RCPP_CPPFLAGS) $(RCPPARMADILLO_CPPFLAGS) # PKG_LIBS = $(SHLIB_OPENMP_CXXFLAGS) $(RCPP_LIBS) $(RCPPARMADILLO_LIBS) -L$(R_HOME)/bin/x64 -lRblas -lRlapack ## code in Makevars for MacOS # PKG_CXXFLAGS = $(SHLIB_OPENMP_CXXFLAGS) $(RCPP_CPPFLAGS) $(RCPPARMADILLO_CPPFLAGS) # PKG_LIBS = $(SHLIB_OPENMP_CXXFLAGS) $(RCPP_LIBS) $(RCPPARMADILLO_LIBS) -L/usr/lib -llapack -lblas ## Roxygen2 # devtools::document() ## build .Rd file # pkgdown::build_site() ## buile website manual # # devtools::build() ## build .tar.gz file # devtools::check(manual = TRUE) # devtools::spell_check() # devtools::check_rhub() # devtools::check_win_devel() # library(checkhelper) # check_clean_userspace() # library(EFAfactors) # devtools::release() # pack <- available.packages() # which(rownames(pack) == "EFAfactors") # library(cranlogs) # downloads <- cran_downloads(packages = "EFAfactors", from = "2024-01-01", to = "2024-11-19") # print(downloads) # sum(downloads$count)