makeData <- function(N = 40) { set.seed(1) data <- data.frame(Measurement = c(rnorm(N, mean = 100, sd = 25), rnorm(N, mean = 120, sd = 25), rnorm(N, mean = 100, sd = 50), rnorm(N, mean = 80, sd = 50), rnorm(N, mean = 100, sd = 12), rnorm(N, mean = 140, sd = 10)), Group = c(rep("ZControl1", N), rep("Control2", N), rep("Group1", N), rep("Group2", N), rep("Group3", N), rep("Group4", N)), Gender = rep(c(rep('Male', N/2), rep('Female', N/2)), 6), ID = rep(1:N, 6) ) # Shuffle data[sample(nrow(data)), ] } dataGroups <- function(data, nGroups) { groups <- unique(data$Group) groups <- head(groups, nGroups) groups <- groups[order(sub("[^0-9]*", "", groups))] groups <- groups[order(!grepl("Control", groups))] groups } test_that("Brackets", { d <- DurgaDiff(petunia, 1, 2) # Don't draw frame because brackets will appear in the upper margin ps <- DurgaPlot(d, ef.size = FALSE, frame.plot = FALSE) expect_error(DurgaBrackets(ps, lb.cex = 0.8, = 2), NA) }) test_that("many bars", { data <- makeData() groups <- dataGroups(data, 5) d <- DurgaDiff(data, "Measurement", "Group", groups = groups, ci.conf = 0.99) diffs <- Filter(function(pwes) (pwes$bca[4] > 0 || pwes$bca[5] < 0), d$group.differences) col <- sapply(diffs, function(diff) ifelse(diff$t0 < 0, "#f06040", "#7090f0")) op <- par(mfrow = c(2, 2), mar = c(3, 4, 5, 0) + 0.1) on.exit(par(op)) ps <- DurgaPlot(d, box = T, box.outline = F, points = T, ylim = c(-20, 340), frame.plot = F, ef.size = F, main = "Differences, 2") expect_error(DurgaBrackets(ps, diffs, labels = "diff"), NA) ps <- DurgaPlot(d, contrasts = diffs, box = T, box.outline = F, points = T, ylim = c(-20, 340), frame.plot = F, ef.size = F, main = "CI, no") expect_error(DurgaBrackets(ps, diffs, labels = "CI", lb.cex = 0.6, lb.font = 1, = 0, br.lwd = 2, br.col = col), NA) # Just show the long brackets d <- DurgaDiff(data, "Measurement", "Group", groups = groups, effect.type = "cohens d") diffs <- Filter(function(pwes) (pwes$bca[4] > 0 || pwes$bca[5] < 0), d$group.differences) col <- sapply(diffs, function(diff) ifelse(diff$t0 < 0, "#f06040", "#7090f0")) diffs <- Filter(function(pwes) (abs(diff(pwes$groupIndices)) > 2), d$group.differences) col <- sapply(diffs, function(diff) ifelse(diff$t0 < 0, "#f06040", "#7090f0")) ps <- DurgaPlot(d, box = T, box.outline = F, points = T, ylim = c(-20, 270), frame.plot = F, ef.size = F, main = "CI-long, big red labels") expect_error(DurgaBrackets(ps, diffs, labels = "level CI", br.lwd = 2, br.col = col, lb.col = "red"), NA) ps <- DurgaPlot(d, box = T, box.outline = F, points = T, ylim = c(-20, 270), frame.plot = F, ef.size = F, main = "CI-diff, bold labels") expect_error(DurgaBrackets(ps, diffs, labels = "diff CI", lb.cex = 0.8, lb.font = 2, br.lwd = 2, br.col = col), NA) }) test_that("labels", { data <- makeData() groups <- dataGroups(data, 100) d <- DurgaDiff(data, "Measurement", "Group", groups = groups) op <- par(mar = c(3, 4, 1, 1) + 0.1) on.exit(par(op)) p <- DurgaPlot(d, ef.size = FALSE, ylim = c(-10, 290)) labels <- sapply(d$group.differences, function(d) sprintf("%s - %s", d$groups[1], d$groups[2])) DurgaBrackets(p, labels = labels, lb.cex = 0.6, text.pad = 1, = 0.5, tip.length = 1, = 4, br.col = "blue", lb.col = "purple") expect_equal(1, 1) }) test_that("one group", { n <- 40 df <- data.frame(val = rnorm(n, 10), group = rep("G1", each = n)) d <- DurgaDiff(df, data.col = 1, group.col = 2) p <- expect_error(DurgaPlot(d, main = "1 group in data - no bracket"), NA) expect_error(DurgaBrackets(p), NA) }) test_that("contrasts", { d <- DurgaDiff(damselfly, 1, 3) p <- expect_error(DurgaPlot(d, main = "Bracket sign consistent", ef.size = FALSE, ylim = c(29.5, 36.5)), NA) DurgaBrackets(p) DurgaBrackets(p, contrasts = "adult - juvenile", = 10) DurgaBrackets(p, contrasts = "juvenile - adult", = 17) }) test_that("round.fn", { d <- DurgaDiff(damselfly, 1, 3) p <- DurgaPlot(d, main = "Rounding of numbers", ef.size = FALSE, ylim = c(29.5, 36.5)) DurgaBrackets(p) expect_error(DurgaBrackets(p, = 10, round.fn = round), NA) }) test_that("default symbology", { op <- par(mfrow = c(2, 1)) on.exit(par(op)) set.seed(1) contrasts <- c("self_fertilised - inter_cross, inter_cross- westerham_cross, self_fertilised - westerham_cross") d <- DurgaDiff(petunia, 1, 2, contrasts = contrasts) p <- DurgaPlot(d, main = "Default symbology", ef.size = FALSE, bty = "n", ylim = extendrange(petunia$height, f = c(0, 0.5))) expect_error(DurgaBrackets(p), NA) set.seed(1) contrasts <- c("inter_cross - self_fertilised, westerham_cross - inter_cross, westerham_cross - self_fertilised") d <- DurgaDiff(petunia, 1, 2, contrasts = contrasts) p <- DurgaPlot(d, main = "Default symbology", ef.size = FALSE, bty = "n", ylim = extendrange(petunia$height, f = c(0, 0.5))) expect_error(DurgaBrackets(p), NA) }) test_that("bracket overlap", { n <- 10 ng <- 7 set.seed(1) data <- data.frame(val = c(replicate(ng, rnorm(n, runif(1)))), group = rep(1:ng, each = n)) d <- DurgaDiff(data, "val", "group") p <- DurgaPlot(d, main = "No overlapping brackets", ef.size = FALSE, bty = "n", ylim = extendrange(data$val, f = c(0, 1))) expect_error(DurgaBrackets(p, contrasts = "*", labels = "diff", lb.cex = 0.6, tip.length = 1, = 0.6), NA) })