test_that("test flags", { skip_on_cran() cdm <- mockDrugUtilisation() x <- tidyr::expand_grid( duration = c(TRUE, FALSE), quantity = c(TRUE, FALSE), dose = c(TRUE, FALSE) ) columnsDuration <- c("duration", "impute_duration_percentage") columnsQuantity <- c("cumulative_quantity", "initial_quantity") columnsDose <- c( "impute_daily_dose_percentage", "initial_daily_dose_milligram", "cumulative_dose_milligram" ) for (k in seq_len(nrow(x))) { xx <- cdm$cohort1 %>% addDrugUse( ingredientConceptId = 1539403, duration = x$duration[k], quantity = x$quantity[k], dose = x$dose[k] ) %>% expect_no_error() expect_true(all(c("number_exposures", "number_eras") %in% colnames(xx))) if (x$duration[k]) { expect_true(all(columnsDuration %in% colnames(xx))) } else { expect_false(any(columnsDuration %in% colnames(xx))) } if (x$quantity[k]) { expect_true(all(columnsQuantity %in% colnames(xx))) } else { expect_false(any(columnsQuantity %in% colnames(xx))) } if (x$dose[k]) { expect_true(all(columnsDose %in% colnames(xx))) } else { expect_false(any(columnsDose %in% colnames(xx))) } } }) test_that("test overlapMode", { skip_on_cran() cdm <- mockDrugUtilisation( connectionDetails, drug_exposure = dplyr::tibble( drug_exposure_id = 1:9, person_id = c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2), drug_concept_id = c(2, 3, 4, 4, 3, 2, 2, 3, 5), drug_exposure_start_date = as.Date(c( "2000-01-01", "2000-01-10", "2000-02-20", "2001-01-01", "2001-02-10", "2000-01-10", "2000-01-15", "2000-02-15", "2000-01-15" )), drug_exposure_end_date = as.Date(c( "2000-02-10", "2000-03-01", "2000-02-20", "2001-01-15", "2001-03-01", "2000-01-25", "2000-02-05", "2000-02-15", "2000-02-05" )), quantity = c(41, 52, 1, 15, 20, 16, 22, 1, 22), drug_type_concept_id = 0 ), concept = dplyr::tibble( concept_id = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8576), concept_name = c("ingredient1", "drug2", "drug3", "drug4", "drug5", "milligram"), domain_id = c(rep("Drug", 5), "Unit"), vocabulary_id = c(rep("RxNorm", 5), "Unit"), standard_concept = "S", concept_class_id = c("Ingredient", rep("Drug", 4), "Unit"), concept_code = 0, valid_start_date = as.Date("1900-01-01"), valid_end_date = as.Date("2100-01-01") ), concept_ancestor = dplyr::tibble( ancestor_concept_id = 1, descendant_concept_id = 2:5, min_levels_of_separation = 1, max_levels_of_separation = 1 ), drug_strength = dplyr::tibble( drug_concept_id = c(2, 3, 4, 5), ingredient_concept_id = c(1, 1, 1, 1), amount_value = c(10, 20, 30, 40), amount = c("numeric", "numeric", "numeric", "numeric"), amount_unit_concept_id = c(8576, 8576, 8576, 8576), numerator_value = as.numeric(NA), numerator = as.character(NA), numerator_unit_concept_id = as.numeric(NA), denominator_value = as.numeric(NA), denominator = as.character(NA), denominator_unit_concept_id = as.numeric(NA), valid_start_date = as.Date("1900-01-01"), valid_end_date = as.Date("2100-01-01") ), cohort1 = dplyr::tibble( cohort_definition_id = 1, subject_id = c(1, 1, 2), cohort_start_date = as.Date(c("2000-01-01", "2001-01-01", "2000-01-01")), cohort_end_date = as.Date(c("2000-03-01", "2001-03-01", "2000-03-01")) ), observation_period = dplyr::tibble( observation_period_id = 1, person_id = 1:2, observation_period_start_date = as.Date("1900-01-01"), observation_period_end_date = as.Date("2100-01-01"), period_type_concept_id = 0 ), concept_relationship = dplyr::tibble( concept_id_1 = c(c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)), concept_id_2 = c(19016586, 46275062, 35894935, 19135843, 19082107), relationship_id = c(rep("RxNorm has dose form", 5)), valid_start_date = as.Date("1900-01-01"), valid_end_date = as.Date("2100-01-01") ) ) variables <- c( "number_exposures", "number_eras", "initial_daily_dose_milligram", "duration", "cumulative_dose_milligram", "initial_quantity", "cumulative_quantity" ) # check no error without cdm object specified expect_no_error(x <- addDrugUse( cohort = cdm[["cohort1"]], ingredientConceptId = 1, gapEra = 30, eraJoinMode = "Previous", overlapMode = "Sum", sameIndexMode = "Sum", imputeDuration = "none", imputeDailyDose = "none", durationRange = c(1, Inf), dailyDoseRange = c(0, Inf) )) # prev x <- addDrugUse( cohort = cdm[["cohort1"]], ingredientConceptId = 1, gapEra = 30, eraJoinMode = "Previous", overlapMode = "Previous", sameIndexMode = "Sum", imputeDuration = "none", imputeDailyDose = "none", durationRange = c(1, Inf), dailyDoseRange = c(0, Inf) ) c("cdm_reference", "cohort_attrition", "cohort_set") %in% names(attributes(x)) %>% all() %>% expect_true() expect_true(all(variables %in% colnames(x))) value_cohort_1 <- c(3, 1, 10, 61, 810, 41, 94) xx <- x %>% dplyr::collect() %>% dplyr::filter( subject_id == 1 & cohort_start_date == as.Date("2000-01-01") ) for (k in 1:length(value_cohort_1)) { expect_true(xx[[variables[k]]] == value_cohort_1[k]) } # sub suppressWarnings(x <- addDrugUse( cohort = cdm[["cohort1"]], ingredientConceptId = 1, gapEra = 30, eraJoinMode = "Previous", overlapMode = "Subsequent", sameIndexMode = "Sum", imputeDuration = "none", imputeDailyDose = "none", durationRange = c(1, Inf), dailyDoseRange = c(0, Inf) )) value_cohort_1 <- c(3, 1, 10, 61, 1140, 41, 94) xx <- x %>% dplyr::collect() %>% dplyr::filter( subject_id == 1 & cohort_start_date == as.Date("2000-01-01") ) for (k in 1:length(value_cohort_1)) { expect_true(xx[[variables[k]]] == value_cohort_1[k]) } # min suppressWarnings(x <- addDrugUse( cohort = cdm[["cohort1"]], ingredientConceptId = 1, gapEra = 30, eraJoinMode = "Previous", overlapMode = "Minimum", sameIndexMode = "Sum", imputeDuration = "none", imputeDailyDose = "none", durationRange = c(1, Inf), dailyDoseRange = c(0, Inf) )) value_cohort_1 <- c(3, 1, 10, 61, 810, 41, 94) xx <- x %>% dplyr::collect() %>% dplyr::filter( subject_id == 1 & cohort_start_date == as.Date("2000-01-01") ) for (k in 1:length(value_cohort_1)) { expect_true(xx[[variables[k]]] == value_cohort_1[k]) } # max suppressWarnings(x <- addDrugUse( cohort = cdm[["cohort1"]], ingredientConceptId = 1, gapEra = 30, eraJoinMode = "Previous", overlapMode = "Maximum", sameIndexMode = "Sum", imputeDuration = "none", imputeDailyDose = "none", durationRange = c(1, Inf), dailyDoseRange = c(0, Inf) )) value_cohort_1 <- c(3, 1, 10, 61, 1140, 41, 94) xx <- x %>% dplyr::collect() %>% dplyr::filter( subject_id == 1 & cohort_start_date == as.Date("2000-01-01") ) for (k in 1:length(value_cohort_1)) { expect_true(xx[[variables[k]]] == value_cohort_1[k]) } # sum suppressWarnings(x <- addDrugUse( cohort = cdm[["cohort1"]], ingredientConceptId = 1, gapEra = 30, eraJoinMode = "Previous", overlapMode = "Sum", sameIndexMode = "Sum", imputeDuration = "none", imputeDailyDose = "none", durationRange = c(1, Inf), dailyDoseRange = c(0, Inf) )) value_cohort_1 <- c(3, 1, 10, 61, 1480, 41, 94) xx <- x %>% dplyr::collect() %>% dplyr::filter( subject_id == 1 & cohort_start_date == as.Date("2000-01-01") ) for (k in 1:length(value_cohort_1)) { expect_true(xx[[variables[k]]] == value_cohort_1[k]) } }) test_that("test gapEra and eraJoinMode", { skip_on_cran() cdm <- mockDrugUtilisation( connectionDetails, drug_exposure = dplyr::tibble( drug_exposure_id = 1:9, person_id = c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2), drug_concept_id = c(2, 3, 4, 4, 3, 4, 2, 3, 5), drug_exposure_start_date = as.Date(c( "2000-01-01", "2000-01-10", "2000-02-20", "2001-01-01", "2001-02-10", "2000-01-10", "2000-01-15", "2000-02-15", "2000-01-15" )), drug_exposure_end_date = as.Date(c( "2000-02-10", "2000-03-01", "2000-02-20", "2001-01-15", "2001-03-01", "2000-01-25", "2000-02-05", "2000-02-15", "2000-02-05" )), quantity = c(41, 52, 1, 15, 20, 16, 22, 1, 22), drug_type_concept_id = 0 ), drug_strength = dplyr::tibble( drug_concept_id = c(2, 3, 4, 5), ingredient_concept_id = c(1, 1, 1, 1), amount_value = c(10, 20, 30, 40), amount = c("numeric", "numeric", "numeric", "numeric"), amount_unit_concept_id = c(8576, 8576, 8576, 8576), numerator_value = as.numeric(NA), numerator = as.character(NA), numerator_unit_concept_id = as.numeric(NA), denominator_value = as.numeric(NA), denominator = as.character(NA), denominator_unit_concept_id = as.numeric(NA), valid_start_date = as.Date("1900-01-01"), valid_end_date = as.Date("2100-01-01") ), concept = dplyr::tibble( concept_id = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8576), concept_name = c("ingredient1", "drug2", "drug3", "drug4", "drug5", "milligram"), domain_id = c(rep("Drug", 5), "Unit"), vocabulary_id = c(rep("RxNorm", 5), "Unit"), standard_concept = "S", concept_class_id = c("Ingredient", rep("Drug", 4), "Unit"), concept_code = 0, valid_start_date = as.Date("1900-01-01"), valid_end_date = as.Date("2100-01-01") ), concept_ancestor = dplyr::tibble( ancestor_concept_id = 1, descendant_concept_id = 2:5, min_levels_of_separation = 1, max_levels_of_separation = 1 ), cohort1 = dplyr::tibble( cohort_definition_id = 1, subject_id = c(1, 1, 2), cohort_start_date = as.Date(c("2000-01-01", "2001-01-01", "2000-01-01")), cohort_end_date = as.Date(c("2000-03-01", "2001-03-01", "2000-03-01")) ), concept_relationship = dplyr::tibble( concept_id_1 = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5), concept_id_2 = c(19016586, 46275062, 35894935, 19135843, 19082107), relationship_id = c(rep("RxNorm has dose form", 5)), concept_code = 0, valid_start_date = as.Date("1900-01-01"), valid_end_date = as.Date("2100-01-01") ), observation_period = dplyr::tibble( observation_period_id = 1, person_id = 1:2, observation_period_start_date = as.Date("1900-01-01"), observation_period_end_date = as.Date("2100-01-01"), period_type_concept_id = 0 ) ) variables <- c( "number_exposures", "number_eras", "initial_daily_dose_milligram", "duration", "cumulative_dose_milligram", "initial_quantity", "cumulative_quantity" ) # overall functionality suppressWarnings(x <- addDrugUse( cohort = cdm[["cohort1"]], ingredientConceptId = 1, gapEra = 0, eraJoinMode = "Previous", overlapMode = "Sum", sameIndexMode = "Sum", imputeDuration = "none", imputeDailyDose = "none", durationRange = c(1, Inf), dailyDoseRange = c(0, Inf) )) value_cohort_1 <- c(2, 2, 30, 60, 850, 15, 35) xx <- x %>% dplyr::collect() %>% dplyr::filter( subject_id == 1 & cohort_start_date == as.Date("2001-01-01") ) for (k in 1:length(value_cohort_1)) { expect_true(xx[[variables[k]]] == value_cohort_1[k]) } # gapEra = 24 suppressWarnings(x <- addDrugUse( cohort = cdm[["cohort1"]], cdm = cdm, ingredientConceptId = 1, gapEra = 24, eraJoinMode = "Previous", overlapMode = "Sum", sameIndexMode = "Sum", imputeDuration = "none", imputeDailyDose = "none", durationRange = c(1, Inf), dailyDoseRange = c(0, Inf) )) value_cohort_1 <- c(2, 2, 30, 60, 850, 15, 35) xx <- x %>% dplyr::collect() %>% dplyr::filter( subject_id == 1 & cohort_start_date == as.Date("2001-01-01") ) for (k in 1:length(value_cohort_1)) { expect_true(xx[[variables[k]]] == value_cohort_1[k]) } # gapEra = 25 & joinMode = Zero suppressWarnings(x <- addDrugUse( cohort = cdm[["cohort1"]], cdm = cdm, ingredientConceptId = 1, gapEra = 25, eraJoinMode = "Zero", overlapMode = "Sum", sameIndexMode = "Sum", imputeDuration = "none", imputeDailyDose = "none", durationRange = c(1, Inf), dailyDoseRange = c(0, Inf) )) value_cohort_1 <- c(2, 1, 30, 60, 850, 15, 35) xx <- x %>% dplyr::collect() %>% dplyr::filter( subject_id == 1 & cohort_start_date == as.Date("2001-01-01") ) for (k in 1:length(value_cohort_1)) { expect_true(xx[[variables[k]]] == value_cohort_1[k]) } # gapEra = 25 & joinMode = Previous suppressWarnings(x <- addDrugUse( cohort = cdm[["cohort1"]], cdm = cdm, ingredientConceptId = 1, gapEra = 25, eraJoinMode = "Previous", overlapMode = "Sum", sameIndexMode = "Sum", imputeDuration = "none", imputeDailyDose = "none", durationRange = c(1, Inf), dailyDoseRange = c(0, Inf) )) value_cohort_1 <- c(2, 1, 30, 60, 1600, 15, 35) xx <- x %>% dplyr::collect() %>% dplyr::filter( subject_id == 1 & cohort_start_date == as.Date("2001-01-01") ) for (k in 1:length(value_cohort_1)) { expect_true(xx[[variables[k]]] == value_cohort_1[k]) } # gapEra = 25 & joinMode = Subsequent suppressWarnings(x <- addDrugUse( cohort = cdm[["cohort1"]], cdm = cdm, ingredientConceptId = 1, gapEra = 25, eraJoinMode = "Subsequent", overlapMode = "Sum", sameIndexMode = "Sum", imputeDuration = "none", imputeDailyDose = "none", durationRange = c(1, Inf), dailyDoseRange = c(0, Inf) )) value_cohort_1 <- c(2, 1, 30, 60, 1350, 15, 35) xx <- x %>% dplyr::collect() %>% dplyr::filter( subject_id == 1 & cohort_start_date == as.Date("2001-01-01") ) for (k in 1:length(value_cohort_1)) { expect_true(xx[[variables[k]]] == value_cohort_1[k]) } }) test_that("test gapEra, eraJoinMode & sameIndexOverlap", { skip_on_cran() cdm <- mockDrugUtilisation( connectionDetails, drug_exposure = dplyr::tibble( drug_exposure_id = 1:9, person_id = c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2), drug_concept_id = c(2, 3, 4, 4, 3, 4, 2, 3, 5), drug_exposure_start_date = as.Date(c( "2000-01-01", "2000-01-10", "2000-02-20", "2001-01-01", "2001-02-10", "2000-01-10", "2000-01-15", "2000-02-15", "2000-01-15" )), drug_exposure_end_date = as.Date(c( "2000-02-10", "2000-03-01", "2000-02-20", "2001-01-15", "2001-03-01", "2000-01-25", "2000-02-05", "2000-02-15", "2000-02-05" )), quantity = c(41, 52, 1, 15, 20, 16, 22, 1, 22), drug_type_concept_id = 0 ), drug_strength = dplyr::tibble( drug_concept_id = c(2, 3, 4, 5), ingredient_concept_id = c(1, 1, 1, 1), amount_value = c(10, 20, 30, 40), amount = c("numeric", "numeric", "numeric", "numeric"), amount_unit_concept_id = c(8576, 8576, 8576, 8576), numerator_value = as.numeric(NA), numerator = as.character(NA), numerator_unit_concept_id = as.numeric(NA), denominator_value = as.numeric(NA), denominator = as.character(NA), denominator_unit_concept_id = as.numeric(NA), valid_start_date = as.Date("1900-01-01"), valid_end_date = as.Date("2100-01-01") ), observation_period = dplyr::tibble( observation_period_id = 1, person_id = 1:2, observation_period_start_date = as.Date("1900-01-01"), observation_period_end_date = as.Date("2100-01-01"), period_type_concept_id = 0 ), concept = dplyr::tibble( concept_id = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8576), concept_name = c("ingredient1", "drug2", "drug3", "drug4", "drug5", "milligram"), domain_id = c(rep("Drug", 5), "Unit"), vocabulary_id = c(rep("RxNorm", 5), "Unit"), standard_concept = "S", concept_class_id = c("Ingredient", rep("Drug", 4), "Unit"), concept_code = 0, valid_start_date = as.Date("1900-01-01"), valid_end_date = as.Date("2100-01-01") ), concept_ancestor = dplyr::tibble( ancestor_concept_id = 1, descendant_concept_id = 2:5, min_levels_of_separation = 1, max_levels_of_separation = 1 ), cohort1 = dplyr::tibble( cohort_definition_id = 1, subject_id = c(1, 1, 2), cohort_start_date = as.Date(c("2000-01-01", "2001-01-01", "2000-01-01")), cohort_end_date = as.Date(c("2000-03-01", "2001-03-01", "2000-03-01")) ), concept_relationship = dplyr::tibble( concept_id_1 = c(c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)), concept_id_2 = c(19016586, 46275062, 35894935, 19135843, 19082107), relationship_id = c(rep("RxNorm has dose form", 5)), valid_start_date = as.Date("1900-01-01"), valid_end_date = as.Date("2100-01-01") ) ) variables <- c( "number_exposures", "number_eras", "initial_daily_dose_milligram", "duration", "cumulative_dose_milligram", "initial_quantity", "cumulative_quantity" ) # overall functionality suppressWarnings(x <- addDrugUse( cohort = cdm[["cohort1"]], cdm = cdm, ingredientConceptId = 1, gapEra = 0, eraJoinMode = "Zero", overlapMode = "Sum", sameIndexMode = "Sum", imputeDuration = "none", imputeDailyDose = "none", durationRange = c(1, Inf), dailyDoseRange = c(0, Inf) )) value_cohort_1 <- c(4, 2, NA, 61, 1600, NA, 61) xx <- x %>% dplyr::collect() %>% dplyr::filter(subject_id == 2) for (k in 1:length(value_cohort_1)) { expect_equal(xx[[variables[k]]], value_cohort_1[k]) } parameters <- dplyr::tibble( overlapMode = c( "Sum", "Previous", "Subsequent", "Minimum", "Maximum", "Sum", "Sum", "Subsequent" ), sameIndexMode = c( "Sum", "Minimum", "Maximum", "Sum", "Sum", "Minimum", "Minimum", "Sum" ), eraJoinMode = c( "Zero", "Zero", "Previous", "Subsequent", "Previous", "Subsequent", "Previous", "Previous" ), gapEra = c(8, 8, 16, 8, 16, 16, 16, 16) ) expected_result <- dplyr::tibble( number_eras = c(2, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1), cumulative_dose_milligram = c(1600, 610, 1410, 1050, 1720, 900, 810, 1720) ) for (k in 1:nrow(parameters)) { suppressWarnings(x <- addDrugUse( cohort = cdm[["cohort1"]], cdm = cdm, ingredientConceptId = 1, gapEra = parameters$gapEra[k], eraJoinMode = parameters$eraJoinMode[k], overlapMode = parameters$overlapMode[k], sameIndexMode = parameters$sameIndexMode[k], imputeDuration = "none", imputeDailyDose = "none", durationRange = c(1, Inf), dailyDoseRange = c(0, Inf) )) result <- x %>% dplyr::collect() %>% dplyr::filter(subject_id == 2) expect_true(result$number_eras == expected_result$number_eras[k]) expect_true(result$cumulative_dose_milligram == expected_result$cumulative_dose_milligram[k]) } }) test_that("test splitSubexposures", { skip_on_cran() x <- dplyr::tibble( subject_id = as.integer(c( 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2 )), cohort_start_date = as.Date(c( "2000-01-01", "2000-02-01", "2000-02-01", "2000-03-05", "2000-03-05", "2000-04-01", "2000-04-01", "2000-04-01", "2000-05-01", "2000-05-01", "2000-05-01", "2000-05-01", "2000-01-03", "2000-01-03", "2000-01-03", "2000-01-03", "2000-02-01" )), cohort_end_date = as.Date(c( "2000-01-10", "2000-02-15", "2000-02-15", "2000-03-12", "2000-03-12", "2000-04-21", "2000-04-21", "2000-04-21", "2000-05-11", "2000-05-11", "2000-05-11", "2000-05-11", "2000-01-20", "2000-01-20", "2000-01-20", "2000-01-20", "2000-02-10" )), drug_exposure_start_date = as.Date(c( "2000-01-01", "2000-02-01", "2000-02-04", "2000-03-01", "2000-03-06", "2000-04-08", "2000-04-09", "2000-04-11", "2000-05-01", "2000-05-01", "2000-05-09", "2000-05-11", "2000-01-01", "2000-01-03", "2000-01-09", "2000-01-20", "2000-02-08" )), drug_exposure_end_date = as.Date(c( "2000-01-10", "2000-02-10", "2000-02-20", "2000-03-10", "2000-03-06", "2000-04-15", "2000-04-11", "2000-04-11", "2000-05-01", "2000-05-05", "2000-05-12", "2000-05-11", "2000-01-03", "2000-01-03", "2000-01-15", "2000-01-20", "2000-02-10" )) ) cdm <- mockDrugUtilisation(connectionDetails) cdm <- omopgenerics::insertTable(cdm = cdm, name = "cohort1", table = x) y <- splitSubexposures(cdm[["cohort1"]], cdm) %>% dplyr::collect() # get first cohort entry yy <- y %>% dplyr::filter( .data$cohort_start_date == as.Date("2000-01-01") & .data$subject_id == 1 ) numberExpectedSubexposures <- 1 countsPerSubexposure <- 1 dayStartSubexposure <- 1 dayEndSubexposure <- 10 expect_true(length(unique(yy$subexposure_id)) == numberExpectedSubexposures) for (k in 1:length(countsPerSubexposure)) { yyy <- yy %>% dplyr::filter(.data$subexposure_id == k) expect_true( lubridate::day(yyy$subexposure_start_date[1]) == dayStartSubexposure[k] ) expect_true( lubridate::day(yyy$subexposure_end_date[1]) == dayEndSubexposure[k] ) if (countsPerSubexposure[k] == 0) { expect_true(nrow(yyy) == 1) expect_true(sum(is.na(yyy)) == 2) } else { expect_true(nrow(yyy) == countsPerSubexposure[k]) expect_true(sum(is.na(yyy)) == 0) } } # get second cohort entry yy <- y %>% dplyr::filter( .data$cohort_start_date == as.Date("2000-02-01") & .data$subject_id == 1 ) numberExpectedSubexposures <- 3 countsPerSubexposure <- c(1, 2, 1) dayStartSubexposure <- c(1, 4, 11) dayEndSubexposure <- c(3, 10, 15) expect_true(length(unique(yy$subexposure_id)) == numberExpectedSubexposures) for (k in 1:length(countsPerSubexposure)) { yyy <- yy %>% dplyr::filter(.data$subexposure_id == k) expect_true( lubridate::day(yyy$subexposure_start_date[1]) == dayStartSubexposure[k] ) expect_true( lubridate::day(yyy$subexposure_end_date[1]) == dayEndSubexposure[k] ) if (countsPerSubexposure[k] == 0) { expect_true(nrow(yyy) == 1) expect_true(sum(is.na(yyy)) == 2) } else { expect_true(nrow(yyy) == countsPerSubexposure[k]) expect_true(sum(is.na(yyy)) == 0) } } # get third cohort entry yy <- y %>% dplyr::filter( .data$cohort_start_date == as.Date("2000-03-05") & .data$subject_id == 1 ) numberExpectedSubexposures <- 4 countsPerSubexposure <- c(1, 2, 1, 0) dayStartSubexposure <- c(5, 6, 7, 11) dayEndSubexposure <- c(5, 6, 10, 12) expect_true(length(unique(yy$subexposure_id)) == numberExpectedSubexposures) for (k in 1:length(countsPerSubexposure)) { yyy <- yy %>% dplyr::filter(.data$subexposure_id == k) expect_true( lubridate::day(yyy$subexposure_start_date[1]) == dayStartSubexposure[k] ) expect_true( lubridate::day(yyy$subexposure_end_date[1]) == dayEndSubexposure[k] ) if (countsPerSubexposure[k] == 0) { expect_true(nrow(yyy) == 1) expect_true(sum(is.na(yyy)) == 2) } else { expect_true(nrow(yyy) == countsPerSubexposure[k]) expect_true(sum(is.na(yyy)) == 0) } } # get fourth cohort entry yy <- y %>% dplyr::filter( .data$cohort_start_date == as.Date("2000-04-01") & .data$subject_id == 1 ) numberExpectedSubexposures <- 6 countsPerSubexposure <- c(0, 1, 2, 3, 1, 0) dayStartSubexposure <- c(1, 8, 9, 11, 12, 16) dayEndSubexposure <- c(7, 8, 10, 11, 15, 21) expect_true(length(unique(yy$subexposure_id)) == numberExpectedSubexposures) for (k in 1:length(countsPerSubexposure)) { yyy <- yy %>% dplyr::filter(.data$subexposure_id == k) expect_true( lubridate::day(yyy$subexposure_start_date[1]) == dayStartSubexposure[k] ) expect_true( lubridate::day(yyy$subexposure_end_date[1]) == dayEndSubexposure[k] ) if (countsPerSubexposure[k] == 0) { expect_true(nrow(yyy) == 1) expect_true(sum(is.na(yyy)) == 2) } else { expect_true(nrow(yyy) == countsPerSubexposure[k]) expect_true(sum(is.na(yyy)) == 0) } } # get fifth cohort entry yy <- y %>% dplyr::filter( .data$cohort_start_date == as.Date("2000-05-01") & .data$subject_id == 1 ) numberExpectedSubexposures <- 5 countsPerSubexposure <- c(2, 1, 0, 1, 2) dayStartSubexposure <- c(1, 2, 6, 9, 11) dayEndSubexposure <- c(1, 5, 8, 10, 11) expect_true(length(unique(yy$subexposure_id)) == numberExpectedSubexposures) for (k in 1:length(countsPerSubexposure)) { yyy <- yy %>% dplyr::filter(.data$subexposure_id == k) expect_true( lubridate::day(yyy$subexposure_start_date[1]) == dayStartSubexposure[k] ) expect_true( lubridate::day(yyy$subexposure_end_date[1]) == dayEndSubexposure[k] ) if (countsPerSubexposure[k] == 0) { expect_true(nrow(yyy) == 1) expect_true(sum(is.na(yyy)) == 2) } else { expect_true(nrow(yyy) == countsPerSubexposure[k]) expect_true(sum(is.na(yyy)) == 0) } } # get sixth cohort entry yy <- y %>% dplyr::filter( .data$cohort_start_date == as.Date("2000-01-03") & .data$subject_id == 2 ) numberExpectedSubexposures <- 5 countsPerSubexposure <- c(2, 0, 1, 0, 1) dayStartSubexposure <- c(3, 4, 9, 16, 20) dayEndSubexposure <- c(3, 8, 15, 19, 20) expect_true(length(unique(yy$subexposure_id)) == numberExpectedSubexposures) for (k in 1:length(countsPerSubexposure)) { yyy <- yy %>% dplyr::filter(.data$subexposure_id == k) expect_true( lubridate::day(yyy$subexposure_start_date[1]) == dayStartSubexposure[k] ) expect_true( lubridate::day(yyy$subexposure_end_date[1]) == dayEndSubexposure[k] ) if (countsPerSubexposure[k] == 0) { expect_true(nrow(yyy) == 1) expect_true(sum(is.na(yyy)) == 2) } else { expect_true(nrow(yyy) == countsPerSubexposure[k]) expect_true(sum(is.na(yyy)) == 0) } } # get seventh cohort entry yy <- y %>% dplyr::filter( .data$cohort_start_date == as.Date("2000-02-01") & .data$subject_id == 2 ) numberExpectedSubexposures <- 2 countsPerSubexposure <- c(0, 1) dayStartSubexposure <- c(1, 8) dayEndSubexposure <- c(7, 10) expect_true(length(unique(yy$subexposure_id)) == numberExpectedSubexposures) for (k in 1:length(countsPerSubexposure)) { yyy <- yy %>% dplyr::filter(.data$subexposure_id == k) expect_true( lubridate::day(yyy$subexposure_start_date[1]) == dayStartSubexposure[k] ) expect_true( lubridate::day(yyy$subexposure_end_date[1]) == dayEndSubexposure[k] ) if (countsPerSubexposure[k] == 0) { expect_true(nrow(yyy) == 1) expect_true(sum(is.na(yyy)) == 2) } else { expect_true(nrow(yyy) == countsPerSubexposure[k]) expect_true(sum(is.na(yyy)) == 0) } } }) test_that("test empty targetCohortName", { skip_on_cran() cdm <- mockDrugUtilisation(connectionDetails) cdm[["cohort1"]] <- cdm[["cohort1"]] %>% dplyr::filter(.data$subject_id < 1) expect_error(x <- addDrugUse( cohort = cdm[["cohort1"]], ingredientConceptId = 1, gapEra = 30, eraJoinMode = "Previous", overlapMode = "Previous", sameIndexMode = "Sum", imputeDuration = "none", imputeDailyDose = "none", durationRange = c(1, Inf), dailyDoseRange = c(100, Inf) )) }) test_that("expected errors on inputs", { skip_on_cran() # condition_occurrence is going to be the strataCohortTable, person the # doseTable cdm <- mockDrugUtilisation( connectionDetails, cohort1 = dplyr::tibble( cohort_definition_id = c(1, 1, 1, 2), subject_id = c(1, 1, 2, 1), cohort_start_date = as.Date(c( "2020-01-01", "2020-05-01", "2020-04-08", "2020-01-01" )), cohort_end_date = as.Date(c( "2020-01-10", "2020-06-01", "2020-07-18", "2020-01-11" )) ), observation_period = dplyr::tibble( person_id = 1:2, observation_period_id = 1:2, observation_period_start_date = as.Date("2000-01-01"), observation_period_end_date = as.Date("2030-01-01"), period_type_concept_id = 0 ) ) dose_table <- dplyr::tibble( subject_id = c(1, 1, 2, 1), cohort_start_date = as.Date(c( "2020-01-01", "2020-05-01", "2020-04-08", "2020-01-01" )), cohort_end_date = as.Date(c( "2020-01-10", "2020-06-01", "2020-07-18", "2020-01-11" )), initial_dose = c(1, 2, 3, 6), cumulative_dose = c(5, 6, 9, 7), piscina = c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE), cara = c("a", "b", "b", "a") ) cdm <- omopgenerics::insertTable(cdm = cdm, name = "dose_table", table = dose_table) # no inputs expect_error(result <- summariseDrugUse()) # only cdm expect_error(result <- summariseDrugUse( cdm = cdm, )) }) test_that("check output format", { skip_on_cran() cdm <- mockDrugUtilisation( connectionDetails, cohort = dplyr::tibble( cohort_definition_id = c(1, 1, 1, 2), subject_id = c(1, 1, 2, 1), cohort_start_date = as.Date(c( "2020-01-01", "2020-05-01", "2020-04-08", "2020-01-01" )), cohort_end_date = as.Date(c( "2020-01-10", "2020-06-01", "2020-07-18", "2020-01-11" )), initial_daily_dose = c(1, 2, 3, 6), cumulative_dose = c(5, 6, 9, 7), piscina = c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE), cara = c("a", "b", "b", "a") ), observation_period = dplyr::tibble( person_id = 1:2, observation_period_id = 1:2, observation_period_start_date = as.Date("2000-01-01"), observation_period_end_date = as.Date("2030-01-01"), period_type_concept_id = 0 ) ) result <- cdm[["cohort"]] %>% summariseDrugUse() expect_true(all(c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame") %in% class(result))) expect_true(inherits(result, "summarised_result")) }) test_that("check all estimates", { all_estimates <- c( "min", "max", "mean", "median", # "iqr", "range", "q05", "q10", "q15", "q20", "q25", "q30", "q35", "q40", "q45", "q55", "q60", "q65", "q70", "q75", "q80", "q85", "q90", "q95", "sd" ) cdm <- mockDrugUtilisation( connectionDetails, observation_period = dplyr::tibble( person_id = 1:2, observation_period_id = 1:2, observation_period_start_date = as.Date("2000-01-01"), observation_period_end_date = as.Date("2030-01-01"), period_type_concept_id = 0 ) ) dose_table <- dplyr::tibble( cohort_definition_id = c(1, 1, 1, 1), subject_id = c(1, 1, 2, 1), cohort_start_date = as.Date(c( "2020-01-01", "2020-05-01", "2020-04-08", "2021-01-01" )), cohort_end_date = as.Date(c( "2020-01-10", "2020-06-01", "2020-07-18", "2021-01-11" )), initial_daily_dose = c(1, 2, 3, 6), cumulative_dose = c(5, 6, 9, 7), piscina = c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE), cara = c("a", "b", "b", "a") ) cdm <- omopgenerics::insertTable(cdm = cdm, name = "dose_table", table = dose_table) cdm$dose_table <- cdm$dose_table |> omopgenerics::newCohortTable(cohortSetRef = dplyr::tibble( cohort_definition_id = 1, cohort_name = "cohort_1" )) for (k in 1:length(all_estimates)) { res <- summariseDrugUse( cdm[["dose_table"]], drugUseEstimates = all_estimates[k] ) %>% dplyr::filter(.data$group_name == "cohort_name") expect_true(nrow(res[res$variable_name == c("initial_daily_dose"), ]) == 1) expect_true(res$estimate_name[res$variable_name == c("initial_daily_dose")] == all_estimates[k]) expect_true(nrow(res[res$variable_name == c("cumulative_dose"), ]) == 1) expect_true(res$estimate_name[res$variable_name == c("cumulative_dose")] == all_estimates[k]) } res <- summariseDrugUse( cdm[["dose_table"]], cdm = cdm, drugUseEstimates = all_estimates ) }) test_that("check all variables", { all_estimates <- c( "min", "max", "mean", "median", # "iqr", "range", "q05", "q10", "q15", "q20", "q25", "q30", "q35", "q40", "q45", "q55", "q60", "q65", "q70", "q75", "q80", "q85", "q90", "q95", "sd" ) cdm <- mockDrugUtilisation( connectionDetails = connectionDetails, concept_relationship = dplyr::tibble( concept_id_1 = c(1125315, 43135274, 2905077, 1125360), concept_id_2 = c(19016586, 46275062, 35894935, 19135843), relationship_id = c(rep("RxNorm has dose form", 4)), valid_start_date = as.Date("2000-01-01"), valid_end_date = as.Date("2100-01-01") ) ) cdm <- generateDrugUtilisationCohortSet( cdm, "dus", list(acetaminophen = c(1125315, 43135274, 2905077, 1125360)) ) result <- cdm[["dus"]] %>% addDrugUse(ingredientConceptId = 1125315) %>% summariseDrugUse() %>% expect_no_error() expect_true(all(c( "number subjects", "number records", "duration", "number_exposures", "cumulative_quantity", "initial_quantity", "impute_duration_percentage", "number_eras", "impute_daily_dose_percentage", "initial_daily_dose_milligram", "cumulative_dose_milligram" ) %in% result$variable_name)) }) test_that("test impute duration percentage", { conceptList <- list(`Ingredient: acetaminophen (1125315)` = c(1125315, 43135274, 2905077, 1125360)) cdm <- mockDrugUtilisation(numberIndividual = 200) cdm$drug_exposure <- cdm$drug_exposure %>% dplyr::mutate(drug_exposure_end_date = dplyr::if_else(person_id == 14, NA, drug_exposure_end_date)) cdm <- generateDrugUtilisationCohortSet( cdm = cdm, name = "acetaminophen_example3", conceptSet = conceptList, imputeDuration = "mean" ) expect_true(cdm$acetaminophen_example3 %>% addDrugUse( ingredientConceptId = 1125315, duration = TRUE, quantity = FALSE, dose = FALSE, imputeDuration = "mean" ) %>% dplyr::filter(subject_id == 14) %>% dplyr::pull(impute_duration_percentage) == 100) cdm <- mockDrugUtilisation( connectionDetails, drug_exposure = dplyr::tibble( drug_exposure_id = 1:4, person_id = c(1, 1, 1, 1), drug_concept_id = c(1539462, 1539463, 1539403, 1539403), drug_exposure_start_date = as.Date(c( "2000-01-01", "2001-02-01", "2001-02-17", "2001-04-10" )), drug_exposure_end_date = as.Date(c( NA, "2001-02-15", "2001-03-19", "2001-05-10" )), quantity = c(1,2,3,4), drug_type_concept_id = 0 ), cohort1 = dplyr::tibble(cohort_definition_id = 1, subject_id = 1, cohort_start_date = as.Date("1990-01-01"), cohort_end_date = as.Date("2020-01-01")), observation_period = dplyr::tibble( observation_period_id = 1, person_id = 1, observation_period_start_date = as.Date("1980-01-01"), observation_period_end_date = as.Date("2030-01-01"), period_type_concept_id = 0 ) ) cdm$cohort1 <- cdm$cohort1 %>% addDrugUse( cdm = cdm, ingredientConceptId = 1539403, conceptSet = list("simvastatin" = c(1539462, 1539463, 1539403)), imputeDuration = "median") expect_true(cdm$cohort1 %>% dplyr::filter(subject_id == 1) %>% dplyr::pull(impute_duration_percentage) == 25) })