context("Testing bootdht") test_that("area=0 with default summary",{ skip_on_cran() data(amakihi) # subset for testing speed amakihi <- amakihi[1:300,] conv <- convert_units("meter", NULL, "hectare") surv <- ds(amakihi, transect="point", key="hr", formula=~Region.Label, convert_units=conv, truncation = 82.5, er_var="P3") expect_error(bootdht(surv, flatfile=amakihi, nboot=5), "No Area in flatfile, densities will be returned and the default summary function records only abundances. You need to write your own summary_fun.") amakihi$Area <- NULL expect_error(bootdht(surv, flatfile=amakihi, nboot=5), "No Area in flatfile, densities will be returned and the default summary function records only abundances. You need to write your own summary_fun.") }) # generate some data to test on dat <- data.frame(Sample.Label = 1:10) dat$Region.Label <- c(rep(1, 5), rep(2, 5)) set.seed(123) dat2 <- dat[sample(1:nrow(dat), nrow(dat), replace=TRUE), ] dat2$object <- 1:nrow(dat2) dat <- dat[!(dat$Sample.Label %in% dat2$Sample.Label),] dat$object <- NA dat <- rbind(dat, dat2) dat$save.ind <- 1:nrow(dat) dat$distance <- rnorm(nrow(dat), 0, 50) dat$distance <- ifelse($object),NA,dat$distance) test_that("resamples work - strata", { set.seed(123) obs <- bootdht_resample_data(dat, c("Region.Label")) expect_equal(obs$save.ind, c(1, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 2, 3, 6, 13, 8, 11, 12)) }) test_that("resamples work - sample", { set.seed(123) obs <- bootdht_resample_data(dat, c("Sample.Label")) expect_equal(obs$save.ind, c(7, 7, 4, 5, 4, 5, 7, 12, 8, 11, 2, 3, 6, 13)) }) test_that("resamples work - object", { set.seed(123) obs <- bootdht_resample_data(dat, c("object")) expect_equal(obs$save.ind, c(1, 4, 5, 6, 5, 2, 3, 6, 11, 9)) }) test_that("resamples work - strata/object", { set.seed(123) obs <- bootdht_resample_data(dat, c("Region.Label", "object")) expect_equal(obs$save.ind, c(1, 4, 5, 5, 5, 9, 2, 3, 13, 8, 11, 8)) }) test_that("resamples work - sample/object", { set.seed(123) obs <- bootdht_resample_data(dat, c("Sample.Label", "object")) expect_equal(obs$save.ind, c(7, 4, 4, 4, 5, 4, 12, 8, 2, 3, 6, 13)) }) test_that("resamples work - strata/sample/object", { set.seed(1223) obs <- bootdht_resample_data(dat, c("Region.Label", "Sample.Label", "object")) expect_equal(obs$save.ind, c(6, 1, 9, 6, 6, 2, 3, 8, 11, 6, 13, 8)) }) # generate some data to test on dat <- data.frame(Sample.Label = 1:10) dat$Region.Label <- c(rep(1, 5), rep(2, 5)) set.seed(115) dat2 <- dat dat2$Region.Label <- paste("YEAR", as.character(dat2$Region.Label), sep = "") dat2 <- rbind(dat2, dat2, dat2) dat2$distance <- abs(rnorm(nrow(dat2), 0, 25)) dat2$Effort <- 1000 dat2$Area <- 100 dat2$size <- rpois(nrow(dat2), 20) dat2$object <- 1:nrow(dat2) conversion.factor <- convert_units("meter", "meter", "square kilometer") fit.ds <- ds(data=dat2, truncation=50, key="hn", adjustment=NULL, convert_units=conversion.factor, formula=~size) test_that("Issue #158 is fixed (stratum names > 'Total' bug)", { skip_on_cran() set.seed(225) easybootn <- suppressMessages(bootdht(model=fit.ds, flatfile=dat2, summary_fun=bootdht_Nhat_summarize, convert_units=conversion.factor, sample_fraction=1, nboot=3, cores=1, progress_bar = "none")) # Make check table <- easybootn %>% dplyr::group_by(Label) %>% dplyr::summarize(LCI=quantile(Nhat,probs=0.025,na.rm=TRUE), UCI=quantile(Nhat,probs=0.975,na.rm=TRUE)) # This was TRUE should now be FALSE after fix expect_false(any($LCI))) # Now check cluster fix bootdht_NChat_summarize <- function(ests, fit) { return(data.frame(Label = ests$clusters$N$Label, Nhat = ests$cluster$N$Estimate)) } set.seed(225) easybootn <- suppressMessages(bootdht(model=fit.ds, flatfile=dat2, summary_fun=bootdht_NChat_summarize, convert_units=conversion.factor, sample_fraction=1, nboot=3, cores=1, progress_bar = "none")) # Make check table <- easybootn %>% dplyr::group_by(Label) %>% dplyr::summarize(LCI=quantile(Nhat,probs=0.025,na.rm=TRUE), UCI=quantile(Nhat,probs=0.975,na.rm=TRUE)) # This was TRUE should now be FALSE after fix expect_false(any($LCI))) }) # Test data from Eric data(minke) # convert exact distances into bins vals <- seq(0,2,.2) minke$bin <- cut(minke$distance, breaks=seq(0, 2, .2), right=FALSE, labels=FALSE) minke$distbegin <- vals[minke$bin] minke$distend <- vals[minke$bin+1] # remove exact distances minke$distance <- NULL test_that("Issue #147 is fixed (bootdht with distbegin/distend)", { skip_on_cran() mod1 <- ds(minke) set.seed(225) bootout <- bootdht(mod1, flatfile=minke, nboot=3) expect_true(nrow(bootout) > 0) }) # generate some data to test on dat <- data.frame(object = 1:60, Sample.Label = rep(1:10,6), Area = 100, Effort = 1000) dat$Region.Label <- c(rep("StrataA", 30), rep("StrataB", 30)) dat$distance <- abs(rnorm(nrow(dat), 0, 25)) dat$size <- rpois(nrow(dat), 20) dat$ref.object <- dat$object test_that("Error raised when sampler ID not unique (Issue #157)", { set.seed(123) expect_error(bootdht_resample_data(dat, c("Sample.Label")), "Cannot bootstrap on samplers within strata as sampler ID values are not unique across strata. Please ensure all Sample.Label values are unique.") })