context("Population") test_that("declare_model N=10", { my_population <- declare_model(N = 10) expect_equal(nrow(my_population()), 10) }) test_that("declare_model multilevel N=2", { pop <- declare_model( regions = add_level(N = 2, gdp = rnorm(N)), cities = add_level(N = sample(1:2), subways = rnorm(N, mean = gdp)) ) expect_equal(pop() |> colnames(), c("regions", "gdp", "cities", "subways")) }) test_that("declare_population multilevel N=5", { pop <- declare_model( regions = add_level(N = 5), cities = add_level(N = sample(1:5), subways = rnorm(N, mean = 5)) ) expect_equal(pop() |> with(unique(regions)), as.character(1:5)) }) test_that("declare_model multilevel 3 levels", { pop <- declare_model( districts = add_level(N = 25, urban = sample(0:1, N, replace = TRUE)), villages = add_level(N = 10, altitude = rnorm(N)), individuals = add_level( N = 10, income = rnorm(N), age = sample(18:95, N, replace = TRUE) ) ) expect_length(pop() |> with(unique(individuals)), 25 * 10 * 10) }) test_that("custom declare", { # custom function my_population_function <- function(N) { data.frame(u = rnorm(N)) } my_population_custom <- declare_model( handler = my_population_function, N = 100 ) rm(list = ls()[!(ls() %in% c("my_population_custom"))]) pop_custom <- my_population_custom() expect_equal(nrow(pop_custom), 100) }) test_that("default function", { my_population_default <- declare_model(N = 100, q = rnorm(100)) ## works pop_default <- my_population_default() expect_equal(nrow(pop_default), 100) }) test_that("inside function", { ## do quick design design_func <- function(numb) { pop <- declare_model(N = numb, q = rnorm(5)) rm(numb) return(pop) } rm(list = ls()[!(ls() %in% "design_func")]) my_design <- design_func(numb = 5) expect_equal(nrow(my_design()), 5) }) test_that("Two level", { d <- declare_model( districts = add_level(N = 5, gdp = rnorm(N)), villages = add_level(N = 12, subways = rnorm(N, mean = gdp)) )() expect_length(unique(d$villages), 5 * 12) }) test_that("use custom data with declare_model", { region_data <- data.frame(regions = as.character(26:30), capital = c(1, 0, 0, 0, 0), stringsAsFactors = FALSE) ## create single-level data taking user data d1 <- declare_model(data = region_data)() expect_identical(region_data, d1) ## create single-level data taking user data and adding variables d2 <- declare_model(data = region_data, gdp = 1:N)() expect_equal(d2$gdp, 1:5) d2$gdp <- NULL expect_true(!anyDuplicated(d2$ID)) d2$ID <- NULL expect_identical(region_data, d2) }) test_that("test data generation functions - single level add level", { # Simple 1-level cases one_lev1 <- declare_model( N = 10, income = 1:N, age = seq(10, 30, length.out = N), ID_label = "level_A" ) one_lev2 <- declare_model( level_A = add_level( N = 10, income = 1:N, age = seq(10, 30, length.out = N) ) ) expect_identical(one_lev1(), one_lev2()) }) test_that("test multi level with transformations", { # With transformations within levels multi_lev2 <- declare_model( region = add_level(N = 2), city = add_level( N = 5, city_educ_mean = rnorm(n = N, mean = 100, sd = 10), city_educ_sd = rgamma(n = N, shape = 2, rate = 2), city_educ_zscore = scale(city_educ_mean) ), indiv = add_level( N = 10, income = rnorm(N), age = rpois(N, 30), income_times_age = income * age ) ) out <- multi_lev2() expect_identical(out$income_times_age, out$income * out$age) }) test_that("Population declaration variations", { my_population <- declare_model(N = 10, noise = 1:N) my_potential_outcomes <- declare_potential_outcomes(Y_Z_0 = noise, Y_Z_1 = noise + 2) # Way 1 design <- my_population + my_potential_outcomes df1 <- draw_data(design) # Way 2 fixed_df <- my_population() design <- declare_model(fixed_df) + my_potential_outcomes df2 <- draw_data(design) # Way 3 design <- declare_model(my_population()) + my_potential_outcomes df3 <- draw_data(design) expect_identical(df1, df2) expect_identical(df1, df3) })