context("model estimator") library(DeclareDesign) library(testthat) my_population <- declare_model(N = 500, noise = rnorm(N)) my_potential_outcomes <- declare_potential_outcomes( Y_Z_0 = draw_binary(latent = noise, link = "probit"), Y_Z_1 = draw_binary(latent = noise + 2, link = "probit") ) my_assignment <- declare_assignment(Z = complete_ra(N, prob = 0.5)) my_measurement <- declare_measurement(Y = reveal_outcomes(Y ~ Z)) my_design <- my_population + my_potential_outcomes + my_assignment + my_measurement dat <- draw_data(my_design) test_that("test default term Z, lm", { # lm estimator_lm <- declare_estimator(Y ~ Z, .method = lm, term = "Z") estimator_lm_nocoef <- declare_estimator(Y ~ Z, .method = lm) expect_equal( estimator_lm(dat), estimator_lm_nocoef(dat) ) estimator_lm_robust <- declare_estimator(Y ~ Z, .method = lm_robust, term = "Z" ) expect_equivalent( estimator_lm(dat), estimator_lm_robust(dat)[, 1:8] ) }) test_that("test estimators, labels, quoted Z", { estimator_lm <- declare_estimator(Y ~ Z, .method = lm, term = "Z", label = "my_lm" ) estimator_lm_nocoef <- declare_estimator(Y ~ Z, .method = lm, label = "my_lm") expect_identical( estimator_lm(dat), estimator_lm_nocoef(dat) ) }) test_that("test GLM estimators, default vs explicit Z", { skip_if_not_installed("broom") estimator_glm <- declare_estimator(Y ~ Z, .method = glm, term = "Z") estimator_glm_nocoef <- declare_estimator(Y ~ Z, .method = glm) expect_identical( estimator_glm(dat), estimator_glm_nocoef(dat) ) }) test_that("test GLM estimators with label", { skip_if_not_installed("broom") estimator_glm <- declare_estimator(Y ~ Z, .method = glm, term = "Z", label = "my_glm" ) estimator_glm_nocoef <- declare_estimator(Y ~ Z, .method = glm, label = "my_glm") expect_identical( estimator_glm(dat), estimator_glm_nocoef(dat) ) }) test_that("test logit default vs explicit Z", { skip_if_not_installed("broom") # logit estimator_logit <- declare_estimator(Y ~ Z, .method = glm, family = binomial, term = "Z" ) estimator_logit_nocoef <- declare_estimator(Y ~ Z, .method = glm, family = binomial) expect_identical( estimator_logit(dat), estimator_logit_nocoef(dat) ) estimator_logit <- declare_estimator( Y ~ Z, .method = glm, family = binomial, term = "Z", label = "my_logit" ) estimator_logit_nocoef <- declare_estimator(Y ~ Z, .method = glm, family = binomial, label = "my_logit" ) expect_identical( estimator_logit(dat), estimator_logit_nocoef(dat) ) # probit estimator_probit <- declare_estimator( Y ~ Z, .method = glm, family = binomial(link = "probit"), term = "Z" ) estimator_probit_nocoef <- declare_estimator(Y ~ Z, .method = glm, family = binomial(link = "probit")) expect_identical( estimator_probit(dat), estimator_probit_nocoef(dat) ) estimator_probit <- declare_estimator( Y ~ Z, .method = glm, family = binomial(link = "probit"), term = "Z", label = "my_probit" ) estimator_probit_nocoef <- declare_estimator( Y ~ Z, .method = glm, family = binomial(link = "probit"), label = "my_probit" ) estimator_probit(dat) estimator_probit_nocoef(dat) }) dat <- data.frame( Y = rep(1:5, 20), Y_fac = factor(rep(1:5, 20)), Z = rep(c(0, 1), c(50, 50)), D = rep(c(0, 1, 0, 1), c(20, 30, 10, 40)), D2 = rep(c(0.1, .9, 0.1, .9), c(20, 30, 10, 40)) ) pop <- declare_model(dat) test_that("custom tidy method", { model_function <- function(data){ return(structure(list(est = 1), class = "my_modelr")) } des <- pop + declare_estimator(.method = model_function) expect_error(draw_estimates(des), "We were unable to tidy the output") tidy.my_modelr <- function(fit, = TRUE){ return(data.frame(term = "my-term", est = 1, stringsAsFactors = TRUE)) } # this is an ugly hack per assign("tidy.my_modelr", tidy.my_modelr, envir = .GlobalEnv) des <- pop + declare_estimator(.method = model_function) expect_equal(draw_estimates(des), structure(list(estimator = "estimator", term = structure(1L, .Label = "my-term", class = "factor"), est = 1), row.names = c(NA, -1L), class = "data.frame")) }) test_that("AER", { skip_if_not_installed("AER") skip_if_not_installed("broom") library(broom) des <- pop + declare_estimator(Y ~ D | Z, .method = AER::ivreg) expect_equal(ncol(draw_estimates(des)), 8) }) test_that("lm", { des <- pop + declare_estimator(Y ~ Z, .method = lm) expect_equal(ncol(draw_estimates(des)), 8) }) test_that("glm", { skip_if_not_installed("broom") des <- pop + declare_estimator(D ~ Z, .method = glm, family = binomial(link = "probit")) expect_equal(ncol(draw_estimates(des)), 8) des <- pop + declare_estimator(D ~ Z, .method = glm, family = binomial(link = "logit")) expect_equal(ncol(draw_estimates(des)), 8) }) test_that("betareg", { skip_if_not_installed(c("betareg", "broom")) des <- pop + declare_estimator(D2 ~ Z, .method = betareg::betareg) if(packageVersion("broom") <= "0.5.0") { expect_error(draw_estimates(des)) } else { expect_equal(ncol(draw_estimates(des)), 9) } }) test_that("biglm", { skip_if_not_installed(c("biglm", "broom")) des <- pop + declare_estimator(Y ~ Z, .method = biglm::biglm) if(packageVersion("broom") <= "0.5.0") { expect_error(draw_estimates(des)) } else { expect_equal(ncol(draw_estimates(des)), 7) } }) test_that("gam", { skip_if_not_installed(c("gam", "broom")) des <- pop + declare_estimator(Y ~ Z, .method = gam::gam) if(packageVersion("broom") <= "0.5.0") { expect_error(draw_estimates(des)) } else if(packageVersion("gam") < "1.16") { expect_warning(expect_equal(ncol(draw_estimates(des)), 7)) } else { expect_equal(ncol(draw_estimates(des)), 7) } }) test_that("polr", { skip_if_not_installed(c("MASS", "broom")) des <- pop + declare_estimator(Y_fac ~ Z, .method = MASS::polr) suppressWarnings(expect_error(draw_estimates(des))) })