context("Demo") test_that("demo runs", { ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ my_population <- declare_model( N = 1000, income = rnorm(N), age = sample(18:95, N, replace = T) ) pop <- my_population() expect_equal(nrow(pop), 1000) expect_equal(colnames(pop), c("ID", "income", "age")) ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ my_population_nested <- declare_model( districts = add_level(N = 25, urban = sample(0:1, N, replace = TRUE)), villages = add_level(N = 10, altitude = rnorm(N)), individuals = add_level( N = sample(100:200, size = 250, replace = TRUE), income = rnorm(N), age = sample(18:95, N, replace = TRUE) ) ) ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ region_data <- data.frame(capital = c(1, 0, 0, 0, 0)) pop_level_data <- declare_model( regions = add_level(N = 2, gdp = runif(N)), cities = add_level(N = 2, subways = rnorm(N, mean = 5)) ) head(pop_level_data()) ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ country_data <- data.frame( cow_code = c(504, 15, 100, 90), polity_iv = c(-9, 7, -1, 3) ) pop_data <- declare_model(data = country_data) head(pop_data()) ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ pop_data_bootstrap <- declare_model( data = country_data, handler = fabricatr::resample_data ) head(pop_data_bootstrap()) ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ my_potential_outcomes <- declare_potential_outcomes( formula = Y ~ .25 * Z + .01 * age * Z ) pop_pos <- my_potential_outcomes(pop) head(pop_pos) ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ my_potential_outcomes <- declare_potential_outcomes( formula = Y ~ .25 * Z + .01 * age * Z, conditions = 1:4 ) head(my_potential_outcomes(pop)) ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ my_potential_outcomes <- declare_potential_outcomes( Y_Z_0 = .05, Y_Z_1 = .30 + .01 * age ) head(my_potential_outcomes(pop)) ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ my_sampling <- declare_sampling(S = complete_rs(N, n = 250)) smp <- my_sampling(pop_pos) nrow(smp) ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ my_assignment <- declare_assignment(Z = complete_ra(N, m = 25)) smp <- my_assignment(smp) table(smp$Z) head(smp) ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ my_inquiry <- declare_inquiry(ATE = mean(Y_Z_1 - Y_Z_0)) my_inquiry(pop_pos) ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ my_measurement <- declare_measurement(Y = reveal_outcomes(Y ~ Z)) smp <- my_measurement(smp) my_estimator_dim <- declare_estimator(Y ~ Z, inquiry = my_inquiry) est <- my_estimator_dim(smp) expect_equal(dim(est), c(1, 11)) expect_equal(colnames(est), c("estimator", "term", "estimate", "std.error", "statistic", "p.value", "conf.low", "conf.high", "df", "outcome", "inquiry")) ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ my_estimator_lm <- declare_estimator(Y ~ Z, .method = estimatr::lm_robust, term = "Z", inquiry = my_inquiry ) est <- my_estimator_lm(smp) expect_equal(dim(est), c(1, 11)) expect_equal(colnames(est), c("term", "estimator", "estimate", "std.error", "statistic", "p.value", "conf.low", "conf.high", "df", "outcome", "inquiry")) ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ design <- my_population + my_potential_outcomes + my_inquiry + my_sampling + my_assignment + my_measurement + my_estimator_dim ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ dat <- draw_data(design) head(dat) ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ draw_estimates(design) draw_estimands(design) ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ my_population_function <- function(N) { data.frame(u = rnorm(N)) } my_population_custom <- declare_model( handler = my_population_function, N = 100 ) pop_custom <- my_population_custom() head(pop_custom) ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ my_potential_outcomes_function <- function(data) { data$Y_Z_0 <- with(data, u) data$Y_Z_1 <- with(data, 0.25 + u) data } my_potential_outcomes_custom <- declare_potential_outcomes( handler = my_potential_outcomes_function ) pop_pos_custom <- my_potential_outcomes_custom(pop_custom) head(pop_pos_custom[, c("u", "Y_Z_0", "Y_Z_1")]) ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ my_sampling_function <- function(data) { data$S <- rbinom( n = nrow(data), size = 1, prob = 0.1 ) data[data$S == 1, ] } my_sampling_custom <- declare_sampling( handler = my_sampling_function ) smp_custom <- my_sampling_custom(pop_pos) nrow(smp_custom) ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ my_assignment_function <- function(data) { data$Z <- rbinom( n = nrow(data), size = 1, prob = 0.5 ) data } my_assignment_custom <- declare_assignment( handler = my_assignment_function ) table(my_assignment_custom(pop_pos)$Z) ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ my_inquiry_function <- function(data) { with(data, median(Y_Z_1 - Y_Z_0)) } my_inquiry_custom <- declare_inquiry( handler = my_inquiry_function, label = "medianTE" ) my_inquiry_custom(pop_pos) ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ my_mean <- function(data) { data.frame(estimate = with(data, mean(Y))) } my_estimator_custom <- declare_estimator( handler = label_estimator(my_mean), inquiry = my_inquiry ) my_estimator_custom(smp) ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ m_arm_trial <- function(numb) { my_population <- declare_model( N = numb, income = rnorm(N), age = sample(18:95, N, replace = T) ) my_potential_outcomes <- declare_potential_outcomes( formula = Y ~ .25 * Z + .01 * age * Z ) my_sampling <- declare_sampling(S = complete_rs(N, n = 250)) my_assignment <- declare_assignment(Z = complete_ra(N, m = 25)) my_inquiry <- declare_inquiry(ATE = mean(Y_Z_1 - Y_Z_0)) my_estimator_dim <- declare_estimator(Y ~ Z, inquiry = my_inquiry) my_design <- my_population + my_potential_outcomes + my_inquiry + my_sampling + my_assignment + my_measurement + my_estimator_dim return(my_design) } my_1000_design <- expand_design(designer = m_arm_trial, numb = 1000) head(draw_data(my_1000_design)) ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ my_potential_outcomes_continuous <- declare_potential_outcomes( formula = Y ~ .25 * Z + .01 * age * Z, conditions = seq(0, 1, by = .1) ) my_assignment_continuous <- declare_assignment(Z = complete_ra(N, conditions = seq(0, 1, by = .1))) my_design <- declare_model(my_population()) + my_potential_outcomes_continuous + my_assignment_continuous + my_measurement head(draw_data(my_design)) ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ my_potential_outcomes_attrition <- declare_potential_outcomes( formula = R ~ rbinom(n = N, size = 1, prob = pnorm(Y_Z_0)) ) my_design <- declare_model(my_population()) + my_potential_outcomes + my_potential_outcomes_attrition + my_assignment + declare_reveal(outcome_variables = "R") + declare_reveal(attrition_variables = "R") head(draw_data(my_design)[, c("ID", "Y_Z_0", "Y_Z_1", "R_Z_0", "R_Z_1", "Z", "R", "Y")]) ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ stochastic_population <- declare_model( N = sample(500:1000, 1), income = rnorm(N), age = sample(18:95, N, replace = TRUE) ) c( nrow(stochastic_population()), nrow(stochastic_population()), nrow(stochastic_population()) ) ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ my_population_function <- function(N) { data.frame(u = rnorm(N)) } ## set a variable used in the declaration my_N <- 1000 my_population_custom <- declare_model( handler = my_population_function, N = my_N ) my_potential_outcomes_function <- function(data) { data$Y_Z_0 <- with(data, u) data$Y_Z_1 <- with(data, 0.25 + u) data } my_potential_outcomes_custom <- declare_potential_outcomes( handler = my_potential_outcomes_function ) ## remove all objects except your pop and PO functions rm(list = ls()[-which(ls() %in% c("my_potential_outcomes_custom", "my_population_custom"))]) pop_pos_custom <- my_potential_outcomes_custom(my_population_custom()) head(pop_pos_custom[, c("u", "Y_Z_0", "Y_Z_1")]) })