context("add design citation") test_that("test with generated citation", { design <- declare_model(data = sleep) + declare_sampling(S = complete_rs(N, n = 10)) + declare_inquiry(Q = mean(S)) design <- set_citation(design, author = "Lovelace, Ada", title = "Notes", year = 1953, description = "This is a text description of a design" ) expect_output(print(design), "Lovelace") expect_output(cite <- cite_design(design), "Ada") expect_equal( cite, structure(list(structure(list( title = "Notes", author = structure(list( list( given = NULL, family = "Lovelace", role = NULL, email = NULL, comment = NULL ), list( given = NULL, family = "Ada", role = NULL, email = NULL, comment = NULL ) ), class = "person" ), note = "This is a text description of a design", year = "1953" ), bibtype = "Unpublished")), class = "bibentry") ) }) test_that("test with user-specified text citation", { text <- "Set of authors (2017). My custom design." design <- declare_model(data = sleep) + declare_inquiries(Q = 5) design <- set_citation(design, citation = text) expect_output(cite <- cite_design(design), paste0('[1] "', text, '"'), fixed = TRUE) expect_equal(cite, text) expect_output(print(design), "Citation:") })