context("Fanout execution") test_that("Fanout does something", { N <- 100 pop <- declare_model(N = N) pop2 <- declare_step(fabricate, noise = rnorm(N)) inquiry <- declare_inquiry(foo = mean(noise)) D <- pop + pop2 + inquiry fan_strategy <- data.frame(end = 2:3, n = c(1, 100)) out <- DeclareDesign:::fan_out(D, fan_strategy) inquiries_out <-, lapply(out, `[[`, "inquiries_df")) expect_equal(length(unique(inquiries_out$estimand)), 1) expect_equal(inquiries_out$step_1_draw, rep(1,100)) expect_equal(inquiries_out$step_3_draw, 1:100) }) test_that("fanout should not be exposed to users", { N <- 100 pop <- declare_model(N = N) pop2 <- declare_step(fabricate, noise = rnorm(N)) inquiry <- declare_inquiry(foo = mean(noise)) D <- pop + pop2 + inquiry fan_strategy <- data.frame(end = 2:3, n = c(1, 100)) expect_error( diagnose_design(D, sims = fan_strategy), "Please provide sims a scalar or a numeric vector of length the number of steps in designs." ) expect_error( simulate_design(D, sims = fan_strategy), "Please provide sims a scalar or a numeric vector of length the number of steps in designs." ) }) test_that("Diagnosing a fanout", { N <- 100 pop <- declare_model(N = N, noise = rnorm(N)) inquiry <- declare_inquiry(foo = mean(noise)) sampl <- declare_sampling(S = complete_rs(N, n = N / 2)) estimator <- declare_estimator( noise ~ 1, .method = lm, inquiry = inquiry, label = "ha", term = TRUE ) D <- pop + inquiry + sampl + estimator strategy <- c(1, 1, 5, 20) Sys.setenv(TESTTHAT='m') dx <- expect_warning(diagnose_design(D, sims = strategy)) Sys.setenv(TESTTHAT='true') # inquiries don't vary overall expect_equal( dx$diagnosands[1, "se(mean_estimand)"], 0 ) rep_id <- setNames(rev(, lapply(rev( strategy ), seq))), names(D)) expect_equivalent(tapply(dx$simulations$estimate, rep_id[dx$simulations$sim_ID, 3], var), c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0)) expect_length(c("step_3_draw", "step_4_draw") %icn% dx$simulations, 2) }) test_that("sims expansion is correct", { design <- declare_model(sleep) + declare_inquiry(2, label = "a") + declare_inquiry(b = rnorm(1)) some_design <- declare_model(sleep) + declare_inquiry(2, label = "a") some_design + declare_inquiry(b = rnorm(1)) sims <- c(1, 1, 1) expanded <- check_sims(design, sims) expect_equal(expanded$n, 1) sims <- 2 expanded <- check_sims(design, sims) expect_equal(expanded$n, 2) sims <- c(a = 2) expanded <- check_sims(design, sims) expect_equal(expanded$n, c(1, 2)) }) test_that("fanout warnings", { N <- 100 pop <- declare_model(N = N, noise = rnorm(N)) inquiry <- declare_inquiry(foo = mean(noise)) sampl <- declare_sampling(S = complete_rs(N, n = N / 2)) estimator <- declare_estimator( noise ~ 1, .method = lm, inquiry = inquiry, label = "ha", term = TRUE ) D <- pop + inquiry + sampl + estimator strategy <- c(1, 1, 1, 1) Sys.setenv(TESTTHAT='m') expect_warning(diagnose_design(D, sims = strategy)) Sys.setenv(TESTTHAT='true') }) test_that("correct fan out", { f1 <- local({ i <- 0 function() { i <<- i + 1 i } }) f2 <- local({ i <- 0 function() { i <<- i + 1 i } }) f3 <- local({ i <- 0 function() { i <<- i + 1 i } }) e1 <- declare_inquiry(a = f1()) e2 <- declare_inquiry(b = f2()) e3 <- declare_inquiry(c = f3()) out <- simulate_design(declare_model(sleep) + e1 + e2 + e3, sims = c(30, 1, 5, 2)) expect_equivalent(apply(out[,c(5:7)], 2, max), c(30, 150, 300)) expect_equivalent(tapply(out$estimand, INDEX = out$inquiry, max), c(30, 150, 300)) })