R Under development (unstable) (2024-03-11 r86098 ucrt) -- "Unsuffered Consequences" Copyright (C) 2024 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details. R is a collaborative project with many contributors. Type 'contributors()' for more information and 'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications. Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or 'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help. Type 'q()' to quit R. > library(DatastreamR) > > # Login using Configuration > ds = DataClient$new("Config.ini") INFO [2024-03-13 10:17:29] DSConnect.R DSConnect$getToken :Getting Token and Token Expiry INFO [2024-03-13 10:17:29] DSConnect.R DSConnect$getJsonResponse Web response received > > df = tryCatch ({ + ds$getDataframe('MAV#(IN:CYD,20D)|E', NULL, kind=1) + }, + error = function(e) + { + stop (message(e)) + } + ) INFO [2024-03-13 10:17:29] Datastream.R DataClient$getDataframe Getting Data INFO [2024-03-13 10:17:29] Datastream.R DataClient$getData Getting Data INFO [2024-03-13 10:17:29] DSConnect.R DSConnect$getJsonResponse Web response received > print (df) Dates MAV#(IN:CYD,20D)||IR 1 2023-03-10 237.28 2 2023-03-13 236.83 3 2023-03-14 235.63 4 2023-03-15 234.35 5 2023-03-16 232.70 6 2023-03-17 231.59 7 2023-03-20 231.00 8 2023-03-21 230.05 9 2023-03-22 229.65 10 2023-03-23 229.33 11 2023-03-24 228.53 12 2023-03-27 227.36 13 2023-03-28 226.50 14 2023-03-29 226.35 15 2023-03-30 226.35 16 2023-03-31 226.62 17 2023-04-03 226.79 18 2023-04-04 226.95 19 2023-04-05 227.20 20 2023-04-06 227.62 21 2023-04-07 228.10 22 2023-04-10 228.92 23 2023-04-11 230.01 24 2023-04-12 231.23 25 2023-04-13 232.47 26 2023-04-14 233.53 27 2023-04-17 234.07 28 2023-04-18 234.88 29 2023-04-19 235.71 30 2023-04-20 236.74 31 2023-04-21 238.11 32 2023-04-24 240.33 33 2023-04-25 242.33 34 2023-04-26 243.33 35 2023-04-27 244.34 36 2023-04-28 245.03 37 2023-05-01 245.59 38 2023-05-02 246.95 39 2023-05-03 248.46 40 2023-05-04 250.03 41 2023-05-05 251.59 42 2023-05-08 253.20 43 2023-05-09 254.22 44 2023-05-10 255.44 45 2023-05-11 256.59 46 2023-05-12 257.91 47 2023-05-15 259.33 48 2023-05-16 261.02 49 2023-05-17 262.65 50 2023-05-18 264.07 51 2023-05-19 265.43 52 2023-05-22 265.01 53 2023-05-23 264.75 54 2023-05-24 264.47 55 2023-05-25 263.81 56 2023-05-26 263.21 57 2023-05-29 262.80 58 2023-05-30 261.79 59 2023-05-31 260.41 60 2023-06-01 259.13 61 2023-06-02 257.92 62 2023-06-05 258.12 63 2023-06-06 259.14 64 2023-06-07 259.49 65 2023-06-08 259.76 66 2023-06-09 259.77 67 2023-06-12 260.25 68 2023-06-13 260.23 69 2023-06-14 260.14 70 2023-06-15 260.42 71 2023-06-16 261.34 72 2023-06-19 264.01 73 2023-06-20 266.73 74 2023-06-21 269.20 75 2023-06-22 271.99 76 2023-06-23 274.31 77 2023-06-26 276.80 78 2023-06-27 278.92 79 2023-06-28 280.60 80 2023-06-29 282.22 81 2023-06-30 283.83 82 2023-07-03 284.04 83 2023-07-04 283.72 84 2023-07-05 283.93 85 2023-07-06 284.77 86 2023-07-07 285.77 87 2023-07-10 286.38 88 2023-07-11 288.78 89 2023-07-12 291.14 90 2023-07-13 293.14 91 2023-07-14 294.41 92 2023-07-17 296.07 93 2023-07-18 297.69 94 2023-07-19 299.42 95 2023-07-20 301.48 96 2023-07-21 303.86 97 2023-07-24 306.22 98 2023-07-25 308.93 99 2023-07-26 311.86 100 2023-07-27 314.55 101 2023-07-28 317.43 102 2023-07-31 319.98 103 2023-08-01 322.74 104 2023-08-02 325.34 105 2023-08-03 327.57 106 2023-08-04 329.85 107 2023-08-07 331.80 108 2023-08-08 332.27 109 2023-08-09 332.67 110 2023-08-10 333.21 111 2023-08-11 333.62 112 2023-08-14 334.33 113 2023-08-15 335.01 114 2023-08-16 338.82 115 2023-08-17 344.04 116 2023-08-18 348.44 117 2023-08-21 352.17 118 2023-08-22 355.59 119 2023-08-23 360.25 120 2023-08-24 364.69 121 2023-08-25 368.66 122 2023-08-28 373.13 123 2023-08-29 377.51 124 2023-08-30 382.60 125 2023-08-31 388.58 126 2023-09-01 394.53 127 2023-09-04 400.84 128 2023-09-05 408.02 129 2023-09-06 415.41 130 2023-09-07 427.59 131 2023-09-08 441.68 132 2023-09-11 454.59 133 2023-09-12 464.03 134 2023-09-13 471.02 135 2023-09-14 476.28 136 2023-09-15 482.87 137 2023-09-18 489.37 138 2023-09-19 495.98 139 2023-09-20 500.95 140 2023-09-21 505.70 141 2023-09-22 509.76 142 2023-09-25 513.14 143 2023-09-26 519.20 144 2023-09-27 524.68 145 2023-09-28 528.48 146 2023-09-29 532.90 147 2023-10-02 537.20 148 2023-10-03 540.09 149 2023-10-04 542.24 150 2023-10-05 540.40 151 2023-10-06 536.97 152 2023-10-09 532.70 153 2023-10-10 532.27 154 2023-10-11 531.31 155 2023-10-12 530.02 156 2023-10-13 528.09 157 2023-10-16 527.35 158 2023-10-17 526.25 159 2023-10-18 525.44 160 2023-10-19 525.05 161 2023-10-20 525.11 162 2023-10-23 524.91 163 2023-10-24 522.10 164 2023-10-25 518.08 165 2023-10-26 515.19 166 2023-10-27 512.71 167 2023-10-30 509.54 168 2023-10-31 506.60 169 2023-11-01 504.24 170 2023-11-02 501.20 171 2023-11-03 498.02 172 2023-11-06 497.29 173 2023-11-07 497.14 174 2023-11-08 497.10 175 2023-11-09 497.18 176 2023-11-10 497.64 177 2023-11-13 497.50 178 2023-11-14 497.70 179 2023-11-15 499.31 180 2023-11-16 500.69 181 2023-11-17 502.62 182 2023-11-20 505.46 183 2023-11-21 508.40 184 2023-11-22 512.17 185 2023-11-23 516.30 186 2023-11-24 519.68 187 2023-11-27 523.77 188 2023-11-28 528.31 189 2023-11-29 533.73 190 2023-11-30 540.08 191 2023-12-01 545.63 192 2023-12-04 550.24 193 2023-12-05 553.71 194 2023-12-06 559.53 195 2023-12-07 565.63 196 2023-12-08 571.04 197 2023-12-11 576.66 198 2023-12-12 581.61 199 2023-12-13 586.02 200 2023-12-14 590.23 201 2023-12-15 594.64 202 2023-12-18 599.17 203 2023-12-19 604.55 204 2023-12-20 608.21 205 2023-12-21 613.04 206 2023-12-22 617.53 207 2023-12-25 622.03 208 2023-12-26 628.07 209 2023-12-27 632.94 210 2023-12-28 636.46 211 2023-12-29 641.13 212 2024-01-01 645.48 213 2024-01-02 649.79 214 2024-01-03 651.58 215 2024-01-04 653.62 216 2024-01-05 656.06 217 2024-01-08 656.43 218 2024-01-09 658.59 219 2024-01-10 666.87 220 2024-01-11 674.33 221 2024-01-12 680.57 222 2024-01-15 687.34 223 2024-01-16 694.25 224 2024-01-17 706.09 225 2024-01-18 716.86 226 2024-01-19 728.01 227 2024-01-22 739.36 228 2024-01-23 747.43 229 2024-01-24 756.02 230 2024-01-25 765.97 231 2024-01-26 775.70 232 2024-01-29 784.63 233 2024-01-30 794.72 234 2024-01-31 806.55 235 2024-02-01 818.05 236 2024-02-02 829.24 237 2024-02-05 841.43 238 2024-02-06 852.21 239 2024-02-07 855.76 240 2024-02-08 862.69 241 2024-02-09 869.13 242 2024-02-12 870.87 243 2024-02-13 873.41 244 2024-02-14 873.32 245 2024-02-15 873.08 246 2024-02-16 871.36 247 2024-02-19 870.03 248 2024-02-20 869.78 249 2024-02-21 868.76 250 2024-02-22 867.00 251 2024-02-23 866.35 252 2024-02-26 866.31 253 2024-02-27 865.08 254 2024-02-28 862.18 255 2024-02-29 860.36 256 2024-03-01 858.79 257 2024-03-04 858.32 258 2024-03-05 857.91 259 2024-03-06 856.96 260 2024-03-07 854.75 261 2024-03-08 853.98 262 2024-03-11 856.12 263 2024-03-12 854.88 > > proc.time() user system elapsed 0.98 0.18 1.29