R Under development (unstable) (2024-03-11 r86098 ucrt) -- "Unsuffered Consequences" Copyright (C) 2024 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details. R is a collaborative project with many contributors. Type 'contributors()' for more information and 'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications. Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or 'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help. Type 'q()' to quit R. > # This file is part of the standard setup for testthat. > # It is recommended that you do not modify it. > # > # Where should you do additional test configuration? > # Learn more about the roles of various files in: > # * https://r-pkgs.org/testing-design.html#sec-tests-files-overview > # * https://testthat.r-lib.org/articles/special-files.html > > library(testthat) > library(DTwrappers2) > > test_check("DTwrappers2") [ FAIL 16 | WARN 0 | SKIP 0 | PASS 0 ] ══ Failed tests ════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ ── Error ('test-dt.character.coercion.culprits.R:22:7'): Basic functionality: returns a data.table with expected columns ── Error in `dt.calculate(dt.name = dt.name, the.variables = the.variables, the.functions = "character.coercion.culprits", the.filter = the.filter, grouping.variables = grouping.variables, grouping.type = grouping.type, add.function.name = add.function.name, other.params = other.params, ...)`: Error: the.functions must be specified with functions that are loaded. Make sure to call library() for the required packages. Backtrace: ▆ 1. └─DTwrappers2::dt.character.coercion.culprits(...) at test-dt.character.coercion.culprits.R:22:7 2. └─DTwrappers::dt.calculate(...) ── Error ('test-dt.character.coercion.culprits.R:30:7'): Threshold handling: adjusts output based on the threshold ── Error in `dt.calculate(dt.name = dt.name, the.variables = the.variables, the.functions = "character.coercion.culprits", the.filter = the.filter, grouping.variables = grouping.variables, grouping.type = grouping.type, add.function.name = add.function.name, other.params = other.params, ...)`: Error: the.functions must be specified with functions that are loaded. Make sure to call library() for the required packages. Backtrace: ▆ 1. └─DTwrappers2::dt.character.coercion.culprits(...) at test-dt.character.coercion.culprits.R:30:7 2. └─DTwrappers::dt.calculate(...) ── Error ('test-dt.character.coercion.culprits.R:38:7'): Variable selection: only processes specified variables ── Error in `dt.calculate(dt.name = dt.name, the.variables = the.variables, the.functions = "character.coercion.culprits", the.filter = the.filter, grouping.variables = grouping.variables, grouping.type = grouping.type, add.function.name = add.function.name, other.params = other.params, ...)`: Error: the.functions must be specified with functions that are loaded. Make sure to call library() for the required packages. Backtrace: ▆ 1. └─DTwrappers2::dt.character.coercion.culprits(...) at test-dt.character.coercion.culprits.R:38:7 2. └─DTwrappers::dt.calculate(...) ── Error ('test-dt.character.coercion.culprits.R:46:7'): Grouping functionality: correctly groups the results ── Error in `dt.calculate(dt.name = dt.name, the.variables = the.variables, the.functions = "character.coercion.culprits", the.filter = the.filter, grouping.variables = grouping.variables, grouping.type = grouping.type, add.function.name = add.function.name, other.params = other.params, ...)`: Error: the.functions must be specified with functions that are loaded. Make sure to call library() for the required packages. Backtrace: ▆ 1. └─DTwrappers2::dt.character.coercion.culprits(...) at test-dt.character.coercion.culprits.R:46:7 2. └─DTwrappers::dt.calculate(...) ── Error ('test-dt.character.coercion.culprits.R:55:7'): Return type handling: handles different return types correctly ── Error in `dt.calculate(dt.name = dt.name, the.variables = the.variables, the.functions = "character.coercion.culprits", the.filter = the.filter, grouping.variables = grouping.variables, grouping.type = grouping.type, add.function.name = add.function.name, other.params = other.params, ...)`: Error: the.functions must be specified with functions that are loaded. Make sure to call library() for the required packages. Backtrace: ▆ 1. └─DTwrappers2::dt.character.coercion.culprits(...) at test-dt.character.coercion.culprits.R:55:7 2. └─DTwrappers::dt.calculate(...) ── Error ('test-dt.max.numerics.R:12:5'): dt.max.numerics functionality: computes maximum values correctly for each group ── Error in `dt.calculate(dt.name = dt.name, the.variables = the.variables, the.functions = "max.numerics", the.filter = the.filter, grouping.variables = grouping.variables, sortby.group = sortby.group, other.params = other.params, table.format = table.format, add.function.name = add.function.name, return.as = return.as, envir = envir, ...)`: Error: the.functions must be specified with functions that are loaded. Make sure to call library() for the required packages. Backtrace: ▆ 1. └─DTwrappers2::dt.max.numerics(...) at test-dt.max.numerics.R:12:5 2. └─DTwrappers::dt.calculate(...) ── Error ('test-dt.max.numerics.R:26:5'): dt.max.numerics functionality: handles non-numeric columns according to non.numeric.value parameter ── Error in `dt.calculate(dt.name = dt.name, the.variables = the.variables, the.functions = "max.numerics", the.filter = the.filter, grouping.variables = grouping.variables, sortby.group = sortby.group, other.params = other.params, table.format = table.format, add.function.name = add.function.name, return.as = return.as, envir = envir, ...)`: Error: the.functions must be specified with functions that are loaded. Make sure to call library() for the required packages. Backtrace: ▆ 1. └─DTwrappers2::dt.max.numerics(...) at test-dt.max.numerics.R:26:5 2. └─DTwrappers::dt.calculate(...) ── Error ('test-dt.mean.measured.R:14:5'): dt.mean.measured functionality: calculates the proportion of measured values correctly ── Error in `dt.calculate(dt.name = dt.name, the.variables = the.variables, the.functions = "mean.measured", the.filter = the.filter, grouping.variables = grouping.variables, sortby.group = sortby.group, table.format = table.format, add.function.name = add.function.name, return.as = return.as, envir = envir, ...)`: Error: the.functions must be specified with functions that are loaded. Make sure to call library() for the required packages. Backtrace: ▆ 1. └─DTwrappers2::dt.mean.measured(...) at test-dt.mean.measured.R:14:5 2. └─DTwrappers::dt.calculate(...) ── Error ('test-dt.mean.measured.R:27:5'): dt.mean.measured functionality: applies filters correctly ── Error in `dt.calculate(dt.name = dt.name, the.variables = the.variables, the.functions = "mean.measured", the.filter = the.filter, grouping.variables = grouping.variables, sortby.group = sortby.group, table.format = table.format, add.function.name = add.function.name, return.as = return.as, envir = envir, ...)`: Error: the.functions must be specified with functions that are loaded. Make sure to call library() for the required packages. Backtrace: ▆ 1. └─DTwrappers2::dt.mean.measured(...) at test-dt.mean.measured.R:27:5 2. └─DTwrappers::dt.calculate(...) ── Error ('test-dt.mean.missing.R:14:5'): dt.mean.missing functionality: calculates the proportion of missing values correctly ── Error in `dt.calculate(dt.name = dt.name, the.variables = the.variables, the.functions = "mean.missing", the.filter = the.filter, grouping.variables = grouping.variables, sortby.group = sortby.group, table.format = table.format, add.function.name = add.function.name, return.as = return.as, envir = envir, ...)`: Error: the.functions must be specified with functions that are loaded. Make sure to call library() for the required packages. Backtrace: ▆ 1. └─DTwrappers2::dt.mean.missing(...) at test-dt.mean.missing.R:14:5 2. └─DTwrappers::dt.calculate(...) ── Error ('test-dt.mean.missing.R:25:5'): dt.mean.missing functionality: applies filters and grouping correctly ── Error in `dt.calculate(dt.name = dt.name, the.variables = the.variables, the.functions = "mean.missing", the.filter = the.filter, grouping.variables = grouping.variables, sortby.group = sortby.group, table.format = table.format, add.function.name = add.function.name, return.as = return.as, envir = envir, ...)`: Error: the.functions must be specified with functions that are loaded. Make sure to call library() for the required packages. Backtrace: ▆ 1. └─DTwrappers2::dt.mean.missing(...) at test-dt.mean.missing.R:25:5 2. └─DTwrappers::dt.calculate(...) ── Error ('test-dt.mean.numerics.R:12:5'): dt.mean.numerics functionality: computes mean values correctly with filter and grouping ── Error in `dt.calculate(dt.name = dt.name, the.variables = the.variables, the.functions = "mean.numerics", the.filter = the.filter, grouping.variables = grouping.variables, sortby.group = sortby.group, other.params = other.params, table.format = table.format, add.function.name = add.function.name, return.as = return.as, envir = envir, ...)`: Error: the.functions must be specified with functions that are loaded. Make sure to call library() for the required packages. Backtrace: ▆ 1. └─DTwrappers2::dt.mean.numerics(...) at test-dt.mean.numerics.R:12:5 2. └─DTwrappers::dt.calculate(...) ── Error ('test-dt.median.numerics.R:12:5'): dt.median.numerics functionality: computes median values correctly with filter and grouping ── Error in `dt.calculate(dt.name = dt.name, the.variables = the.variables, the.functions = "median.numerics", the.filter = the.filter, grouping.variables = grouping.variables, sortby.group = sortby.group, other.params = other.params, table.format = table.format, add.function.name = add.function.name, return.as = return.as, envir = envir, ...)`: Error: the.functions must be specified with functions that are loaded. Make sure to call library() for the required packages. Backtrace: ▆ 1. └─DTwrappers2::dt.median.numerics(...) at test-dt.median.numerics.R:12:5 2. └─DTwrappers::dt.calculate(...) ── Error ('test-dt.min.numerics.R:8:5'): dt.min.numerics functionality: computes minimum values correctly with grouping by species ── Error in `dt.calculate(dt.name = dt.name, the.variables = the.variables, the.functions = "min.numerics", the.filter = the.filter, grouping.variables = grouping.variables, sortby.group = sortby.group, other.params = other.params, table.format = table.format, add.function.name = add.function.name, return.as = return.as, envir = envir, ...)`: Error: the.functions must be specified with functions that are loaded. Make sure to call library() for the required packages. Backtrace: ▆ 1. └─DTwrappers2::dt.min.numerics(...) at test-dt.min.numerics.R:8:5 2. └─DTwrappers::dt.calculate(...) ── Error ('test-dt.remove.erroneous.characters.R:12:5'): Functionality of dt.remove.erroneous.characters: executes without errors and returns a data.table ── Error in `dt.calculate(dt.name = dt.name, the.functions = "remove.erroneous.characters", the.variables = the.variables, the.filter = the.filter, grouping.variables = NULL, sortby.group = TRUE, other.params = other.params, table.format = "wide", add.function.name = FALSE, individual.variables = TRUE, output.as.table = TRUE, return.as = return.as, envir = envir)`: Error: the.functions must be specified with functions that are loaded. Make sure to call library() for the required packages. Backtrace: ▆ 1. └─DTwrappers2::dt.remove.erroneous.characters(...) at test-dt.remove.erroneous.characters.R:12:5 2. └─DTwrappers::dt.calculate(...) ── Error ('test-dt.round.numerics.R:18:5'): Functionality of dt.round.numerics: correctly rounds the numeric values to specified digits ── Error in `dt.calculate(dt.name = dt.name, the.variables = the.variables, the.functions = "round.numerics", the.filter = the.filter, grouping.variables = grouping.variables, sortby.group = sortby.group, other.params = other.params, table.format = "wide", add.function.name = add.function.name, return.as = return.as, envir = envir, ...)`: Error: the.functions must be specified with functions that are loaded. Make sure to call library() for the required packages. Backtrace: ▆ 1. └─DTwrappers2::dt.round.numerics(dt.name = "grouped.means", digits = 2) at test-dt.round.numerics.R:18:5 2. └─DTwrappers::dt.calculate(...) [ FAIL 16 | WARN 0 | SKIP 0 | PASS 0 ] Error: Test failures Execution halted