print("This is the beginning of test-JPLLK_surface") test_that("only accept S3 class JPLLK_Parameters", { foo <- list(fitted = matrix(0.0, nrow = 2, ncol = 0), bandwidth = 3.0, resid = matrix(0.0, nrow = 2, ncol = 0), sigma = 0.0) expect_error(print.JPLLK_Parameters(x = foo, type = "sigma")) }) test_that("only accept correct type values", { foo <- list(fitted = matrix(0.0, nrow = 2, ncol = 0), bandwidth = 3.0, resid = matrix(0.0, nrow = 2, ncol = 0), sigma = 0.0) class(foo) <- "JPLLK_Parameters" expect_error(print.JPLLK_Parameters(x = foo, type = "thresh"), "Wrong values for type") expect_no_error(print.JPLLK_Parameters(x = foo, type = "bandwidth")) expect_no_error(print.JPLLK_Parameters(x = foo, type = "sigma")) expect_no_error(print.JPLLK_Parameters(x = foo, type = "all")) }) test_that("only accept S3 class JPLLK_Parameters", { foo <- list(fitted = matrix(0.0, nrow = 2, ncol = 0), bandwidth = 3.0, resid = matrix(0.0, nrow = 2, ncol = 0), sigma = 0.0) expect_error(summary.JPLLK_Parameters(object = foo)) class(foo) <- "JPLLK_Parameters" expect_no_error(summary.JPLLK_Parameters(object = foo)) }) test_that("only accept S3 class JPLLK_Parameters", { foo <- list(fitted = matrix(0.0, nrow = 2, ncol = 2), bandwidth = 3.0, resid = matrix(0.0, nrow = 2, ncol = 2), sigma = 0.0) expect_error(plot.JPLLK_Parameters(x = foo)) class(foo) <- "JPLLK_Parameters" expect_no_error(plot.JPLLK_Parameters(x = foo)) }) test_that("An S3 class JPLLK_Parameters is returned", { fit <- JPLLK_surface(image = sar, bandwidth = c(3, 4), plot = FALSE) expect_identical(class(fit), "JPLLK_Parameters") expect_no_error(parsel <- JPLLK_surface(image = matrix(0, 9, 9), bandwidth = 2, plot = TRUE)) }) test_that("only accept proper input", { expect_error(JPLLK_surface(image = 1:4, bandwidth = 2), "image data must be a matrix") expect_error(JPLLK_surface(image = matrix(0, 3, 4), bandwidth = 2), "image data must be a square matrix") expect_error(JPLLK_surface(image = matrix(1, 3, 3), bandwidth = "A"), "bandwidth must be numeric") expect_error(JPLLK_surface(image = matrix(1, 3, 3), bandwidth = -1), "bandwidth must be at least 1") expect_error(JPLLK_surface(image = matrix(1, 3, 3), bandwidth = 3), "all the bandwidths are greater than n/3") }) print("This is the end of test-JPLLK_surface")