R Under development (unstable) (2025-02-06 r87702 ucrt) -- "Unsuffered Consequences" Copyright (C) 2025 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details. R is a collaborative project with many contributors. Type 'contributors()' for more information and 'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications. Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or 'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help. Type 'q()' to quit R. > # https://github.com/Rdatatable/data.table/issues/5658 > Sys.setenv("OMP_THREAD_LIMIT" = 2) > Sys.setenv("Ncpu" = 2) > > library(testthat) > library(DQAstats) > library(utils) > > if (getRversion() >= "2.15.1") { + utils::globalVariables(c("logfile_dir")) + } [1] "logfile_dir" > test_check("DQAstats") Version of 'DIZtools': 1.0.1 Version of 'DIZutils': 0.1.3 Version of 'DQAstats': 0.3.7 INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:42] No time contstraints will be applied to input data. Either `restricting_date_start` or `restricting_date_end` was null. (08b1a85c61) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:42] Don't checking the time filtering columns because time filtering is not necessarry. (`rv$restricting_date$use_it` is not TRUE). (feec24b71b) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:42] Found the path to the csv files in the environment: 'D:/RCompile/CRANincoming/R-devel/lib/DQAstats/demo_data (d45dad8b72) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:42] D:/RCompile/CRANincoming/R-devel/lib/DQAstats/demo_data/dqa_example_data_01.csv (208282630a) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:42] D:/RCompile/CRANincoming/R-devel/lib/DQAstats/demo_data/dqa_example_data_02.csv (208282630a) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:42] Reading dqa_example_data_01.csv from CSV. (73c0aae8d4) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:42] Getting dqa_example_data_01.csv (81ba7f702f) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:42] Transforming source variable types dqa_example_data_01.csv (776ba03cbf) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:42] Found the path to the csv files in the environment: 'D:/RCompile/CRANincoming/R-devel/lib/DQAstats/demo_data (d45dad8b72) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:42] D:/RCompile/CRANincoming/R-devel/lib/DQAstats/demo_data/dqa_example_data_01.csv (208282630a) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:42] D:/RCompile/CRANincoming/R-devel/lib/DQAstats/demo_data/dqa_example_data_02.csv (208282630a) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:42] Reading dqa_example_data_02.csv from CSV. (73c0aae8d4) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:42] Getting dqa_example_data_02.csv (81ba7f702f) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:42] Transforming source variable types dqa_example_data_02.csv (776ba03cbf) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:42] Start the time_compare (tc5a1dwezt) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:42] Start comparing timestamps of: dqa_example_data_01.csv (tcst1dwe12) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:42] End of time-compare (tcen1dwe67) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:43] Getting atemporal plausibility Pl.atemporal.Item01 (0c70327436) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:43] Getting variable descriptions of Age in years (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:43] Calculating variable counts of Age in years (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:43] Calculating variable statistics of Age in years (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:43] Getting variable descriptions of Amount of credit (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:43] Calculating variable counts of Amount of credit (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:43] Calculating variable statistics of Amount of credit (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:43] Getting variable descriptions of Birthdate (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:43] Calculating variable counts of Birthdate (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:43] Calculating variable statistics of Birthdate (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:43] Getting variable descriptions of Credit worthy? (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:43] Calculating variable counts of Credit worthy? (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:43] Calculating variable statistics of Credit worthy? (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:43] Getting variable descriptions of Current bank balance (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:43] Calculating variable counts of Current bank balance (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:43] Calculating variable statistics of Current bank balance (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:43] Getting variable descriptions of Date of contact (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:43] Calculating variable counts of Date of contact (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:43] Calculating variable statistics of Date of contact (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:43] Getting variable descriptions of Forename (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:43] Calculating variable counts of Forename (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:43] Calculating variable statistics of Forename (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:43] Getting variable descriptions of Income (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:43] Calculating variable counts of Income (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:43] Calculating variable statistics of Income (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:43] Getting variable descriptions of Job (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:44] Calculating variable counts of Job (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:44] Calculating variable statistics of Job (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:44] Getting variable descriptions of Name (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:44] Calculating variable counts of Name (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:44] Calculating variable statistics of Name (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:44] Getting variable descriptions of Person ID (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:44] Calculating variable counts of Person ID (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:44] Calculating variable statistics of Person ID (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:44] Getting variable descriptions of Sex (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:44] Calculating variable counts of Sex (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:44] Calculating variable statistics of Sex (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:44] Getting plausibility descriptions of pl.atemporal.item01 (0888fa800d) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:44] Calculating plausibility counts of pl.atemporal.item01 (0e918bd0fd) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:44] Calculating plausibility statistics of pl.atemporal.item01 (cf90f11533) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:44] Getting uniqueness plausibility Pl.uniqueness.Item01 (e4fe49cd9e) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:45] Performing value conformance check for 'Age in years' (5d061425eb) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:45] Analyzing variable 'Age in years' with type 'integer' (source_data)... (d9f44d5c97) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:45] Analyzing variable 'Age in years' with type 'integer' (target_data)... (d9f44d5c97) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:45] Age in years from target_data : result_max > range$max (44264e3a64) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:45] Performing value conformance check for 'Amount of credit' (5d061425eb) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:45] Analyzing variable 'Amount of credit' with type 'integer' (source_data)... (d9f44d5c97) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:45] Analyzing variable 'Amount of credit' with type 'integer' (target_data)... (d9f44d5c97) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:45] Performing value conformance check for 'Birthdate' (5d061425eb) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:45] Analyzing variable 'Birthdate' with type 'datetime' (source_data)... (d9f44d5c97) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:45] Birthdate from source_data : result_min < datetime$min (21abaa38e2) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:45] Birthdate from source_data : result_max > datetime$max (44264e8a64) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:45] Analyzing variable 'Birthdate' with type 'datetime' (target_data)... (d9f44d5c97) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:45] Birthdate from target_data : result_min < datetime$min (21abaa38e2) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:45] Birthdate from target_data : result_max > datetime$max (44264e8a64) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:45] Performing value conformance check for 'Credit worthy?' (5d061425eb) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:45] Analyzing variable 'Credit worthy?' with type 'enumerated' (source_data)... (d9f44d5c97) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:45] Analyzing variable 'Credit worthy?' with type 'enumerated' (target_data)... (d9f44d5c97) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:45] Performing value conformance check for 'Current bank balance' (5d061425eb) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:45] Analyzing variable 'Current bank balance' with type 'integer' (source_data)... (d9f44d5c97) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:45] Current bank balance from source_data : result_min < range$min (21abaa37e2) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:45] Analyzing variable 'Current bank balance' with type 'integer' (target_data)... (d9f44d5c97) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:45] Current bank balance from target_data : result_min < range$min (21abaa37e2) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:45] Performing value conformance check for 'Date of contact' (5d061425eb) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:45] Analyzing variable 'Date of contact' with type 'datetime' (source_data)... (d9f44d5c97) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:45] Date of contact from source_data : result_min < datetime$min (21abaa38e2) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:45] Analyzing variable 'Date of contact' with type 'datetime' (target_data)... (d9f44d5c97) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:45] Date of contact from target_data : result_min < datetime$min (21abaa38e2) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:45] Performing value conformance check for 'Forename' (5d061425eb) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:45] Didn't perform value conformance checks, because there are no constraints in the MDR for designation 'Forename' (key = 'dqa_example_data_01.csv'). (4b27c49aa9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:45] Didn't perform value conformance checks, because there are no constraints in the MDR for designation 'Forename' (key = 'dqa_example_data_02.csv'). (4b27c49aa9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:45] Performing value conformance check for 'Income' (5d061425eb) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:45] Analyzing variable 'Income' with type 'integer' (source_data)... (d9f44d5c97) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:45] Analyzing variable 'Income' with type 'integer' (target_data)... (d9f44d5c97) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:45] Income from target_data : result_min < range$min (21abaa37e2) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:45] Performing value conformance check for 'Job' (5d061425eb) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:45] Didn't perform value conformance checks, because there are no constraints in the MDR for designation 'Job' (key = 'dqa_example_data_01.csv'). (4b27c49aa9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:45] Didn't perform value conformance checks, because there are no constraints in the MDR for designation 'Job' (key = 'dqa_example_data_02.csv'). (4b27c49aa9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:45] Performing value conformance check for 'Name' (5d061425eb) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:45] Didn't perform value conformance checks, because there are no constraints in the MDR for designation 'Name' (key = 'dqa_example_data_01.csv'). (4b27c49aa9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:45] Didn't perform value conformance checks, because there are no constraints in the MDR for designation 'Name' (key = 'dqa_example_data_02.csv'). (4b27c49aa9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:45] Performing value conformance check for 'Person ID' (5d061425eb) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:45] Didn't perform value conformance checks, because there are no constraints in the MDR for designation 'Person ID' (key = 'dqa_example_data_01.csv'). (4b27c49aa9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:45] Didn't perform value conformance checks, because there are no constraints in the MDR for designation 'Person ID' (key = 'dqa_example_data_02.csv'). (4b27c49aa9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:45] Performing value conformance check for 'Sex' (5d061425eb) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:45] Analyzing variable 'Sex' with type 'enumerated' (source_data)... (d9f44d5c97) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:45] Analyzing variable 'Sex' with type 'enumerated' (target_data)... (d9f44d5c97) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:45] Performing value conformance check for 'pl.atemporal.item01' (5d061425eb) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:45] Analyzing variable 'pl.atemporal.item01' with type 'enumerated' (source_data)... (d9f44d5c97) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:45] Analyzing variable 'pl.atemporal.item01' with type 'enumerated' (target_data)... (d9f44d5c97) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:45] Performing missing analysis Age in years (7a28e87b30) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:45] Performing missing analysis Amount of credit (7a28e87b30) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:45] Performing missing analysis Birthdate (7a28e87b30) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:45] Performing missing analysis Credit worthy? (7a28e87b30) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:45] Performing missing analysis Current bank balance (7a28e87b30) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:45] Performing missing analysis Date of contact (7a28e87b30) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:45] Performing missing analysis Forename (7a28e87b30) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:45] Performing missing analysis Income (7a28e87b30) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:45] Performing missing analysis Job (7a28e87b30) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:45] Performing missing analysis Name (7a28e87b30) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:45] Performing missing analysis Person ID (7a28e87b30) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:45] Performing missing analysis Sex (7a28e87b30) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:45] Creating D:\temp\2025_02_07_16_40_17_26708\RtmpqQS73H\output\/export/ (4f10124602) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:45] Creating report (aa5c87f7da) ERROR [2025-02-07 16:57:45] Something went wrong with tinytex. Is it installed correctly? Try reinstalling it by running `remotes::update_packages('tinytex', upgrade = 'always')` and `tinytex::install_tinytex()` !!! DQAstats is not able to render the PDF report !!! (e50d001ed4) Time difference of 0.05 mins INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:46] ✔ Date restriction parameters are valid in the MDR. (47da559fd2) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:46] Found the path to the csv files in the environment: 'D:/RCompile/CRANincoming/R-devel/lib/DQAstats/demo_data (d45dad8b72) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:46] D:/RCompile/CRANincoming/R-devel/lib/DQAstats/demo_data/dqa_example_data_01.csv (208282630a) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:46] D:/RCompile/CRANincoming/R-devel/lib/DQAstats/demo_data/dqa_example_data_02.csv (208282630a) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:46] Reading dqa_example_data_01.csv from CSV. (73c0aae8d4) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:46] Getting dqa_example_data_01.csv (81ba7f702f) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:46] Transforming source variable types dqa_example_data_01.csv (776ba03cbf) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:46] Found the path to the csv files in the environment: 'D:/RCompile/CRANincoming/R-devel/lib/DQAstats/demo_data (d45dad8b72) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:46] D:/RCompile/CRANincoming/R-devel/lib/DQAstats/demo_data/dqa_example_data_01.csv (208282630a) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:46] D:/RCompile/CRANincoming/R-devel/lib/DQAstats/demo_data/dqa_example_data_02.csv (208282630a) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:46] Reading dqa_example_data_02.csv from CSV. (73c0aae8d4) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:46] Getting dqa_example_data_02.csv (81ba7f702f) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:46] Transforming source variable types dqa_example_data_02.csv (776ba03cbf) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:46] Getting atemporal plausibility Pl.atemporal.Item01 (0c70327436) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:46] Getting variable descriptions of Age in years (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:46] Calculating variable counts of Age in years (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:46] Calculating variable statistics of Age in years (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:46] Getting variable descriptions of Amount of credit (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:46] Calculating variable counts of Amount of credit (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:46] Calculating variable statistics of Amount of credit (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:46] Getting variable descriptions of Birthdate (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:46] Calculating variable counts of Birthdate (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:46] Calculating variable statistics of Birthdate (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:47] Getting variable descriptions of Credit worthy? (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:47] Calculating variable counts of Credit worthy? (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:47] Calculating variable statistics of Credit worthy? (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:47] Getting variable descriptions of Current bank balance (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:47] Calculating variable counts of Current bank balance (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:47] Calculating variable statistics of Current bank balance (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:47] Getting variable descriptions of Date of contact (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:47] Calculating variable counts of Date of contact (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:47] Calculating variable statistics of Date of contact (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:47] Getting variable descriptions of Forename (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:47] Calculating variable counts of Forename (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:47] Calculating variable statistics of Forename (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:47] Getting variable descriptions of Income (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:47] Calculating variable counts of Income (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:47] Calculating variable statistics of Income (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:47] Getting variable descriptions of Job (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:47] Calculating variable counts of Job (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:47] Calculating variable statistics of Job (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:47] Getting variable descriptions of Name (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:47] Calculating variable counts of Name (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:47] Calculating variable statistics of Name (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:47] Getting variable descriptions of Person ID (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:47] Calculating variable counts of Person ID (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:47] Calculating variable statistics of Person ID (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:47] Getting variable descriptions of Sex (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:47] Calculating variable counts of Sex (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:47] Calculating variable statistics of Sex (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:47] Performing missing analysis Age in years (7a28e87b30) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:47] Performing missing analysis Amount of credit (7a28e87b30) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:47] Performing missing analysis Birthdate (7a28e87b30) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:47] Performing missing analysis Credit worthy? (7a28e87b30) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:47] Performing missing analysis Current bank balance (7a28e87b30) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:47] Performing missing analysis Date of contact (7a28e87b30) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:47] Performing missing analysis Forename (7a28e87b30) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:47] Performing missing analysis Income (7a28e87b30) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:47] Performing missing analysis Job (7a28e87b30) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:47] Performing missing analysis Name (7a28e87b30) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:47] Performing missing analysis Person ID (7a28e87b30) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:47] Performing missing analysis Sex (7a28e87b30) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:47] Found the path to the csv files in the environment: 'D:/RCompile/CRANincoming/R-devel/lib/DQAstats/demo_data (d45dad8b72) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:47] D:/RCompile/CRANincoming/R-devel/lib/DQAstats/demo_data/dqa_example_data_01.csv (208282630a) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:47] D:/RCompile/CRANincoming/R-devel/lib/DQAstats/demo_data/dqa_example_data_02.csv (208282630a) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:47] Reading dqa_example_data_01.csv from CSV. (73c0aae8d4) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:47] Getting dqa_example_data_01.csv (81ba7f702f) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:47] Transforming source variable types dqa_example_data_01.csv (776ba03cbf) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:47] Found the path to the csv files in the environment: 'D:/RCompile/CRANincoming/R-devel/lib/DQAstats/demo_data (d45dad8b72) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:47] D:/RCompile/CRANincoming/R-devel/lib/DQAstats/demo_data/dqa_example_data_01.csv (208282630a) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:47] D:/RCompile/CRANincoming/R-devel/lib/DQAstats/demo_data/dqa_example_data_02.csv (208282630a) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:47] Reading dqa_example_data_02.csv from CSV. (73c0aae8d4) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:47] Getting dqa_example_data_02.csv (81ba7f702f) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:47] Transforming source variable types dqa_example_data_02.csv (776ba03cbf) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:48] Getting atemporal plausibility Pl.atemporal.Item01 (0c70327436) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:48] Getting variable descriptions of Age in years (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:48] Calculating variable counts of Age in years (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:48] Calculating variable statistics of Age in years (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:48] Getting variable descriptions of Amount of credit (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:48] Calculating variable counts of Amount of credit (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:48] Calculating variable statistics of Amount of credit (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:48] Getting variable descriptions of Birthdate (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:48] Calculating variable counts of Birthdate (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:48] Calculating variable statistics of Birthdate (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:48] Getting variable descriptions of Credit worthy? (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:48] Calculating variable counts of Credit worthy? (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:48] Calculating variable statistics of Credit worthy? (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:48] Getting variable descriptions of Current bank balance (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:48] Calculating variable counts of Current bank balance (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:48] Calculating variable statistics of Current bank balance (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:48] Getting variable descriptions of Date of contact (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:48] Calculating variable counts of Date of contact (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:48] Calculating variable statistics of Date of contact (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:48] Getting variable descriptions of Forename (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:48] Calculating variable counts of Forename (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:48] Calculating variable statistics of Forename (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:48] Getting variable descriptions of Income (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:48] Calculating variable counts of Income (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:48] Calculating variable statistics of Income (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:48] Getting variable descriptions of Job (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:48] Calculating variable counts of Job (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:48] Calculating variable statistics of Job (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:48] Getting variable descriptions of Name (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:48] Calculating variable counts of Name (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:48] Calculating variable statistics of Name (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:48] Getting variable descriptions of Person ID (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:48] Calculating variable counts of Person ID (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:48] Calculating variable statistics of Person ID (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:48] Getting variable descriptions of Sex (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:48] Calculating variable counts of Sex (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:48] Calculating variable statistics of Sex (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:49] Getting plausibility descriptions of pl.atemporal.item01 (0888fa800d) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:49] Calculating plausibility counts of pl.atemporal.item01 (0e918bd0fd) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:49] Calculating plausibility statistics of pl.atemporal.item01 (cf90f11533) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:49] Getting uniqueness plausibility Pl.uniqueness.Item01 (e4fe49cd9e) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:49] Performing value conformance check for 'Age in years' (5d061425eb) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:49] Analyzing variable 'Age in years' with type 'integer' (source_data)... (d9f44d5c97) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:49] Analyzing variable 'Age in years' with type 'integer' (target_data)... (d9f44d5c97) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:49] Age in years from target_data : result_max > range$max (44264e3a64) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:49] Performing value conformance check for 'Amount of credit' (5d061425eb) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:49] Analyzing variable 'Amount of credit' with type 'integer' (source_data)... (d9f44d5c97) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:49] Analyzing variable 'Amount of credit' with type 'integer' (target_data)... (d9f44d5c97) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:49] Performing value conformance check for 'Birthdate' (5d061425eb) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:49] Analyzing variable 'Birthdate' with type 'datetime' (source_data)... (d9f44d5c97) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:49] Birthdate from source_data : result_min < datetime$min (21abaa38e2) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:49] Birthdate from source_data : result_max > datetime$max (44264e8a64) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:49] Analyzing variable 'Birthdate' with type 'datetime' (target_data)... (d9f44d5c97) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:49] Birthdate from target_data : result_min < datetime$min (21abaa38e2) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:49] Birthdate from target_data : result_max > datetime$max (44264e8a64) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:49] Performing value conformance check for 'Credit worthy?' (5d061425eb) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:49] Analyzing variable 'Credit worthy?' with type 'enumerated' (source_data)... (d9f44d5c97) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:49] Analyzing variable 'Credit worthy?' with type 'enumerated' (target_data)... (d9f44d5c97) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:49] Performing value conformance check for 'Current bank balance' (5d061425eb) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:49] Analyzing variable 'Current bank balance' with type 'integer' (source_data)... (d9f44d5c97) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:49] Current bank balance from source_data : result_min < range$min (21abaa37e2) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:49] Analyzing variable 'Current bank balance' with type 'integer' (target_data)... (d9f44d5c97) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:49] Current bank balance from target_data : result_min < range$min (21abaa37e2) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:49] Performing value conformance check for 'Date of contact' (5d061425eb) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:49] Analyzing variable 'Date of contact' with type 'datetime' (source_data)... (d9f44d5c97) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:49] Date of contact from source_data : result_min < datetime$min (21abaa38e2) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:49] Analyzing variable 'Date of contact' with type 'datetime' (target_data)... (d9f44d5c97) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:49] Date of contact from target_data : result_min < datetime$min (21abaa38e2) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:50] Performing value conformance check for 'Forename' (5d061425eb) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:50] Didn't perform value conformance checks, because there are no constraints in the MDR for designation 'Forename' (key = 'dqa_example_data_01.csv'). (4b27c49aa9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:50] Didn't perform value conformance checks, because there are no constraints in the MDR for designation 'Forename' (key = 'dqa_example_data_02.csv'). (4b27c49aa9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:50] Performing value conformance check for 'Income' (5d061425eb) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:50] Analyzing variable 'Income' with type 'integer' (source_data)... (d9f44d5c97) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:50] Analyzing variable 'Income' with type 'integer' (target_data)... (d9f44d5c97) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:50] Income from target_data : result_min < range$min (21abaa37e2) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:50] Performing value conformance check for 'Job' (5d061425eb) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:50] Didn't perform value conformance checks, because there are no constraints in the MDR for designation 'Job' (key = 'dqa_example_data_01.csv'). (4b27c49aa9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:50] Didn't perform value conformance checks, because there are no constraints in the MDR for designation 'Job' (key = 'dqa_example_data_02.csv'). (4b27c49aa9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:50] Performing value conformance check for 'Name' (5d061425eb) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:50] Didn't perform value conformance checks, because there are no constraints in the MDR for designation 'Name' (key = 'dqa_example_data_01.csv'). (4b27c49aa9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:50] Didn't perform value conformance checks, because there are no constraints in the MDR for designation 'Name' (key = 'dqa_example_data_02.csv'). (4b27c49aa9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:50] Performing value conformance check for 'Person ID' (5d061425eb) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:50] Didn't perform value conformance checks, because there are no constraints in the MDR for designation 'Person ID' (key = 'dqa_example_data_01.csv'). (4b27c49aa9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:50] Didn't perform value conformance checks, because there are no constraints in the MDR for designation 'Person ID' (key = 'dqa_example_data_02.csv'). (4b27c49aa9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:50] Performing value conformance check for 'Sex' (5d061425eb) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:50] Analyzing variable 'Sex' with type 'enumerated' (source_data)... (d9f44d5c97) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:50] Analyzing variable 'Sex' with type 'enumerated' (target_data)... (d9f44d5c97) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:50] Found the path to the csv files in the environment: 'D:/RCompile/CRANincoming/R-devel/lib/DQAstats/demo_data (d45dad8b72) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:50] D:/RCompile/CRANincoming/R-devel/lib/DQAstats/demo_data/dqa_example_data_01.csv (208282630a) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:50] D:/RCompile/CRANincoming/R-devel/lib/DQAstats/demo_data/dqa_example_data_02.csv (208282630a) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:50] Reading dqa_example_data_01.csv from CSV. (73c0aae8d4) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:50] Getting dqa_example_data_01.csv (81ba7f702f) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:50] Transforming source variable types dqa_example_data_01.csv (776ba03cbf) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:50] Found the path to the csv files in the environment: 'D:/RCompile/CRANincoming/R-devel/lib/DQAstats/demo_data (d45dad8b72) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:50] D:/RCompile/CRANincoming/R-devel/lib/DQAstats/demo_data/dqa_example_data_01.csv (208282630a) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:50] D:/RCompile/CRANincoming/R-devel/lib/DQAstats/demo_data/dqa_example_data_02.csv (208282630a) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:50] Reading dqa_example_data_02.csv from CSV. (73c0aae8d4) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:50] Getting dqa_example_data_02.csv (81ba7f702f) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:50] Transforming source variable types dqa_example_data_02.csv (776ba03cbf) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:50] Found the path to the csv files in the environment: 'D:/RCompile/CRANincoming/R-devel/lib/DQAstats/demo_data (d45dad8b72) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:50] D:/RCompile/CRANincoming/R-devel/lib/DQAstats/demo_data/dqa_example_data_01.csv (208282630a) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:50] D:/RCompile/CRANincoming/R-devel/lib/DQAstats/demo_data/dqa_example_data_02.csv (208282630a) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:50] Reading dqa_example_data_01.csv from CSV. (73c0aae8d4) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:50] Getting dqa_example_data_01.csv (81ba7f702f) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:50] Transforming source variable types dqa_example_data_01.csv (776ba03cbf) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:50] Found the path to the csv files in the environment: 'D:/RCompile/CRANincoming/R-devel/lib/DQAstats/demo_data (d45dad8b72) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:50] D:/RCompile/CRANincoming/R-devel/lib/DQAstats/demo_data/dqa_example_data_01.csv (208282630a) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:50] D:/RCompile/CRANincoming/R-devel/lib/DQAstats/demo_data/dqa_example_data_02.csv (208282630a) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:50] Reading dqa_example_data_02.csv from CSV. (73c0aae8d4) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:50] Getting dqa_example_data_02.csv (81ba7f702f) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:50] Transforming source variable types dqa_example_data_02.csv (776ba03cbf) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:51] Getting atemporal plausibility Pl.atemporal.Item01 (0c70327436) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:51] Getting variable descriptions of Age in years (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:51] Calculating variable counts of Age in years (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:51] Calculating variable statistics of Age in years (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:51] Getting variable descriptions of Amount of credit (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:51] Calculating variable counts of Amount of credit (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:51] Calculating variable statistics of Amount of credit (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:51] Getting variable descriptions of Birthdate (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:51] Calculating variable counts of Birthdate (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:51] Calculating variable statistics of Birthdate (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:51] Getting variable descriptions of Credit worthy? (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:51] Calculating variable counts of Credit worthy? (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:51] Calculating variable statistics of Credit worthy? (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:51] Getting variable descriptions of Current bank balance (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:51] Calculating variable counts of Current bank balance (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:51] Calculating variable statistics of Current bank balance (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:51] Getting variable descriptions of Date of contact (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:51] Calculating variable counts of Date of contact (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:51] Calculating variable statistics of Date of contact (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:51] Getting variable descriptions of Forename (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:51] Calculating variable counts of Forename (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:51] Calculating variable statistics of Forename (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:51] Getting variable descriptions of Income (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:51] Calculating variable counts of Income (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:51] Calculating variable statistics of Income (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:51] Getting variable descriptions of Job (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:51] Calculating variable counts of Job (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:51] Calculating variable statistics of Job (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:51] Getting variable descriptions of Name (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:51] Calculating variable counts of Name (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:51] Calculating variable statistics of Name (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:51] Getting variable descriptions of Person ID (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:51] Calculating variable counts of Person ID (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:51] Calculating variable statistics of Person ID (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:51] Getting variable descriptions of Sex (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:51] Calculating variable counts of Sex (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:51] Calculating variable statistics of Sex (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:51] ✔ Date restriction parameters are valid in the MDR. (47da559fd2) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:52] Found the path to the csv files in the environment: 'D:/RCompile/CRANincoming/R-devel/lib/DQAstats/demo_data (d45dad8b72) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:52] D:/RCompile/CRANincoming/R-devel/lib/DQAstats/demo_data/dqa_example_data_01.csv (208282630a) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:52] D:/RCompile/CRANincoming/R-devel/lib/DQAstats/demo_data/dqa_example_data_02.csv (208282630a) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:52] Reading dqa_example_data_01.csv from CSV. (73c0aae8d4) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:52] Getting dqa_example_data_01.csv (81ba7f702f) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:52] Transforming source variable types dqa_example_data_01.csv (776ba03cbf) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:52] Found the path to the csv files in the environment: 'D:/RCompile/CRANincoming/R-devel/lib/DQAstats/demo_data (d45dad8b72) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:52] D:/RCompile/CRANincoming/R-devel/lib/DQAstats/demo_data/dqa_example_data_01.csv (208282630a) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:52] D:/RCompile/CRANincoming/R-devel/lib/DQAstats/demo_data/dqa_example_data_02.csv (208282630a) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:52] Reading dqa_example_data_02.csv from CSV. (73c0aae8d4) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:52] Getting dqa_example_data_02.csv (81ba7f702f) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:52] Transforming source variable types dqa_example_data_02.csv (776ba03cbf) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:52] Getting variable descriptions of Age in years (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:52] Calculating variable counts of Age in years (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:52] Calculating variable statistics of Age in years (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:52] Getting variable descriptions of Amount of credit (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:52] Calculating variable counts of Amount of credit (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:52] Calculating variable statistics of Amount of credit (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:52] Getting variable descriptions of Birthdate (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:52] Calculating variable counts of Birthdate (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:52] Calculating variable statistics of Birthdate (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:52] Getting variable descriptions of Credit worthy? (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:52] Calculating variable counts of Credit worthy? (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:52] Calculating variable statistics of Credit worthy? (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:52] Getting variable descriptions of Current bank balance (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:52] Calculating variable counts of Current bank balance (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:52] Calculating variable statistics of Current bank balance (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:52] Getting variable descriptions of Date of contact (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:52] Calculating variable counts of Date of contact (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:52] Calculating variable statistics of Date of contact (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:52] Getting variable descriptions of Forename (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:52] Calculating variable counts of Forename (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:52] Calculating variable statistics of Forename (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:52] Getting variable descriptions of Income (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:52] Calculating variable counts of Income (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:52] Calculating variable statistics of Income (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:52] Getting variable descriptions of Job (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:52] Calculating variable counts of Job (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:52] Calculating variable statistics of Job (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:52] Getting variable descriptions of Name (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:52] Calculating variable counts of Name (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:52] Calculating variable statistics of Name (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:53] Getting variable descriptions of Person ID (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:53] Calculating variable counts of Person ID (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:53] Calculating variable statistics of Person ID (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:53] Getting variable descriptions of Sex (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:53] Calculating variable counts of Sex (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:53] Calculating variable statistics of Sex (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:53] Performing value conformance check for 'Age in years' (5d061425eb) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:53] Analyzing variable 'Age in years' with type 'integer' (source_data)... (d9f44d5c97) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:53] Analyzing variable 'Age in years' with type 'integer' (target_data)... (d9f44d5c97) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:53] Age in years from target_data : result_max > range$max (44264e3a64) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:53] Performing value conformance check for 'Amount of credit' (5d061425eb) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:53] Analyzing variable 'Amount of credit' with type 'integer' (source_data)... (d9f44d5c97) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:53] Analyzing variable 'Amount of credit' with type 'integer' (target_data)... (d9f44d5c97) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:53] Performing value conformance check for 'Birthdate' (5d061425eb) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:53] Analyzing variable 'Birthdate' with type 'datetime' (source_data)... (d9f44d5c97) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:53] Birthdate from source_data : result_min < datetime$min (21abaa38e2) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:53] Birthdate from source_data : result_max > datetime$max (44264e8a64) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:53] Analyzing variable 'Birthdate' with type 'datetime' (target_data)... (d9f44d5c97) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:53] Birthdate from target_data : result_min < datetime$min (21abaa38e2) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:53] Birthdate from target_data : result_max > datetime$max (44264e8a64) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:53] Performing value conformance check for 'Credit worthy?' (5d061425eb) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:53] Analyzing variable 'Credit worthy?' with type 'enumerated' (source_data)... (d9f44d5c97) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:53] Analyzing variable 'Credit worthy?' with type 'enumerated' (target_data)... (d9f44d5c97) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:53] Performing value conformance check for 'Current bank balance' (5d061425eb) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:53] Analyzing variable 'Current bank balance' with type 'integer' (source_data)... (d9f44d5c97) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:53] Current bank balance from source_data : result_min < range$min (21abaa37e2) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:53] Analyzing variable 'Current bank balance' with type 'integer' (target_data)... (d9f44d5c97) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:53] Current bank balance from target_data : result_min < range$min (21abaa37e2) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:53] Performing value conformance check for 'Date of contact' (5d061425eb) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:53] Analyzing variable 'Date of contact' with type 'datetime' (source_data)... (d9f44d5c97) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:53] Date of contact from source_data : result_min < datetime$min (21abaa38e2) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:53] Analyzing variable 'Date of contact' with type 'datetime' (target_data)... (d9f44d5c97) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:53] Date of contact from target_data : result_min < datetime$min (21abaa38e2) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:53] Performing value conformance check for 'Forename' (5d061425eb) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:53] Didn't perform value conformance checks, because there are no constraints in the MDR for designation 'Forename' (key = 'dqa_example_data_01.csv'). (4b27c49aa9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:53] Didn't perform value conformance checks, because there are no constraints in the MDR for designation 'Forename' (key = 'dqa_example_data_02.csv'). (4b27c49aa9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:53] Performing value conformance check for 'Income' (5d061425eb) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:53] Analyzing variable 'Income' with type 'integer' (source_data)... (d9f44d5c97) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:53] Analyzing variable 'Income' with type 'integer' (target_data)... (d9f44d5c97) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:53] Income from target_data : result_min < range$min (21abaa37e2) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:53] Performing value conformance check for 'Job' (5d061425eb) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:53] Didn't perform value conformance checks, because there are no constraints in the MDR for designation 'Job' (key = 'dqa_example_data_01.csv'). (4b27c49aa9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:53] Didn't perform value conformance checks, because there are no constraints in the MDR for designation 'Job' (key = 'dqa_example_data_02.csv'). (4b27c49aa9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:53] Performing value conformance check for 'Name' (5d061425eb) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:53] Didn't perform value conformance checks, because there are no constraints in the MDR for designation 'Name' (key = 'dqa_example_data_01.csv'). (4b27c49aa9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:53] Didn't perform value conformance checks, because there are no constraints in the MDR for designation 'Name' (key = 'dqa_example_data_02.csv'). (4b27c49aa9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:53] Performing value conformance check for 'Person ID' (5d061425eb) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:53] Didn't perform value conformance checks, because there are no constraints in the MDR for designation 'Person ID' (key = 'dqa_example_data_01.csv'). (4b27c49aa9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:53] Didn't perform value conformance checks, because there are no constraints in the MDR for designation 'Person ID' (key = 'dqa_example_data_02.csv'). (4b27c49aa9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:53] Performing value conformance check for 'Sex' (5d061425eb) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:53] Analyzing variable 'Sex' with type 'enumerated' (source_data)... (d9f44d5c97) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:53] Analyzing variable 'Sex' with type 'enumerated' (target_data)... (d9f44d5c97) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:53] Found the path to the csv files in the environment: 'D:/RCompile/CRANincoming/R-devel/lib/DQAstats/demo_data (d45dad8b72) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:53] D:/RCompile/CRANincoming/R-devel/lib/DQAstats/demo_data/dqa_example_data_01.csv (208282630a) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:53] D:/RCompile/CRANincoming/R-devel/lib/DQAstats/demo_data/dqa_example_data_02.csv (208282630a) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:53] Reading dqa_example_data_01.csv from CSV. (73c0aae8d4) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:53] Getting dqa_example_data_01.csv (81ba7f702f) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:53] Transforming source variable types dqa_example_data_01.csv (776ba03cbf) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:53] Found the path to the csv files in the environment: 'D:/RCompile/CRANincoming/R-devel/lib/DQAstats/demo_data (d45dad8b72) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:53] D:/RCompile/CRANincoming/R-devel/lib/DQAstats/demo_data/dqa_example_data_01.csv (208282630a) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:53] D:/RCompile/CRANincoming/R-devel/lib/DQAstats/demo_data/dqa_example_data_02.csv (208282630a) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:54] Reading dqa_example_data_02.csv from CSV. (73c0aae8d4) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:54] Getting dqa_example_data_02.csv (81ba7f702f) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:54] Transforming source variable types dqa_example_data_02.csv (776ba03cbf) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:54] Getting variable descriptions of Age in years (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:54] Calculating variable counts of Age in years (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:54] Calculating variable statistics of Age in years (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:54] Getting variable descriptions of Amount of credit (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:54] Calculating variable counts of Amount of credit (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:54] Calculating variable statistics of Amount of credit (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:54] Getting variable descriptions of Birthdate (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:54] Calculating variable counts of Birthdate (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:54] Calculating variable statistics of Birthdate (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:54] Getting variable descriptions of Credit worthy? (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:54] Calculating variable counts of Credit worthy? (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:54] Calculating variable statistics of Credit worthy? (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:54] Getting variable descriptions of Current bank balance (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:54] Calculating variable counts of Current bank balance (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:54] Calculating variable statistics of Current bank balance (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:54] Getting variable descriptions of Date of contact (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:54] Calculating variable counts of Date of contact (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:54] Calculating variable statistics of Date of contact (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:54] Getting variable descriptions of Forename (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:54] Calculating variable counts of Forename (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:54] Calculating variable statistics of Forename (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:54] Getting variable descriptions of Income (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:54] Calculating variable counts of Income (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:54] Calculating variable statistics of Income (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:54] Getting variable descriptions of Job (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:54] Calculating variable counts of Job (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:54] Calculating variable statistics of Job (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:54] Getting variable descriptions of Name (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:54] Calculating variable counts of Name (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:54] Calculating variable statistics of Name (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:54] Getting variable descriptions of Person ID (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:54] Calculating variable counts of Person ID (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:54] Calculating variable statistics of Person ID (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:54] Getting variable descriptions of Sex (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:54] Calculating variable counts of Sex (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:54] Calculating variable statistics of Sex (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:55] Performing value conformance check for 'Age in years' (5d061425eb) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:55] Analyzing variable 'Age in years' with type 'integer' (source_data)... (d9f44d5c97) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:55] Analyzing variable 'Age in years' with type 'integer' (target_data)... (d9f44d5c97) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:55] Age in years from target_data : result_max > range$max (44264e3a64) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:55] Performing value conformance check for 'Amount of credit' (5d061425eb) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:55] Analyzing variable 'Amount of credit' with type 'integer' (source_data)... (d9f44d5c97) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:55] Analyzing variable 'Amount of credit' with type 'integer' (target_data)... (d9f44d5c97) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:55] Performing value conformance check for 'Birthdate' (5d061425eb) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:55] Analyzing variable 'Birthdate' with type 'datetime' (source_data)... (d9f44d5c97) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:55] Birthdate from source_data : result_min < datetime$min (21abaa38e2) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:55] Birthdate from source_data : result_max > datetime$max (44264e8a64) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:55] Analyzing variable 'Birthdate' with type 'datetime' (target_data)... (d9f44d5c97) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:55] Birthdate from target_data : result_min < datetime$min (21abaa38e2) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:55] Birthdate from target_data : result_max > datetime$max (44264e8a64) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:55] Performing value conformance check for 'Credit worthy?' (5d061425eb) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:55] Analyzing variable 'Credit worthy?' with type 'enumerated' (source_data)... (d9f44d5c97) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:55] Analyzing variable 'Credit worthy?' with type 'enumerated' (target_data)... (d9f44d5c97) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:55] Performing value conformance check for 'Current bank balance' (5d061425eb) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:55] Analyzing variable 'Current bank balance' with type 'integer' (source_data)... (d9f44d5c97) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:55] Current bank balance from source_data : result_min < range$min (21abaa37e2) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:55] Analyzing variable 'Current bank balance' with type 'integer' (target_data)... (d9f44d5c97) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:55] Current bank balance from target_data : result_min < range$min (21abaa37e2) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:55] Performing value conformance check for 'Date of contact' (5d061425eb) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:55] Analyzing variable 'Date of contact' with type 'datetime' (source_data)... (d9f44d5c97) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:55] Date of contact from source_data : result_min < datetime$min (21abaa38e2) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:55] Analyzing variable 'Date of contact' with type 'datetime' (target_data)... (d9f44d5c97) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:55] Date of contact from target_data : result_min < datetime$min (21abaa38e2) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:55] Performing value conformance check for 'Forename' (5d061425eb) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:55] Didn't perform value conformance checks, because there are no constraints in the MDR for designation 'Forename' (key = 'dqa_example_data_01.csv'). (4b27c49aa9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:55] Didn't perform value conformance checks, because there are no constraints in the MDR for designation 'Forename' (key = 'dqa_example_data_02.csv'). (4b27c49aa9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:55] Performing value conformance check for 'Income' (5d061425eb) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:55] Analyzing variable 'Income' with type 'integer' (source_data)... (d9f44d5c97) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:55] Analyzing variable 'Income' with type 'integer' (target_data)... (d9f44d5c97) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:55] Income from target_data : result_min < range$min (21abaa37e2) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:55] Performing value conformance check for 'Job' (5d061425eb) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:55] Didn't perform value conformance checks, because there are no constraints in the MDR for designation 'Job' (key = 'dqa_example_data_01.csv'). (4b27c49aa9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:55] Didn't perform value conformance checks, because there are no constraints in the MDR for designation 'Job' (key = 'dqa_example_data_02.csv'). (4b27c49aa9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:55] Performing value conformance check for 'Name' (5d061425eb) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:55] Didn't perform value conformance checks, because there are no constraints in the MDR for designation 'Name' (key = 'dqa_example_data_01.csv'). (4b27c49aa9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:55] Didn't perform value conformance checks, because there are no constraints in the MDR for designation 'Name' (key = 'dqa_example_data_02.csv'). (4b27c49aa9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:55] Performing value conformance check for 'Person ID' (5d061425eb) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:55] Didn't perform value conformance checks, because there are no constraints in the MDR for designation 'Person ID' (key = 'dqa_example_data_01.csv'). (4b27c49aa9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:55] Didn't perform value conformance checks, because there are no constraints in the MDR for designation 'Person ID' (key = 'dqa_example_data_02.csv'). (4b27c49aa9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:55] Performing value conformance check for 'Sex' (5d061425eb) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:55] Analyzing variable 'Sex' with type 'enumerated' (source_data)... (d9f44d5c97) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:55] Analyzing variable 'Sex' with type 'enumerated' (target_data)... (d9f44d5c97) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:55] Found the path to the csv files in the environment: 'D:/RCompile/CRANincoming/R-devel/lib/DQAstats/demo_data (d45dad8b72) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:55] D:/RCompile/CRANincoming/R-devel/lib/DQAstats/demo_data/dqa_example_data_01.csv (208282630a) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:55] D:/RCompile/CRANincoming/R-devel/lib/DQAstats/demo_data/dqa_example_data_02.csv (208282630a) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:55] Reading dqa_example_data_01.csv from CSV. (73c0aae8d4) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:55] Getting dqa_example_data_01.csv (81ba7f702f) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:55] Transforming source variable types dqa_example_data_01.csv (776ba03cbf) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:55] Found the path to the csv files in the environment: 'D:/RCompile/CRANincoming/R-devel/lib/DQAstats/demo_data (d45dad8b72) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:55] D:/RCompile/CRANincoming/R-devel/lib/DQAstats/demo_data/dqa_example_data_01.csv (208282630a) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:55] D:/RCompile/CRANincoming/R-devel/lib/DQAstats/demo_data/dqa_example_data_02.csv (208282630a) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:55] Reading dqa_example_data_02.csv from CSV. (73c0aae8d4) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:55] Getting dqa_example_data_02.csv (81ba7f702f) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:55] Transforming source variable types dqa_example_data_02.csv (776ba03cbf) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:55] Getting atemporal plausibility Pl.atemporal.Item01 (0c70327436) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:56] Getting variable descriptions of Age in years (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:56] Calculating variable counts of Age in years (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:56] Calculating variable statistics of Age in years (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:56] Getting variable descriptions of Amount of credit (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:56] Calculating variable counts of Amount of credit (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:56] Calculating variable statistics of Amount of credit (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:56] Getting variable descriptions of Birthdate (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:56] Calculating variable counts of Birthdate (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:56] Calculating variable statistics of Birthdate (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:56] Getting variable descriptions of Credit worthy? (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:56] Calculating variable counts of Credit worthy? (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:56] Calculating variable statistics of Credit worthy? (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:56] Getting variable descriptions of Current bank balance (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:56] Calculating variable counts of Current bank balance (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:56] Calculating variable statistics of Current bank balance (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:56] Getting variable descriptions of Date of contact (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:56] Calculating variable counts of Date of contact (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:56] Calculating variable statistics of Date of contact (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:56] Getting variable descriptions of Forename (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:56] Calculating variable counts of Forename (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:56] Calculating variable statistics of Forename (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:56] Getting variable descriptions of Income (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:56] Calculating variable counts of Income (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:56] Calculating variable statistics of Income (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:56] Getting variable descriptions of Job (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:56] Calculating variable counts of Job (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:56] Calculating variable statistics of Job (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:56] Getting variable descriptions of Name (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:56] Calculating variable counts of Name (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:56] Calculating variable statistics of Name (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:56] Getting variable descriptions of Person ID (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:56] Calculating variable counts of Person ID (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:56] Calculating variable statistics of Person ID (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:56] Getting variable descriptions of Sex (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:56] Calculating variable counts of Sex (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:56] Calculating variable statistics of Sex (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:56] Found the path to the csv files in the environment: 'D:/RCompile/CRANincoming/R-devel/lib/DQAstats/demo_data (d45dad8b72) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:56] D:/RCompile/CRANincoming/R-devel/lib/DQAstats/demo_data/dqa_example_data_01.csv (208282630a) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:56] D:/RCompile/CRANincoming/R-devel/lib/DQAstats/demo_data/dqa_example_data_02.csv (208282630a) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:56] Reading dqa_example_data_01.csv from CSV. (73c0aae8d4) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:56] Getting dqa_example_data_01.csv (81ba7f702f) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:56] Transforming source variable types dqa_example_data_01.csv (776ba03cbf) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:56] Found the path to the csv files in the environment: 'D:/RCompile/CRANincoming/R-devel/lib/DQAstats/demo_data (d45dad8b72) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:56] D:/RCompile/CRANincoming/R-devel/lib/DQAstats/demo_data/dqa_example_data_01.csv (208282630a) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:56] D:/RCompile/CRANincoming/R-devel/lib/DQAstats/demo_data/dqa_example_data_02.csv (208282630a) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:56] Reading dqa_example_data_02.csv from CSV. (73c0aae8d4) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:56] Getting dqa_example_data_02.csv (81ba7f702f) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:56] Transforming source variable types dqa_example_data_02.csv (776ba03cbf) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:57] Getting atemporal plausibility Pl.atemporal.Item01 (0c70327436) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:57] Getting variable descriptions of Age in years (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:57] Calculating variable counts of Age in years (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:57] Calculating variable statistics of Age in years (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:57] Getting variable descriptions of Amount of credit (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:57] Calculating variable counts of Amount of credit (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:57] Calculating variable statistics of Amount of credit (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:57] Getting variable descriptions of Birthdate (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:57] Calculating variable counts of Birthdate (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:57] Calculating variable statistics of Birthdate (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:57] Getting variable descriptions of Credit worthy? (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:57] Calculating variable counts of Credit worthy? (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:57] Calculating variable statistics of Credit worthy? (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:57] Getting variable descriptions of Current bank balance (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:57] Calculating variable counts of Current bank balance (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:57] Calculating variable statistics of Current bank balance (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:57] Getting variable descriptions of Date of contact (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:57] Calculating variable counts of Date of contact (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:57] Calculating variable statistics of Date of contact (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:57] Getting variable descriptions of Forename (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:57] Calculating variable counts of Forename (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:57] Calculating variable statistics of Forename (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:57] Getting variable descriptions of Income (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:57] Calculating variable counts of Income (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:57] Calculating variable statistics of Income (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:57] Getting variable descriptions of Job (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:57] Calculating variable counts of Job (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:57] Calculating variable statistics of Job (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:57] Getting variable descriptions of Name (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:57] Calculating variable counts of Name (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:57] Calculating variable statistics of Name (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:57] Getting variable descriptions of Person ID (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:57] Calculating variable counts of Person ID (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:57] Calculating variable statistics of Person ID (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:57] Getting variable descriptions of Sex (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:57] Calculating variable counts of Sex (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:57] Calculating variable statistics of Sex (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:58] Performing missing analysis Age in years (7a28e87b30) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:58] Performing missing analysis Amount of credit (7a28e87b30) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:58] Performing missing analysis Birthdate (7a28e87b30) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:58] Performing missing analysis Credit worthy? (7a28e87b30) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:58] Performing missing analysis Current bank balance (7a28e87b30) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:58] Performing missing analysis Date of contact (7a28e87b30) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:58] Performing missing analysis Forename (7a28e87b30) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:58] Performing missing analysis Income (7a28e87b30) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:58] Performing missing analysis Job (7a28e87b30) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:58] Performing missing analysis Name (7a28e87b30) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:58] Performing missing analysis Person ID (7a28e87b30) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:58] Performing missing analysis Sex (7a28e87b30) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:58] Creating D:\temp\2025_02_07_16_40_17_26708\RtmpqQS73H/export/ (4f10124602) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:58] Found the path to the csv files in the environment: 'D:/RCompile/CRANincoming/R-devel/lib/DQAstats/demo_data (d45dad8b72) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:58] D:/RCompile/CRANincoming/R-devel/lib/DQAstats/demo_data/dqa_example_data_01.csv (208282630a) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:58] D:/RCompile/CRANincoming/R-devel/lib/DQAstats/demo_data/dqa_example_data_02.csv (208282630a) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:58] Reading dqa_example_data_01.csv from CSV. (73c0aae8d4) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:58] Getting dqa_example_data_01.csv (81ba7f702f) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:58] Transforming source variable types dqa_example_data_01.csv (776ba03cbf) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:58] Found the path to the csv files in the environment: 'D:/RCompile/CRANincoming/R-devel/lib/DQAstats/demo_data (d45dad8b72) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:58] D:/RCompile/CRANincoming/R-devel/lib/DQAstats/demo_data/dqa_example_data_01.csv (208282630a) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:58] D:/RCompile/CRANincoming/R-devel/lib/DQAstats/demo_data/dqa_example_data_02.csv (208282630a) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:58] Reading dqa_example_data_02.csv from CSV. (73c0aae8d4) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:58] Getting dqa_example_data_02.csv (81ba7f702f) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:58] Transforming source variable types dqa_example_data_02.csv (776ba03cbf) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:58] Getting atemporal plausibility Pl.atemporal.Item01 (0c70327436) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:59] Getting variable descriptions of Age in years (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:59] Calculating variable counts of Age in years (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:59] Calculating variable statistics of Age in years (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:59] Getting variable descriptions of Amount of credit (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:59] Calculating variable counts of Amount of credit (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:59] Calculating variable statistics of Amount of credit (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:59] Getting variable descriptions of Birthdate (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:59] Calculating variable counts of Birthdate (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:59] Calculating variable statistics of Birthdate (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:59] Getting variable descriptions of Credit worthy? (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:59] Calculating variable counts of Credit worthy? (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:59] Calculating variable statistics of Credit worthy? (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:59] Getting variable descriptions of Current bank balance (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:59] Calculating variable counts of Current bank balance (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:59] Calculating variable statistics of Current bank balance (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:59] Getting variable descriptions of Date of contact (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:59] Calculating variable counts of Date of contact (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:59] Calculating variable statistics of Date of contact (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:59] Getting variable descriptions of Forename (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:59] Calculating variable counts of Forename (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:59] Calculating variable statistics of Forename (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:59] Getting variable descriptions of Income (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:59] Calculating variable counts of Income (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:59] Calculating variable statistics of Income (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:59] Getting variable descriptions of Job (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:59] Calculating variable counts of Job (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:59] Calculating variable statistics of Job (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:59] Getting variable descriptions of Name (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:59] Calculating variable counts of Name (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:59] Calculating variable statistics of Name (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:59] Getting variable descriptions of Person ID (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:59] Calculating variable counts of Person ID (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:59] Calculating variable statistics of Person ID (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:59] Getting variable descriptions of Sex (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:59] Calculating variable counts of Sex (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:59] Calculating variable statistics of Sex (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:59] Getting plausibility descriptions of pl.atemporal.item01 (0888fa800d) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:59] Calculating plausibility counts of pl.atemporal.item01 (0e918bd0fd) INFO [2025-02-07 16:57:59] Calculating plausibility statistics of pl.atemporal.item01 (cf90f11533) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:00] Getting uniqueness plausibility Pl.uniqueness.Item01 (e4fe49cd9e) Version of 'DIZtools': 1.0.1 Version of 'DIZutils': 0.1.3 Version of 'DQAstats': 0.3.7 INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:00] No time contstraints will be applied to input data. Either `restricting_date_start` or `restricting_date_end` was null. (08b1a85c61) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:00] Don't checking the time filtering columns because time filtering is not necessarry. (`rv$restricting_date$use_it` is not TRUE). (feec24b71b) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:00] Found the path to the csv files in the environment: 'D:/RCompile/CRANincoming/R-devel/lib/DQAstats/demo_data (d45dad8b72) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:00] D:/RCompile/CRANincoming/R-devel/lib/DQAstats/demo_data/dqa_example_data_01.csv (208282630a) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:00] D:/RCompile/CRANincoming/R-devel/lib/DQAstats/demo_data/dqa_example_data_02.csv (208282630a) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:00] Reading dqa_example_data_01.csv from CSV. (73c0aae8d4) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:00] Getting dqa_example_data_01.csv (81ba7f702f) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:00] Transforming source variable types dqa_example_data_01.csv (776ba03cbf) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:00] Found the path to the csv files in the environment: 'D:/RCompile/CRANincoming/R-devel/lib/DQAstats/demo_data (d45dad8b72) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:00] D:/RCompile/CRANincoming/R-devel/lib/DQAstats/demo_data/dqa_example_data_01.csv (208282630a) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:00] D:/RCompile/CRANincoming/R-devel/lib/DQAstats/demo_data/dqa_example_data_02.csv (208282630a) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:00] Reading dqa_example_data_02.csv from CSV. (73c0aae8d4) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:00] Getting dqa_example_data_02.csv (81ba7f702f) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:00] Transforming source variable types dqa_example_data_02.csv (776ba03cbf) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:00] Start the time_compare (tc5a1dwezt) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:00] Start comparing timestamps of: dqa_example_data_01.csv (tcst1dwe12) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:00] End of time-compare (tcen1dwe67) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:01] Getting atemporal plausibility Pl.atemporal.Item01 (0c70327436) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:01] Getting variable descriptions of Age in years (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:01] Calculating variable counts of Age in years (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:01] Calculating variable statistics of Age in years (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:01] Getting variable descriptions of Amount of credit (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:01] Calculating variable counts of Amount of credit (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:01] Calculating variable statistics of Amount of credit (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:01] Getting variable descriptions of Birthdate (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:01] Calculating variable counts of Birthdate (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:01] Calculating variable statistics of Birthdate (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:01] Getting variable descriptions of Credit worthy? (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:01] Calculating variable counts of Credit worthy? (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:01] Calculating variable statistics of Credit worthy? (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:01] Getting variable descriptions of Current bank balance (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:01] Calculating variable counts of Current bank balance (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:01] Calculating variable statistics of Current bank balance (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:01] Getting variable descriptions of Date of contact (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:01] Calculating variable counts of Date of contact (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:01] Calculating variable statistics of Date of contact (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:01] Getting variable descriptions of Forename (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:01] Calculating variable counts of Forename (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:01] Calculating variable statistics of Forename (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:01] Getting variable descriptions of Income (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:01] Calculating variable counts of Income (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:01] Calculating variable statistics of Income (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:01] Getting variable descriptions of Job (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:01] Calculating variable counts of Job (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:01] Calculating variable statistics of Job (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:01] Getting variable descriptions of Name (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:01] Calculating variable counts of Name (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:01] Calculating variable statistics of Name (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:01] Getting variable descriptions of Person ID (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:01] Calculating variable counts of Person ID (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:01] Calculating variable statistics of Person ID (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:01] Getting variable descriptions of Sex (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:01] Calculating variable counts of Sex (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:02] Calculating variable statistics of Sex (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:02] Getting plausibility descriptions of pl.atemporal.item01 (0888fa800d) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:02] Calculating plausibility counts of pl.atemporal.item01 (0e918bd0fd) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:02] Calculating plausibility statistics of pl.atemporal.item01 (cf90f11533) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:02] Getting uniqueness plausibility Pl.uniqueness.Item01 (e4fe49cd9e) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:02] Performing value conformance check for 'Age in years' (5d061425eb) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:02] Analyzing variable 'Age in years' with type 'integer' (source_data)... (d9f44d5c97) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:02] Analyzing variable 'Age in years' with type 'integer' (target_data)... (d9f44d5c97) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:02] Age in years from target_data : result_max > range$max (44264e3a64) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:02] Performing value conformance check for 'Amount of credit' (5d061425eb) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:02] Analyzing variable 'Amount of credit' with type 'integer' (source_data)... (d9f44d5c97) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:02] Analyzing variable 'Amount of credit' with type 'integer' (target_data)... (d9f44d5c97) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:02] Performing value conformance check for 'Birthdate' (5d061425eb) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:02] Analyzing variable 'Birthdate' with type 'datetime' (source_data)... (d9f44d5c97) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:02] Birthdate from source_data : result_min < datetime$min (21abaa38e2) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:02] Birthdate from source_data : result_max > datetime$max (44264e8a64) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:02] Analyzing variable 'Birthdate' with type 'datetime' (target_data)... (d9f44d5c97) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:02] Birthdate from target_data : result_min < datetime$min (21abaa38e2) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:02] Birthdate from target_data : result_max > datetime$max (44264e8a64) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:02] Performing value conformance check for 'Credit worthy?' (5d061425eb) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:02] Analyzing variable 'Credit worthy?' with type 'enumerated' (source_data)... (d9f44d5c97) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:02] Analyzing variable 'Credit worthy?' with type 'enumerated' (target_data)... (d9f44d5c97) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:02] Performing value conformance check for 'Current bank balance' (5d061425eb) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:02] Analyzing variable 'Current bank balance' with type 'integer' (source_data)... (d9f44d5c97) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:02] Current bank balance from source_data : result_min < range$min (21abaa37e2) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:02] Analyzing variable 'Current bank balance' with type 'integer' (target_data)... (d9f44d5c97) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:02] Current bank balance from target_data : result_min < range$min (21abaa37e2) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:02] Performing value conformance check for 'Date of contact' (5d061425eb) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:03] Analyzing variable 'Date of contact' with type 'datetime' (source_data)... (d9f44d5c97) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:03] Date of contact from source_data : result_min < datetime$min (21abaa38e2) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:03] Analyzing variable 'Date of contact' with type 'datetime' (target_data)... (d9f44d5c97) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:03] Date of contact from target_data : result_min < datetime$min (21abaa38e2) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:03] Performing value conformance check for 'Forename' (5d061425eb) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:03] Didn't perform value conformance checks, because there are no constraints in the MDR for designation 'Forename' (key = 'dqa_example_data_01.csv'). (4b27c49aa9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:03] Didn't perform value conformance checks, because there are no constraints in the MDR for designation 'Forename' (key = 'dqa_example_data_02.csv'). (4b27c49aa9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:03] Performing value conformance check for 'Income' (5d061425eb) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:03] Analyzing variable 'Income' with type 'integer' (source_data)... (d9f44d5c97) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:03] Analyzing variable 'Income' with type 'integer' (target_data)... (d9f44d5c97) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:03] Income from target_data : result_min < range$min (21abaa37e2) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:03] Performing value conformance check for 'Job' (5d061425eb) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:03] Didn't perform value conformance checks, because there are no constraints in the MDR for designation 'Job' (key = 'dqa_example_data_01.csv'). (4b27c49aa9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:03] Didn't perform value conformance checks, because there are no constraints in the MDR for designation 'Job' (key = 'dqa_example_data_02.csv'). (4b27c49aa9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:03] Performing value conformance check for 'Name' (5d061425eb) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:03] Didn't perform value conformance checks, because there are no constraints in the MDR for designation 'Name' (key = 'dqa_example_data_01.csv'). (4b27c49aa9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:03] Didn't perform value conformance checks, because there are no constraints in the MDR for designation 'Name' (key = 'dqa_example_data_02.csv'). (4b27c49aa9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:03] Performing value conformance check for 'Person ID' (5d061425eb) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:03] Didn't perform value conformance checks, because there are no constraints in the MDR for designation 'Person ID' (key = 'dqa_example_data_01.csv'). (4b27c49aa9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:03] Didn't perform value conformance checks, because there are no constraints in the MDR for designation 'Person ID' (key = 'dqa_example_data_02.csv'). (4b27c49aa9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:03] Performing value conformance check for 'Sex' (5d061425eb) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:03] Analyzing variable 'Sex' with type 'enumerated' (source_data)... (d9f44d5c97) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:03] Analyzing variable 'Sex' with type 'enumerated' (target_data)... (d9f44d5c97) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:03] Performing value conformance check for 'pl.atemporal.item01' (5d061425eb) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:03] Analyzing variable 'pl.atemporal.item01' with type 'enumerated' (source_data)... (d9f44d5c97) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:03] Analyzing variable 'pl.atemporal.item01' with type 'enumerated' (target_data)... (d9f44d5c97) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:03] Performing missing analysis Age in years (7a28e87b30) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:03] Performing missing analysis Amount of credit (7a28e87b30) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:03] Performing missing analysis Birthdate (7a28e87b30) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:03] Performing missing analysis Credit worthy? (7a28e87b30) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:03] Performing missing analysis Current bank balance (7a28e87b30) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:03] Performing missing analysis Date of contact (7a28e87b30) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:03] Performing missing analysis Forename (7a28e87b30) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:03] Performing missing analysis Income (7a28e87b30) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:03] Performing missing analysis Job (7a28e87b30) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:03] Performing missing analysis Name (7a28e87b30) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:03] Performing missing analysis Person ID (7a28e87b30) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:03] Performing missing analysis Sex (7a28e87b30) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:03] Creating D:\temp\2025_02_07_16_40_17_26708\RtmpqQS73H\output\/export/ (4f10124602) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:03] Creating report (aa5c87f7da) ERROR [2025-02-07 16:58:03] Something went wrong with tinytex. Is it installed correctly? Try reinstalling it by running `remotes::update_packages('tinytex', upgrade = 'always')` and `tinytex::install_tinytex()` !!! DQAstats is not able to render the PDF report !!! (e50d001ed4) Time difference of 0.05 mins INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:03] Found the path to the csv files in the environment: 'D:/RCompile/CRANincoming/R-devel/lib/DQAstats/demo_data (d45dad8b72) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:03] D:/RCompile/CRANincoming/R-devel/lib/DQAstats/demo_data/dqa_example_data_01.csv (208282630a) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:03] D:/RCompile/CRANincoming/R-devel/lib/DQAstats/demo_data/dqa_example_data_02.csv (208282630a) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:03] Reading dqa_example_data_01.csv from CSV. (73c0aae8d4) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:03] Getting dqa_example_data_01.csv (81ba7f702f) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:03] Transforming source variable types dqa_example_data_01.csv (776ba03cbf) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:03] Found the path to the csv files in the environment: 'D:/RCompile/CRANincoming/R-devel/lib/DQAstats/demo_data (d45dad8b72) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:03] D:/RCompile/CRANincoming/R-devel/lib/DQAstats/demo_data/dqa_example_data_01.csv (208282630a) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:03] D:/RCompile/CRANincoming/R-devel/lib/DQAstats/demo_data/dqa_example_data_02.csv (208282630a) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:03] Reading dqa_example_data_02.csv from CSV. (73c0aae8d4) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:03] Getting dqa_example_data_02.csv (81ba7f702f) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:03] Transforming source variable types dqa_example_data_02.csv (776ba03cbf) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:04] Getting atemporal plausibility Pl.atemporal.Item01 (0c70327436) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:04] Getting variable descriptions of Age in years (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:04] Calculating variable counts of Age in years (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:04] Calculating variable statistics of Age in years (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:04] Getting variable descriptions of Amount of credit (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:04] Calculating variable counts of Amount of credit (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:04] Calculating variable statistics of Amount of credit (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:04] Getting variable descriptions of Birthdate (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:04] Calculating variable counts of Birthdate (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:04] Calculating variable statistics of Birthdate (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:04] Getting variable descriptions of Credit worthy? (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:04] Calculating variable counts of Credit worthy? (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:04] Calculating variable statistics of Credit worthy? (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:04] Getting variable descriptions of Current bank balance (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:04] Calculating variable counts of Current bank balance (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:04] Calculating variable statistics of Current bank balance (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:04] Getting variable descriptions of Date of contact (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:04] Calculating variable counts of Date of contact (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:04] Calculating variable statistics of Date of contact (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:04] Getting variable descriptions of Forename (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:04] Calculating variable counts of Forename (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:04] Calculating variable statistics of Forename (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:04] Getting variable descriptions of Income (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:04] Calculating variable counts of Income (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:04] Calculating variable statistics of Income (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:04] Getting variable descriptions of Job (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:04] Calculating variable counts of Job (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:04] Calculating variable statistics of Job (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:04] Getting variable descriptions of Name (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:04] Calculating variable counts of Name (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:04] Calculating variable statistics of Name (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:05] Getting variable descriptions of Person ID (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:05] Calculating variable counts of Person ID (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:05] Calculating variable statistics of Person ID (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:05] Getting variable descriptions of Sex (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:05] Calculating variable counts of Sex (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:05] Calculating variable statistics of Sex (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:05] Performing missing analysis Age in years (7a28e87b30) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:05] Performing missing analysis Amount of credit (7a28e87b30) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:05] Performing missing analysis Birthdate (7a28e87b30) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:05] Performing missing analysis Credit worthy? (7a28e87b30) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:05] Performing missing analysis Current bank balance (7a28e87b30) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:05] Performing missing analysis Date of contact (7a28e87b30) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:05] Performing missing analysis Forename (7a28e87b30) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:05] Performing missing analysis Income (7a28e87b30) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:05] Performing missing analysis Job (7a28e87b30) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:05] Performing missing analysis Name (7a28e87b30) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:05] Performing missing analysis Person ID (7a28e87b30) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:05] Performing missing analysis Sex (7a28e87b30) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:05] Found the path to the csv files in the environment: 'D:/RCompile/CRANincoming/R-devel/lib/DQAstats/demo_data (d45dad8b72) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:05] D:/RCompile/CRANincoming/R-devel/lib/DQAstats/demo_data/dqa_example_data_01.csv (208282630a) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:05] D:/RCompile/CRANincoming/R-devel/lib/DQAstats/demo_data/dqa_example_data_02.csv (208282630a) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:05] Reading dqa_example_data_01.csv from CSV. (73c0aae8d4) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:05] Getting dqa_example_data_01.csv (81ba7f702f) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:05] Transforming source variable types dqa_example_data_01.csv (776ba03cbf) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:05] Found the path to the csv files in the environment: 'D:/RCompile/CRANincoming/R-devel/lib/DQAstats/demo_data (d45dad8b72) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:05] D:/RCompile/CRANincoming/R-devel/lib/DQAstats/demo_data/dqa_example_data_01.csv (208282630a) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:05] D:/RCompile/CRANincoming/R-devel/lib/DQAstats/demo_data/dqa_example_data_02.csv (208282630a) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:05] Reading dqa_example_data_02.csv from CSV. (73c0aae8d4) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:05] Getting dqa_example_data_02.csv (81ba7f702f) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:05] Transforming source variable types dqa_example_data_02.csv (776ba03cbf) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:05] Getting atemporal plausibility Pl.atemporal.Item01 (0c70327436) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:06] Getting variable descriptions of Age in years (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:06] Calculating variable counts of Age in years (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:06] Calculating variable statistics of Age in years (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:06] Getting variable descriptions of Amount of credit (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:06] Calculating variable counts of Amount of credit (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:06] Calculating variable statistics of Amount of credit (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:06] Getting variable descriptions of Birthdate (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:06] Calculating variable counts of Birthdate (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:06] Calculating variable statistics of Birthdate (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:06] Getting variable descriptions of Credit worthy? (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:06] Calculating variable counts of Credit worthy? (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:06] Calculating variable statistics of Credit worthy? (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:06] Getting variable descriptions of Current bank balance (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:06] Calculating variable counts of Current bank balance (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:06] Calculating variable statistics of Current bank balance (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:06] Getting variable descriptions of Date of contact (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:06] Calculating variable counts of Date of contact (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:06] Calculating variable statistics of Date of contact (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:06] Getting variable descriptions of Forename (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:06] Calculating variable counts of Forename (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:06] Calculating variable statistics of Forename (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:06] Getting variable descriptions of Income (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:06] Calculating variable counts of Income (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:06] Calculating variable statistics of Income (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:06] Getting variable descriptions of Job (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:06] Calculating variable counts of Job (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:06] Calculating variable statistics of Job (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:06] Getting variable descriptions of Name (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:06] Calculating variable counts of Name (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:06] Calculating variable statistics of Name (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:06] Getting variable descriptions of Person ID (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:06] Calculating variable counts of Person ID (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:06] Calculating variable statistics of Person ID (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:06] Getting variable descriptions of Sex (eb95542ec1) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:06] Calculating variable counts of Sex (056f1ee2e0) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:06] Calculating variable statistics of Sex (edf4f006a9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:06] Getting plausibility descriptions of pl.atemporal.item01 (0888fa800d) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:06] Calculating plausibility counts of pl.atemporal.item01 (0e918bd0fd) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:06] Calculating plausibility statistics of pl.atemporal.item01 (cf90f11533) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:07] Getting uniqueness plausibility Pl.uniqueness.Item01 (e4fe49cd9e) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:07] Performing value conformance check for 'Age in years' (5d061425eb) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:07] Analyzing variable 'Age in years' with type 'integer' (source_data)... (d9f44d5c97) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:07] Analyzing variable 'Age in years' with type 'integer' (target_data)... (d9f44d5c97) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:07] Age in years from target_data : result_max > range$max (44264e3a64) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:07] Performing value conformance check for 'Amount of credit' (5d061425eb) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:07] Analyzing variable 'Amount of credit' with type 'integer' (source_data)... (d9f44d5c97) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:07] Analyzing variable 'Amount of credit' with type 'integer' (target_data)... (d9f44d5c97) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:07] Performing value conformance check for 'Birthdate' (5d061425eb) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:07] Analyzing variable 'Birthdate' with type 'datetime' (source_data)... (d9f44d5c97) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:07] Birthdate from source_data : result_min < datetime$min (21abaa38e2) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:07] Birthdate from source_data : result_max > datetime$max (44264e8a64) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:07] Analyzing variable 'Birthdate' with type 'datetime' (target_data)... (d9f44d5c97) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:07] Birthdate from target_data : result_min < datetime$min (21abaa38e2) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:07] Birthdate from target_data : result_max > datetime$max (44264e8a64) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:07] Performing value conformance check for 'Credit worthy?' (5d061425eb) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:07] Analyzing variable 'Credit worthy?' with type 'enumerated' (source_data)... (d9f44d5c97) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:07] Analyzing variable 'Credit worthy?' with type 'enumerated' (target_data)... (d9f44d5c97) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:07] Performing value conformance check for 'Current bank balance' (5d061425eb) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:07] Analyzing variable 'Current bank balance' with type 'integer' (source_data)... (d9f44d5c97) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:07] Current bank balance from source_data : result_min < range$min (21abaa37e2) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:07] Analyzing variable 'Current bank balance' with type 'integer' (target_data)... (d9f44d5c97) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:07] Current bank balance from target_data : result_min < range$min (21abaa37e2) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:07] Performing value conformance check for 'Date of contact' (5d061425eb) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:07] Analyzing variable 'Date of contact' with type 'datetime' (source_data)... (d9f44d5c97) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:07] Date of contact from source_data : result_min < datetime$min (21abaa38e2) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:07] Analyzing variable 'Date of contact' with type 'datetime' (target_data)... (d9f44d5c97) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:07] Date of contact from target_data : result_min < datetime$min (21abaa38e2) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:07] Performing value conformance check for 'Forename' (5d061425eb) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:07] Didn't perform value conformance checks, because there are no constraints in the MDR for designation 'Forename' (key = 'dqa_example_data_01.csv'). (4b27c49aa9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:07] Didn't perform value conformance checks, because there are no constraints in the MDR for designation 'Forename' (key = 'dqa_example_data_02.csv'). (4b27c49aa9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:07] Performing value conformance check for 'Income' (5d061425eb) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:07] Analyzing variable 'Income' with type 'integer' (source_data)... (d9f44d5c97) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:07] Analyzing variable 'Income' with type 'integer' (target_data)... (d9f44d5c97) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:07] Income from target_data : result_min < range$min (21abaa37e2) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:07] Performing value conformance check for 'Job' (5d061425eb) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:07] Didn't perform value conformance checks, because there are no constraints in the MDR for designation 'Job' (key = 'dqa_example_data_01.csv'). (4b27c49aa9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:07] Didn't perform value conformance checks, because there are no constraints in the MDR for designation 'Job' (key = 'dqa_example_data_02.csv'). (4b27c49aa9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:07] Performing value conformance check for 'Name' (5d061425eb) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:07] Didn't perform value conformance checks, because there are no constraints in the MDR for designation 'Name' (key = 'dqa_example_data_01.csv'). (4b27c49aa9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:07] Didn't perform value conformance checks, because there are no constraints in the MDR for designation 'Name' (key = 'dqa_example_data_02.csv'). (4b27c49aa9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:07] Performing value conformance check for 'Person ID' (5d061425eb) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:07] Didn't perform value conformance checks, because there are no constraints in the MDR for designation 'Person ID' (key = 'dqa_example_data_01.csv'). (4b27c49aa9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:07] Didn't perform value conformance checks, because there are no constraints in the MDR for designation 'Person ID' (key = 'dqa_example_data_02.csv'). (4b27c49aa9) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:07] Performing value conformance check for 'Sex' (5d061425eb) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:07] Analyzing variable 'Sex' with type 'enumerated' (source_data)... (d9f44d5c97) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:07] Analyzing variable 'Sex' with type 'enumerated' (target_data)... (d9f44d5c97) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:08] Found the path to the csv files in the environment: 'D:/RCompile/CRANincoming/R-devel/lib/DQAstats/demo_data (d45dad8b72) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:08] D:/RCompile/CRANincoming/R-devel/lib/DQAstats/demo_data/dqa_example_data_01.csv (208282630a) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:08] D:/RCompile/CRANincoming/R-devel/lib/DQAstats/demo_data/dqa_example_data_02.csv (208282630a) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:08] Reading dqa_example_data_01.csv from CSV. (73c0aae8d4) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:08] Getting dqa_example_data_01.csv (81ba7f702f) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:08] Transforming source variable types dqa_example_data_01.csv (776ba03cbf) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:08] Found the path to the csv files in the environment: 'D:/RCompile/CRANincoming/R-devel/lib/DQAstats/demo_data (d45dad8b72) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:08] D:/RCompile/CRANincoming/R-devel/lib/DQAstats/demo_data/dqa_example_data_01.csv (208282630a) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:08] D:/RCompile/CRANincoming/R-devel/lib/DQAstats/demo_data/dqa_example_data_02.csv (208282630a) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:08] Reading dqa_example_data_02.csv from CSV. (73c0aae8d4) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:08] Getting dqa_example_data_02.csv (81ba7f702f) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:08] Transforming source variable types dqa_example_data_02.csv (776ba03cbf) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:08] Start the time_compare (tc5a1dwezt) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:08] Start comparing timestamps of: dqa_example_data_01.csv (tcst1dwe12) INFO [2025-02-07 16:58:08] End of time-compare (tcen1dwe67) [ FAIL 0 | WARN 1 | SKIP 5 | PASS 102 ] ══ Skipped tests (5) ═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ • On CRAN (5): 'test-datetime_restrictions.R:56:3', 'test-datetime_restrictions.R:97:3', 'test-lints.R:29:5', 'test-render_conformance.R:156:3', 'test-stats.R:47:3' [ FAIL 0 | WARN 1 | SKIP 5 | PASS 102 ] > > proc.time() user system elapsed 25.20 1.78 27.03