library(DPQ) ###---> Automatically find places where qgamma() is not so precise (PR#2214) : ### For PR#2214, had '1e-8' below and found quite a bit ## see /u/maechler/R/MM/NUMERICS/dpq-functions/beta-gamma-etc/qgamma-ex.R .. ## FIXME: Timing ! --- partly these matplot() partly get quite slow ~? source(system.file(package="DPQ", "test-tools.R", mustWork=TRUE)) ## => showProc.time(), ... list_() , loadList() , readRDS_() , save2RDS() showProc.time() (doExtras <- DPQ:::doExtras()) (sdir <- system.file("safe", package="DPQ")) ## save directory (to read from) ### Nowadays finds cases in a special region for really small p and cutoff 1e-11 : set.seed(47) n <- if(doExtras) 100 else 32 res <- cbind(p=1,df=1,rE=1)[-1,] for(M in 1:(if(doExtras) 20 else 10)) for(p in runif(n)) for(df in rlnorm(n)) { r <- 1- pchisq(qchisq(p, df),df)/p if(abs(r) > 1e-11) res <- rbind(res, c(p,df,r)) } ### use df in U[0,1]: finds two cases with bound 1e-11 for(p in runif(n)/2) for(df in runif(n)) { qq <- qchisq(p, df) if(qq > 0 && p > 0) { r <- 1- pchisq(qq, df) / p if(abs(r) > 1e-11) res <- rbind(res, c(p,df,r)) } } ### now df very close to 0 : ==> finds more cases for(p in sort(c(runif(64)/2, exp(-(1+rlnorm(256)))))) for(df in 2^-rlnorm(256, mean=2, sdlog=1.5)) { qq <- qchisq(p, df) if(qq > 0 && p > 0) { r <- 1- pchisq(qq, df) / p if(abs(r) > 1e-11) res <- rbind(res, c(p,df,r)) } } showProc.time() require(graphics) if(!dev.interactive(orNone=TRUE)) pdf("qgamma-appr.pdf") eaxis <- sfsmisc::eaxis showProc.time() ## if(nrow(res) > 0) { cat("Found inaccurate examples where pchisq(qchisq(p, df),df) != p\n") ## sort in p, then df: res <- res[order(res[,"p"], res[,"df"]), ] rE <- res[,"rE"] if(nrow(res) > 20) { hist(rE, breaks = 30); rug(rE) } plot(res[,1:2])##--> quite interesting : all along one curve ## p <= 1/2 and df <= 1 (about) !! res <- cbind(res, nDig = round(-log10(abs(rE)), 1)) print(res, digits=12) if(requireNamespace("scatterplot3d")) { scatterplot3d::scatterplot3d(res[,1:3], type ='h') ## quite interesting: ## the inaccurate (p,df) points are on nice monotone curve !!! ## this is *less* revealing scatterplot3d::scatterplot3d(res[,c("p","df","nDig")], type ='h') } rL <- res[abs(res[,'rE']) > 1e-9,] rL <- rL[order(rL[,1],rL[,2]),] rL plot(rL[,1:2], type = "b", main = "inaccurate pchisq/qchisq pairs") plot(rL[,1:2], type = "b", log = "x", ylim = range(0, rL[,"df"]), xaxt = "n", main = "inaccurate pchisq/qchisq pairs"); abline(h = 0, lty=2) ## aha -- a perfect line !! lines(res[,1:2], col = adjustcolor(1, 0.5)) eaxis(1); axis(1, at = 1/2) d <- plot (df ~ log(p), data = d, type = "b", cex=1/4, col="gray") points(df ~ log(p), data =, col=2, cex = 1/2) summary(fm <- lm (df ~ log(p), data = d, weights = -log(abs(rE)))) ## R^2 = 0.9998 p0 <- 2^seq(-50,-1, by=1/8) dN <- data.frame(p = p0, df = predict(fm, newdata = data.frame(p = p0))) rE <- with(dN, 1- pchisq(qchisq(p, df),df)/p) dN <- cbind(dN, rE = rE, nDig = round(-log10(abs(rE)), 1)) print(dN, digits=10) ## } ## only when we find inaccurate regions showProc.time() ## Oops: another qgamma() / qchisq() problem: mostly NaN's == all solved now curve(qgamma(x, 20), 1e-16, 1e-10, log='x') curve(qgamma(x, 20), 1e-300, .99 , log='xy') # and add the critical region from above: abline(v=c(1e-16, 1e-10), col="light blue") curve(qgamma(x, 20), 1e-26, 1e-07, log='x') ##-> now using log=TRUE in same region: curve(qgamma(x, 20, log=TRUE), -38, -16)## no problem!! curve(qgamma(exp(x), 20), add=TRUE, col="green3", n=2001) ## had problem here, but no longer ! ##--> Further fix for qgamma: when 'x' is very small: use "log=TRUE of log(x)"! ## had bug (gave NaN), but no longer: (q_12 <- qgamma(1e-12, 20)) all.equal(1e-12, pgamma(q_12, 20), tol=0)# show rel.err (Lnx 64-bit: 4.04e-16) stopifnot( all.equal(1e-12, pgamma(q_12, 20), tolerance = 1e-14) ) ## --- Nice graphic : --- but amazingly *S..L..O..W* p.qgammaSml <- function(from= 1e-110, to = 1e-5, ylim = c(0.4, 1000), n = 201, k.lab = 3, a1 = c(10, seq(10.1,20, by=.2), 21:105), a2 = seq(110,330, by=10), a3 = seq(350,1600, by=50)) { ## Purpose: nice qgamma() lines ``for small x'' aka p ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Author: Martin Maechler, Date: 22 Mar 2004, 14:23 x <- exp(seq(log(from), log(to), length = n)) op <- par(las=1, lab = c(10,10, 7), xaxs = "i", mex = 0.8) on.exit(par(op)) plot(x, qgamma(x, a1[1]), log="xy", ylim=ylim, type='l', xaxt = "n", main = paste("qgamma(x, a) for very small x, a in [", formatC(a1[1]),", ",formatC(max(a1,a2,a3)),"] - log-log", sep=''), sub = R.version.string) lab.x <- pretty(log10(c(from,to)), 20) axis(1, at=10^lab.x, lab = paste("10^",formatC(lab.x),sep='')) if(is.nan(qgamma(1e-12, 20))) text(1e-60, 20, "all NaN", cex = 2) if(!is.finite(qgamma(1e-140, 155))) text(1e-240, 5, "all +Inf", cex = 2) lines.txt <- function(a.s, col = par("col")) { col <- rep(col, length=length(a.s)) for(i in seq(along=a.s)) { qx <- qgamma(x, (a <- a.s[i])) if(i %% k.lab == 0 && any(ifi <- is.finite(qx) & qx >= ylim[1])) { ik <- (i%%(2*k.lab))/k.lab # = 0 or 1 j <- quantile(which(ifi), c(.02,(1:3)/4+ ik/10, .98)) ## "segments" around the labels : i0 <- 1 for(jj in j) { ii <- i0:(jj-1) i2 <- jj + -1:1 lines(x[ii], qx[ii], col=col[i]) lines(x[i2], qx[i2], col=col[i], type = 'c') i0 <- jj+1 } text(x[j], qx[j], formatC(a), col= "gray40", cex = 0.8) } else lines(x, qx, col=col[i]) } } oo <- options(warn = -1) lines.txt(a1[-1]) lines.txt(a2, col= 2) lines.txt(a3, col= rainbow(length(a3), .8, .8, start = (max(a3)-min(a3))/(1+max(a3)))) invisible(options(oo)) } showProc.time() p.qgammaSml() p.qgammaSml(1e-300) p.qgammaSml(1e-300,1e-50, a2= seq(100,360, by=4), a3=seq(350,1500, by=10)) showProc.time() ## The "upper" problematic corner: p.qgammaSml(1e-19, 1e-3, a2=NULL,a3=NULL, ylim=c(.1,20)) p.qgammaSml(1e-19, 1e-3, a2=seq(1,12, by=.04), ylim=c(.1,20),a3=NULL,k.lab=10) ## now shows the problem (quite well): ## could it be in pgamma()'s inaccuracy, leading to qgamma() bias ? aa <- c(seq(9, 22, by=0.25),seq(22.3,40,by=0.4)) caa <- formatC(range(aa)) sfsmisc::mult.fig(2) curve(pgamma(x, sh=aa[1]), 0.5, 20, log = 'xy', ylim = c(1e-60, .2), main = sprintf("pgamma(x, a) for a in [%s,%s]", caa[1],caa[2])) for(sh in aa) curve(pgamma(x, sh), add = TRUE, col=2) abline(h=c(1e-15), col="light blue", lty=2) curve(pgamma(x, sh=aa[1]), 0.5, 20, log = 'xy', ylim = c(1e-15, .8), main = sprintf("pgamma(x, a) for a in [%s,%s]", caa[1],caa[2])) for(sh in aa) curve(pgamma(x, sh), add = TRUE, col=2) ## the "border curve" between "Pearson" and "Continued fraction (upper tail)" ## in pgamma.c : curve(pgamma(max(1,x), x), add = TRUE, col=4) ## ==> pgamma() is perfect here {series expansion up to eps_C accuracy}! aa <- c(seq(9, 22, by=0.25),seq(22.3,40.4,by=0.4)) p.qgammaSml(1e-24, 1e-5, a1=aa, a2=NULL,a3=NULL, ylim=c(.8,8)) ## -------- save the above? aa1 <- c(aa,seq(40.5,90, by=0.5)) p.qgammaSml(1e-60, 1e-5, a1=aa1, a2=NULL,a3=NULL, ylim=c(.9, 16)) aa2 <- c(aa1, seq(91,150, by= 1)) p.qgammaSml(1e-90, 1e-5, a1=aa2, a2=NULL,a3=NULL, ylim=c(.9, 35)) aa3 <- c(aa2, seq(150,250, by= 2), seq(253, 400, by=5)) p.qgammaSml(1e-200, 1e-5, a1=aa3, a2=NULL,a3=NULL, ylim=c(.9, 100)) p.qgammaSml(1e-200, 1e-5, a1=aa3, a2=NULL,a3=NULL, ylim=c(.9, 200),k.lab=9e9) p.qgammaSml(1e-60, 1e-5, a1=aa3, a2=NULL,a3=NULL, ylim=c(.9, 200),k.lab=9e9) showProc.time() ## lower a \> 10 curve(qgamma(x, 19), 1e-14, 1e-9, log='x') curve(qgamma(x, 18), 1e-14, 1e-9, log='x') curve(qgamma(x, 15), 1e-11, 5e-9, log='x') curve(qgamma(x, 13), 5e-10, 1e-8, log='x') curve(qgamma(x, 11), 1e-8, 5e-8, log='x') curve(qgamma(x, 10.5), 4.2e-8, 6e-8, log='x') curve(qgamma(x, 10.3), 6e-8, 7e-8, log='x') curve(qgamma(x, 10.2), 7.1e-8, 7.6e-8, log='x') curve(qgamma(x, 10.15),7.7e-8, 7.9e-8, log='x') curve(qgamma(x, 10.14),7.88e-8,7.92e-8, log='x',n=10001) ## no more problems for smaller a!! here: curve(qgamma(x, 10.13), 1e-10, 5e-4, log='x',n=20001) curve(qgamma(x, 10.12), 1e-10, 5e-4, log='x',n=20001) curve(qgamma(x, 10.1), 1e-10, 5e-4, log='x',n=20001) showProc.time() ##--- the "+Inf" / premature "0" case: curve(qgamma(x, 155, log=TRUE), -1500, 0, log='y', n=2001,col=2) curve(qgamma(x, 1e3, log=TRUE), -1500, 0, log='y', n=2001,col=2) ## now works, but slowly and with kink curve(qgamma (x, 1e5, log=TRUE), -3e5, 0, log='y', n=2001,col=2,lwd=3) curve(qgammaAppr(x, 1e5, log=TRUE), add = TRUE, n=2001, col="blue",lwd=.4) ## --- curves are almost "identical" ## ===> the kink *does* come from the initial approx... hmm ## still "identical" curve(qgamma (x, 1e4, log=TRUE), -3e4, 0, log='y', n=2001,col=2) curve(qgammaAppr(x, 1e4, log=TRUE), add = TRUE, n=2001, col="tomato3") ## now see some difference (approx. has kink at ~ -165) curve(qgamma (x, 100, log=TRUE), -200, 0, log='y', n=2001,col=2) curve(qgammaAppr(x, 100, log=TRUE), add = TRUE, n=2001, col="tomato3") ## (kk <- 100 * 2/1.24)# 161.29 curve(qgamma (x, 100, log=TRUE), -1.1*kk, -.95*kk, log='y', n=2001,col=2) curve(qgammaAppr(x, 100, log=TRUE), add = TRUE, n=2001, col="tomato3") abline(v = -kk, col='blue', lty=2)# exactly: kink is at a * 2 / 1.24 = a / .62 curve(qgammaAppr(x - 100/.62, 100,log=TRUE), -1e-3, +1e-3) showProc.time() p.qgammaLog <- function(alpha, xl.f = 1.5, xr.f = 0.4, n = 2001) { ## Purpose: ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Arguments: ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Author: Martin Maechler, Date: 30 Mar 2004, 18:44 kk <- -alpha / .62 # = (alpha * 2) / (-1.24) curve(qgamma(x, alpha, log=TRUE), xl.f*kk, xr.f*kk, log='y', n=n, col=2, lwd=3.6, lty = 4, main= paste("qgamma(x, alpha=",formatC(alpha,digits=10),", log = TRUE)")) lines(kk, qgamma(kk, alpha, log=TRUE), type = 'h', lty = 3) curve(qgamma (exp(x), alpha), add = TRUE, col="orange", n=n, lwd= 2) curve(qgammaAppr(x, alpha, log=TRUE), add = TRUE, col=3, n=n,lwd = .4) } showProc.time() p.qgammaLog(25) p.qgammaLog(16)# ~ [-25, -20] p.qgammaLog(12, 1.2, 0.8)# small problem remaining p.qgammaLog(11, 1.2, 0.8)# even smaller p.qgammaLog(10.5, 1.1, 0.9)# even smaller p.qgammaLog(10.25, 1.1, 0.9)# even smaller ## 2019-08: __nothing__ visible from here on: p.qgammaLog(10.18, 1.02, 0.98)# even smaller p.qgammaLog(10.15, 1.02, 0.98)# even smaller p.qgammaLog(10.14, 1.001, 0.999)# even smaller p.qgammaLog(10.139, 1.0002, 0.9998)# p.qgammaLog(10.138, 1.0002, 0.9998)# p.qgammaLog(10.137, 1.00001, 0.99999)# p.qgammaLog(10.13699, 1.0000001, 0.9999999)# p.qgammaLog(10.1369899, 1.0000001, 0.9999999)# p.qgammaLog(10.1369894, 1.0000001, 0.9999999)# p.qgammaLog(10.1369893, 1.0000001, 0.9999999)# even smaller at -16.34998 showProc.time() ##-- here is the boundary --- for 64-bit AMD Opteron --- ## and for 32-bit AMD Athlon p.qgammaLog(10.1369892, 1.0000001, 0.9999999)# no more p.qgammaLog(10.136989, 1.0000001, 0.9999999)# p.qgammaLog(10.136988, 1.0000001, 0.9999999)# p.qgammaLog(10.136985, 1.0000001, 0.9999999)# p.qgammaLog(10.13698, 1.0000001, 0.9999999)# p.qgammaLog(10.13697, 1.0000001, 0.9999999)# p.qgammaLog(10.13695, 1.0000001, 0.9999999)# p.qgammaLog(10.1368, 1.000001, 0.999999)# p.qgammaLog(10.1365, 1.000001, 0.999999)# p.qgammaLog(10.136, 1.000001, 0.999999)# p.qgammaLog(10.125, 1.1, 0.9)# --- see it now p.qgammaLog(10, 1.2, 0.8) p.qgammaLog(9) showProc.time() ## For large alpha: show difference to see problem better ## ---> for alpha >= 10, the x problem starts *roughly* at x = -0.8*alpha ## sfsmisc::mult.fig(2) curve(qgammaAppr(x, 5, log=TRUE), - 8.1, -8, n=2001) curve(qgammaAppr(x- 5/.62, 5, log=TRUE), -1e-15, 0) ## is the kink from pgamma() ? : no: this looks fine, curve(pgamma(x, 1e5, log=TRUE), 1, 2e5, log='x', n=2001,col=2) ## and this does too: curve( dgamma(x, 1e5), .5e5, 2e5); par(new=TRUE) curve( dgamma(x, 1e5, log=TRUE), .5e5, 2e5, col=2, yaxt="n") axis(4,col.axis=2); par(new=TRUE) curve( pgamma(x, 1e5), .5e5, 2e5, n=2001, col=3); par(new=TRUE) curve( pgamma(x, 1e5, log=TRUE), .5e5, 2e5, n=2001, col=4); par(new=TRUE) curve(-pgamma(x, 1e5, log=TRUE,lower=FALSE), .5e5, 2e5, n=2001, col=4) ## all looking nice x <- 10^seq(2,6, length=4001) qx <- qgamma(pgamma(x, 1e5, log=TRUE), 1e5, log=TRUE) plot(x, qx, type ='l', col=2, asp = 1); abline(0,1, lty=3) showProc.time() ###------------- Approximations of qgamma() ------ ## ## source("/u/maechler/R/MM/NUMERICS/dpq-functions/qchisqAppr.R") ##--> qchisqAppr() ##--> qchisqWH [ = Wilson Hilferty ] ##--> qchisqKG [ = Kennedy & Gentle's improvements "a la AS 91" ] ## dyn.load("/u/maechler/R/MM/NUMERICS/dpq-functions/") ## Consider the two different implementations of ## lgamma1p(a) := lgamma(1+a) == log(gamma(1+a) == log(a*gamma(a)) "stable": lseq <- if(requireNamespace("sfsmisc")) sfsmisc::lseq else function(from, to, length) exp(seq(log(from), log(to), length.out = length)) if(require("Rmpfr")) { ##---------------- MPFR numbers ------------------------- .mpfr.all.eq <- Rmpfr::all.equal AllEq <- function(target, current, ...) .mpfr.all.eq(target, current, ..., formatFUN = function(x, ...) Rmpfr::format(x, digits = 9)) print(gammaE <- Const("gamma",200)); pi. <- Const("pi",200) print(a0 <- (gammaE^2 + pi.^2/6)/2) print(psi2.1 <- -2*zeta(mpfr(3,200)))# == psigamma(1,2) =~ -2.4041138 print(a1 <- (psi2.1 - gammaE*(pi.^2/2 + gammaE^2))/6) x <- lseq(1e-30, 0.8, length = if(doExtras) 1000 else 125) x. <- mpfr(x, 200) xct. <- log(x. * gamma(x.)) ## using MPFR arithmetic .. no overflow ... xc2. <- log(x.) + lgamma(x.)## (ditto) print(AllEq(xct., xc2., tol = 0)) # 3.15779......e-57 xct <- as.numeric(xct.) stopifnot(exprs = { AllEq(xct., xc2., tol = 1e-45) AllEq(xct , xc2., tol = 1e-15) all.equal(lgamma1p(x), lgamma1p(x, tol= 1e-16), tol=0) ## -> no difference; i.e., default tol = 1e-14 seems fine enough! }) showProc.time() m.appr <- cbind(log(x*gamma(x)), lgamma(1+x), log(x) + lgamma(x), lgamma1p.(x, k=1, cut=3e-6), lgamma1p.(x, k=2, cut=1e-4), lgamma1p.(x, k=3, cut=8e-4), lgamma1p(x))#, tol= 1e-14), # = default eMat <- m.appr - xct # absolute error ## Relative errors: str(reMat. <- m.appr/xct. - 1) str(reMat <- as(reMat., "array")) # as(., "matrix") fails in older versions matplot(x, eMat , log="x", type="l", lty=1) #-> problematic log(x) + lgamma(x) for "large" matplot(x, abs( eMat), log="xy", type="l", lty=1) #-> but good for small; lgamma1p is much better matplot(x, abs(reMat), log="xy", type="l", lty=1) abline(v= 3.47548562941137e-08, col = "gray80", lwd=3)#<- the cutoff value of lgamma1p() ##---> should use earlier cutoff! ## zoom in: matplot(x, abs(reMat), log="xy", type="l", col=1:7, lty=1, lwd=2, xlim=c(8e-9, 1e-3), ylim = c(1e-18, 1e-7), axes=FALSE, frame=TRUE, main = expression(lgamma1p(x) == log(Gamma(x+1)) ~~~ "approximations" ~~~ abs(rel.Err(.)))) eaxis(1); eaxis(2) abline(v= 3.47548562941137e-08, col = "gray80", lwd=3)#<- the cutoff value of lgamma1p() abline(h= c(1,2,4)*.Machine$double.eps, lty=3, col="skyblue") legend("topright", col=1:7, lty=1,lwd=2, c("log(x*gamma(x))", "lgamma(1+x)", "log(x) + lgamma(x)", "lgamma1p.(x, k=1, c=3e-6)", "lgamma1p.(x, k=2, c=1e-4)", "lgamma1p.(x, k=3, c=8e-4)", "lgamma1p(x)"), bty="n", ncol=2) abline(v = c(3e-6, 1e-4, 8e-4), col=4:6, lty=2, lwd=1/2) ## FIXME: do the same for the lgaamma1p_series() ## rm(x., xct., xc2., reMat., eMat, AllEq) detach("package:Rmpfr") showProc.time() } ## end if( MPFR ) ---------------------------------------------------------------- ## ../R/qchisqAppr.R -- talks about the "small shape" qgamma() approximation ## ----------------- --> .qgammaApprBnd() : curve(.qgammaApprBnd, 1e-18, 1e-15, col=2) abline(h=0, col="gray70", lty=2) eps.c <- .Machine$double.eps axis(3,at=(1:3)* eps.c, label=expression(epsilon[c], 2*epsilon[c], 3*epsilon[c])) (rt.b <- uniroot(.qgammaApprBnd, c(1,3)*eps.c, tol=1e-12)) rt.b$root ## 3.954775e-16 rt.b$root / eps.c ## 1.781072 ##==> for a < 1.781*eps, bnd > 0 ==> we have log(p) < bnd for all p ## otherwise, we should effectively 'test' curve(.qgammaApprBnd, 1e-16, 1e-10, log="x", col=2) showProc.time() ## source ("/u/maechler/R/MM/NUMERICS/dpq-functions/beta-gamma-etc/qgamma-fn.R") ## ##--> qchisqAppr.R() -- which has 'kind = ' argument! ## ##--> qgamma.R() p.qchi.appr <- function(x, qm= { m <- cbind(qchisq(x, df, log=TRUE), sapply(knds, function(kind) qchisqAppr.R(x,df,log=TRUE,kind=kind))) colnames(m) <- c("True", "default", knds[-1]) m }, df, knds = list(NULL,"chi.small", "WH", "p1WH", "df.small"), call =, main = deparse(call), log = "y", ...) { ## Purpose: ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Arguments: ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Author: Martin Maechler, Date: 25 Mar 2004, 22:08 col <- c(2,1,3:6) lty <- c(1,3,1,1,1,1) lwd <- c(2,2,1,1,1,1) matplot(x, qm, col=col, lty=lty, lwd=lwd, log = log, type = 'l', main = main, ...) y0 <- c( .02, .98) %*% par('usr')[3:4] if(par("ylog")) y0 <- 10^y0 legend(min(x), y0, colnames(qm), col=col, lty=lty, lwd=lwd) invisible(list(x=x, qm=qm, } pD.chi.appr <- function(pqr, err.kind=c("relative", "absolute"), type = "l", log = "y", lwds = c(2, rep(1, k-1)), cols = seq(along=lwds), ltys = rep(1,k), ...) { ## Purpose: Plot Difference from "True" qchisq() ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Arguments: pqr: a list as resulting from p.chi.appr() ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Author: Martin Maechler, Date: 31 Mar 2004, 09:38 err.kind <- match.arg(err.kind) if(!is.list(pqr) || !is.numeric(k <- ncol(pqr$qm)-1) || k <= 0) stop("invalid first argument 'pqr'") with(pqr, { err <- abs(if(err.kind == "relative") (1- qm[,-1] / qm[,1]) else (qm[,-1] - qm[,1])) matplot(x, err, ylab = "", main = paste(err.kind,"Error from", deparse(call)), type= type, log= log, lty=ltys, col=cols, lwd=lwds, ...) legend(par("xaxp")[1], par("yaxp")[2], colnames(qm)[-1], lty=ltys, col=cols, lwd=lwds) }) } ## if(FALSE) # you can manually set ## do.pqchi <- TRUE # before source()ing this file ## if(!exists("do.pqchi") || !is.logical(do.pqchi)) ## do.pqchi <- interactive() ## if(do.pqchi) { #------------- FIXME look at speed up or cache indeed !?? <<<<< ## pqFile <- "/u/maechler/R/MM/NUMERICS/dpq-functions/pqchi.rda" ## ## ls -l ................... 1325446 Nov 2 2009 pqchi.rda ## if(file.exists(pqFile)) { ## attach(pqFile) ## it loads more than we create here __FIXME__ ## print(ls(2, all.names=TRUE)) ## ## [1] "pq.1" "pq.25" "pq.25." "pq.31" "pq.33" "pq.33." "pq.33.2" ## ## [8] "pq.33.3" "pq.33.4" "pq.5" "pq.5." "pq1" "pq1." "pq1.95" ## ## [15] "pq1.95." "pq1.95.2" "pq10" "pq10." "pq10.2" "pq100" "pq2" ## ## [22] "pq2." "pq2.05" "pq2.05." "pq2.05.2" "pq2.5" "pq2.5." "pq2.5.2" ## ## [29] "pq200" "pq2L" "pq4" "pq4." "pq4.2" "pqFile" ## } showProc.time() x <- seq(-300, -.01, length=501) all.equal(qchisqAppr.R(x, 200, log=TRUE), qchisqAppr (x, 200, log=TRUE),tol=0) ## 4.48 e-16 / TRUE (Opteron) all.equal(qchisqAppr.R(x, 2, log=TRUE), qchisqAppr (x, 2, log=TRUE),tol=0) ## 3.90 e-16 / TRUE (Opteron) all.equal(qchisqAppr.R(x, 0.1, log=TRUE), qchisqAppr (x, 0.1, log=TRUE),tol=0) ## 7.15 e-15 / 1.179e-8 !!!!! (Opteron) pq200 <- p.qchi.appr(x = seq(-300, -.01, length=501), df = 200) pq100 <- p.qchi.appr(x = seq(-160, -.01, length=501), df = 100) ## after (slow) computing, quickly repeat: with(pq200, p.qchi.appr(x=x, qm=qm, call=call)) with(pq100, p.qchi.appr(x=x, qm=qm, call=call)) ## this "hangs forever" -- before I introduced 'maxit' (for 'nu.small'): pq10 <- p.qchi.appr(x = seq(-12, -.005, length=501), df = 10) ## want to see the jump: pq10. <- p.qchi.appr(x = seq(-10, -4, length=501), df = 10) pq10.2<- p.qchi.appr(x = seq(-8.5,-7.5, length=501), df = 10) with(pq10.2, p.qchi.appr(x=x, qm=qm, call=call)) pq2.5 <- p.qchi.appr(x = seq(-3.4, -.01, length=501), df = 2.5) pq2.5. <- p.qchi.appr(x = seq(-2.1, -1.8, length=901), df = 2.5)#the jump ## what about p1WH (which is fantastic for df=2)? pq2.5.2<- p.qchi.appr(x = seq(-0.5, -1e-3, length=901), df = 2.5) with(pq2.5, p.qchi.appr(x=x, qm=qm, call=call)) with(pq2.5.2, p.qchi.appr(x=x, qm=qm, call=call)) pD.chi.appr(pq2.5.2)# nothing special pq2.05 <- p.qchi.appr(x = seq(-3.4, -.01, length=501), df = 2.05) pq2.05. <- p.qchi.appr(x = seq(-2.5, -1.5, length=901), df = 2.05)#the jump ## ^^ the jump from chi.small to WH is much too late here ## what about p1WH (which is fantastic for df=2)? pq2.05.2<- p.qchi.appr(x = seq(-0.4, -1e-5, length=901), df = 2.05) pD.chi.appr(pq2.05.2) # p1WH is starting to become better # and the jump (WH -> p1WH) is too late with(pq2.05, p.qchi.appr(x=x, qm=qm, call=call)) with(pq2.05.2, p.qchi.appr(x=x, qm=qm, call=call)) ## Here, all are 'ok' (but "nu.small"): pq2L <- p.qchi.appr(seq(-300, -.01, length=201), df = 2) pq2 <- p.qchi.appr(x = seq(-5, -.001, length=501), df = 2) pq2. <- p.qchi.appr(x = seq(-2.5, -1, length=901), df = 2) with(pq2., p.qchi.appr(x=x, qm=qm, call=call)) pq4 <- p.qchi.appr(x = seq(-8, -0.01, length = 501), df = 4) summary(warnings()) pq4.2 <- p.qchi.appr(x = seq(-0.1, -1e-04, length = 901), df = 4) pq1.95 <- p.qchi.appr(x = seq(-3., -.01, length=501), df = 1.95) pq1.95. <- p.qchi.appr(x = seq(-2.2, -1.5, length=901), df = 1.95)#the jump -1.57 ## ^^ the jump from chi.small to WH is *much* too late here ## what about p1WH (which is fantastic for df=2)? pq1.95.2<- p.qchi.appr(x = seq(-0.4, -1e-7, length=901), df = 1.95) pD.chi.appr(pq1.95.2) # p1WH is starting to become better # and the jump (WH -> p1WH) is too late with(pq1.95, p.qchi.appr(x=x, qm=qm, call=call)) with(pq1.95.2, p.qchi.appr(x=x, qm=qm, call=call)) pq1 <- p.qchi.appr(x = seq(-4, -.001, length=501), df = 1) pq1. <- p.qchi.appr(x = seq(-1.8, -.5, length=901), df = 1) with(pq1., p.qchi.appr(x=x, qm=qm, call=call)) pq.5 <- p.qchi.appr(x = seq(-1.5, -.001, length=501), df = 0.5) pq.5. <- p.qchi.appr(x = seq(-0.8, -0.2, length=901), df = 0.5, ylim=c(.04,.6)) pq.33 <- p.qchi.appr(x= seq(-0.9, -.001,length=501), df= 0.33) pq.33. <- p.qchi.appr(x= seq(-0.4, -0.02,length=901), df= 0.33) pq.33.2<- p.qchi.appr(x= seq(-0.4, -0.2, length=901), df= 0.33, ylim=c(.15,.60)) with(pq.33.2, p.qchi.appr(x=x, qm=qm, call=call,ylim=c(.15,.45))) pq.33.3<- p.qchi.appr(x= seq(-0.4, -0.005, length=901), df= 0.33, ylim=c(.15, 4.00)) with(pq.33.3, p.qchi.appr(x=x, qm=qm, call=call))#,ylim=c(.15, 8))) pq.33.4<- p.qchi.appr(x= seq(-0.003, -1e-6, length=901), df= 0.33,ylim=c(5,25)) with(pq.33.4, p.qchi.appr(x=x, qm=qm, call=call,ylim=c(5,25))) ## nu <= 0.32 is the "magic" border of Best & Roberts pq.31 <- p.qchi.appr(x = seq(-0.45,-.010, length=501), df = 0.31) with(pq.31, p.qchi.appr(x=x, qm=qm, call=call)) pq.25 <- p.qchi.appr(x = seq(-0.3, -0.02, length=901), df = 0.25) pq.1 <- p.qchi.appr(x = seq(-0.16, -0.01, length=901), df = 0.1) with(pq.1, p.qchi.appr(x=x, qm=qm, call=call)) showProc.time() ## if(!file.exists(pqFile)) # don't overwrite for now (as it contains pq2L , ## save(list=ls(pat="^pq"), file = pqFile) ##}## end if(do.pqchi){ only if interactive } ====================================== pD.chi.appr(pq2L, "abs") pD.chi.appr(pq2L, "rel") ## --> want only much smaller x-range: pD.chi.appr(pq2,"abs")#--> fantastic p1WH pD.chi.appr(pq2) # (ditto) pD.chi.appr(pq4.2)# p1WH: only at very right pD.chi.appr(pq4.2, xlim=c(-.016,0))# p1WH: only at very right ## no Newton step here, eg: (qgA100 <- qgammaAppr(1e-100, 100)) (qg.100 <- qgamma (1e-100, 100)) all.equal(qgA100, qg.100) ## too much different dgamma(1e-100, 100, log = TRUE)# -23154.7 i.e., "non-log" is 0 qgamma.R(1e-100, 100, verbose = TRUE)#-> final Newton fails! ## but here, the final Newton iterations do work : x <- qgamma.R(log(1e-100), 100, log = TRUE, verbose = TRUE) pgamma(x, 100) # = 1e-100 ! perfect showProc.time() ###--> Use this to devise an improved final Newton algorithm !!! ## From: Prof Brian Ripley ## To: ## Cc:, ## Subject: Re: [Rd] qgamma inaccuracy (PR#12324) ## Date: Tue, 12 Aug 2008 20:50:50 +0100 (BST) ## This is a really extreme usage. AFAICS the code works well enough down to ## shape=1e-10 or so, e.g. qgamma(1e-10, 5e-11, lower.tail=FALSE) ## [1] 0.08237203 ## in R 2.9.. .. 2.10.0 -- with an accuracy warning {which is *wrong*!} ## I would be interested to know what substantive problem you were trying to ## solve here that required such values. ## I am pretty sure that a completely different algorithm will be required. ## MM: It looks like this is basis for a new algo: a <- 1e-14 gammaE <- 0.57721566490153286060651209008240243079 # Euler's gamma curve(pgamma(x, a, lower.tail=FALSE)/a + log(x) + gammaE, 1e-300, 1e-1, log="",n=1000) curve(pgamma(x, a, lower.tail=FALSE)/a + log(x) + gammaE - x, 1e-300, 1e-1, log="",n=1000) ## ==> Q = 1 - P = pgamma(x,a, lower=FALSE) ~= a*(-log(x) - gammaE + x - x^2/4) ## i.e., Q ~= -a(log(x) + gammaE { -x + x^2/4 } ## -Q/a - gammaE ~= log(x) { -x + x^2/4 } ## ==> x ~= exp(- (Q/a + gammaE)) ## e.g., example below: Q <- 1e-100; a <- 5e-101 ## MM: Find inverse : str(r.a <- uniroot(function(x) pgamma(x,a,lower.tail=FALSE) - Q, int = c(0.01, 0.1), tol=1e-20)) dput(x0 <- r.a$root) ## 0.0823720296207203 (x1 <- exp(- (Q/a + gammaE)))## 0.07598528 .. not so good qgammaApprSmallP(Q, a, lower.tail=FALSE)## ~= 0.07598528 -- the same!! pgamma(x0, a, lower.tail=FALSE) ## 1.00000e-100. pgamma(x1, a, lower.tail=FALSE) ## 1.03728e-100 ... hmm "close" ## ## MM: -- now look at the bigger picture p.qg.2a <- function(l2x.min= -15, l2x.max = -100, n = 501, do.offset = FALSE, type = "o", log = "x", cex = 0.6, ...) { x.log <- any("x" == strsplit(log,"")[[1]]) x <- if(x.log) 2^seq(l2x.min, l2x.max, length=n) else seq(2^l2x.min,2^l2x.max, length=n) if(do.offset) plot(x, qgamma(2*x, x, lower.tail=FALSE) - 0.0823720296206873, type=type, cex=cex, log=log, ...) else plot(x, qgamma(2*x, x, lower.tail=FALSE), type=type, cex=cex, log=log, ...) } p.qg.2a() # was "very bad" in R <= 2.10.0, now --> 0.082372... "perfect" smooth ## still a little ---but acceptable--- remaining inaccuracy ...zooming in: p.qg.2a(-43,-55, do.offset=TRUE) p.qg.2a(,-1024) p.qg.2a(,-1024, log="", pch=".")## linear in x !! ## zoom in at the limit p.qg.2a(-30,-1024, do.offset=TRUE, ylim = 1e-11*c(-1,1)) p.qg.2a(-33,-1024, do.offset=TRUE, ylim = 1e-12*c(-1,1)) p.qg.2a(-33,-1024, do.offset=TRUE, ylim = 1e-13*c(-1,1)) a <- 2^-(7:900) qg <- qgamma(2*a, a, lower.tail=FALSE) re <- 1-pgamma(qg, a, lower.tail=FALSE)/(2*a) plot(a, re, log="x", type="b", col=2) stopifnot(abs(re) < 2e-12) # but really, *should be a bit better showProc.time() ## For completeness we may write that in due course, but for now (R 2.7.2) I ## suggest just issuing a warning for miniscule 'shape'. ## On Thu, 7 Aug 2008, wrote: ## > Full_Name: ## > Version: 2.7.1 (2008-06-23) ## > OS: windows vista ## > Submission from: (NULL) ( ## > ## > ## > Hello, ## > ## > I have been working with various probability distributions in R, and it seems ## > the gamma distribution is inaccurate for some inputs. ## > For example, qgamma(1e-100, 5e-101, lower.tail=FALSE) gives: 1.0. However, it ## > seems this is incorrect; I think the correct answer should be ## > 0.082372029620717283. When I check these numbers using pgamma, I get: (qg <- qgamma(1e-100, 5e-101, lower.tail=FALSE))# 1 (wrong, originally) ## 0.08237203 now (2009-11-04), i.e. ok pgamma(qg, 5e-101, lower.tail=FALSE)# now -> 1e-100 : ok pgamma(0.082372029620717283,5e-101, lower.tail=FALSE) ## 1.0000000000000166e-100. RE.pqgamma <- function(p, shape, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE) { ## Relative Error of pgamma(qgamma(*), ..): 1 - pgamma(qgamma(p, shape, lower.tail=lower.tail, log.p=log.p), shape=shape, lower.tail=lower.tail, log.p=log.p) / p } RE.qpgamma <- function(q, shape, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE) { ## Relative Error of qgamma(pgamma(*), ..): 1 - qgamma(pgamma(q, shape, lower.tail=lower.tail, log.p=log.p), shape=shape, lower.tail=lower.tail, log.p=log.p) / q } ## Ok, how extreme can we get -- let a := alpha := shape --> 0 : x <- 1e-100 a <- 2^-(7:300)# is still "ok": plot(a, (re <- RE.pqgamma(x, a, lower.tail=FALSE)), type="b", col=2, log="x")# oops! a <- 2^-(7:400) plot(a, (re <- RE.pqgamma(x, a, lower.tail=FALSE)), type="b", col=2, log="x")# oops! ## Oops! ## but, it is clear qgamma(x, 2^-400, lower.tail=FALSE)## is exactly 0 ## -> it goes to 0 quickly . .. zooming in: curve(qgamma(1e-100, x, lower.tail=FALSE), 1e-110, 1e-70, log="xy", col=2, axes=FALSE) eaxis(1);eaxis(2) ## from when on is it exactly 0: uniroot(function(u) qgamma(1e-100, 2^u,lower.tail=FALSE)-1e-315, c(-400, -300))$root ## -341.6941 ## => use a <- 2^-(7:341) plot(a, (re <- RE.pqgamma(x, a, lower.tail=FALSE)), type="l", col=2, log="x")# small glips ## zoom in: curve(abs(RE.pqgamma(1e-100, x, lower.tail=FALSE)), 2^-341, 1e-90, log="xy", n=2000) curve(RE.pqgamma(1e-100, x, lower.tail=FALSE), 1e-100, 10e-100, n=2000) curve(RE.pqgamma(1e-100, x, lower.tail=FALSE), 4e-100, 6e-100, n=2000) ## Ok: at least here is a problem RE.pqgamma(1e-100, 5e-100, lower.tail=FALSE)# -0.1538 ## more general curve(RE.pqgamma(x, 5*x, lower.tail=FALSE), 1e-100, 1e-20, n=10000, log="x") ## problem *everywhere* , starting quite early: (lesser problem at ~ 1e-16 !) curve(RE.pqgamma(x, 5*x, lower.tail=FALSE), 1e-25, 1e-15, n=1000, log="x") curve(RE.pqgamma(x, 5*x, lower.tail=FALSE), 1e-21, 10e-21,n=1000) curve(RE.pqgamma(x, 5*x, lower.tail=FALSE), 2e-21, 6e-21, n=1000) curve(RE.pqgamma(x, 5*x, lower.tail=FALSE), 4e-21, 4.5e-21, n=1000) ## and indeed, it's qgamma() that jumps here curve(qgamma(x, 5*x, lower.tail=FALSE), 4e-21, 4.5e-21, ylim=c(.97, 1.1)) ## well, looking at pgamma(), finally reveals the buglet is there first: ## There's a jump at x = 1 !! curve(pgamma(x, 1e-30, lower=FALSE), .9999, 1.0001) curve(pgamma(x, 1e-20, lower=FALSE), .9999, 1.0001) curve(pgamma(x, 1e-17, lower=FALSE), .9999, 1.0001) curve(pgamma(x, 1e-15, lower=FALSE), .9999, 1.0001) curve(pgamma(x, 1e-13, lower=FALSE), .9999, 1.0001) curve(pgamma(x, 1e-12, lower=FALSE), .9999, 1.0001)# still clearly visible curve(pgamma(x, 1e-11, lower=FALSE), .9999, 1.0001)# barely visible ## for larger alpha == shape, must zoom in more and more: curve(pgamma(x, 1e-11, lower=FALSE), .99999, 1.00001)# curve(pgamma(x, 1e-10, lower=FALSE), .999999, 1.000001) curve(pgamma(x, 1e-9, lower=FALSE), .9999999, 1.0000001) curve(pgamma(x, 1e-8, lower=FALSE), .99999999, 1.00000001) curve(pgamma(x, 1e-7, lower=FALSE), .999999999, 1.000000001) curve(pgamma(x, 1e-6, lower=FALSE), .9999999999, 1.0000000001) curve(pgamma(x, 1e-5, lower=FALSE), .99999999999, 1.00000000001) curve(pgamma(x, 1e-4, lower=FALSE), .999999999999, 1.000000000001) ## now we get close to noise level: curve(pgamma(x, 1e-3, lower=FALSE), .9999999999999, 1.0000000000001) curve(pgamma(x, 1e-2, lower=FALSE), .99999999999999, 1.00000000000001) showProc.time() del.pgamma <- function(a, eps = 1e-13) { ## Purpose: *relative* jump size at x = 1 of pgamma(x, a, lower=FALSE) ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Author: Martin Maechler, Date: 5 Nov 2009, 16:08 stopifnot(a > 0, length(a) == 1, eps > 0, length(eps) == 1) pp <- pgamma(1+c(-eps,eps), a, lower.tail = FALSE) (pp[2] - pp[1])*2/(pp[2] + pp[1]) } a <- lseq(1e-300, 1e-3, length=400) dpa <- sapply(a, del.pgamma) plot(a, -dpa, log="xy", type="l", col=2, yaxt="n");eaxis(2) ## ok, it remains constant all the way to 1e-300 ## --> focus a <- lseq(1e-40, 1e-5, length=400) dpa <- sapply(a, del.pgamma) plot(a, -dpa, log="xy", type="l", col=2, axes=FALSE) eaxis(1, at = 10^-seq(5,40, by=5)) eaxis(2) xm <- .Machine$double.xmin pgamma(xm, shape= 1e-20)# is "practically 1" --> *most* qgamma() will be exactly 0 ## how close to 1 ? ---> use upper_tail [possibly on log scale:] pgamma(xm, shape= 1e-20, lower.tail=FALSE) # 7.078192e-18 pgamma(xm, shape= 1e-20, lower.tail=FALSE, log=TRUE) # -39.48951 ## Where is the 'boundary' (from which on qgamma() must return 0, since it can't give ## xm = 2.2e-308 ) ? a <- 2^-(7:1030) plot(a, (p <- pgamma(xm, a, lower.tail=FALSE, log=TRUE)), cex=.5,type ="l", col=2, log="x") summary(lm. <- lm(p ~ log(a) + a + I(a^2))) ## coeff. of log(a) *is* 1 summary(lm. <- lm(p ~ offset(log(a)) + a + I(a^2))) p.l <- pgamma(xm, a, lower.tail=FALSE, log=TRUE) - log(a) dput(mean(tail(p.l))) ## 6.56218869790132 ##=> pgamma(xm, a) ~= log(a) + 6.5621886979 + ## ok, to get this better, now need different a: al <- seq(1e-300, 1e-3, length=200) plot(al, (pl <- pgamma(xm, al, lower.tail=FALSE, log=TRUE)) - (log(al)+6.56218869790132), cex=.5,type ="l", col=2) summary(lm.. <- lm(pl ~ offset(log(al) + 6.56218869790132) + 0 + al + I(al^2))) confint(lm..) coef(lm..) ## al I(al^2) ## -353.8587 20750.8205 ##=> pgamma(xm, a) ~= log(a) + 6.5621886979 - 353.858745 * a ## > Similarly, for example: -- now (2009-11-04) ok qgamma(1e-100,0.005,lower.tail=FALSE) # = 109.36757177 instead of 219.5937.. pgamma(109.36757177007101, 0.005, lower.tail=FALSE)# = 1.4787306506694758e-52. ## > This looks completely wrong. The correct value, I think, should be ## > 219.59373661415756. In fact, pgamma(219.59373661415756, 0.005, lower.tail=FALSE)# = 9.9999999999999558e-101. ## > ## > In fact, when I do the following in R, the results are completely wrong, ## > a <- 5*10^-(1:40) z1 <- qgamma(1e-100,a,lower.tail=FALSE) (y <- pgamma(z1,a,lower.tail=FALSE)) ## The value of y that I get should be close to 1e-100, but they are not: ## [1] 1.000000e-100 1.871683e-51 1.478731e-52 1.444034e-53 1.440606e-54 ## [6] 1.440264e-55 1.440230e-56 1.440226e-57 1.440226e-58 1.440226e-59 summary(abs(1 - y/1e-100)) plot(a, abs(1 - y/1e-100), log="xy", type="b") stopifnot(abs(1 - y/1e-100) < 2e-13)# max (32b Linux, P.M) = 4.186e-14 ## > The correct values of z1 should be: z1true <- c(226.97154111939946, 222.15218724493326, 219.59373661415756, 217.27485383840451, 214.98015408183574, 212.68797118872064, 210.39614286838227, 208.10445550564617, 205.81289009100664, 203.52144711679352) all.equal(z1[1:10], z1true, tol=0)# 1.307e-16 on 32-bit (Pentium M); 1.686e-16 (64b Lnx, 2019) stopifnot(all.equal(z1[1:10], z1true, tol = 1e-15)) showProc.time() ##> ##> With these values of z1true, we get the expected values: (y <- pgamma(z1true, a, lower.tail=FALSE)) ## [1] 1e-100 1e-100 1e-100 1e-100 1e-100 1e-100 1e-100 1e-100 1e-100 1e-100 ## > I am using the precompiled binary version of R, under Windows Vista. ## > ----------- ## >> version ## > _ ## > platform i386-pc-mingw32 ## > arch i386 ## > os mingw32 ## > system i386, mingw32 ## > status ## > major 2 ## > minor 7.1 ## > year 2008 ## > month 06 ## > day 23 ## > svn rev 45970 ## > language R ## > version.string R version 2.7.1 (2008-06-23) ## > ------------ ## > ## > So, it seems qgamma is inaccurate for small probability values in the upper ## > tail, when the shape parameter is also small. ###_-- MM: Still wrong: (xm <- 2^-1074.9999) # is less than .Machine $ double.xmin == the really x > 0 pgamma(xm, .00001)# 0.992589 qgamma(.99, .00001)##--> NaN -- should give 0 or "xmin" or so ## FIXME -- ok, now ## but curve(qgamma(x, .001, lower=FALSE), .4, .8, n=1001, log="y") curve(qgamma(x, 1e-5, lower=FALSE), .002, .2, n=1001, log="xy") curve(qgamma(x, 1e-7, lower=FALSE), 1e-5, .04, n=1001, log="xy") curve(qgamma(x, 1e-12, lower=FALSE), 1e-12, 1e-2, n=1001, log="xy") ## or curve(qgamma(x, 1e-121, lower=FALSE), 7e-119, 8e-119, n=2001, log="y", yaxt="n") try( # reveals eaxis() bug ? -- for the *subnormal* numbers eaxis(2, at = 10^-seq(304,324, by=2)) ) curve(qgamma(x, .001, lower=FALSE), .4, .6, n=1001, log="y") curve(qgamma(x, .001, lower=FALSE), .5, .55, n=1001, log="y") ## gives a *warning* from axis() because of subnormal y-range {was error, fixed in R-devel (2018-08)} curve(qgamma(x, .001, lower=FALSE), .52, .53, n=1001, log="y") curve(qgamma(x, .001, lower=FALSE)*1e100, .522, .526, n=1001, log="y") showProc.time()