rows <- 1000 disc_vars <-, 1) cont_vars <- sample(seq(2, 5), 1) dt <- gen_marg_joint_data(n_obs = rows, n_disc = disc_vars, n_cont = cont_vars, n_lvls = 3, p_outs = 0.05, jp_outs = 0.2, assoc_target = 1, assoc_vars = c(1,2), assoc_type="linear", seed_num = 1) marginal_outliers <- marg_outs(data = dt, disc_cols = c(1:disc_vars), cont_cols = c((disc_vars+1):(disc_vars+cont_vars)), alpha = 0.01, MAXLEN = 0, rho = 0.20, epsilon = 0.02) testthat::test_that("Correct output object.", { testthat::expect_equal(is.list(marginal_outliers), TRUE) testthat::expect_equal(length(marginal_outliers), 3) }) testthat::test_that("Incorrect input argument values.", { testthat::expect_error(marg_outs(data = dt, disc_cols = c((disc_vars+1):(disc_vars+cont_vars)), cont_cols = c((disc_vars+1):(disc_vars+cont_vars))), "Discrete variables should be of class 'factor'.") testthat::expect_error(marg_outs(data = dt, disc_cols = c(1:disc_vars), cont_cols = c((disc_vars):(disc_vars+cont_vars))), "Continuous variables should be of class 'numeric'.") testthat::expect_error(marg_outs(data = as.matrix(dt, nrow = rows), disc_cols = c(1:disc_vars), cont_cols = c((disc_vars+1):(disc_vars+cont_vars))), "Data set should be of class 'data.frame'.") testthat::expect_error(marg_outs(data = dt, disc_cols = c(1:disc_vars), cont_cols = c((disc_vars+1):(disc_vars+cont_vars)), rho = '0.20', epsilon = 0.02), "rho must be a number between 0 and 0.50.", fixed = TRUE) testthat::expect_error(marg_outs(data = dt, disc_cols = c(1:disc_vars), cont_cols = c((disc_vars+1):(disc_vars+cont_vars)), rho = 0.20, epsilon = '0.02'), "epsilon must be a number between 0 and 0.50.", fixed = TRUE) testthat::expect_error(marg_outs(data = dt, disc_cols = c(1:disc_vars), cont_cols = c((disc_vars+1):(disc_vars+cont_vars)), rho = 0.60, epsilon = 0), "Incorrect value for rho - must be between 0 and 0.50.", fixed = TRUE) testthat::expect_error(marg_outs(data = dt, disc_cols = c(1:disc_vars), cont_cols = c((disc_vars+1):(disc_vars+cont_vars)), rho = 0, epsilon = 0), "Incorrect value for rho - must be between 0 and 0.50.", fixed = TRUE) testthat::expect_error(marg_outs(data = dt, disc_cols = c(1:disc_vars), cont_cols = c((disc_vars+1):(disc_vars+cont_vars)), rho = -0.1, epsilon = 0), "Incorrect value for rho - must be between 0 and 0.50.", fixed = TRUE) testthat::expect_error(marg_outs(data = dt, disc_cols = c(1:disc_vars), cont_cols = c((disc_vars+1):(disc_vars+cont_vars)), rho = 0.20, epsilon = -0.25), "Incorrest value for epsilon - must be between 0 and 0.25.", fixed = TRUE) testthat::expect_error(marg_outs(data = dt, disc_cols = c(1:disc_vars), cont_cols = c((disc_vars+1):(disc_vars+cont_vars)), rho = 0.20, epsilon = 0.30), "Incorrest value for epsilon - must be between 0 and 0.25.", fixed = TRUE) testthat::expect_error(marg_outs(data = dt, disc_cols = c(1:disc_vars), cont_cols = c((disc_vars+1):(disc_vars+cont_vars)), rho = 0.20, epsilon = 0.20), "rho must be greater than epsilon and their sum should be at most 0.50.", fixed = TRUE) testthat::expect_error(marg_outs(data = dt, disc_cols = c(1:disc_vars), cont_cols = c((disc_vars+1):(disc_vars+cont_vars)), rho = 0.20, epsilon = 0.21), "rho must be greater than epsilon and their sum should be at most 0.50.", fixed = TRUE) testthat::expect_error(marg_outs(data = dt, disc_cols = c(1:disc_vars), cont_cols = c((disc_vars+1):(disc_vars+cont_vars)), rho = 0.40, epsilon = 0.20), "rho must be greater than epsilon and their sum should be at most 0.50.", fixed = TRUE) testthat::expect_error(marg_outs(data = dt, disc_cols = c(1:disc_vars), cont_cols = c((disc_vars+1):(disc_vars+cont_vars)), alpha = 0, rho = 0.20, epsilon = 0.02), "alpha should be positive and at most equal to 0.20.", fixed = TRUE) testthat::expect_error(marg_outs(data = dt, disc_cols = c(1:disc_vars), cont_cols = c((disc_vars+1):(disc_vars+cont_vars)), alpha = -0.1, rho = 0.20, epsilon = 0.02), "alpha should be positive and at most equal to 0.20.", fixed = TRUE) testthat::expect_error(marg_outs(data = dt, disc_cols = c(1:disc_vars), cont_cols = c((disc_vars+1):(disc_vars+cont_vars)), alpha = 0.21, rho = 0.20, epsilon = 0.02), "alpha should be positive and at most equal to 0.20.", fixed = TRUE) testthat::expect_error(marg_outs(data = dt, disc_cols = c(1:disc_vars), cont_cols = c((disc_vars+1):(disc_vars+cont_vars)), alpha = '0.01', rho = 0.20, epsilon = 0.02), "alpha should be of class 'numeric'.", fixed = TRUE) testthat::expect_error(marg_outs(data = dt, disc_cols = c(1:disc_vars), cont_cols = c((disc_vars+1):(disc_vars+cont_vars)), alpha = c(0.01, 0.1), rho = 0.20, epsilon = 0.02), "alpha should be of unit length.", fixed = TRUE) testthat::expect_error(marg_outs(data = dt, disc_cols = c(1:disc_vars), cont_cols = c((disc_vars+1):(disc_vars+cont_vars)), alpha = 0.01, MAXLEN = c(0, 0.2), rho = 0.20, epsilon = 0.02), "MAXLEN should be an integer at most equal to the number of discrete variables.", fixed = TRUE) testthat::expect_error(marg_outs(data = dt, disc_cols = c(1:disc_vars), cont_cols = c((disc_vars+1):(disc_vars+cont_vars)), alpha = 0.01, MAXLEN = 0.8, rho = 0.20, epsilon = 0.02), "MAXLEN should be an integer at most equal to the number of discrete variables.", fixed = TRUE) testthat::expect_error(marg_outs(data = dt, disc_cols = c(1:disc_vars), cont_cols = c((disc_vars+1):(disc_vars+cont_vars)), alpha = 0.01, MAXLEN = -1, rho = 0.20, epsilon = 0.02), "MAXLEN should be an integer at most equal to the number of discrete variables.", fixed = TRUE) testthat::expect_error(marg_outs(data = dt, disc_cols = c(1:disc_vars), cont_cols = c((disc_vars+1):(disc_vars+cont_vars)), alpha = 0.01, MAXLEN = (disc_vars + 1), rho = 0.20, epsilon = 0.02), "MAXLEN should be an integer at most equal to the number of discrete variables.", fixed = TRUE) })