R Under development (unstable) (2024-03-14 r86117 ucrt) -- "Unsuffered Consequences" Copyright (C) 2024 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details. R is a collaborative project with many contributors. Type 'contributors()' for more information and 'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications. Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or 'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help. Type 'q()' to quit R. > # This file is part of the standard setup for testthat. > # It is recommended that you do not modify it. > # > # Where should you do additional test configuration? > # Learn more about the roles of various files in: > # * https://r-pkgs.org/tests.html > # * https://testthat.r-lib.org/reference/test_package.html#special-files > > library(testthat) > library(DImodelsMulti) > > test_check("DImodelsMulti") Note: Method Used = REML Correlation Structure Used = un@CS Average Term Model Theta estimate(s) = Y1:0.9704, Y2:0.7538, Y3:1.0089 Generalized least squares fit by REML Model: value ~ 0 + func:time:((p1_ID + p2_ID + p3_ID + p4_ID + AV)) AIC BIC logLik 7933.636 8107.046 -3935.818 Multivariate Correlation Structure: General Formula: ~0 | plot Parameter estimate(s): Correlation: 1 2 2 0.609 3 -0.310 -0.363 Repeated Measure Correlation Structure: Compound symmetry Formula: ~0 | plot Parameter estimate(s): Rho 0.3126024 Table: Fixed Effect Coefficients Beta Std. Error t-value p-value Signif ------------------- -------- ----------- -------- ----------- ------- funcY1:time1:p1_ID -1.364 0.397 -3.431 0.0006143 *** funcY2:time1:p1_ID +0.594 0.384 1.549 0.1216 funcY3:time1:p1_ID +0.915 0.401 2.283 0.02253 * funcY1:time2:p1_ID +0.202 0.397 0.509 0.6111 funcY2:time2:p1_ID +2.666 0.384 6.947 5.054e-12 *** funcY3:time2:p1_ID -0.542 0.401 -1.352 0.1767 funcY1:time1:p2_ID +4.810 0.368 13.062 1.822e-37 *** funcY2:time1:p2_ID +4.523 0.355 12.737 8.871e-36 *** funcY3:time1:p2_ID +6.675 0.371 17.977 4.537e-67 *** funcY1:time2:p2_ID +5.052 0.368 13.720 5.335e-41 *** funcY2:time2:p2_ID +2.767 0.355 7.792 1.056e-14 *** funcY3:time2:p2_ID +6.811 0.371 18.343 1.514e-69 *** funcY1:time1:p3_ID +2.711 0.399 6.790 1.48e-11 *** funcY2:time1:p3_ID -0.498 0.384 -1.298 0.1945 funcY3:time1:p3_ID +3.288 0.403 8.160 5.882e-16 *** funcY1:time2:p3_ID +4.467 0.399 11.187 3.234e-28 *** funcY2:time2:p3_ID -3.299 0.384 -8.597 1.633e-17 *** funcY3:time2:p3_ID +3.017 0.403 7.489 1.04e-13 *** funcY1:time1:p4_ID -0.853 0.449 -1.897 0.05792 + funcY2:time1:p4_ID +0.543 0.437 1.242 0.2143 funcY3:time1:p4_ID +4.890 0.452 10.811 1.649e-26 *** funcY1:time2:p4_ID -2.469 0.449 -5.493 4.453e-08 *** funcY2:time2:p4_ID +2.023 0.437 4.628 3.926e-06 *** funcY3:time2:p4_ID +3.562 0.452 7.875 5.58e-15 *** funcY1:time1:AV +2.560 0.905 2.828 0.004729 ** funcY2:time1:AV +4.283 0.529 8.091 1.021e-15 *** funcY3:time1:AV +6.424 0.998 6.436 1.531e-10 *** funcY1:time2:AV +31.946 0.905 35.291 3.302e-212 *** funcY2:time2:AV +2.885 0.529 5.450 5.669e-08 *** funcY3:time2:AV +19.229 0.998 19.264 5.916e-76 *** Signif codes: 0-0.001 '***', 0.001-0.01 '**', 0.01-0.05 '*', 0.05-0.1 '+', 0.1-1.0 ' ' Degrees of freedom: 2016 total; 1986 residual Residual standard error: 1.948135 $Multivariate Marginal variance covariance matrix [,1] [,2] [,3] [1,] 4.9095 2.3475 -1.3752 [2,] 2.3475 3.0305 -1.2650 [3,] -1.3752 -1.2650 4.0087 Standard Deviations: 2.2157 1.7408 2.0022 $`Repeated Measure` Marginal variance covariance matrix [,1] [,2] [1,] 4.6330 1.4483 [2,] 1.4483 4.6330 Standard Deviations: 2.1524 2.1524 $Combined Marginal variance covariance matrix Y1:1 Y1:2 Y2:1 Y2:2 Y3:1 Y3:2 Y1:1 3.79520 1.18640 2.30980 0.72204 -1.17640 -0.36776 Y1:2 1.18640 3.79520 0.72204 2.30980 -0.36776 -1.17640 Y2:1 2.30980 0.72204 3.79520 1.18640 -1.37740 -0.43059 Y2:2 0.72204 2.30980 1.18640 3.79520 -0.43059 -1.37740 Y3:1 -1.17640 -0.36776 -1.37740 -0.43059 3.79520 1.18640 Y3:2 -0.36776 -1.17640 -0.43059 -1.37740 1.18640 3.79520 Standard Deviations: 1.9481 1.9481 1.9481 1.9481 1.9481 1.9481 Generalized least squares fit by REML Model: value ~ 0 + func:time:((p1_ID + p2_ID + p3_ID + p4_ID + AV)) Data: data AIC BIC logLik 7933.636 8107.046 -3935.818 Correlation Structure: General Formula: ~0 | plot Parameter estimate(s): Correlation: 1 2 3 4 5 2 0.313 3 0.609 0.190 4 0.190 0.609 0.313 5 -0.310 -0.097 -0.363 -0.113 6 -0.097 -0.310 -0.113 -0.363 0.313 Coefficients: Value Std.Error t-value p-value funcY1:time1:p1_ID -1.36371 0.3974983 -3.43074 0.0006 funcY2:time1:p1_ID 0.59447 0.3838339 1.54878 0.1216 funcY3:time1:p1_ID 0.91484 0.4006889 2.28317 0.0225 funcY1:time2:p1_ID 0.20219 0.3974983 0.50864 0.6111 funcY2:time2:p1_ID 2.66633 0.3838339 6.94658 0.0000 funcY3:time2:p1_ID -0.54154 0.4006889 -1.35153 0.1767 funcY1:time1:p2_ID 4.80967 0.3682312 13.06155 0.0000 funcY2:time1:p2_ID 4.52253 0.3550687 12.73704 0.0000 funcY3:time1:p2_ID 6.67510 0.3713043 17.97745 0.0000 funcY1:time2:p2_ID 5.05228 0.3682312 13.72040 0.0000 funcY2:time2:p2_ID 2.76666 0.3550687 7.79189 0.0000 funcY3:time2:p2_ID 6.81066 0.3713043 18.34252 0.0000 funcY1:time1:p3_ID 2.71111 0.3993022 6.78961 0.0000 funcY2:time1:p3_ID -0.49800 0.3837593 -1.29768 0.1945 funcY3:time1:p3_ID 3.28772 0.4029109 8.15992 0.0000 funcY1:time2:p3_ID 4.46694 0.3993022 11.18688 0.0000 funcY2:time2:p3_ID -3.29911 0.3837593 -8.59681 0.0000 funcY3:time2:p3_ID 3.01727 0.4029109 7.48868 0.0000 funcY1:time1:p4_ID -0.85272 0.4494086 -1.89742 0.0579 funcY2:time1:p4_ID 0.54286 0.4370084 1.24222 0.2143 funcY3:time1:p4_ID 4.89022 0.4523511 10.81068 0.0000 funcY1:time2:p4_ID -2.46873 0.4494086 -5.49328 0.0000 funcY2:time2:p4_ID 2.02259 0.4370084 4.62825 0.0000 funcY3:time2:p4_ID 3.56205 0.4523511 7.87453 0.0000 funcY1:time1:AV 2.56005 0.9052026 2.82815 0.0047 funcY2:time1:AV 4.28277 0.5293371 8.09082 0.0000 funcY3:time1:AV 6.42445 0.9981712 6.43622 0.0000 funcY1:time2:AV 31.94569 0.9052026 35.29120 0.0000 funcY2:time2:AV 2.88480 0.5293371 5.44983 0.0000 funcY3:time2:AV 19.22917 0.9981712 19.26440 0.0000 Theta values: Y1:0.9704, Y2:0.7538, Y3:1.0089 Correlation: fY1:1:1 fY2:1:1 fY3:1:1 fY1:2:1 fY2:2:1 fY3:2:1 fY1:1:2 funcY2:time1:p1_ID 0.604 funcY3:time1:p1_ID -0.306 -0.358 funcY1:time2:p1_ID 0.313 0.189 -0.096 funcY2:time2:p1_ID 0.189 0.313 -0.112 0.604 funcY3:time2:p1_ID -0.096 -0.112 0.313 -0.306 -0.358 funcY1:time1:p2_ID 0.205 0.104 -0.062 0.064 0.033 -0.019 funcY2:time1:p2_ID 0.100 0.146 -0.060 0.031 0.046 -0.019 0.604 funcY3:time1:p2_ID -0.062 -0.063 0.218 -0.019 -0.020 0.068 -0.307 funcY1:time2:p2_ID 0.064 0.033 -0.019 0.205 0.104 -0.062 0.313 funcY2:time2:p2_ID 0.031 0.046 -0.019 0.100 0.146 -0.060 0.189 funcY3:time2:p2_ID -0.019 -0.020 0.068 -0.062 -0.063 0.218 -0.096 funcY1:time1:p3_ID 0.202 0.100 -0.061 0.063 0.031 -0.019 0.174 funcY2:time1:p3_ID 0.099 0.140 -0.059 0.031 0.044 -0.019 0.083 funcY3:time1:p3_ID -0.061 -0.060 0.216 -0.019 -0.019 0.067 -0.052 funcY1:time2:p3_ID 0.063 0.031 -0.019 0.202 0.100 -0.061 0.054 funcY2:time2:p3_ID 0.031 0.044 -0.019 0.099 0.140 -0.059 0.026 funcY3:time2:p3_ID -0.019 -0.019 0.067 -0.061 -0.060 0.216 -0.016 funcY1:time1:p4_ID 0.255 0.134 -0.077 0.080 0.042 -0.024 0.154 funcY2:time1:p4_ID 0.138 0.206 -0.083 0.043 0.065 -0.026 0.076 funcY3:time1:p4_ID -0.077 -0.080 0.266 -0.024 -0.025 0.083 -0.046 funcY1:time2:p4_ID 0.080 0.042 -0.024 0.255 0.134 -0.077 0.048 funcY2:time2:p4_ID 0.043 0.065 -0.026 0.138 0.206 -0.083 0.024 funcY3:time2:p4_ID -0.024 -0.025 0.083 -0.077 -0.080 0.266 -0.014 funcY1:time1:AV -0.582 -0.321 0.177 -0.182 -0.100 0.055 -0.543 funcY2:time1:AV -0.347 -0.540 0.207 -0.108 -0.169 0.065 -0.323 funcY3:time1:AV 0.174 0.189 -0.591 0.054 0.059 -0.185 0.162 funcY1:time2:AV -0.182 -0.100 0.055 -0.582 -0.321 0.177 -0.170 funcY2:time2:AV -0.108 -0.169 0.065 -0.347 -0.540 0.207 -0.101 funcY3:time2:AV 0.054 0.059 -0.185 0.174 0.189 -0.591 0.051 fY2:1:2 fY3:1:2 fY1:2:2 fY2:2:2 fY3:2:2 fY1:1:3 fY2:1:3 funcY2:time1:p1_ID funcY3:time1:p1_ID funcY1:time2:p1_ID funcY2:time2:p1_ID funcY3:time2:p1_ID funcY1:time1:p2_ID funcY2:time1:p2_ID funcY3:time1:p2_ID -0.358 funcY1:time2:p2_ID 0.189 -0.096 funcY2:time2:p2_ID 0.313 -0.112 0.604 funcY3:time2:p2_ID -0.112 0.313 -0.307 -0.358 funcY1:time1:p3_ID 0.080 -0.053 0.054 0.025 -0.016 funcY2:time1:p3_ID 0.109 -0.051 0.026 0.034 -0.016 0.603 funcY3:time1:p3_ID -0.049 0.188 -0.016 -0.015 0.059 -0.306 -0.358 funcY1:time2:p3_ID 0.025 -0.016 0.174 0.080 -0.053 0.313 0.189 funcY2:time2:p3_ID 0.034 -0.016 0.083 0.109 -0.051 0.189 0.313 funcY3:time2:p3_ID -0.015 0.059 -0.052 -0.049 0.188 -0.096 -0.112 funcY1:time1:p4_ID 0.068 -0.047 0.048 0.021 -0.015 0.240 0.122 funcY2:time1:p4_ID 0.096 -0.046 0.024 0.030 -0.015 0.128 0.187 funcY3:time1:p4_ID -0.041 0.167 -0.014 -0.013 0.052 -0.072 -0.073 funcY1:time2:p4_ID 0.021 -0.015 0.154 0.068 -0.047 0.075 0.038 funcY2:time2:p4_ID 0.030 -0.015 0.076 0.096 -0.046 0.040 0.058 funcY3:time2:p4_ID -0.013 0.052 -0.046 -0.041 0.167 -0.023 -0.023 funcY1:time1:AV -0.292 0.165 -0.170 -0.091 0.052 -0.595 -0.327 funcY2:time1:AV -0.491 0.194 -0.101 -0.154 0.061 -0.354 -0.549 funcY3:time1:AV 0.172 -0.553 0.051 0.054 -0.173 0.178 0.192 funcY1:time2:AV -0.091 0.052 -0.543 -0.292 0.165 -0.186 -0.102 funcY2:time2:AV -0.154 0.061 -0.323 -0.491 0.194 -0.111 -0.171 funcY3:time2:AV 0.054 -0.173 0.162 0.172 -0.553 0.056 0.060 fY3:1:3 fY1:2:3 fY2:2:3 fY3:2:3 fY1:1:4 fY2:1:4 fY3:1:4 funcY2:time1:p1_ID funcY3:time1:p1_ID funcY1:time2:p1_ID funcY2:time2:p1_ID funcY3:time2:p1_ID funcY1:time1:p2_ID funcY2:time1:p2_ID funcY3:time1:p2_ID funcY1:time2:p2_ID funcY2:time2:p2_ID funcY3:time2:p2_ID funcY1:time1:p3_ID funcY2:time1:p3_ID funcY3:time1:p3_ID funcY1:time2:p3_ID -0.096 funcY2:time2:p3_ID -0.112 0.603 funcY3:time2:p3_ID 0.313 -0.306 -0.358 funcY1:time1:p4_ID -0.073 0.075 0.038 -0.023 funcY2:time1:p4_ID -0.077 0.040 0.058 -0.024 0.604 funcY3:time1:p4_ID 0.252 -0.023 -0.023 0.079 -0.306 -0.358 funcY1:time2:p4_ID -0.023 0.240 0.122 -0.073 0.313 0.189 -0.096 funcY2:time2:p4_ID -0.024 0.128 0.187 -0.077 0.189 0.313 -0.112 funcY3:time2:p4_ID 0.079 -0.072 -0.073 0.252 -0.096 -0.112 0.313 funcY1:time1:AV 0.181 -0.186 -0.102 0.057 -0.589 -0.331 0.178 funcY2:time1:AV 0.212 -0.111 -0.171 0.066 -0.351 -0.556 0.209 funcY3:time1:AV -0.605 0.056 0.060 -0.189 0.176 0.195 -0.596 funcY1:time2:AV 0.057 -0.595 -0.327 0.181 -0.184 -0.104 0.056 funcY2:time2:AV 0.066 -0.354 -0.549 0.212 -0.110 -0.174 0.065 funcY3:time2:AV -0.189 0.178 0.192 -0.605 0.055 0.061 -0.186 fY1:2:4 fY2:2:4 fY3:2:4 fY1:1:A fY2:1:A fY3:1:A fY1:2:A funcY2:time1:p1_ID funcY3:time1:p1_ID funcY1:time2:p1_ID funcY2:time2:p1_ID funcY3:time2:p1_ID funcY1:time1:p2_ID funcY2:time1:p2_ID funcY3:time1:p2_ID funcY1:time2:p2_ID funcY2:time2:p2_ID funcY3:time2:p2_ID funcY1:time1:p3_ID funcY2:time1:p3_ID funcY3:time1:p3_ID funcY1:time2:p3_ID funcY2:time2:p3_ID funcY3:time2:p3_ID funcY1:time1:p4_ID funcY2:time1:p4_ID funcY3:time1:p4_ID funcY1:time2:p4_ID funcY2:time2:p4_ID 0.604 funcY3:time2:p4_ID -0.306 -0.358 funcY1:time1:AV -0.184 -0.104 0.056 funcY2:time1:AV -0.110 -0.174 0.065 0.595 funcY3:time1:AV 0.055 0.061 -0.186 -0.299 -0.350 funcY1:time2:AV -0.589 -0.331 0.178 0.313 0.186 -0.093 funcY2:time2:AV -0.351 -0.556 0.209 0.186 0.313 -0.109 0.595 funcY3:time2:AV 0.176 0.195 -0.596 -0.093 -0.109 0.313 -0.299 fY2:2:A funcY2:time1:p1_ID funcY3:time1:p1_ID funcY1:time2:p1_ID funcY2:time2:p1_ID funcY3:time2:p1_ID funcY1:time1:p2_ID funcY2:time1:p2_ID funcY3:time1:p2_ID funcY1:time2:p2_ID funcY2:time2:p2_ID funcY3:time2:p2_ID funcY1:time1:p3_ID funcY2:time1:p3_ID funcY3:time1:p3_ID funcY1:time2:p3_ID funcY2:time2:p3_ID funcY3:time2:p3_ID funcY1:time1:p4_ID funcY2:time1:p4_ID funcY3:time1:p4_ID funcY1:time2:p4_ID funcY2:time2:p4_ID funcY3:time2:p4_ID funcY1:time1:AV funcY2:time1:AV funcY3:time1:AV funcY1:time2:AV funcY2:time2:AV funcY3:time2:AV -0.350 Standardized residuals: Min Q1 Med Q3 Max -4.14701963 -0.38462918 -0.03745628 0.33589476 6.84115299 Residual standard error: 1.948135 Degrees of freedom: 2016 total; 1986 residual [ FAIL 0 | WARN 0 | SKIP 0 | PASS 38 ] > > proc.time() user system elapsed 13.18 1.09 14.26