# Test of gamma methods library(vdiffr) set.seed(77) ## test data gamma_test_matrix <- matrix(c(38, 4, 5, 0, 6, 40, 1, 2, 4, 8, 20, 30), ncol = 4, byrow = TRUE) object<-dfba_gamma(gamma_test_matrix) test_that("Show method works",{ expect_output(show(object)) }) test_that("Plot method works with prior",{ expect_doppelganger( title = "gamma_plot", fig = plot(object), ) }) test_that("Plot method works with no prior",{ expect_doppelganger( title = "gamma_plot_no_prior", fig = plot(object, plot.prior = FALSE), ) }) # Phi_star p <- seq(.05,.95,.05) ypred <- 17.332-(50.261*p) + (48.308*p^2) # # Note the coefficients in the ypred equation were found first # # via a polynomial regression yobs <- c(19.805, 10.105, 9.396, 8.219, 6.110, 4.543, 5.864, 4.861, 6.136, 5.789, 5.443, 5.548, 4.746, 6.484, 6.185, 6.202, 9.804, 9.332, 14.408) objectstar <- dfba_bivariate_concordance(x = yobs, y = ypred, fitting.parameters = 3) test_that("Show method works for phi_star",{ expect_output(show(objectstar)) }) test_that("Plot method works for phi_star",{ expect_doppelganger( title = "bivariate_concordance_star_plot", fig = plot(objectstar), ) }) test_that("Plot method works for phi_star with no prior",{ expect_doppelganger( title = "bivariate_concordance_star_plot_no_prior", fig = plot(objectstar, plot.prior = FALSE), ) })