test_that("print_parameters_and_loglik works", { testthat::expect_message( print_parameters_and_loglik( pars = c(1, 2:6), loglik = -3, verbose = 3, type = 'clade_loglik' ), regexp = "Status of colonist: 1, Parameters: 2.000000, 3.000000, 4.000000, 5.000000, 6.000000, Loglikelihood: -3.000000") testthat::expect_message(print_parameters_and_loglik(pars = c(2:6), loglik = -3, verbose = 3, type = 'island_loglik')) testthat::expect_message(print_parameters_and_loglik(pars = c(2:6), loglik = -3, verbose = 3, type = 'island_ML')) testthat::expect_message(print_parameters_and_loglik(pars = c(1:11), loglik = -3, verbose = 3, type = 'global_ML', distance_dep = 'power')) testthat::expect_message(print_parameters_and_loglik(pars = c(1:11), loglik = -3, verbose = 3, type = 'global_ML', distance_dep = 'sigmoidal_col')) testthat::expect_message(print_parameters_and_loglik(pars = data.frame(rbind(c(2:6),c(12:16))), loglik = -3, verbose = 3, type = 'multiple_island_ML')) testthat::expect_silent(print_parameters_and_loglik(pars = data.frame(rbind(c(2:6),c(12:16))), loglik = -3, verbose = 1, type = 'multiple_island_ML')) testthat::expect_silent(print_parameters_and_loglik(pars = data.frame(rbind(c(2:6),c(12:16))), loglik = -3, verbose = 0, type = 'multiple_island_ML')) }) test_that("print_ml_par_settings works", { testthat::expect_message( print_ml_par_settings( namepars = letters[1:5], idparsopt = 1:5, idparsfix = NULL, idparsnoshift = 1:5, all_no_shift = 1:5, verbose = 1 ), regexp = "You are optimizing: a b c d e You are fixing: nothing") testthat::expect_message( print_ml_par_settings( namepars = letters[1:5], idparsopt = 1:4, idparsfix = 5, idparsnoshift = 1:5, all_no_shift = 1:5, verbose = 1 ), regexp = "You are optimizing: a b c d You are fixing: e") testthat::expect_message( print_ml_par_settings( namepars = letters[1:5], idparsopt = 1:5, idparsfix = NULL, idparsnoshift = 1:4, all_no_shift = 1:4, verbose = 1 ), regexp = "You are optimizing: a b c d e You are fixing: nothing You are not shifting: a b c d") testthat::expect_silent( print_ml_par_settings( namepars = letters[1:5], idparsopt = 1:5, idparsfix = NULL, idparsnoshift = 1:4, all_no_shift = 1:4, verbose = 0 ) ) }) test_that("print_init_ll works", { testthat::expect_message( print_init_ll( initloglik = 10, verbose = 1 ), regexp = "Calculating the likelihood for the initial parameters. The loglikelihood for the initial parameter values is 10 Optimizing the likelihood - this may take a while.") testthat::expect_silent( print_init_ll( initloglik = 10, verbose = 0 ) ) })