test_that("DAISIE_dataprep produces a named list of length 9 for one type", { utils::data(Galapagos_datatable) output <- DAISIE_dataprep(datatable = Galapagos_datatable, island_age = 4, M = 1000, verbose = FALSE) testthat::expect_length(output, 9) testthat::expect_true(is.list(output)) testthat::expect_named(output[[1]], expected = c("island_age", "not_present")) }) test_that("DAISIE_dataprep produces a named list of length 9 for two types", { utils::data(Galapagos_datatable) output <- DAISIE_dataprep(datatable = Galapagos_datatable, island_age = 4, M = 1000, number_clade_types = 2, list_type2_clades = "Finches", verbose = FALSE) testthat::expect_length(output, 9) testthat::expect_true(is.list(output)) testthat::expect_named(output[[1]], expected = c("island_age", "not_present_type1", "not_present_type2")) }) test_that("DAISIE_dataprep produces a named list of length 9 for two types with the proportion of mainland pool which is type two set", { utils::data(Galapagos_datatable) output <- DAISIE_dataprep(datatable = Galapagos_datatable, island_age = 4, M = 1000, number_clade_types = 2, list_type2_clades = "Finches", prop_type2_pool = 0.163, verbose = FALSE) testthat::expect_length(output, 9) testthat::expect_true(is.list(output)) testthat::expect_named(output[[1]], expected = c("island_age", "not_present_type1", "not_present_type2")) })