R Under development (unstable) (2023-10-29 r85433 ucrt) -- "Unsuffered Consequences" Copyright (C) 2023 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details. R is a collaborative project with many contributors. Type 'contributors()' for more information and 'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications. Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or 'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help. Type 'q()' to quit R. > library(testthat) > test_check("Cyclops") Loading required package: Cyclops Sorting outcomes by stratumId and rowId Sorting covariates by covariateId, stratumId, and rowId Sparseness = 98.87 % Sorting covariates by covariateId and rowId Using cross-validation selector type byRow Performing 10-fold cross-validation [seed = 1698711998] with data partitions of sizes 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Using 1 thread(s) Starting var = 0.0113 (default) Running at Laplace(13.3038) None Grid-point #1 at 0.0113 Fold #1 Rep #1 pred log like = -35.7735 Running at Laplace(13.3038) None Grid-point #1 at 0.0113 Fold #2 Rep #1 pred log like = -30.7941 Running at Laplace(13.3038) None Grid-point #1 at 0.0113 Fold #3 Rep #1 pred log like = -24.3071 Running at Laplace(13.3038) None Grid-point #1 at 0.0113 Fold #4 Rep #1 pred log like = -25.9128 Running at Laplace(13.3038) None Grid-point #1 at 0.0113 Fold #5 Rep #1 pred log like = -37.4555 Running at Laplace(13.3038) None Grid-point #1 at 0.0113 Fold #6 Rep #1 pred log like = -30.7941 Running at Laplace(13.3038) None Grid-point #1 at 0.0113 Fold #7 Rep #1 pred log like = -35.7735 Running at Laplace(13.3038) None Grid-point #1 at 0.0113 Fold #8 Rep #1 pred log like = -32.4429 Running at Laplace(13.3038) None Grid-point #1 at 0.0113 Fold #9 Rep #1 pred log like = -34.1027 Running at Laplace(13.3038) None Grid-point #1 at 0.0113 Fold #10 Rep #1 pred log like = -42.5695 Running at Laplace(13.3038) None Grid-point #1 at 0.0113 Fold #1 Rep #2 pred log like = -30.7941 Running at Laplace(13.3038) None Grid-point #1 at 0.0113 Fold #2 Rep #2 pred log like = -37.4555 Running at Laplace(13.3038) None Grid-point #1 at 0.0113 Fold #3 Rep #2 pred log like = -39.1488 Running at Laplace(13.3038) None Grid-point #1 at 0.0113 Fold #4 Rep #2 pred log like = -34.1027 Running at Laplace(13.3038) None Grid-point #1 at 0.0113 Fold #5 Rep #2 pred log like = -32.4429 Running at Laplace(13.3038) None Grid-point #1 at 0.0113 Fold #6 Rep #2 pred log like = -25.9128 Running at Laplace(13.3038) None Grid-point #1 at 0.0113 Fold #7 Rep #2 pred log like = -22.7119 Running at Laplace(13.3038) None Grid-point #1 at 0.0113 Fold #8 Rep #2 pred log like = -34.1027 Running at Laplace(13.3038) None Grid-point #1 at 0.0113 Fold #9 Rep #2 pred log like = -42.5695 Running at Laplace(13.3038) None Grid-point #1 at 0.0113 Fold #10 Rep #2 pred log like = -30.7941 Running at Laplace(13.3038) None Grid-point #1 at 0.0113 Fold #1 Rep #3 pred log like = -32.4429 Running at Laplace(13.3038) None Grid-point #1 at 0.0113 Fold #2 Rep #3 pred log like = -35.7735 Running at Laplace(13.3038) None Grid-point #1 at 0.0113 Fold #3 Rep #3 pred log like = -32.4429 Running at Laplace(13.3038) None Grid-point #1 at 0.0113 Fold #4 Rep #3 pred log like = -30.7941 Running at Laplace(13.3038) None Grid-point #1 at 0.0113 Fold #5 Rep #3 pred log like = -34.1027 Running at Laplace(13.3038) None Grid-point #1 at 0.0113 Fold #6 Rep #3 pred log like = -37.4555 Running at Laplace(13.3038) None Grid-point #1 at 0.0113 Fold #7 Rep #3 pred log like = -25.9128 Running at Laplace(13.3038) None Grid-point #1 at 0.0113 Fold #8 Rep #3 pred log like = -32.4429 Running at Laplace(13.3038) None Grid-point #1 at 0.0113 Fold #9 Rep #3 pred log like = -35.7735 Running at Laplace(13.3038) None Grid-point #1 at 0.0113 Fold #10 Rep #3 pred log like = -32.4429 Running at Laplace(13.3038) None Grid-point #1 at 0.0113 Fold #1 Rep #4 pred log like = -35.7735 Running at Laplace(13.3038) None Grid-point #1 at 0.0113 Fold #2 Rep #4 pred log like = -32.4429 Running at Laplace(13.3038) None Grid-point #1 at 0.0113 Fold #3 Rep #4 pred log like = -34.1027 Running at Laplace(13.3038) None Grid-point #1 at 0.0113 Fold #4 Rep #4 pred log like = -29.1562 Running at Laplace(13.3038) None Grid-point #1 at 0.0113 Fold #5 Rep #4 pred log like = -30.7941 Running at Laplace(13.3038) None Grid-point #1 at 0.0113 Fold #6 Rep #4 pred log like = -47.7873 Running at Laplace(13.3038) None Grid-point #1 at 0.0113 Fold #7 Rep #4 pred log like = -30.7941 Running at Laplace(13.3038) None Grid-point #1 at 0.0113 Fold #8 Rep #4 pred log like = -37.4555 Running at Laplace(13.3038) None Grid-point #1 at 0.0113 Fold #9 Rep #4 pred log like = -25.9128 Running at Laplace(13.3038) None Grid-point #1 at 0.0113 Fold #10 Rep #4 pred log like = -25.9128 AvgPred = -32.9919 with stdev = 5.11648 Completed at 0.0113 Next point at 0.113 with value 0 and continue = 1 search[ 0.0113 ] = -32.9919(5.11648) Running at Laplace(4.20703) None Grid-point #2 at 0.113 Fold #1 Rep #1 pred log like = -35.7735 Running at Laplace(4.20703) None Grid-point #2 at 0.113 Fold #2 Rep #1 pred log like = -30.7941 Running at Laplace(4.20703) None Grid-point #2 at 0.113 Fold #3 Rep #1 pred log like = -24.3071 Running at Laplace(4.20703) None Grid-point #2 at 0.113 Fold #4 Rep #1 pred log like = -25.9128 Running at Laplace(4.20703) None Grid-point #2 at 0.113 Fold #5 Rep #1 pred log like = -37.4555 Running at Laplace(4.20703) None Grid-point #2 at 0.113 Fold #6 Rep #1 pred log like = -30.7941 Running at Laplace(4.20703) None Grid-point #2 at 0.113 Fold #7 Rep #1 pred log like = -35.7735 Running at Laplace(4.20703) None Grid-point #2 at 0.113 Fold #8 Rep #1 pred log like = -32.4429 Running at Laplace(4.20703) None Grid-point #2 at 0.113 Fold #9 Rep #1 pred log like = -34.1027 Running at Laplace(4.20703) None Grid-point #2 at 0.113 Fold #10 Rep #1 pred log like = -42.5695 Running at Laplace(4.20703) None Grid-point #2 at 0.113 Fold #1 Rep #2 pred log like = -30.7941 Running at Laplace(4.20703) None Grid-point #2 at 0.113 Fold #2 Rep #2 pred log like = -37.4555 Running at Laplace(4.20703) None Grid-point #2 at 0.113 Fold #3 Rep #2 pred log like = -39.1488 Running at Laplace(4.20703) None Grid-point #2 at 0.113 Fold #4 Rep #2 pred log like = -34.1027 Running at Laplace(4.20703) None Grid-point #2 at 0.113 Fold #5 Rep #2 pred log like = -32.4429 Running at Laplace(4.20703) None Grid-point #2 at 0.113 Fold #6 Rep #2 pred log like = -25.9128 Running at Laplace(4.20703) None Grid-point #2 at 0.113 Fold #7 Rep #2 pred log like = -22.7119 Running at Laplace(4.20703) None Grid-point #2 at 0.113 Fold #8 Rep #2 pred log like = -34.1027 Running at Laplace(4.20703) None Grid-point #2 at 0.113 Fold #9 Rep #2 pred log like = -42.5695 Running at Laplace(4.20703) None Grid-point #2 at 0.113 Fold #10 Rep #2 pred log like = -30.7941 Running at Laplace(4.20703) None Grid-point #2 at 0.113 Fold #1 Rep #3 pred log like = -32.4429 Running at Laplace(4.20703) None Grid-point #2 at 0.113 Fold #2 Rep #3 pred log like = -35.7735 Running at Laplace(4.20703) None Grid-point #2 at 0.113 Fold #3 Rep #3 pred log like = -32.4429 Running at Laplace(4.20703) None Grid-point #2 at 0.113 Fold #4 Rep #3 pred log like = -30.7941 Running at Laplace(4.20703) None Grid-point #2 at 0.113 Fold #5 Rep #3 pred log like = -34.1027 Running at Laplace(4.20703) None Grid-point #2 at 0.113 Fold #6 Rep #3 pred log like = -37.4555 Running at Laplace(4.20703) None Grid-point #2 at 0.113 Fold #7 Rep #3 pred log like = -25.9128 Running at Laplace(4.20703) None Grid-point #2 at 0.113 Fold #8 Rep #3 pred log like = -32.4429 Running at Laplace(4.20703) None Grid-point #2 at 0.113 Fold #9 Rep #3 pred log like = -35.7735 Running at Laplace(4.20703) None Grid-point #2 at 0.113 Fold #10 Rep #3 pred log like = -32.4429 Running at Laplace(4.20703) None Grid-point #2 at 0.113 Fold #1 Rep #4 pred log like = -35.7735 Running at Laplace(4.20703) None Grid-point #2 at 0.113 Fold #2 Rep #4 pred log like = -32.4429 Running at Laplace(4.20703) None Grid-point #2 at 0.113 Fold #3 Rep #4 pred log like = -34.1027 Running at Laplace(4.20703) None Grid-point #2 at 0.113 Fold #4 Rep #4 pred log like = -29.1562 Running at Laplace(4.20703) None Grid-point #2 at 0.113 Fold #5 Rep #4 pred log like = -30.7941 Running at Laplace(4.20703) None Grid-point #2 at 0.113 Fold #6 Rep #4 pred log like = -47.7873 Running at Laplace(4.20703) None Grid-point #2 at 0.113 Fold #7 Rep #4 pred log like = -30.7941 Running at Laplace(4.20703) None Grid-point #2 at 0.113 Fold #8 Rep #4 pred log like = -37.4555 Running at Laplace(4.20703) None Grid-point #2 at 0.113 Fold #9 Rep #4 pred log like = -25.9128 Running at Laplace(4.20703) None Grid-point #2 at 0.113 Fold #10 Rep #4 pred log like = -25.9128 AvgPred = -32.9919 with stdev = 5.11648 Completed at 0.113 Next point at 0.00113 with value 0 and continue = 1 search[ 0.0113 ] = -32.9919(5.11648) search[ 0.113 ] = -32.9919(5.11648) Running at Laplace(42.0703) None Grid-point #3 at 0.00113 Fold #1 Rep #1 pred log like = -35.7735 Running at Laplace(42.0703) None Grid-point #3 at 0.00113 Fold #2 Rep #1 pred log like = -30.7941 Running at Laplace(42.0703) None Grid-point #3 at 0.00113 Fold #3 Rep #1 pred log like = -24.3071 Running at Laplace(42.0703) None Grid-point #3 at 0.00113 Fold #4 Rep #1 pred log like = -25.9128 Running at Laplace(42.0703) None Grid-point #3 at 0.00113 Fold #5 Rep #1 pred log like = -37.4555 Running at Laplace(42.0703) None Grid-point #3 at 0.00113 Fold #6 Rep #1 pred log like = -30.7941 Running at Laplace(42.0703) None Grid-point #3 at 0.00113 Fold #7 Rep #1 pred log like = -35.7735 Running at Laplace(42.0703) None Grid-point #3 at 0.00113 Fold #8 Rep #1 pred log like = -32.4429 Running at Laplace(42.0703) None Grid-point #3 at 0.00113 Fold #9 Rep #1 pred log like = -34.1027 Running at Laplace(42.0703) None Grid-point #3 at 0.00113 Fold #10 Rep #1 pred log like = -42.5695 Running at Laplace(42.0703) None Grid-point #3 at 0.00113 Fold #1 Rep #2 pred log like = -30.7941 Running at Laplace(42.0703) None Grid-point #3 at 0.00113 Fold #2 Rep #2 pred log like = -37.4555 Running at Laplace(42.0703) None Grid-point #3 at 0.00113 Fold #3 Rep #2 pred log like = -39.1488 Running at Laplace(42.0703) None Grid-point #3 at 0.00113 Fold #4 Rep #2 pred log like = -34.1027 Running at Laplace(42.0703) None Grid-point #3 at 0.00113 Fold #5 Rep #2 pred log like = -32.4429 Running at Laplace(42.0703) None Grid-point #3 at 0.00113 Fold #6 Rep #2 pred log like = -25.9128 Running at Laplace(42.0703) None Grid-point #3 at 0.00113 Fold #7 Rep #2 pred log like = -22.7119 Running at Laplace(42.0703) None Grid-point #3 at 0.00113 Fold #8 Rep #2 pred log like = -34.1027 Running at Laplace(42.0703) None Grid-point #3 at 0.00113 Fold #9 Rep #2 pred log like = -42.5695 Running at Laplace(42.0703) None Grid-point #3 at 0.00113 Fold #10 Rep #2 pred log like = -30.7941 Running at Laplace(42.0703) None Grid-point #3 at 0.00113 Fold #1 Rep #3 pred log like = -32.4429 Running at Laplace(42.0703) None Grid-point #3 at 0.00113 Fold #2 Rep #3 pred log like = -35.7735 Running at Laplace(42.0703) None Grid-point #3 at 0.00113 Fold #3 Rep #3 pred log like = -32.4429 Running at Laplace(42.0703) None Grid-point #3 at 0.00113 Fold #4 Rep #3 pred log like = -30.7941 Running at Laplace(42.0703) None Grid-point #3 at 0.00113 Fold #5 Rep #3 pred log like = -34.1027 Running at Laplace(42.0703) None Grid-point #3 at 0.00113 Fold #6 Rep #3 pred log like = -37.4555 Running at Laplace(42.0703) None Grid-point #3 at 0.00113 Fold #7 Rep #3 pred log like = -25.9128 Running at Laplace(42.0703) None Grid-point #3 at 0.00113 Fold #8 Rep #3 pred log like = -32.4429 Running at Laplace(42.0703) None Grid-point #3 at 0.00113 Fold #9 Rep #3 pred log like = -35.7735 Running at Laplace(42.0703) None Grid-point #3 at 0.00113 Fold #10 Rep #3 pred log like = -32.4429 Running at Laplace(42.0703) None Grid-point #3 at 0.00113 Fold #1 Rep #4 pred log like = -35.7735 Running at Laplace(42.0703) None Grid-point #3 at 0.00113 Fold #2 Rep #4 pred log like = -32.4429 Running at Laplace(42.0703) None Grid-point #3 at 0.00113 Fold #3 Rep #4 pred log like = -34.1027 Running at Laplace(42.0703) None Grid-point #3 at 0.00113 Fold #4 Rep #4 pred log like = -29.1562 Running at Laplace(42.0703) None Grid-point #3 at 0.00113 Fold #5 Rep #4 pred log like = -30.7941 Running at Laplace(42.0703) None Grid-point #3 at 0.00113 Fold #6 Rep #4 pred log like = -47.7873 Running at Laplace(42.0703) None Grid-point #3 at 0.00113 Fold #7 Rep #4 pred log like = -30.7941 Running at Laplace(42.0703) None Grid-point #3 at 0.00113 Fold #8 Rep #4 pred log like = -37.4555 Running at Laplace(42.0703) None Grid-point #3 at 0.00113 Fold #9 Rep #4 pred log like = -25.9128 Running at Laplace(42.0703) None Grid-point #3 at 0.00113 Fold #10 Rep #4 pred log like = -25.9128 AvgPred = -32.9919 with stdev = 5.11648 Completed at 0.00113 Next point at 0.00985175 with value -32.9919 and continue = 0 search[ 0.00113 ] = -32.9919(5.11648) search[ 0.0113 ] = -32.9919(5.11648) search[ 0.113 ] = -32.9919(5.11648) Maximum predicted log likelihood (-32.9919) estimated at: 0.00985175 (variance) 14.2481 (lambda) Fitting model at optimal hyperparameter Using prior: Laplace(14.2481) None Sorting outcomes by stratumId and rowId Sorting covariates by covariateId, stratumId, and rowId Sorting outcomes by stratumId, time (descending), y and rowId Sorting covariates by covariateId, stratumId, time (descending), y, and rowId Sorting outcomes by stratumId, time (descending), y and rowId Sorting covariates by covariateId, stratumId, time (descending), y, and rowId Sorting outcomes by stratumId, time (descending), y and rowId Sorting covariates by covariateId, stratumId, time (descending), y, and rowId Sparseness = 75.605 % Sorting covariates by covariateId and rowId Sparseness = 98.96 % Sorting covariates by covariateId and rowId Sorting covariates by covariateId and rowId Sorting covariates by covariateId and rowId Sparseness = 98.96 % Sorting outcomes by rowId Sorting covariates by covariateId and rowId Sparseness = 75.475 % Sorting covariates by covariateId and rowId Sparseness = 75.825 % Sorting covariates by covariateId and rowId Sparseness = 75.3 % Sorting covariates by covariateId and rowId Sparseness = 76.6 % Sorting covariates by covariateId and rowId Sparseness = 76.4 % Sorting covariates by covariateId and rowId Analysis took 0.044 secs ( 0.000158 ) Fitting model using clogit Analysis took 0.12 secs Sparseness = 76.4 % Sorting outcomes by stratumId, time (descending), y and rowId Sorting covariates by covariateId, stratumId, time (descending), y, and rowId Sorting outcomes by stratumId, time (descending), y and rowId Sorting covariates by covariateId, stratumId, time (descending), y, and rowId Sorting outcomes by stratumId, time (descending), y and rowId Sorting covariates by covariateId, stratumId, time (descending), y, and rowId Analysis took 0.0147 secs ( 0.000335 ) Fitting model using coxpht Analysis took 0.0174 secs Using prior: None log post: -153.591 (-153.591 + 0) (iter:1, conv: 0.987315) log post: -140.356 (-140.356 + 0) (iter:2, conv: 0.418345) log post: -132.023 (-132.023 + 0) (iter:3, conv: 0.261265) log post: -126.384 (-126.384 + 0) (iter:4, conv: 0.18403) log post: -122.381 (-122.381 + 0) (iter:5, conv: 0.13696) log post: -119.443 (-119.443 + 0) (iter:6, conv: 0.106924) log post: -117.232 (-117.232 + 0) (iter:7, conv: 0.086332) log post: -115.533 (-115.533 + 0) (iter:8, conv: 0.0714192) log post: -114.208 (-114.208 + 0) (iter:9, conv: 0.0601726) log post: -113.161 (-113.161 + 0) (iter:10, conv: 0.0514226) log post: -112.324 (-112.324 + 0) (iter:11, conv: 0.0444455) log post: -111.651 (-111.651 + 0) (iter:12, conv: 0.0387701) log post: -111.103 (-111.103 + 0) (iter:13, conv: 0.0340776) log post: -110.656 (-110.656 + 0) (iter:14, conv: 0.0301443) log post: -110.289 (-110.289 + 0) (iter:15, conv: 0.0268092) log post: -109.985 (-109.985 + 0) (iter:16, conv: 0.0239533) log post: -109.734 (-109.734 + 0) (iter:17, conv: 0.0214871) log post: -109.524 (-109.524 + 0) (iter:18, conv: 0.0193415) log post: -109.349 (-109.349 + 0) (iter:19, conv: 0.017463) log post: -109.203 (-109.203 + 0) (iter:20, conv: 0.015809) log post: -109.08 (-109.08 + 0) (iter:21, conv: 0.0143454) log post: -108.976 (-108.976 + 0) (iter:22, conv: 0.0130446) log post: -108.889 (-108.889 + 0) (iter:23, conv: 0.011884) log post: -108.815 (-108.815 + 0) (iter:24, conv: 0.0108446) log post: -108.753 (-108.753 + 0) (iter:25, conv: 0.00991073) log post: -108.7 (-108.7 + 0) (iter:26, conv: 0.00906605) log post: -108.655 (-108.655 + 0) (iter:27, conv: 0.00830381) log post: -108.616 (-108.616 + 0) (iter:28, conv: 0.00761432) log post: -108.584 (-108.584 + 0) (iter:29, conv: 0.0069893) log post: -108.556 (-108.556 + 0) (iter:30, conv: 0.0064216) log post: -108.533 (-108.533 + 0) (iter:31, conv: 0.00590505) log post: -108.512 (-108.512 + 0) (iter:32, conv: 0.00543428) log post: -108.495 (-108.495 + 0) (iter:33, conv: 0.0050046) log post: -108.481 (-108.481 + 0) (iter:34, conv: 0.00461189) log post: -108.468 (-108.468 + 0) (iter:35, conv: 0.00425252) log post: -108.457 (-108.457 + 0) (iter:36, conv: 0.00392329) log post: -108.448 (-108.448 + 0) (iter:37, conv: 0.00362136) log post: -108.44 (-108.44 + 0) (iter:38, conv: 0.0033442) log post: -108.433 (-108.433 + 0) (iter:39, conv: 0.00308955) log post: -108.427 (-108.427 + 0) (iter:40, conv: 0.0028554) log post: -108.422 (-108.422 + 0) (iter:41, conv: 0.00263994) log post: -108.418 (-108.418 + 0) (iter:42, conv: 0.00244154) log post: -108.415 (-108.415 + 0) (iter:43, conv: 0.00225873) log post: -108.411 (-108.411 + 0) (iter:44, conv: 0.0020902) log post: -108.409 (-108.409 + 0) (iter:45, conv: 0.00193474) log post: -108.406 (-108.406 + 0) (iter:46, conv: 0.00179126) log post: -108.404 (-108.404 + 0) (iter:47, conv: 0.00165879) log post: -108.403 (-108.403 + 0) (iter:48, conv: 0.00153643) log post: -108.401 (-108.401 + 0) (iter:49, conv: 0.00142337) log post: -108.4 (-108.4 + 0) (iter:50, conv: 0.00131885) log post: -108.399 (-108.399 + 0) (iter:51, conv: 0.0012222) log post: -108.398 (-108.398 + 0) (iter:52, conv: 0.0011328) log post: -108.397 (-108.397 + 0) (iter:53, conv: 0.00105009) log post: -108.396 (-108.396 + 0) (iter:54, conv: 0.000973536) log post: -108.396 (-108.396 + 0) (iter:55, conv: 0.000902672) log post: -108.395 (-108.395 + 0) (iter:56, conv: 0.000837057) log post: -108.395 (-108.395 + 0) (iter:57, conv: 0.00077629) log post: -108.394 (-108.394 + 0) (iter:58, conv: 0.000720002) log post: -108.394 (-108.394 + 0) (iter:59, conv: 0.000667853) log post: -108.394 (-108.394 + 0) (iter:60, conv: 0.00061953) log post: -108.393 (-108.393 + 0) (iter:61, conv: 0.000574747) log post: -108.393 (-108.393 + 0) (iter:62, conv: 0.000533238) log post: -108.393 (-108.393 + 0) (iter:63, conv: 0.000494758) log post: -108.393 (-108.393 + 0) (iter:64, conv: 0.000459082) log post: -108.393 (-108.393 + 0) (iter:65, conv: 0.000426002) log post: -108.393 (-108.393 + 0) (iter:66, conv: 0.000395326) log post: -108.393 (-108.393 + 0) (iter:67, conv: 0.000366876) log post: -108.393 (-108.393 + 0) (iter:68, conv: 0.000340489) log post: -108.392 (-108.392 + 0) (iter:69, conv: 0.000316012) log post: -108.392 (-108.392 + 0) (iter:70, conv: 0.000293306) log post: -108.392 (-108.392 + 0) (iter:71, conv: 0.000272241) log post: -108.392 (-108.392 + 0) (iter:72, conv: 0.000252697) log post: -108.392 (-108.392 + 0) (iter:73, conv: 0.000234563) log post: -108.392 (-108.392 + 0) (iter:74, conv: 0.000217736) log post: -108.392 (-108.392 + 0) (iter:75, conv: 0.000202122) log post: -108.392 (-108.392 + 0) (iter:76, conv: 0.000187632) log post: -108.392 (-108.392 + 0) (iter:77, conv: 0.000174185) log post: -108.392 (-108.392 + 0) (iter:78, conv: 0.000161705) log post: -108.392 (-108.392 + 0) (iter:79, conv: 0.000150122) log post: -108.392 (-108.392 + 0) (iter:80, conv: 0.000139371) log post: -108.392 (-108.392 + 0) (iter:81, conv: 0.000129392) log post: -108.392 (-108.392 + 0) (iter:82, conv: 0.000120129) log post: -108.392 (-108.392 + 0) (iter:83, conv: 0.000111531) log post: -108.392 (-108.392 + 0) (iter:84, conv: 0.00010355) log post: -108.392 (-108.392 + 0) (iter:85, conv: 9.61414e-05) log post: -108.392 (-108.392 + 0) (iter:86, conv: 8.92637e-05) log post: -108.392 (-108.392 + 0) (iter:87, conv: 8.28789e-05) log post: -108.392 (-108.392 + 0) (iter:88, conv: 7.69515e-05) log post: -108.392 (-108.392 + 0) (iter:89, conv: 7.14487e-05) log post: -108.392 (-108.392 + 0) (iter:90, conv: 6.634e-05) log post: -108.392 (-108.392 + 0) (iter:91, conv: 6.1597e-05) log post: -108.392 (-108.392 + 0) (iter:92, conv: 5.71936e-05) log post: -108.392 (-108.392 + 0) (iter:93, conv: 5.31053e-05) log post: -108.392 (-108.392 + 0) (iter:94, conv: 4.93095e-05) log post: -108.392 (-108.392 + 0) (iter:95, conv: 4.57854e-05) log post: -108.392 (-108.392 + 0) (iter:96, conv: 4.25133e-05) log post: -108.392 (-108.392 + 0) (iter:97, conv: 3.94753e-05) log post: -108.392 (-108.392 + 0) (iter:98, conv: 3.66545e-05) log post: -108.392 (-108.392 + 0) (iter:99, conv: 3.40355e-05) log post: -108.392 (-108.392 + 0) (iter:100, conv: 3.16037e-05) log post: -108.392 (-108.392 + 0) (iter:101, conv: 2.93458e-05) log post: -108.392 (-108.392 + 0) (iter:102, conv: 2.72492e-05) log post: -108.392 (-108.392 + 0) (iter:103, conv: 2.53026e-05) log post: -108.392 (-108.392 + 0) (iter:104, conv: 2.34951e-05) log post: -108.392 (-108.392 + 0) (iter:105, conv: 2.18167e-05) log post: -108.392 (-108.392 + 0) (iter:106, conv: 2.02583e-05) log post: -108.392 (-108.392 + 0) (iter:107, conv: 1.88113e-05) log post: -108.392 (-108.392 + 0) (iter:108, conv: 1.74677e-05) log post: -108.392 (-108.392 + 0) (iter:109, conv: 1.62201e-05) log post: -108.392 (-108.392 + 0) (iter:110, conv: 1.50616e-05) log post: -108.392 (-108.392 + 0) (iter:111, conv: 1.39859e-05) log post: -108.392 (-108.392 + 0) (iter:112, conv: 1.2987e-05) log post: -108.392 (-108.392 + 0) (iter:113, conv: 1.20595e-05) log post: -108.392 (-108.392 + 0) (iter:114, conv: 1.11982e-05) log post: -108.392 (-108.392 + 0) (iter:115, conv: 1.03985e-05) log post: -108.392 (-108.392 + 0) (iter:116, conv: 9.65589e-06) log post: -108.392 (-108.392 + 0) (iter:117, conv: 8.96633e-06) log post: -108.392 (-108.392 + 0) (iter:118, conv: 8.32602e-06) log post: -108.392 (-108.392 + 0) (iter:119, conv: 7.73144e-06) log post: -108.392 (-108.392 + 0) (iter:120, conv: 7.17933e-06) log post: -108.392 (-108.392 + 0) (iter:121, conv: 6.66666e-06) log post: -108.392 (-108.392 + 0) (iter:122, conv: 6.1906e-06) log post: -108.392 (-108.392 + 0) (iter:123, conv: 5.74853e-06) log post: -108.392 (-108.392 + 0) (iter:124, conv: 5.33804e-06) log post: -108.392 (-108.392 + 0) (iter:125, conv: 4.95687e-06) log post: -108.392 (-108.392 + 0) (iter:126, conv: 4.60291e-06) log post: -108.392 (-108.392 + 0) (iter:127, conv: 4.27423e-06) log post: -108.392 (-108.392 + 0) (iter:128, conv: 3.96903e-06) log post: -108.392 (-108.392 + 0) (iter:129, conv: 3.68562e-06) log post: -108.392 (-108.392 + 0) (iter:130, conv: 3.42245e-06) log post: -108.392 (-108.392 + 0) (iter:131, conv: 3.17807e-06) log post: -108.392 (-108.392 + 0) (iter:132, conv: 2.95114e-06) log post: -108.392 (-108.392 + 0) (iter:133, conv: 2.74042e-06) log post: -108.392 (-108.392 + 0) (iter:134, conv: 2.54474e-06) log post: -108.392 (-108.392 + 0) (iter:135, conv: 2.36304e-06) log post: -108.392 (-108.392 + 0) (iter:136, conv: 2.19431e-06) log post: -108.392 (-108.392 + 0) (iter:137, conv: 2.03763e-06) log post: -108.392 (-108.392 + 0) (iter:138, conv: 1.89214e-06) log post: -108.392 (-108.392 + 0) (iter:139, conv: 1.75703e-06) log post: -108.392 (-108.392 + 0) (iter:140, conv: 1.63158e-06) log post: -108.392 (-108.392 + 0) (iter:141, conv: 1.51508e-06) log post: -108.392 (-108.392 + 0) (iter:142, conv: 1.4069e-06) log post: -108.392 (-108.392 + 0) (iter:143, conv: 1.30644e-06) log post: -108.392 (-108.392 + 0) (iter:144, conv: 1.21316e-06) log post: -108.392 (-108.392 + 0) (iter:145, conv: 1.12654e-06) log post: -108.392 (-108.392 + 0) (iter:146, conv: 1.0461e-06) log post: -108.392 (-108.392 + 0) (iter:147, conv: 9.71411e-07) Reached convergence criterion Using prior: Laplace(1.41421) None KKT Swindle count 1, activeSet size = 1 update time: 9.76e-05 in 3 iterations. Inactive set violations: 1 KKT Swindle count 2, activeSet size = 2 update time: 0.0061222 in 134 iterations. Sparseness = 99.012 % Sorting outcomes by stratumId, time (descending), y and rowId Sorting covariates by covariateId, stratumId, time (descending), y, and rowId Sorting covariates by covariateId, stratumId, time (descending), y, and rowId Sorting covariates by covariateId, stratumId, time (descending), y, and rowId Generating censoring weights Generating censoring weights Sorting outcomes by stratumId, time (descending), y and rowId Sorting covariates by covariateId, stratumId, time (descending), y, and rowId Sorting outcomes by stratumId, time (descending), y and rowId Sorting covariates by covariateId, stratumId, time (descending), y, and rowId Using cross-validation selector type byRow Performing 10-fold cross-validation [seed = 1698712005] with data partitions of sizes 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 Using 1 thread(s) Starting var = 0.333333 (default) Running at Laplace(2.44949) None Grid-point #1 at 0.333333 Fold #1 Rep #1 pred log like = 44.57 Running at Laplace(2.44949) None Grid-point #1 at 0.333333 Fold #2 Rep #1 pred log like = 20.3427 Running at Laplace(2.44949) None Grid-point #1 at 0.333333 Fold #3 Rep #1 pred log like = 106.597 Running at Laplace(2.44949) None Grid-point #1 at 0.333333 Fold #4 Rep #1 pred log like = 79.8291 Running at Laplace(2.44949) None Grid-point #1 at 0.333333 Fold #5 Rep #1 pred log like = 14.674 Running at Laplace(2.44949) None Grid-point #1 at 0.333333 Fold #6 Rep #1 pred log like = 33.625 Running at Laplace(2.44949) None Grid-point #1 at 0.333333 Fold #7 Rep #1 pred log like = 112.869 Running at Laplace(2.44949) None Grid-point #1 at 0.333333 Fold #8 Rep #1 pred log like = 59.4944 Running at Laplace(2.44949) None Grid-point #1 at 0.333333 Fold #9 Rep #1 pred log like = 24.9456 Running at Laplace(2.44949) None Grid-point #1 at 0.333333 Fold #10 Rep #1 pred log like = 0 AvgPred = 49.6947 with stdev = 36.9967 Completed at 0.333333 Next point at 3.33333 with value 0 and continue = 1 search[ 0.333333 ] = 49.6947(36.9967) Running at Laplace(0.774597) None Grid-point #2 at 3.33333 Fold #1 Rep #1 pred log like = 44.6336 Running at Laplace(0.774597) None Grid-point #2 at 3.33333 Fold #2 Rep #1 pred log like = 20.3443 Running at Laplace(0.774597) None Grid-point #2 at 3.33333 Fold #3 Rep #1 pred log like = 106.149 Running at Laplace(0.774597) None Grid-point #2 at 3.33333 Fold #4 Rep #1 pred log like = 79.7695 Running at Laplace(0.774597) None Grid-point #2 at 3.33333 Fold #5 Rep #1 pred log like = 14.5878 Running at Laplace(0.774597) None Grid-point #2 at 3.33333 Fold #6 Rep #1 pred log like = 32.8915 Running at Laplace(0.774597) None Grid-point #2 at 3.33333 Fold #7 Rep #1 pred log like = 110.219 Running at Laplace(0.774597) None Grid-point #2 at 3.33333 Fold #8 Rep #1 pred log like = 57.3441 Running at Laplace(0.774597) None Grid-point #2 at 3.33333 Fold #9 Rep #1 pred log like = 24.7928 Running at Laplace(0.774597) None Grid-point #2 at 3.33333 Fold #10 Rep #1 pred log like = 0 AvgPred = 49.0732 with stdev = 36.4705 Completed at 3.33333 Next point at 0.0333333 with value 0 and continue = 1 search[ 0.333333 ] = 49.6947(36.9967) search[ 3.33333 ] = 49.0732(36.4705) Running at Laplace(7.74597) None Grid-point #3 at 0.0333333 Fold #1 Rep #1 pred log like = 43.169 Running at Laplace(7.74597) None Grid-point #3 at 0.0333333 Fold #2 Rep #1 pred log like = 20.3273 Running at Laplace(7.74597) None Grid-point #3 at 0.0333333 Fold #3 Rep #1 pred log like = 107.806 Running at Laplace(7.74597) None Grid-point #3 at 0.0333333 Fold #4 Rep #1 pred log like = 79.6335 Running at Laplace(7.74597) None Grid-point #3 at 0.0333333 Fold #5 Rep #1 pred log like = 15.7525 Running at Laplace(7.74597) None Grid-point #3 at 0.0333333 Fold #6 Rep #1 pred log like = 34.0061 Running at Laplace(7.74597) None Grid-point #3 at 0.0333333 Fold #7 Rep #1 pred log like = 118.443 Running at Laplace(7.74597) None Grid-point #3 at 0.0333333 Fold #8 Rep #1 pred log like = 60.6085 Running at Laplace(7.74597) None Grid-point #3 at 0.0333333 Fold #9 Rep #1 pred log like = 25.0614 Running at Laplace(7.74597) None Grid-point #3 at 0.0333333 Fold #10 Rep #1 pred log like = 0 AvgPred = 50.4807 with stdev = 38.0685 Completed at 0.0333333 Next point at 0.00333333 with value 0 and continue = 1 search[ 0.0333333 ] = 50.4807(38.0685) search[ 0.333333 ] = 49.6947(36.9967) search[ 3.33333 ] = 49.0732(36.4705) Running at Laplace(24.4949) None Grid-point #4 at 0.00333333 Fold #1 Rep #1 pred log like = 42.498 Running at Laplace(24.4949) None Grid-point #4 at 0.00333333 Fold #2 Rep #1 pred log like = 19.9614 Running at Laplace(24.4949) None Grid-point #4 at 0.00333333 Fold #3 Rep #1 pred log like = 106.001 Running at Laplace(24.4949) None Grid-point #4 at 0.00333333 Fold #4 Rep #1 pred log like = 79.0525 Running at Laplace(24.4949) None Grid-point #4 at 0.00333333 Fold #5 Rep #1 pred log like = 16.8111 Running at Laplace(24.4949) None Grid-point #4 at 0.00333333 Fold #6 Rep #1 pred log like = 33.9945 Running at Laplace(24.4949) None Grid-point #4 at 0.00333333 Fold #7 Rep #1 pred log like = 118.246 Running at Laplace(24.4949) None Grid-point #4 at 0.00333333 Fold #8 Rep #1 pred log like = 62.1884 Running at Laplace(24.4949) None Grid-point #4 at 0.00333333 Fold #9 Rep #1 pred log like = 25.4635 Running at Laplace(24.4949) None Grid-point #4 at 0.00333333 Fold #10 Rep #1 pred log like = 0 AvgPred = 50.4216 with stdev = 37.6865 Completed at 0.00333333 Next point at 0.00390685 with value 50.4732 and continue = 0 search[ 0.00333333 ] = 50.4216(37.6865) search[ 0.0333333 ] = 50.4807(38.0685) search[ 0.333333 ] = 49.6947(36.9967) search[ 3.33333 ] = 49.0732(36.4705) Maximum predicted log likelihood (50.4732) estimated at: 0.00390685 (variance) 22.6257 (lambda) Fitting model at optimal hyperparameter Using prior: Laplace(22.6257) None Sparseness = 80.112 % Sorting covariates by covariateId, stratumId, and rowId Using cross-validation selector type byPid Performing 10-fold cross-validation [seed = 123] with data partitions of sizes 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Using 1 thread(s) Starting var = 0.1 Running at Laplace(4.47214) None Grid-point #1 at 0.1 Fold #1 Rep #1 pred log like = -14146.5 Running at Laplace(4.47214) None Grid-point #1 at 0.1 Fold #2 Rep #1 pred log like = -13824.3 Running at Laplace(4.47214) None Grid-point #1 at 0.1 Fold #3 Rep #1 pred log like = -13922.5 Running at Laplace(4.47214) None Grid-point #1 at 0.1 Fold #4 Rep #1 pred log like = -12009.7 Running at Laplace(4.47214) None Grid-point #1 at 0.1 Fold #5 Rep #1 pred log like = -13190.5 Running at Laplace(4.47214) None Grid-point #1 at 0.1 Fold #6 Rep #1 pred log like = -14032 Running at Laplace(4.47214) None Grid-point #1 at 0.1 Fold #7 Rep #1 pred log like = -13053.7 Running at Laplace(4.47214) None Grid-point #1 at 0.1 Fold #8 Rep #1 pred log like = -13911.1 Running at Laplace(4.47214) None Grid-point #1 at 0.1 Fold #9 Rep #1 pred log like = -13560.8 Running at Laplace(4.47214) None Grid-point #1 at 0.1 Fold #10 Rep #1 pred log like = -13052.5 AvgPred = -13470.4 with stdev = 621.67 Completed at 0.1 Next point at 1 with value 0 and continue = 1 search[ 0.1 ] = -13470.4(621.67) Running at Laplace(1.41421) None Grid-point #2 at 1 Fold #1 Rep #1 pred log like = -14146.5 Running at Laplace(1.41421) None Grid-point #2 at 1 Fold #2 Rep #1 pred log like = -13824.3 Running at Laplace(1.41421) None Grid-point #2 at 1 Fold #3 Rep #1 pred log like = -13922.5 Running at Laplace(1.41421) None Grid-point #2 at 1 Fold #4 Rep #1 pred log like = -12009.7 Running at Laplace(1.41421) None Grid-point #2 at 1 Fold #5 Rep #1 pred log like = -13190.5 Running at Laplace(1.41421) None Grid-point #2 at 1 Fold #6 Rep #1 pred log like = -14032 Running at Laplace(1.41421) None Grid-point #2 at 1 Fold #7 Rep #1 pred log like = -13053.7 Running at Laplace(1.41421) None Grid-point #2 at 1 Fold #8 Rep #1 pred log like = -13911.1 Running at Laplace(1.41421) None Grid-point #2 at 1 Fold #9 Rep #1 pred log like = -13560.8 Running at Laplace(1.41421) None Grid-point #2 at 1 Fold #10 Rep #1 pred log like = -13052.4 AvgPred = -13470.4 with stdev = 621.671 Completed at 1 Next point at 0.01 with value 0 and continue = 1 search[ 0.1 ] = -13470.4(621.67) search[ 1 ] = -13470.4(621.671) Running at Laplace(14.1421) None Grid-point #3 at 0.01 Fold #1 Rep #1 pred log like = -14146.5 Running at Laplace(14.1421) None Grid-point #3 at 0.01 Fold #2 Rep #1 pred log like = -13824.3 Running at Laplace(14.1421) None Grid-point #3 at 0.01 Fold #3 Rep #1 pred log like = -13922.5 Running at Laplace(14.1421) None Grid-point #3 at 0.01 Fold #4 Rep #1 pred log like = -12009.7 Running at Laplace(14.1421) None Grid-point #3 at 0.01 Fold #5 Rep #1 pred log like = -13190.3 Running at Laplace(14.1421) None Grid-point #3 at 0.01 Fold #6 Rep #1 pred log like = -14031.9 Running at Laplace(14.1421) None Grid-point #3 at 0.01 Fold #7 Rep #1 pred log like = -13053.7 Running at Laplace(14.1421) None Grid-point #3 at 0.01 Fold #8 Rep #1 pred log like = -13911.1 Running at Laplace(14.1421) None Grid-point #3 at 0.01 Fold #9 Rep #1 pred log like = -13560.8 Running at Laplace(14.1421) None Grid-point #3 at 0.01 Fold #10 Rep #1 pred log like = -13052.6 AvgPred = -13470.3 with stdev = 621.666 Completed at 0.01 Next point at 0.001 with value 0 and continue = 1 search[ 0.01 ] = -13470.3(621.666) search[ 0.1 ] = -13470.4(621.67) search[ 1 ] = -13470.4(621.671) Running at Laplace(44.7214) None Grid-point #4 at 0.001 Fold #1 Rep #1 pred log like = -14146.6 Running at Laplace(44.7214) None Grid-point #4 at 0.001 Fold #2 Rep #1 pred log like = -13824.2 Running at Laplace(44.7214) None Grid-point #4 at 0.001 Fold #3 Rep #1 pred log like = -13922.5 Running at Laplace(44.7214) None Grid-point #4 at 0.001 Fold #4 Rep #1 pred log like = -12009.6 Running at Laplace(44.7214) None Grid-point #4 at 0.001 Fold #5 Rep #1 pred log like = -13189.8 Running at Laplace(44.7214) None Grid-point #4 at 0.001 Fold #6 Rep #1 pred log like = -14031.6 Running at Laplace(44.7214) None Grid-point #4 at 0.001 Fold #7 Rep #1 pred log like = -13053.7 Running at Laplace(44.7214) None Grid-point #4 at 0.001 Fold #8 Rep #1 pred log like = -13911.2 Running at Laplace(44.7214) None Grid-point #4 at 0.001 Fold #9 Rep #1 pred log like = -13561 Running at Laplace(44.7214) None Grid-point #4 at 0.001 Fold #10 Rep #1 pred log like = -13052.9 AvgPred = -13470.3 with stdev = 621.685 Completed at 0.001 Next point at 0.0001 with value 0 and continue = 1 search[ 0.001 ] = -13470.3(621.685) search[ 0.01 ] = -13470.3(621.666) search[ 0.1 ] = -13470.4(621.67) search[ 1 ] = -13470.4(621.671) Running at Laplace(141.421) None Grid-point #5 at 0.0001 Fold #1 Rep #1 pred log like = -14146.6 Running at Laplace(141.421) None Grid-point #5 at 0.0001 Fold #2 Rep #1 pred log like = -13824.4 Running at Laplace(141.421) None Grid-point #5 at 0.0001 Fold #3 Rep #1 pred log like = -13922.3 Running at Laplace(141.421) None Grid-point #5 at 0.0001 Fold #4 Rep #1 pred log like = -12009.6 Running at Laplace(141.421) None Grid-point #5 at 0.0001 Fold #5 Rep #1 pred log like = -13189 Running at Laplace(141.421) None Grid-point #5 at 0.0001 Fold #6 Rep #1 pred log like = -14030.9 Running at Laplace(141.421) None Grid-point #5 at 0.0001 Fold #7 Rep #1 pred log like = -13053.6 Running at Laplace(141.421) None Grid-point #5 at 0.0001 Fold #8 Rep #1 pred log like = -13911.5 Running at Laplace(141.421) None Grid-point #5 at 0.0001 Fold #9 Rep #1 pred log like = -13561 Running at Laplace(141.421) None Grid-point #5 at 0.0001 Fold #10 Rep #1 pred log like = -13053.1 AvgPred = -13470.2 with stdev = 621.656 Completed at 0.0001 Next point at 1e-05 with value 0 and continue = 1 search[ 0.0001 ] = -13470.2(621.656) search[ 0.001 ] = -13470.3(621.685) search[ 0.01 ] = -13470.3(621.666) search[ 0.1 ] = -13470.4(621.67) search[ 1 ] = -13470.4(621.671) Running at Laplace(447.214) None Grid-point #6 at 1e-05 Fold #1 Rep #1 pred log like = -14146.6 Running at Laplace(447.214) None Grid-point #6 at 1e-05 Fold #2 Rep #1 pred log like = -13825.3 Running at Laplace(447.214) None Grid-point #6 at 1e-05 Fold #3 Rep #1 pred log like = -13922.8 Running at Laplace(447.214) None Grid-point #6 at 1e-05 Fold #4 Rep #1 pred log like = -12011.1 Running at Laplace(447.214) None Grid-point #6 at 1e-05 Fold #5 Rep #1 pred log like = -13189.7 Running at Laplace(447.214) None Grid-point #6 at 1e-05 Fold #6 Rep #1 pred log like = -14031.3 Running at Laplace(447.214) None Grid-point #6 at 1e-05 Fold #7 Rep #1 pred log like = -13054.9 Running at Laplace(447.214) None Grid-point #6 at 1e-05 Fold #8 Rep #1 pred log like = -13912.9 Running at Laplace(447.214) None Grid-point #6 at 1e-05 Fold #9 Rep #1 pred log like = -13562 Running at Laplace(447.214) None Grid-point #6 at 1e-05 Fold #10 Rep #1 pred log like = -13054.1 AvgPred = -13471.1 with stdev = 621.373 Completed at 1e-05 Next point at 0.0125877 with value -13470.2 and continue = 0 search[ 1e-05 ] = -13471.1(621.373) search[ 0.0001 ] = -13470.2(621.656) search[ 0.001 ] = -13470.3(621.685) search[ 0.01 ] = -13470.3(621.666) search[ 0.1 ] = -13470.4(621.67) search[ 1 ] = -13470.4(621.671) Maximum predicted log likelihood (-13470.2) estimated at: 0.0125877 (variance) 12.605 (lambda) Fitting model at optimal hyperparameter Using prior: Laplace(12.605) None Sparseness = 80.112 % Sorting outcomes by stratumId, time (descending), y and rowId Sorting covariates by covariateId, stratumId, time (descending), y, and rowId Sparseness = 99.09 % Sorting covariates by covariateId and rowId [ FAIL 0 | WARN 3 | SKIP 20 | PASS 306 ] ══ Skipped tests (20) ══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ • Current not working (1): 'test-offsetPoisson.R:41:5' • On CRAN (11): 'test-cv.R:37:5', 'test-cv.R:110:5', 'test-cv.R:148:5', 'test-dataConversionStratified.R:113:3', 'test-largeBernoulli.R:26:5', 'test-largeBernoulli.R:73:5', 'test-outOfSample.R:7:5', 'test-parameterizedPriors.R:88:5', 'test-smallExactCLR.R:9:5', 'test-smallExactCLR.R:32:5', 'test-weighted_cv.R:5:5' • Takes much too longer (1): 'test-largeProfileLikelihood.R:7:5' • empty test (6): 'test-believedBroken.R:75:1', 'test-cprViaSql.R:5:1', 'test-multitypePoisson.R:113:1', 'test-multitypePoisson.R:146:1', 'test-sqlConstructor.R:99:1', 'test-weighting.R:259:1' • for debugging purposes; simulation takes too long (1): 'test-floatingPoint.R:57:5' [ FAIL 0 | WARN 3 | SKIP 20 | PASS 306 ] > > proc.time() user system elapsed 12.37 1.48 13.86