library(shiny) library(shinydashboard) test_that("dashboard works", { ui <- dashboardPage( dashboardHeader(title = "CruzPlot", titleWidth = "200"), dashboardSidebar( sidebarMenu( id = "tabs", menuItem("Create and Save Map", tabName = "createmap", icon = icon("th", lib = "font-awesome")), menuItem("Plot DAS Data", tabName = "DASplot", icon = icon("th")), menuItem("Plot Non-DAS Data", tabName = "nonDASplot", icon = icon("th")), menuItem(HTML(paste0("Color and Formatting", "
", "Options")), tabName = "dispColor", icon = icon("th")), menuItem("Species Information", tabName = "dispSp", icon = icon("th")), menuItem("CruzPlot Manual", tabName = "dispManual", icon = icon("th")), tags$br(), fileInput("load_app_envir_file", "Load workspace"), column( width = 12, textOutput("load_app_text"), downloadButton("save_app_envir", "Save workspace", style = "color: black") ), tags$br(), tags$br(), tags$br(), numericInput("map_size", "Map height (pixels)", value = 600, min = 0, step = 100), tags$br(), actionButton("stop", "Close CruzPlot") ), width = "200" ), dashboardBody( helpText("hi") ) ) expect_identical(class(ui), "shiny.tag") }) test_that("renderPlot args are as required", { d <- renderPlot({ plot(1:10) }, height = 100, units = "px", res = 72) expect_true(inherits(d, c("shiny.render.function", "function"))) })