library(shinytest2) test_that("Launch Shiny App without error", { age_list <- readRDS(testthat::test_path("previous-results/age_list.rds")) # Launch the Shiny app port <- httpuv::randomPort() app <- AppDriver$new(age_shiny(age_list = age_list, features = names(age_list), quantile_type = c(paste0("quantile_", 100*0.25), "median", paste0("quantile_", 100*0.75))), name = "age_shiny", variant = platform_variant(), load_timeout = 30000, shiny_args = list(port = port)) # Check if the app launched without errors expect_true(!is.null(app)) # 1. Verify UI loads correctly app$set_window_size(width = 1619, height = 992) expect_true(!is.null(app$get_value(input = "features"))) expect_true(!is.null(app$get_value(input = "quantile"))) # 2. Test input interactions app$set_inputs(features = "Volume_1", quantile = "quantile_75", sex = "Female", timeout_ = 8000, wait_ = TRUE) expect_equal(app$get_value(input = "features"), "Volume_1") expect_equal(app$get_value(input = "quantile"), "quantile_75") Sys.sleep(1.8) app$expect_screenshot() app$set_inputs(sex = "Male") Sys.sleep(1.8) app$expect_screenshot() app$set_inputs(sex = "Female vs. Male (Only for visualization)") Sys.sleep(1.8) app$expect_screenshot() app$set_inputs(quantile = "customization") app$set_inputs(quantile_selection = 0.75) app$wait_for_value(input = "quantile_selection", ignore = NULL) app$expect_screenshot() app$set_inputs(quantile_selection = 0.1) app$wait_for_value(input = "quantile_selection", ignore = NULL) app$wait_for_value(output = "agetable", timeout = 10) app$expect_screenshot() app$set_inputs(sex = "Male") app$wait_for_value(output = "agetable", timeout = 10) app$expect_screenshot() app$set_inputs(sex = "Female vs. Male (Only for visualization)") app$wait_for_value(output = "agetable", timeout = 10) app$expect_screenshot() # 3. Test age table output expect_true(!is.null(app$get_value(output = "agetable"))) # 4. Test exporting functionality temp_folder <- tempfile() dir.create(temp_folder) app$set_inputs(age_save_path = temp_folder) app$click("Export") Sys.sleep(1.8) app$expect_screenshot() unlink(temp_folder, recursive = TRUE) temp_gamlss_path <- tempfile(fileext = ".rds") app$set_inputs(gamlss_save_path = temp_gamlss_path) app$click("gamlss_model") unlink(temp_gamlss_path, recursive = TRUE) # Stop the apps app$stop() }) test_that("Age dataframe generated correctly", { features <- colnames(age_df)[c(6:8)] age <- "age" sex <- "sex" icv <- "ICV_baseline" age_df[[sex]] <- as.factor(age_df[[sex]]) age_sub_df <- age_df[,c(features[1], age, sex, icv)] %>% na.omit() colnames(age_sub_df) <- c("y", "age", "sex", "icv") age_sub <- age_list_gen(sub_df = age_sub_df, lq = 0.25, hq = 0.75) saved_age_list <- readRDS(testthat::test_path("previous-results/age_list.rds")) expect_equal(age_sub$predicted_df_sex, saved_age_list[[1]]$predicted_df_sex, tolerance = 1e-8) age_sub_1 <- age_list_gen(sub_df = age_sub_df, lq = 0.25, hq = 0.75, mu = "linear", sigma = "linear", tau = "smooth", nu = "smooth") expect_type(age_sub_1, "list") }) test_that("Age trend quantile generated correctly", { age_list <- readRDS(testthat::test_path("previous-results/age_list.rds")) age_result <- customize_percentile(age_list, "Volume_2", 0.3, "F") expect_type(age_result, "list") }) test_that("Age trend plot generated correctly", { age_list <- readRDS(testthat::test_path("previous-results/age_list.rds")) plotly_package <- requireNamespace("plotly", quietly = TRUE) if(plotly_package){ base_plot <- age_trend_plot(age_list, f = "Volume_1", s = "none", q = "median", use_plotly = TRUE) expect_true(inherits(base_plot, "plotly")) age_plot_F <- age_trend_plot(age_list, f = "Volume_1", s = "F", q = "quantile_75", use_plotly = TRUE) expect_true(inherits(age_plot_F, "plotly")) age_plot_M <- age_trend_plot(age_list, f = "Volume_1", s = "M", q = "quantile_75", use_plotly = TRUE) expect_true(inherits(age_plot_M, "plotly")) age_plot_F_M <- age_trend_plot(age_list, f = "Volume_1", s = "F vs M", q = "quantile_75", use_plotly = TRUE) expect_true(inherits(age_plot_F_M, "plotly")) cus_list <- cus_result_gen(age_list, customized_q = 0.3, f = "Volume_1") age_plot_F_M_customize <- age_trend_plot(age_list, f = "Volume_1", s = "F vs M", q = "customization", cus_list = cus_list, use_plotly = TRUE) expect_true(inherits(age_plot_F_M_customize, "plotly")) age_plot_M_customize <- age_trend_plot(age_list, f = "Volume_1", s = "M", q = "customization", cus_list = cus_list, use_plotly = TRUE) expect_true(inherits(age_plot_M_customize, "plotly")) age_plot_F_customize <- age_trend_plot(age_list, f = "Volume_1", s = "F", q = "customization", cus_list = cus_list, use_plotly = TRUE) expect_true(inherits(age_plot_F_customize, "plotly")) } base_plot_gg <- age_trend_plot(age_list, f = "Volume_1", s = "none", q = "median", use_plotly = FALSE) expect_true(inherits(base_plot_gg, "ggplot")) age_plot_F_gg <- age_trend_plot(age_list, f = "Volume_1", s = "F", q = "quantile_75", use_plotly = FALSE) expect_true(inherits(age_plot_F_gg, "ggplot")) age_plot_M_gg <- age_trend_plot(age_list, f = "Volume_1", s = "M", q = "quantile_75", use_plotly = FALSE) expect_true(inherits(age_plot_M_gg, "ggplot")) age_plot_F_M_gg <- age_trend_plot(age_list, f = "Volume_1", s = "F vs M", q = "quantile_75", use_plotly = FALSE) expect_true(inherits(age_plot_F_M_gg, "ggplot")) cus_list <- cus_result_gen(age_list, customized_q = 0.3, f = "Volume_1") age_plot_F_M_customize_gg <- age_trend_plot(age_list, f = "Volume_1", s = "F vs M", q = "customization", cus_list = cus_list, use_plotly = FALSE) expect_true(inherits(age_plot_F_M_customize_gg, "ggplot")) age_plot_F_customize_gg <- age_trend_plot(age_list, f = "Volume_1", s = "F", q = "customization", cus_list = cus_list, use_plotly = FALSE) expect_true(inherits(age_plot_F_customize_gg, "ggplot")) age_plot_M_customize_gg <- age_trend_plot(age_list, f = "Volume_1", s = "M", q = "customization", cus_list = cus_list, use_plotly = FALSE) expect_true(inherits(age_plot_M_customize_gg, "ggplot")) }) test_that("Age trend table generated correctly", { age_list <- readRDS(testthat::test_path("previous-results/age_list.rds")) age_table_F_M <- age_table_gen(result = age_list$Volume_1, q = "median", s = "F vs M") expect_true("datatables" %in% class(age_table_F_M)) expect_true(inherits(age_table_F_M, "htmlwidget")) age_table_F <- age_table_gen(result = age_list$Volume_1, q = "median", s = "F") expect_true("datatables" %in% class(age_table_F)) expect_true(inherits(age_table_F, "htmlwidget")) age_table_M <- age_table_gen(result = age_list$Volume_1, q = "median", s = "M") expect_true("datatables" %in% class(age_table_M)) expect_true(inherits(age_table_M, "htmlwidget")) cus_list <- cus_result_gen(age_list, customized_q = 0.3, f = "Volume_1") age_table_M_cus <- age_table_gen(result = cus_list$cus_result, q = "median", s = "M") expect_true("datatables" %in% class(age_table_M_cus)) age_table_F_cus <- age_table_gen(result = cus_list$cus_result, q = "median", s = "F") expect_true("datatables" %in% class(age_table_F_cus)) age_table_F_M_cus <- age_table_gen(result = cus_list$cus_result, q = "median", s = "F vs M") expect_true("datatables" %in% class(age_table_F_M_cus)) })