R Under development (unstable) (2024-01-29 r85841 ucrt) -- "Unsuffered Consequences" Copyright (C) 2024 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details. R is a collaborative project with many contributors. Type 'contributors()' for more information and 'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications. Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or 'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help. Type 'q()' to quit R. > if (require(tinytest, quietly = TRUE)) test_package("ChemoSpecUtils") test-checkForPackageWithVersion.R 0 tests test-checkForPackageWithVersion.R 1 tests OK test-checkForPackageWithVersion.R 2 tests OK test-checkForPackageWithVersion.R 2 tests OK test-checkForPackageWithVersion.R 3 tests OK test-checkForPackageWithVersion.R 4 tests OK test-checkForPackageWithVersion.R 5 tests OK 50ms test-chkArgs.R................ 0 tests test-chkArgs.R................ 0 tests test-chkArgs.R................ 0 tests As of version 6, ChemoSpec offers new graphics output options For details, please see ?GraphicsOptions The ChemoSpec graphics option is set to 'ggplot2' To change it, do options(ChemoSpecGraphics = 'option'), where 'option' is one of 'base' or 'ggplot2' or'plotly'. test-chkArgs.R................ 7 tests OK As of version 6, ChemoSpec2D offers new graphics output options Functions plotScores and plotScree will work with the new options For details, please see ?GraphicsOptions The ChemoSpec graphics option is set to 'ggplot2' To change it, do options(ChemoSpecGraphics = 'option'), where 'option' is one of 'base' or 'ggplot2' or'plotly'. | | | 0% | |======= | 10% | |============== | 20% | |===================== | 30% | |============================ | 40% | |=================================== | 50% | |========================================== | 60% | |================================================= | 70% | |======================================================== | 80% | |=============================================================== | 90% | |======================================================================| 100% PCASUP: eigenvalues mode C Eigenvalue Fit(%) Comp.1 92964.50 79.89 Comp.2 6995.23 85.90 Comp.3 5744.79 90.84 Comp.4 4342.95 94.57 Comp.5 2282.62 96.53 Comp.6 1959.07 98.22 Comp.7 1132.67 99.19 Comp.8 528.56 99.65 Comp.9 263.81 99.87 Comp.10 148.99 100.00 test-chkArgs.R................ 12 tests OK test-chkArgs.R................ 14 tests OK 1.0s test-chkGraphicsOpt.R......... 0 tests test-chkGraphicsOpt.R......... 1 tests OK test-chkGraphicsOpt.R......... 1 tests OK test-chkGraphicsOpt.R......... 2 tests OK test-chkGraphicsOpt.R......... 2 tests OK test-chkGraphicsOpt.R......... 3 tests OK test-chkGraphicsOpt.R......... 3 tests OK An invalid graphics option was found! The ChemoSpec graphics option has been set to 'base' test-chkGraphicsOpt.R......... 4 tests OK 2ms test-chkSpectra.Spectra2D.R... 0 tests test-chkSpectra.Spectra2D.R... 0 tests test-chkSpectra.Spectra2D.R... 0 tests test-chkSpectra.Spectra2D.R... 0 tests test-chkSpectra.Spectra2D.R... 0 tests test-chkSpectra.Spectra2D.R... 0 tests test-chkSpectra.Spectra2D.R... 1 tests OK test-chkSpectra.Spectra2D.R... 2 tests OK test-chkSpectra.Spectra2D.R... 2 tests OK test-chkSpectra.Spectra2D.R... 2 tests OK test-chkSpectra.Spectra2D.R... 2 tests OK test-chkSpectra.Spectra2D.R... 2 tests OK F2 F1 Sample_1 10 4 Sample_2 10 5 Sample_3 10 5 test-chkSpectra.Spectra2D.R... 3 tests OK test-chkSpectra.Spectra2D.R... 3 tests OK test-chkSpectra.Spectra2D.R... 3 tests OK test-chkSpectra.Spectra2D.R... 3 tests OK test-chkSpectra.Spectra2D.R... 3 tests OK F2 F1 Sample_1 9 5 Sample_2 10 5 Sample_3 10 5 test-chkSpectra.Spectra2D.R... 4 tests OK test-chkSpectra.Spectra2D.R... 4 tests OK test-chkSpectra.Spectra2D.R... 4 tests OK test-chkSpectra.Spectra2D.R... 4 tests OK test-chkSpectra.Spectra2D.R... 5 tests OK 4ms test-findNA.R................. 0 tests test-findNA.R................. 0 tests test-findNA.R................. 0 tests test-findNA.R................. 0 tests test-findNA.R................. 0 tests test-findNA.R................. 0 tests test-findNA.R................. 0 tests test-findNA.R................. 0 tests test-findNA.R................. 0 tests test-findNA.R................. 1 tests OK test-findNA.R................. 2 tests OK 3ms test-rowDist.R................ 0 tests test-rowDist.R................ 0 tests test-rowDist.R................ 0 tests test-rowDist.R................ 0 tests test-rowDist.R................ 0 tests test-rowDist.R................ 0 tests test-rowDist.R................ 36 tests OK test-rowDist.R................ 42 tests OK test-rowDist.R................ 51 tests OK 17ms All ok, 81 results (1.1s) > > > proc.time() user system elapsed 2.14 0.20 2.34