R Under development (unstable) (2025-02-27 r87839 ucrt) -- "Unsuffered Consequences" Copyright (C) 2025 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details. R is a collaborative project with many contributors. Type 'contributors()' for more information and 'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications. Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or 'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help. Type 'q()' to quit R. > library(testthat) > test_check("Characterization") Loading required package: Characterization Removing values less than 5 from val Removing values less than 50 from val Removing values less than 5 from val Removing values less than 5 from val and val2 Removing values less than 5 from val and val2 Removing values less than 5 from val3 Constructing features on server Fetching data from server Fetching data took 0.352 secs Constructing features on server Fetching data from server Fetching data took 0.144 secs Constructing during cohort covariates | | | 0% | |================== | 25% | |=================================== | 50% | |==================================================== | 75% | |======================================================================| 100% Censoring num_exposure_eras counts less than 9999 Censoring num_persons_exposed counts less than 9999 Censoring num_cases counts less than 9999 Censoring/removing dechallenge_attempt counts less than 9999 Censoring/removing DECHALLENGE FAIL or SUCCESS counts less than 9999 Censoring/removing rechallenge_attempt counts less than 9999 Censoring/removing rechallenge_fail or rechallenge_success counts less than 9999 Constructing features on server Fetching data from server Fetching data took 0.143 secs Constructing features on server Fetching data from server Fetching data took 0.141 secs Constructing during cohort covariates | | | 0% | |================== | 25% | |=================================== | 50% | |==================================================== | 75% | |======================================================================| 100% Constructing features on server Fetching data from server Fetching data took 0.133 secs Constructing features on server Fetching data from server Fetching data took 0.134 secs Constructing during cohort covariates | | | 0% | |================== | 25% | |=================================== | 50% | |==================================================== | 75% | |======================================================================| 100% Constructing features on server Fetching data from server Fetching data took 0.135 secs Constructing features on server Fetching data from server Fetching data took 0.136 secs Constructing during cohort covariates | | | 0% | |======== | 11% | |================ | 22% | |======================= | 33% | |=============================== | 44% | |======================================= | 56% | |=============================================== | 67% | |====================================================== | 78% | |============================================================== | 89% | |======================================================================| 100% | | | 0% | |======== | 11% | |================ | 22% | |======================= | 33% | |=============================== | 44% | |======================================= | 56% | |=============================================== | 67% | |====================================================== | 78% | |============================================================== | 89% | |======================================================================| 100% | | | 0% | |================== | 25% | |=================================== | 50% | |==================================================== | 75% | |======================================================================| 100% | | | 0% | |================== | 25% | |=================================== | 50% | |==================================================== | 75% | |======================================================================| 100% | | | 0% | |================== | 25% | |=================================== | 50% | |==================================================== | 75% | |======================================================================| 100% | | | 0% | |================== | 25% | |=================================== | 50% | |==================================================== | 75% | |======================================================================| 100% | | | 0% | |=== | 4% | |====== | 8% | |========= | 12% | |============ | 17% | |=============== | 21% | |================== | 25% | |==================== | 29% | |======================= | 33% | |========================== | 38% | |============================= | 42% | |================================ | 46% | |=================================== | 50% | |====================================== | 54% | |========================================= | 58% | |============================================ | 62% | |=============================================== | 67% | |================================================== | 71% | |==================================================== | 75% | |======================================================= | 79% | |========================================================== | 83% | |============================================================= | 88% | |================================================================ | 92% | |=================================================================== | 96% | |======================================================================| 100% Removing num_events less than 1e+06 Censoring num_exposure_eras counts less than 1e+06 Censoring num_persons_exposed counts less than 1e+06 Censoring num_cases counts less than 1e+06 Censoring/removing dechallenge_attempt counts less than 1e+06 Censoring/removing DECHALLENGE FAIL or SUCCESS counts less than 1e+06 Censoring/removing rechallenge_attempt counts less than 1e+06 Censoring/removing rechallenge_fail or rechallenge_success counts less than 1e+06 Constructing features on server Fetching data from server Fetching data took 0.132 secs Removing sum_value counts less than 1e+06 Removing count_value counts less than 1e+06 Removing row_count counts less than 1e+06 Removing person_count counts less than 1e+06 Constructing features on server Fetching data from server Fetching data took 0.13 secs Constructing during cohort covariates | | | 0% | |================== | 25% | |=================================== | 50% | |==================================================== | 75% | |======================================================================| 100% Removing sum_value counts less than 1e+06 Removing count_value counts less than 1e+06 Removing row_count counts less than 1e+06 Removing person_count counts less than 1e+06 Removing sum_value counts less than 1e+06 Removing num_events less than 9999 Constructing features on server Fetching data from server Fetching data took 0.181 secs Constructing features on server Fetching data from server Fetching data took 0.16 secs Constructing during cohort covariates | | | 0% | |======== | 11% | |================ | 22% | |======================= | 33% | |=============================== | 44% | |======================================= | 56% | |=============================================== | 67% | |====================================================== | 78% | |============================================================== | 89% | |======================================================================| 100% | | | 0% | |======== | 11% | |================ | 22% | |======================= | 33% | |=============================== | 44% | |======================================= | 56% | |=============================================== | 67% | |====================================================== | 78% | |============================================================== | 89% | |======================================================================| 100% | | | 0% | |================== | 25% | |=================================== | 50% | |==================================================== | 75% | |======================================================================| 100% | | | 0% | |================== | 25% | |=================================== | 50% | |==================================================== | 75% | |======================================================================| 100% | | | 0% | |================== | 25% | |=================================== | 50% | |==================================================== | 75% | |======================================================================| 100% | | | 0% | |================== | 25% | |=================================== | 50% | |==================================================== | 75% | |======================================================================| 100% | | | 0% | |=== | 4% | |====== | 8% | |========= | 12% | |============ | 17% | |=============== | 21% | |================== | 25% | |==================== | 29% | |======================= | 33% | |========================== | 38% | |============================= | 42% | |================================ | 46% | |=================================== | 50% | |====================================== | 54% | |========================================= | 58% | |============================================ | 62% | |=============================================== | 67% | |================================================== | 71% | |==================================================== | 75% | |======================================================= | 79% | |========================================================== | 83% | |============================================================= | 88% | |================================================================ | 92% | |=================================================================== | 96% | |======================================================================| 100% Creating characterization results tables Migrating data set Migrator using SQL files in Characterization Creating migrations table Migrations table created Executing migration: Migration_1-v0_3_0_store_version.sql Saving migration: Migration_1-v0_3_0_store_version.sql Migration complete Migration_1-v0_3_0_store_version.sql Executing migration: Migration_2-v2_1_1_mean_exposure_time_type.sql Saving migration: Migration_2-v2_1_1_mean_exposure_time_type.sql Migration complete Migration_2-v2_1_1_mean_exposure_time_type.sql Closing database connection Updating version number - Preparing to upload rows 1 through 102 - Preparing to upload rows 1 through 13 - Preparing to upload rows 1 through 95 - Preparing to upload rows 1 through 199 - Preparing to upload rows 1 through 13 - Preparing to upload rows 1 through 2 - Preparing to upload rows 1 through 23 - Preparing to upload rows 1 through 11 Uploading data took 8.62 secs [ FAIL 0 | WARN 21 | SKIP 7 | PASS 237 ] ══ Skipped tests (7) ═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ • not run locally (7): 'test-dbs.R:163:5', 'test-dbs.R:163:5', 'test-dbs.R:163:5', 'test-dbs.R:163:5', 'test-dbs.R:163:5', 'test-dbs.R:163:5', 'test-dbs.R:163:5' [ FAIL 0 | WARN 21 | SKIP 7 | PASS 237 ] Warning message: call dbDisconnect() when finished working with a connection > > proc.time() user system elapsed 32.73 10.01 68.29