context(desc = "Testing restrictions") testthat::skip_on_cran() dags <- c("X -> Y", "X -> M -> Y", "X -> Y; Z -> Y") exogenous <- c("X[] == 0", "X[] == 0", "X[] == 0") monotonicity <- c("Y[X = 0] > Y[X=1]", "Y[M = 0] > Y[M =1]", "Y[X = 0, Z = 0] > Y[X = 1, Z = 1]") cases <- c("Y==0", "Y[X = 0] > Y[X=1]", "Y == 0") for(i in length(dags)){ testthat::test_that( desc = "Simple restrictions on exogenous nodes work", code = { model <- make_model(dags[i]) |> set_restrictions(exogenous[i]) expect_equal(model$nodal_types$X, "1") } ) testthat::test_that( desc = "Monotonicity restrictions work", code = { model <- make_model(dags[i]) rest_model <- set_restrictions(model, monotonicity[i]) expect_true( (length(get_nodal_types(model)$Y) - length(get_nodal_types(rest_model)$Y) == 4) ) } ) testthat::test_that( desc = "Restriction function errors when it should", code = { model <- make_model(dags[i]) expect_error(set_restrictions(model,cases[i])) expect_error(make_model("X -> Y -> Z; X <-> Z") |> set_restrictions(list(decreasing('X','Y'), decreasing('Y','Z')), given = c('X.0'))) } ) } testthat::test_that( desc = "error when keep is not logical", code = { model <- make_model("Y <- X") expect_error(model <- set_restrictions(model, "Y[X=1] > Y[X=0]", keep="HELLO")) } ) testthat::test_that( desc = "errors when labels are wrong", code = { model <- make_model("Y <- X") expect_error(model <- set_restrictions(model, labels = list(X="666"))) expect_error(model <- set_restrictions(model, labels = list(W=1))) } ) testthat::test_that( desc = "sequential restricting types with confounds", code = { model <- make_model("X->Y; X <-> Y") |> set_restrictions(labels = list(Y = c("01")), given = c('X.1'))|> set_restrictions(labels = list(Y = c("11")), given = c('X.1')) expect_true(nrow(model$parameters_df)==8) expect_true(all(get_ambiguities_matrix(model) |> apply(2, sum) == c(2,2,2))) } ) testthat::test_that( desc = "restrict by param_names with keep = FALSE", code = { model <- make_model("X->Y; X <-> Y") |> set_restrictions(param_names = c("X.0", "Y.11_X.1")) expect_true(nrow(model$parameters_df)==4) expect_true(all(get_ambiguities_matrix(model) |> apply(2, sum)== c(2,1))) } ) testthat::test_that( desc = "restrict too much", code = { model <- expect_message(make_model("X->Y; X <-> Y") |> set_restrictions(param_names = c("X.0", "Y.11_X.1"), keep = TRUE), "parameters_df is empty") } ) testthat::test_that( desc = "reduce to single causal type by param_names using keep = FALSE", code = { model <- make_model("X->Y; X <-> Y") |> set_restrictions(param_names = c("X.0", "Y.11_X.0"), keep = TRUE) expect_true(nrow(model$parameters_df)==2) expect_true(all(get_ambiguities_matrix(model) |> apply(2, sum)== 1)) } ) testthat::test_that( desc = "distributions removed if restrictions re-set", code = { model <- make_model("X->Y") |> update_model() |> set_prior_distribution() |> set_restrictions(statement = "Y[X=1] > Y[X=0]") expect_true(!has_posterior(model)) expect_true(is.null(model$prior_distribution)) expect_true(is.null(model$stan_objects)) } )