R Under development (unstable) (2024-06-18 r86781 ucrt) -- "Unsuffered Consequences" Copyright (C) 2024 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details. R is a collaborative project with many contributors. Type 'contributors()' for more information and 'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications. Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or 'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help. Type 'q()' to quit R. > library(testthat) > library(CausalGPS) > > Sys.setenv("R_TESTS" = "") > library(testthat) > test_check("CausalGPS") 2024-06-19 20:22:57.41872 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS log_system_info INFO: System name: Windows, OS type: windows, machine architecture: x86-64, user: CRAN, R Under development (unstable) (2024-06-18 r86781 ucrt), detected cores: 96 2024-06-19 20:22:57.422036 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS compile_pseudo_pop INFO: Starting compiling pseudo population (original data size: 400) ... 2024-06-19 20:22:57.426373 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -9.5894922773009 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:57.430908 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -9.4894922773009 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:57.436976 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -9.3894922773009 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:57.442876 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -9.2894922773009 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:57.448748 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -9.1894922773009 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:57.454405 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -9.0894922773009 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:57.460478 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -8.9894922773009 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:57.465263 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -8.8894922773009 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:57.469942 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -8.7894922773009 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:57.474696 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -8.6894922773009 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:57.479662 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -8.5894922773009 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:57.484151 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -8.4894922773009 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:57.489585 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -8.3894922773009 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:57.498715 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -8.2894922773009 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:57.506908 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -8.1894922773009 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:57.514653 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -8.0894922773009 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:57.522327 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -7.9894922773009 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:57.529981 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -7.8894922773009 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:57.538074 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -7.7894922773009 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:57.544726 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -7.6894922773009 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:57.551192 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -7.5894922773009 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:57.557685 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -7.4894922773009 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:57.564223 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -7.3894922773009 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:57.581125 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -7.2894922773009 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:57.588191 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -7.1894922773009 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:57.596115 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -7.0894922773009 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:57.603753 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -6.9894922773009 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:57.611178 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -6.8894922773009 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:57.61858 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -6.7894922773009 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:57.62595 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -6.6894922773009 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:57.634431 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -6.5894922773009 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:57.641251 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -6.4894922773009 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:57.647346 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -6.3894922773009 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:57.653263 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -6.2894922773009 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:57.659052 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -6.1894922773009 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:57.664883 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -6.0894922773009 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:57.670691 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -5.9894922773009 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:57.676471 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -5.8894922773009 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:57.692538 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -5.6894922773009 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:57.696718 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -5.5894922773009 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:57.700867 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -5.4894922773009 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:57.706551 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -5.3894922773009 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:57.711424 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -5.2894922773009 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:57.71527 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -5.1894922773009 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:57.722928 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -4.9894922773009 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:57.72877 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -4.8894922773009 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:57.734789 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -4.7894922773009 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:57.740599 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -4.6894922773009 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:57.74743 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -4.5894922773009 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:57.754552 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -4.4894922773009 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:57.761582 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -4.3894922773009 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:57.767078 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -4.2894922773009 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:57.771291 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -4.1894922773009 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:57.776432 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -4.0894922773009 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:57.782788 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -3.9894922773009 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:57.79274 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -3.7894922773009 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:57.796999 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -3.6894922773009 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:57.805742 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -3.4894922773009 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:57.812136 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -3.3894922773009 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:57.818704 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -3.2894922773009 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:57.825285 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -3.1894922773009 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:57.832106 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -3.0894922773009 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:57.845576 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -2.9894922773009 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:57.850265 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -2.8894922773009 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:57.86218 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -2.5894922773009 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:57.866654 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -2.4894922773009 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:57.872136 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -2.3894922773009 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:57.877562 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -2.2894922773009 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:57.883 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -2.1894922773009 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:57.888453 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -2.0894922773009 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:57.89381 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -1.9894922773009 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:57.899171 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -1.8894922773009 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:57.904514 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -1.7894922773009 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:57.909881 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -1.6894922773009 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:57.924948 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -1.3894922773009 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:57.947578 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -0.989492277300899 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:57.953656 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -0.889492277300898 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:57.961095 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -0.789492277300898 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:57.967629 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -0.689492277300898 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:57.974446 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -0.589492277300899 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:57.995064 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -0.289492277300898 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:58.006108 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -0.0894922773008986 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:58.012126 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 0.0105077226991028 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:58.021876 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 0.210507722699102 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:58.033741 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 0.510507722699103 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:58.037674 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 0.610507722699102 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:58.134309 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 1.3105077226991 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:58.140522 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 1.4105077226991 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:58.160654 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 1.9105077226991 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:58.183113 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 2.3105077226991 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:58.194096 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 2.5105077226991 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:58.20409 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 2.7105077226991 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:58.238413 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 3.5105077226991 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:58.268519 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 4.0105077226991 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:58.275981 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 4.1105077226991 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:58.282623 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 4.2105077226991 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:58.326453 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 4.9105077226991 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:58.331717 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 5.0105077226991 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:58.348997 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 5.3105077226991 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:58.394332 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 5.9105077226991 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:58.769049 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 12.9105077226991 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:58.780926 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 13.2105077226991 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:58.882903 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 14.8105077226991 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:58.929787 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 15.6105077226991 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:58.968317 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 16.4105077226991 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:58.985006 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 16.7105077226991 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:59.006534 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 17.1105077226991 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:59.019059 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 17.4105077226991 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:59.051563 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 17.9105077226991 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:59.088526 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 18.5105077226991 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:59.095334 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 18.6105077226991 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:59.11056 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 18.9105077226991 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:59.11659 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 19.0105077226991 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:59.128343 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 19.2105077226991 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:59.143709 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 19.5105077226991 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:59.156262 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 19.7105077226991 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:59.161969 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 19.8105077226991 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:59.166406 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 19.9105077226991 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:59.170942 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 20.0105077226991 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:59.175273 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 20.1105077226991 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:59.179416 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 20.2105077226991 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:59.194103 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 20.5105077226991 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:59.207079 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 20.8105077226991 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:59.211952 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 20.9105077226991 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:59.218096 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 21.0105077226991 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:59.224239 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 21.1105077226991 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:59.235996 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 21.3105077226991 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:59.242144 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 21.4105077226991 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:59.248232 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 21.5105077226991 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:59.254346 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 21.6105077226991 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:59.260554 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 21.7105077226991 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:59.281502 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 21.9105077226991 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:59.28845 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 22.0105077226991 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:59.294974 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 22.1105077226991 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:59.301319 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 22.2105077226991 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:59.30816 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 22.3105077226991 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:59.314186 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 22.4105077226991 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:59.319949 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 22.5105077226991 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:59.326204 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 22.6105077226991 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:59.33257 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 22.7105077226991 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:59.337877 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 22.8105077226991 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:59.342624 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 22.9105077226991 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:59.347607 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 23.0105077226991 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:59.352445 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 23.1105077226991 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:59.357285 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 23.2105077226991 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:59.362175 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 23.3105077226991 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:59.367113 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 23.4105077226991 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:59.3727 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 23.5105077226991 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:59.378374 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 23.6105077226991 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:59.386949 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 23.8105077226991 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:59.390708 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 23.9105077226991 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:59.394377 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 24.0105077226991 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:59.398714 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 24.1105077226991 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:59.402331 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 24.2105077226991 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:59.405953 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 24.3105077226991 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:59.410175 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 24.4105077226991 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:59.415698 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 24.5105077226991 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:59.420789 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 24.6105077226991 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:59.424913 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 24.7105077226991 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:59.434079 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 24.9105077226991 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:59.439084 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 25.0105077226991 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:59.444553 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 25.1105077226991 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:59.450398 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 25.2105077226991 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:59.456001 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 25.3105077226991 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:59.466474 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 25.5105077226991 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:59.472189 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 25.6105077226991 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:59.482956 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 25.8105077226991 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:59.496675 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 25.9105077226991 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:59.501999 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 26.0105077226991 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:59.505834 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 26.1105077226991 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:59.510402 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 26.2105077226991 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:59.514097 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 26.3105077226991 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:59.517712 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 26.4105077226991 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:59.521283 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 26.5105077226991 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:59.526574 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 26.6105077226991 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:59.532249 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 26.7105077226991 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:59.537899 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 26.8105077226991 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:59.541978 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 26.9105077226991 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:59.546145 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 27.0105077226991 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:59.54997 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 27.1105077226991 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:59.554897 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 27.2105077226991 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:59.558846 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 27.3105077226991 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:59.562461 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 27.4105077226991 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:59.568148 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 27.5105077226991 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:59.573816 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 27.6105077226991 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:59.579373 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 27.7105077226991 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:59.584802 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 27.8105077226991 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:59.590593 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 27.9105077226991 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:59.597126 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 28.0105077226991 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:59.603655 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 28.1105077226991 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:59.610159 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 28.2105077226991 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:59.616532 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 28.3105077226991 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:59.622712 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 28.4105077226991 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:59.628642 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 28.5105077226991 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:22:59.634571 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 28.6105077226991 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:00.890831 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS compile_pseudo_pop INFO: Finished compiling pseudo population (Pseudo population data size: 400) 2024-06-19 20:23:00.897399 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS log_system_info INFO: System name: Windows, OS type: windows, machine architecture: x86-64, user: CRAN, R Under development (unstable) (2024-06-18 r86781 ucrt), detected cores: 96 2024-06-19 20:23:00.901873 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS compile_pseudo_pop INFO: Starting compiling pseudo population (original data size: 400) ... 2024-06-19 20:23:00.910413 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS compile_pseudo_pop INFO: Finished compiling pseudo population (Pseudo population data size: 400) 2024-06-19 20:23:00.917742 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS log_system_info INFO: System name: Windows, OS type: windows, machine architecture: x86-64, user: CRAN, R Under development (unstable) (2024-06-18 r86781 ucrt), detected cores: 96 2024-06-19 20:23:02.708485 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS generate_pseudo_pop WARN: Effective sample size is less than recommended.Current: 16.0573862214369, recommended min value: 40. 2024-06-19 20:23:02.714382 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS log_system_info INFO: System name: Windows, OS type: windows, machine architecture: x86-64, user: CRAN, R Under development (unstable) (2024-06-18 r86781 ucrt), detected cores: 96 2024-06-19 20:23:05.776025 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS estimate_npmetric_erf INFO: The band width with the minimum risk value: 2. 2024-06-19 20:23:07.641263 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS estimate_gps WARN: data data.frame has 1 missing values. 2024-06-19 20:23:08.546003 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS log_system_info INFO: System name: Windows, OS type: windows, machine architecture: x86-64, user: CRAN, R Under development (unstable) (2024-06-18 r86781 ucrt), detected cores: 96 2024-06-19 20:23:08.549922 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS compile_pseudo_pop INFO: Starting compiling pseudo population (original data size: 500) ... 2024-06-19 20:23:08.55459 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -8.64580487216881 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:08.558651 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -8.54580487216881 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:08.562796 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -8.44580487216881 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:08.567025 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -8.34580487216881 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:08.571338 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -8.24580487216881 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:08.575711 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -8.14580487216881 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:08.579859 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -8.04580487216881 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:08.58409 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -7.94580487216881 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:08.58819 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -7.84580487216881 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:08.591758 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -7.74580487216881 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:08.595338 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -7.64580487216881 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:08.59907 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -7.54580487216881 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:08.603005 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -7.44580487216881 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:08.606835 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -7.34580487216881 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:08.610505 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -7.24580487216881 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:08.614104 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -7.14580487216881 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:08.617572 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -7.04580487216881 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:08.620206 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -6.94580487216881 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:08.622873 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -6.84580487216881 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:08.625547 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -6.74580487216881 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:08.628244 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -6.64580487216881 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:08.632196 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -6.54580487216881 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:08.636298 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -6.44580487216881 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:08.639351 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -6.34580487216881 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:08.646213 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -6.14580487216881 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:08.65042 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -6.04580487216881 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:08.654852 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -5.94580487216881 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:08.659058 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -5.84580487216881 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:08.663256 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -5.74580487216881 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:08.666218 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -5.64580487216881 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:08.66881 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -5.54580487216881 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:08.671397 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -5.44580487216881 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:08.674062 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -5.34580487216881 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:08.67664 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -5.24580487216881 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:08.679393 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -5.14580487216881 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:08.683492 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -5.04580487216881 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:08.690572 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -4.84580487216881 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:08.694596 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -4.74580487216881 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:08.698633 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -4.64580487216881 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:08.702605 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -4.54580487216881 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:08.706602 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -4.44580487216881 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:08.710643 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -4.34580487216881 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:08.714654 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -4.24580487216881 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:08.718576 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -4.14580487216881 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:08.72252 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -4.04580487216881 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:08.726469 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -3.94580487216881 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:08.730462 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -3.84580487216881 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:08.734475 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -3.74580487216881 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:08.738468 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -3.64580487216881 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:08.742509 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -3.54580487216881 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:08.749639 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -3.34580487216881 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:08.753682 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -3.24580487216881 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:08.760454 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -3.04580487216881 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:08.764418 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -2.94580487216881 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:08.76839 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -2.84580487216881 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:08.772339 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -2.74580487216881 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:08.776353 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -2.64580487216881 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:08.782964 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -2.44580487216881 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:08.792422 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -2.14580487216881 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:08.797017 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -2.04580487216881 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:08.804755 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -1.84580487216881 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:08.809632 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -1.74580487216881 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:08.818069 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -1.54580487216881 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:08.826566 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -1.34580487216881 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:08.831427 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -1.24580487216881 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:08.83626 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -1.14580487216881 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:08.841177 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -1.04580487216881 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:08.846107 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -0.945804872168813 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:08.85099 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -0.845804872168813 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:08.855888 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -0.745804872168813 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:08.872309 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -0.345804872168813 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:08.87706 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -0.245804872168813 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:08.881072 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -0.145804872168814 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:08.885112 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with -0.045804872168814 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:08.891431 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 0.154195127831187 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:08.901523 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 0.554195127831187 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:08.915573 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 1.05419512783119 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:08.920108 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 1.15419512783119 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:08.933935 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 1.55419512783119 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:08.963768 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 3.05419512783119 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:08.966643 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 3.15419512783119 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:08.972181 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 3.25419512783119 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:09.018049 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 4.75419512783119 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:09.026258 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 4.95419512783119 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:09.034946 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 5.15419512783119 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:09.039848 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 5.25419512783119 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:09.069816 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 6.25419512783119 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:09.158406 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 9.65419512783119 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:09.214751 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 11.5541951278312 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:09.331244 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 15.0541951278312 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:09.358861 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 15.7541951278312 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:09.415343 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 17.4541951278312 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:09.419883 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 17.5541951278312 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:09.427779 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 17.7541951278312 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:09.43577 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 17.9541951278312 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:09.451037 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 18.3541951278312 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:09.480522 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 19.1541951278312 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:09.489413 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 19.3541951278312 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:09.493739 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 19.4541951278312 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:09.500863 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 19.6541951278312 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:09.50489 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 19.7541951278312 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:09.515035 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 20.0541951278312 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:09.533959 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 20.6541951278312 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:09.546303 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 21.0541951278312 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:09.556825 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 21.3541951278312 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:09.565058 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 21.5541951278312 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:09.573359 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 21.7541951278312 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:09.57823 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 21.8541951278312 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:09.590151 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 22.1541951278312 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:09.594767 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 22.2541951278312 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:09.59922 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 22.3541951278312 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:09.603685 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 22.4541951278312 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:09.608098 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 22.5541951278312 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:09.624141 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 22.9541951278312 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:09.629543 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 23.0541951278312 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:09.634648 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 23.1541951278312 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:09.639796 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 23.2541951278312 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:09.648603 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 23.4541951278312 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:09.65345 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 23.5541951278312 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:09.658288 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 23.6541951278312 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:09.662952 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 23.7541951278312 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:09.667808 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 23.8541951278312 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:09.672942 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 23.9541951278312 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:09.683243 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 24.1541951278312 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:09.689123 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 24.2541951278312 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:09.694547 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 24.3541951278312 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:09.699686 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 24.4541951278312 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:09.705071 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 24.5541951278312 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:09.713045 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 24.7541951278312 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:09.716526 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 24.8541951278312 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:09.719604 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 24.9541951278312 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:09.722563 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 25.0541951278312 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:09.7256 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 25.1541951278312 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:09.728569 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 25.2541951278312 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:09.731458 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 25.3541951278312 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:09.734279 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 25.4541951278312 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:09.737081 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS FUN WARN: There is no data to match with 25.5541951278312 in 0.05 radius. 2024-06-19 20:23:11.630382 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS compile_pseudo_pop INFO: Finished compiling pseudo population (Pseudo population data size: 500) 2024-06-19 20:23:11.636167 CRANWIN3 87184 CausalGPS log_system_info INFO: System name: Windows, OS type: windows, machine architecture: x86-64, user: CRAN, R Under development (unstable) (2024-06-18 r86781 ucrt), detected cores: 96 [ FAIL 0 | WARN 0 | SKIP 19 | PASS 126 ] ══ Skipped tests (19) ══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ • On CRAN (17): 'test-CausalGPS_smooth.R:3:4', 'test-absolute_corr_fun.R:4:3', 'test-absolute_weighted_corr_fun.R:4:3', 'test-check_covar_balance.R:2:1', 'test-check_kolmogorov_smirnov.R:2:3', 'test-compile_pseudo_pop.R:3:3', 'test-compute_density.R:3:3', 'test-compute_minmax.R:3:3', 'test-compute_resid.R:3:3', 'test-create_weighting.R:3:3', 'test-estimate_gps.R:63:3', 'test-estimate_gps.R:92:3', 'test-estimate_hat_vals.R:3:3', 'test-matching_fn.R:3:3', 'test-set_logger.R:3:5', 'test-train_it.R:3:3', 'test-train_it.R:18:3' • empty test (2): 'test-estimate_npmetric_erf.R:1:1', 'test-estimate_npmetric_erf.R:89:1' [ FAIL 0 | WARN 0 | SKIP 19 | PASS 126 ] > > proc.time() user system elapsed 18.62 2.03 23.42