starting worker pid=68368 on localhost:11273 at 05:45:04.943 starting worker pid=157860 on localhost:11273 at 05:45:23.581 2023-09-29 05:46:03.024388 CRANWIN3 202980 CausalGPS smooth_erf DEBUG: Giving equal weight for all samples. 2023-09-29 05:46:15.022147 CRANWIN3 202980 CausalGPS gen_wrap_sl_lib DEBUG: Hyperparameters for m_xgboost: ntrees: 100, eta: 0.3, max_depth: 4, min_child_weight: 1. 2023-09-29 05:46:16.339236 CRANWIN3 202980 CausalGPS estimate_gps DEBUG: Min Max of treatment: -12.5490913420629, 29.4615124308086 2023-09-29 05:46:16.342407 CRANWIN3 202980 CausalGPS estimate_gps DEBUG: Min Max of gps: 4.95234130889587e-05, 0.421318727974416 2023-09-29 05:46:16.34547 CRANWIN3 202980 CausalGPS estimate_gps DEBUG: Weights for the select libraries in predicting e_gps: m_xgboost_internal_All 1 | Overal Risk: 35.3427511097454 2023-09-29 05:46:16.348635 CRANWIN3 202980 CausalGPS estimate_gps DEBUG: Wall clock time to estimate e_gps: 1.31 seconds. 2023-09-29 05:46:16.351617 CRANWIN3 202980 CausalGPS estimate_gps DEBUG: Wall clock time to run estimate_gps function: 1.32999999999998 seconds. 2023-09-29 05:46:16.354819 CRANWIN3 202980 CausalGPS trim_gps DEBUG: 5% quantile for trim: 0.0400263136641833 2023-09-29 05:46:16.35746 CRANWIN3 202980 CausalGPS trim_gps DEBUG: 80% for trim: 0.413924872688417