context("test-g01-mosek_conif") MOSEK_AVAILABLE <- "MOSEK" %in% installed_solvers() TOL <- 1e-6 if (MOSEK_AVAILABLE) library("Rmosek") test_that("test MOSEK SOCP", { skip_on_cran() skip_if_not(MOSEK_AVAILABLE, "Skipping MOSEK test as it is not available.!") # Formulate the following SOCP with CVXR # min 3 * x[1] + 2 * x[2] + x[3] # s.t. p_norm(x,2) <= y[1] # p_norm(x,2) <= y[2] # x[1] + x[2] + 3*x[3] >= 1.0 # y <= 5 # and solve with MOSEK and ECOS. Compare MOSEK and ECOS primal and dual solutions. x <- Variable(3) y <- Variable(2) constraints <- list(p_norm(x, 2) <= y[1], p_norm(x, 2) <= y[2], x[1] + x[2] + 3 * x[3] >= 1.0, y <= 5) obj <- Minimize(3 * x[1] + 2 * x[2] + x[3]) prob <- Problem(obj, constraints) result_mosek <- solve(prob, solver = "MOSEK") x_mosek <- result_mosek$getValue(x) duals_mosek <- lapply(constraints, function(c) { result_mosek$getDualValue(c) }) result_ecos <- solve(prob, solver = "ECOS") x_ecos <- result_ecos$getValue(x) duals_ecos <- lapply(constraints, function(c) { result_ecos$getDualValue(c) }) expect_equal(x_mosek, x_ecos, tolerance = TOL) expect_equal(length(duals_ecos), length(duals_mosek)) for(i in seq_along(duals_mosek)) { expect_equal(duals_mosek[[i]], duals_ecos[[i]], tolerance = 1e-4) } }) test_that("test MOSEK SDP", { skip_on_cran() skip_if_not(MOSEK_AVAILABLE, "Skipping MOSEK test as it is not available.!") # Solve "Example 8.3" from Convex Optimization by Boyd & Vandenberghe. # Verify (1) optimal objective values, (2) that the dual variable to the PSD constraint # belongs to the correct cone (i.e. the dual variable is itself PSD), and (3) that # complementary slackness holds with the PSD primal variable and its dual variable. # This is an example from Convex Optimization by B&V. # Example 8.3 (page 408 in the 19th printing). rho <- Variable(4, 4) constraints <- list(0.6 <= rho[1, 2], rho[1, 2] <= 0.9, 0.8 <= rho[1, 3], rho[1, 3] <= 0.9, 0.5 <= rho[2, 4], rho[2, 4] <= 0.7, -0.8 <= rho[3, 4], rho[3, 4] <= -0.4, rho[1, 1] == 1, rho[2, 2] == 1, rho[3, 3] == 1, rho[4, 4] == 1, rho %>>% 0) # First, minimize rho[1, 4] obj <- Minimize(rho[1, 4]) prob <- Problem(obj, constraints) result <- solve(prob, solver = "MOSEK") expect_equal(round(result$value, 2), -0.39) Y <- result$getDualValue(constraints[[length(constraints)]]) eigs <- eigen(Y, only.values = TRUE) expect_true(all(eigs$value >= 0)) complementary_slackness <- sum(diag(result$getValue(rho) %*% Y)) expect_equal(complementary_slackness, 0.0, tolereance = TOL) # Then, maximize rho[1, 4] obj <- Maximize(rho[1, 4]) prob <- Problem(obj, constraints) result <- solve(prob, solver = "MOSEK") expect_equal(round(result$value, 2), 0.23) Y <- result$getDualValue(constraints[[length(constraints)]]) eigs <- eigen(Y, only.values = TRUE) expect_true(all(eigs$value >= 0)) complementary_slackness <- sum(diag(result$getValue(rho) %*% Y)) expect_equal(complementary_slackness, 0.0, tolerance = TOL) }) test_that("test MOSEK exponential cone", { skip_on_cran() skip_if_not(MOSEK_AVAILABLE, "Skipping MOSEK test as it is not available.!") # Formulate the following exponential cone problem with cvxpy # min 3 * x[1] + 2 * x[2] + x[3] # s.t. 0.1 <= x[1] + x[2] + x[3] <= 1 # x >= 0 # x[1] >= x[2] * exp(x[3] / x[2]) # and solve with MOSEK and ECOS. Ensure that MOSEK and ECOS have the same # primal and dual solutions. # # Note that the exponential cone constraint can be rewritten in terms of the # relative entropy cone. The correspondence is as follows: # x[1] >= x[2] * exp(x[3] / x[2]) # iff # x[2] * log(x[2] / x[1]) + x[3] <= 0. ## TODO: Only run if exponential cone is supported. ## Formulate and solve the problem with CVXR x <- Variable(3, 1) constraints <- list(sum(x) <= 1.0, sum(x) >= 0.1, x >= 0.01, kl_div(x[2], x[1]) + x[2] - x[1] + x[3] <= 0) obj <- Minimize(3 * x[1] + 2 * x[2] + x[1]) prob <- Problem(obj, constraints) result_mosek <- solve(prob, solver = "MOSEK") val_mosek = result_mosek$value x_mosek = result_mosek$getValue(x) duals_mosek = lapply(constraints, function(c) { result_mosek$getDualValue(c) }) result_ecos <- solve(prob, solver = "ECOS") val_ecos = result_ecos$value x_ecos = result_ecos$getValue(x) duals_ecos = lapply(constraints, function(c) { result_ecos$getDualValue(c) }) ## Verify results expect_equal(val_mosek, val_ecos, tolerance = TOL) expect_equal(x_mosek, x_ecos, tolerance = 1e-4) expect_equal(length(duals_ecos), length(duals_mosek)) for(i in seq_along(duals_mosek)) expect_equal(duals_mosek[[i]], duals_ecos[[i]], tolerance = 1e-4) }) test_that("test MOSEK MI SOCP", { skip_on_cran() skip_if_not(MOSEK_AVAILABLE, "Skipping MOSEK test as it is not available.!") # Formulate the following mixed-integer SOCP with CVXR # min 3 * x[1] + 2 * x[2] + x[3] + y[1] + 2 * y[2] # s.t. p_norm(x,2) <= y[1] # p_norm(x,2) <= y[2] # x[1] + x[2] + 3*x[3] >= 0.1 # y <= 5, y integer. # and solve with MOSEK. x <- Variable(3) y <- Variable(2, integer = TRUE) constraints <- list(p_norm(x, 2) <= y[1], p_norm(x, 2) <= y[2], x[1] + x[2] + 3 * x[3] >= 0.1, y <= 5) obj <- Minimize(3 * x[1] + 2 * x[2] + x[3] + y[1] + 2 * y[2]) prob <- Problem(obj, constraints) result <- solve(prob, solver = "MOSEK") expect_equal(result$getValue(y), as.matrix(c(1,1)), tolerance = TOL) }) test_that("test MOSEK LP solution selection", { skip_on_cran() skip_if_not(MOSEK_AVAILABLE, "Skipping MOSEK test as it is not available.!") # Problem from # x <- Variable(2) objective <- Minimize(-4 * x[1] - 5 * x[2]) constraints <- list(2 * x[1] + x[2] <= 3, x[1] + 2 * x[2] <= 3, x[1] >= 0, x[2] >= 0) prob <- Problem(objective, constraints) # Default solution (interior point) result <- solve(prob, solver = "MOSEK") expect_equal(result$value, -9, tolerance = TOL) expect_equal(result$getValue(x), as.matrix(c(1,1)), tolerance = 1e-5) # NOTE: Rmosek does not provide the bfs option. # Basic feasible solution # result <- solve(prob, solver = "MOSEK", bfs = TRUE) # expect_equal(result$value, -9, tolerance = 1e-10) # expect_equal(result$getValue(x), as.matrix(c(1, 1)), tolerance = 1e-10) })